Even Bill Clinton does not think they should raise taxes on the rich in this economy

I love it..Bubbas basically giving Obama the finger, at a crucial time for Obama, in a venue where he can speak to a huge audience that might not be so in tune to politics, but surely has many potential voters.

I also think Obama would love to have Hilary on the ticket, but she wouldn't piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire.

Just love it when I see a cretin like you calling President Clinton Bubba.. :lol:

Do you do anything but talking points here? Or anywhere?

Bubba is a southern nick name. It's not an insult. He's been called that since he was Gov of Arkansas.

It's disrespectful even for Southern nicks.
Just love it when I see a cretin like you calling President Clinton Bubba.. :lol:

Do you do anything but talking points here? Or anywhere?

Bubba is a southern nick name. It's not an insult. He's been called that since he was Gov of Arkansas.

It's disrespectful even for Southern nicks.

No, it's not.

I'll have to assume you never lived in the south. I did, and it was in Arkansas, while Bubba was the Gov.

It's funny, you called him out on being insulting, get corrected and still are not adult enough to keep your mouth shut, let alone apologize for not knowing.:lol:

Clinton, unlike Obama and most of the liberals on this board, understands that the economy expanded under his Presidency because of the Dot Com boom not because he raised taxes. He also understands that raising taxes now would further dampen the economy. You see, Slick Willie wasn't just an ideologue...he actually understood economics.

Maybe we could get Barack to take a LONG vacation on The Vineyard and have Clinton look after the economy while he was gone?

Of course you DO understand that the reason Clinton had a balanced budget is because of BOTH the Dot Com boom AND that he raised taxes, right?

Actually, I understand that Clinton's "balanced budget" is one of the great myths of recent political times. The reason that so many people BELIEVE that Clinton achieved balanced budgets was because an accounting game that the Federal government plays. When Social Security collects extra money (as it did because of the Dot Com expansion) it is required by law to use that surplus to buy Treasuries, a practice which then allows them to spend that surplus while not counting it against the deficit. That does not mean however that money is not "owed" it's just that the Federal government owes that money to itself but it isn't included in calculations of a balanced budget.

Look at the projections for Social Security surpluses now compared to the Clinton years. The plain truth is that we won't have lots of "extra" Social Security money to spend towards the deficit or to use for other entitlements...instead we will have to borrow money to make up the projected Social Security shortfalls.

When bill fuckingthehelp clinton, tells you not to raise taxes.

you have to know it's a bad idea.

It's always a bad idea, but clinton saying it, puts nails in the coffin and dirt on top of it.

Clinton's first major action in 1993 was to join the GOP to pass NAFTA. He's been wrong before.

I figure he's sucking up to the Rich now because he's involved in all that charity work.

Most, if not all, Presidents have done some dirty deeds.

billy actually cut spending, granted he fucked over the military, big time, but much of the downsize was needed.

But to bring up NAFTA, as a possible reason why to not raise taxes is silly.

I brought up NAFTA to demonstrate that Clinton has never been immune to doing stupid things in the past.

Clinton, unlike Obama and most of the liberals on this board, understands that the economy expanded under his Presidency because of the Dot Com boom not because he raised taxes. He also understands that raising taxes now would further dampen the economy. You see, Slick Willie wasn't just an ideologue...he actually understood economics.

Maybe we could get Barack to take a LONG vacation on The Vineyard and have Clinton look after the economy while he was gone?

Then why are we being told you can't raise taxes on the Rich now because they won't invest and thus create jobs? The dot.com boom was CAUSED by massive, perhaps unprecedented, investment.

The Dot Com boom was not caused by raising taxes. What looming "boom" do you foresee making our economy take off now? Because unless you know of something hiding out there that no other economist sees then raising taxes right now will cause what little economic growth we do have to grind to an immediate halt which will further lower revenues not increase them.
What I find most amusing about the Left always bringing up Clinton as the great budget balance "master" is that when the Republicans took control of Congress following Gingrich's "Contract With America" it was a GOP controlled Congress that forced Bill Clinton to submit a so called balanced budget. As a matter of fact I believe Congress rejected his first FOUR budgets before agreeing to the fifth in the great budget battle of 1995.
Clinton, unlike Obama and most of the liberals on this board, understands that the economy expanded under his Presidency because of the Dot Com boom not because he raised taxes. He also understands that raising taxes now would further dampen the economy. You see, Slick Willie wasn't just an ideologue...he actually understood economics.

Maybe we could get Barack to take a LONG vacation on The Vineyard and have Clinton look after the economy while he was gone?

Of course you DO understand that the reason Clinton had a balanced budget is because of BOTH the Dot Com boom AND that he raised taxes, right?

H lowered the capital gains tax
he eviscerated the military
had the dot boom
created the housing bubble
and raised taxes b/c there was plenty of money around and that could be absorbed.

But it seems you understand that big 0 is incompetent now.

Don't forget during Clinton years, just WHO was in control of the Congress for 8 years. NOT the Democrats.
Clinton's first major action in 1993 was to join the GOP to pass NAFTA. He's been wrong before.

