Even Bill Clinton does not think they should raise taxes on the rich in this economy

Funny, it worked during his term.

The economy was growing before & during his term. Even then president GHW Bush Sr. also wanted to raise taxes prior to Clinton. President GHW Bush Sr. lost the election because of his decision to raise taxes. Bush was attacked flip-flop with ads showing him during his previous campaign saying "Read My Lips - No New Taxes"

In a booming economy you raise taxes. In a declining economy you cut them or keep them low.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnUv7y4U2T0"]Bill Clinton Campaigned on low taxes & then raised them[/ame]

My respect for Bush I went up tremendously when he raised taxes.

AT that time it was approprate to do so, and I think he knew it would cost him the election but he did it anyway.

Doing the right thing, even when you know it is going to cost YOU, is, in my opinion, the hallmark of a good man.

I respect Bush I one helluva lot more than I respect Bush II, that's for damned sure.
Clowntoon was on Jon Stewart yesterday too. did he write a book or something?

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