Even "giving" Trump FL, NC and OH, he still loses

He needs Pa. to win this election, provided Fla. NC and Ohio are in the bag....

...and on that topic regarding Pennsylvania's Clinton polling:

NYT plus 7
Quinnipac plus 6
Emerson plus 4
Remington plus 3
NH poll with a three point Hillary lead with Johnson still getting 11%...


Johnson's support is breaking decisively for the Donald.

Interesting about those Johnson voters......

Weld blasts Trump, calls Clinton 'qualified'
And if your not nervous how about not posting 16,347 threads a day outlining how Trump is going to lose. What you're currently doing is a "tell" that you're nervous and need to convince yourself

Cute.........(and by the way, learn the difference between "you're" and "your"....the English language is a bitch, isn't it.....)

I'm simply offering my humble estimate of the electoral map, and I'm too nice of a person to want to shatter any right winger's current delusions.

(BTW, aren't you the somewhat biased moderator that likes to send me to the dog house every so often?)
Oh look the Grammar Police.....that's a little played out nowadays

You're not offering a humble estimate, you're declaring an outcome.

(I don't "pick on" members over political views.)
You're not offering a humble estimate, you're declaring an outcome.

You say tomatoe, I say tomato.

it is my humble estimate......the fact that it spells out a likely outcome, is purely coincidental. LOL
........and we haven't even addressed the likely scenario that neither Trump (who should have it in the bag) nor Clinton may win Utah's 6 votes.
It don't look good for Hildabeasters when they start conceding states eight days before the election.

LOL.........In my little estimate, I gave 30 states to Trump......still not enough of a concession?

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