I figure he's sucking up to the Rich now because he's involved in all that charity work.

Most, if not all, Presidents have done some dirty deeds.

billy actually cut spending, granted he fucked over the military, big time, but much of the downsize was needed.

But to bring up NAFTA, as a possible reason why to not raise taxes is silly.

I brought up NAFTA to demonstrate that Clinton has never been immune to doing stupid things in the past.

And raising taxes and spending with a crap economy is a stupid thing
Of course you DO understand that the reason Clinton had a balanced budget is because of BOTH the Dot Com boom AND that he raised taxes, right?

H lowered the capital gains tax
he eviscerated the military
had the dot boom
created the housing bubble
and raised taxes b/c there was plenty of money around and that could be absorbed.

But it seems you understand that big 0 is incompetent now.

Don't forget during Clinton years, just WHO was in control of the Congress for 8 years. NOT the Democrats.

The nation always thrives with a GOP controlled Congress, always.
What I find most amusing about the Left always bringing up Clinton as the great budget balance "master" is that when the Republicans took control of Congress following Gingrich's "Contract With America" it was a GOP controlled Congress that forced Bill Clinton to submit a so called balanced budget. As a matter of fact I believe Congress rejected his first FOUR budgets before agreeing to the fifth in the great budget battle of 1995.

Exactly! Missed this when I posted below.

P.S. Of COURSE Clinton thinks it's a bad idea to raise taxes on the rich, HE is one of the "rich" - he's knows which side his bread is buttered on. What libs deny or maybe don't know is that Democrats are every bit as rich as Republicans if not more so. They just ACT like they care about the common person because they want to be in power. They want to put things into law which they have no intention of following themselves. Because you see, according to them, they are better than us!
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But the ad uses only a partial quote from the president. In fact, Obama was defending himself from criticism that he wanted to raise taxes during a recession. He told Todd that his tax proposals would not take effect “until after the recession was over.”

Obama, Aug. 5, 2009: We have not proposed a tax hike for the wealthy that would take effect in the middle of a recession. Even the proposals that have come out of Congress, which by the way were different from the proposals I’ve put forward, still wouldn’t kick in until after the recession was over. So, he’s absolutely right, the last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession.

The 2009 tax proposals were scheduled to take effect in January 2011, but were shelved after the Republicans’ big gains in the 2010 elections. Instead, Obama and the Republicans agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts for all taxpayers for two more years. The rehashed tax proposals in Obama’s deficit reduction plan would take effect in January 2013.

Although Obama referenced “this extraordinary recession we’re going through” in an Oct. 3 interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, the U.S. is no longer in a recession by the standard measure. So Obama was correct when he said in 2009 that his plan would not raise taxes “in the middle of a recession.” The National Bureau of Economic Research announced in September 2010 that the recession had ended in June 2009, although there are lingering concerns about the possibility of a double-dip recession.

We take no position on whether Obama’s plan is good or bad for the economy, and we cannot predict whether there will be a double-dip recession. But we can say that his position on taxes is no “different” today than it was in 2009.

– Eugene Kiely
fact check.org
How odd that you "conservatives" always seem to miss (or, tune-OUT)

.....on taxes & our economy....and, how HE was SO RIGHT and SO $UCCE$$FUL, in the '90s!!!!!!!
Clinton's first major action in 1993 was to join the GOP to pass NAFTA. He's been wrong before.

I figure he's sucking up to the Rich now because he's involved in all that charity work.

Most, if not all, Presidents have done some dirty deeds.

billy actually cut spending, granted he fucked over the military, big time, but much of the downsize was needed.

But to bring up NAFTA, as a possible reason why to not raise taxes is silly.

I brought up NAFTA to demonstrate that Clinton has never been immune to doing stupid things in the past.

Oh......you mean (like) how "conservatives" have always managed Recessions??????


"The "bad" economy, he talked about. Again and again. The "bad" economy.

This, of course, all snowballed."

Lil' Dumbya; Lil' Businessman

Yeah.....no sense in.....

.....huh, "conservatives"??





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Clinton's POV regarding raising taxes in THIS economy is in line with Keynesian economic theory.

I fully support Clinton's POV in this case.

the last thing we want to do in this economy is reduce the mount of money that people have.

Ergo we ought not raise taxes, neither should we reduce government spending either in FEDERAL STATE or LOCAL government.

We ought to be increasing our debt, not reducing it.
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Funny, it worked during his term.

The economy was growing before & during his term. Even then president GHW Bush Sr. also wanted to raise taxes prior to Clinton. President GHW Bush Sr. lost the election because of his decision to raise taxes. Bush was attacked flip-flop with ads showing him during his previous campaign saying "Read My Lips - No New Taxes"

In a booming economy you raise taxes. In a declining economy you cut them or keep them low.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnUv7y4U2T0"]Bill Clinton Campaigned on low taxes & then raised them[/ame]
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Does anyone here understand anything that Shaman posts? I can't make sense of it. He's like one of those people that stands on a milk crate in the subway and shouts out gibberish.

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