Even "giving" Trump FL, NC and OH, he still loses

Trump will most likely win Iowa, but Nevada??? Is highly doubtful with its growing Latino population.

You just go right on believing the Latinos and Blacks are dumb enough to vote for Hillary.

Obama was the "Deporter in Chief" and the Latinos remember that despite Univision censoring it. Latinos are starting to see Univision for what it is, a shill for the Democratic Party that does not represent the views of Latinos.

Blacks quietly support the WALL in much larger numbers than is known.

But sleep well knowing all your politically correct race baiting will get them to the polls to vote Dem... sure it will....

You're right, Trump's gonna win this with overwhelming latino and black voter support and then you will rule with an interracial and inclusive mandate..
I think you need to follow 538.com. Hillary has a 93% chance of winning CO and an 87% chance of Virginia. PA, ME and NH are all at 85-88% chance of victory

I thought she had a 94.58329% chance of never sleeping with a man again....
Access one of those interactive electoral votes' map, and you too will see that Trump has NO path to 270 votes even in the very unlikely event that he manages to carry FL, OH and NC.

The numbers do not lie, What Trump failed to do is to win over any of the "blue" states.....

Keep your eye on two relatively small EC states: NH and NV. that will give Hillary an easy 272 total votes.

LMAO I'm sure Dewey thought he won until he found out he didn't.

You can always hope though. LMAO
If an election from 75 years ago, is all you got to go on, you got big problems. There are a good number of very professional, very accurate polling organizations telling us that Trump is in big trouble. His campaign admits they are behind

Nope just pointing out that because you THINK you won doesn't mean you will win.

Trump and Hillary each have a 50/50 shot at winning. And being smart I'll wait to hear who on 9 Nov. Kinda takes the guess work outta the whole thing doncha know. LOL
According to 538.com, Hillary's chances of winning are at 85%, nowhere near 50/50
If the Rats are counting on Arizona they're in for a long night. And you heard it here first....Trump might well carry MICHIGAN too....my sources tell me there's a whole can of whoop-ass awaiting the democrats in the Great Lake state.
Funny watching Hannity on his show last night using the screen to click on states he knows Trump will win....

He's all over the screen....

Then Trump wins
Florida and
North Carolina and
Georgia and
Colorado and
Nevada and
Utah and
Michigan and
Ohio and....Pennsylvania

That brings Trump up to 266 electoral votes
and then Trump wins....and wins....and wins...
And then he has...

I think Hannity had Trump over 350 electoral votes...
And I was laughing so friggin hard...
NH is NOT going for Hillary - mark that down. NO WAY do the LIVE FREE OR DIE people vote in this monster.
And if your not nervous how about not posting 16,347 threads a day outlining how Trump is going to lose. What you're currently doing is a "tell" that you're nervous and need to convince yourself

Cute.........(and by the way, learn the difference between "you're" and "your"....the English language is a bitch, isn't it.....)

I'm simply offering my humble estimate of the electoral map, and I'm too nice of a person to want to shatter any right winger's current delusions.

(BTW, aren't you the somewhat biased moderator that likes to send me to the dog house every so often?)
Access one of those interactive electoral votes' map, and you too will see that Trump has NO path to 270 votes even in the very unlikely event that he manages to carry FL, OH and NC.

The numbers do not lie, What Trump failed to do is to win over any of the "blue" states.....

Keep your eye on two relatively small EC states: NH and NV. that will give Hillary an easy 272 total votes.
They told us he couldn't get enough delegates to win the nomination too.
Hilarious as Trump rises the loons try to convince themselves all is well

My question is, on November 9th will you be a "it was rigged" person, or will you just avoid coming to this site all-together?

Because we all know you won't come here and admit you were wrong.
NH is NOT going for Hillary - mark that down. NO WAY do the LIVE FREE OR DIE people vote in this monster.

Well, take it up with the following pollsters regarding NH:

Monmouth: Clinton plus 4
NBC/WSJ plus 8
UMass plus 5
Emerson plus 8
Access one of those interactive electoral votes' map, and you too will see that Trump has NO path to 270 votes even in the very unlikely event that he manages to carry FL, OH and NC.

The numbers do not lie, What Trump failed to do is to win over any of the "blue" states.....

Keep your eye on two relatively small EC states: NH and NV. that will give Hillary an easy 272 total votes.

Someone worried?

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