Even Hillary Clinton’s pals can’t pretend to believe her lies

How can I put a link or video in response to your idiocy? Those don't count. Further more, I've made thousands of posts on USMB. You picked 13 (or less than 0.01%) because you're too damn lazy to do any research. Which explains why you're so ignorant and why you're so confused by the Constitution.
And oh, oh, oh!!!! They don't count? THEY DON'T COUNT???? Then pick up your bloody marbles and get off the fucking playground, you infantile piece of shit! Damn that is pathetic!!!! They don't count!

So to summarize - not only are you too damn lazy to do any research before making any wild and inaccurate claims, but then when it's proven that you're wrong, you throw a tantrum like a small child and start swearing and telling people to "get off the playground"? Of course you don't want me on the playground, I'm making you look like the idiot that you are.
Prove I don't do research. If that is true, it should be verifiable so verify your claim you phony! You can't because that is an outright LIE! You're merely projecting your own persona again AND trying to bait with that straw man crap once more. I'm staying on point regardless of how you try to deflect from the topic. Care to yield? I've made my points, but if you want more...
I can...by telling literate people (which immediacy eliminates you) to scroll up and see where you claimed I've made "13 posts" when in fact I've made thousands of posts. You're just too damn lazy to check them all and compare how many have links and videos. Instead, you'd rather pick a few and declare those as "fact". Seriously, what kind of asshole picks 13 out of several thousands as a "sample"?

Answer: a typical lazy libtard
Your typical distortions don't cut it shit for brains! Here is what I wrote initially;
So far you have made a total of 13 posts up to and counting post #34. Of those posts four (4) contain a link or video and nine (9) do not. That is 31% with and 69% without a link or video. That is far, far less than your claim of 75% or more.
You fucking idiot, the 13 posts were all from your OP to post #34 of this thread. Did you really think you could get that deceitful turd of a lie off the ground? Just keep making a fool of yourself...I'm enjoying it, dummy. You're too damn ignorant in your pridefulness to realize how very pitiful you appear! Swim with the alligators, fool!
You're "enjoying" it so much that you're having a meltdown, ranting like a lunatic, and showing people why you're a lonely jack-ass.

There is no "distortion". I've made many thousands of posts on USMB. You chose to cherry pick 13 of them. It just shows two things:

How extremely lazy you are

That you cherry pick information while ignoring the larger data set in order to put your absurd spin on things.
Clinton was right a lot of Coal Miners are going to lose there job...

Coal kills 22,000 Americans a year.. Good job...

She also endorsed a bill to invest $10 bn in retraining coal miners...

The far right doesn't really understand economics...
While also pledging to ignorant liberal Dumbocrats (blind obedient lap dogs such as yourself) that she would put the bankrupt the coal mining industry. So at the very least she's a liar (and, at the very least, you're dumb enough to believe her :lol:).

She has said for years that she wants to see the end to coal mining... There is is lying there...

But she also said that the coal mining community should be looked after... She wants them to develop new industries to develop into...

She sponsored a bill around that..
Clinton was right a lot of Coal Miners are going to lose there job...

Coal kills 22,000 Americans a year.. Good job...

She also endorsed a bill to invest $10 bn in retraining coal miners...

The far right doesn't really understand economics...
While also pledging to ignorant liberal Dumbocrats (blind obedient lap dogs such as yourself) that she would put the bankrupt the coal mining industry. So at the very least she's a liar (and, at the very least, you're dumb enough to believe her :lol:).

She has said for years that she wants to see the end to coal mining... There is is lying there...

But she also said that the coal mining community should be looked after... She wants them to develop new industries to develop into...

She sponsored a bill around that..
And that might very well be true. But either way it shows she's lying for an agenda (which is to get elected because she's so desperate for power).
Clinton was right a lot of Coal Miners are going to lose there job...

Coal kills 22,000 Americans a year.. Good job...

She also endorsed a bill to invest $10 bn in retraining coal miners...

The far right doesn't really understand economics...

You tell the laid off coal miner that has to feed his family this week that not to worry because the filthy ass government will some how take care of him. He will probably kick your ass.

Coal is a cheap source of energy and it is environmental wacko bullshit that it kills 22,000 Americans a year.

Crooked Hillary doesn't know coal for a hole in the ground. Her handlers told her what to say in order to kiss the ass of the environmental wackos that contribute heavily to the Democrat Party, like that idiotTom Steyer.

Crooked Hillary is just as wrong about this as she is wrong about everything else.

However, the issue last week was that she once again lied. She told the Moon Bats one thing about coal and then she told the laid off coal miner that she really didn't mean what she said.

Crooked Hillary lies every time she opens her mouth, doesn't she?

Arse in the air and head in the sand... Sorry be work ih the world of facts and science...

This is going to be difficult for you because you don't understand facts... scientists to you are the same as myth and magic...

So keep saying what you are saying, you're a joke..

I love when you idiots are saying the world is laughing at America... They are not, they are laughing at you...

The rest of the first world is educated and knows facts are right...
Arse in the air and head in the sand... Sorry be work ih the world of facts and science...

This is going to be difficult for you because you don't understand facts... scientists to you are the same as myth and magic...

So keep saying what you are saying, you're a joke..

I love when you idiots are saying the world is laughing at America... They are not, they are laughing at you...

The rest of the first world is educated and knows facts are right...

Um...you do know that the "Global Warming" farce has been proven to be a scam, don't you?

  • Not one but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which the left was caught discussing in e-mails that they falsified their data because the real data indicated there was no problem.

  • Liberals predicted in 2014 that the polar ice-cap would be completely melted. Instead, by that date, it had expanded a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 square miles)

  • We've experienced cooler than normal temperatures over the past few years. Coupled with the previous fact, it proves that "greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere" are not causing the planet to heat up.
And oh, oh, oh!!!! They don't count? THEY DON'T COUNT???? Then pick up your bloody marbles and get off the fucking playground, you infantile piece of shit! Damn that is pathetic!!!! They don't count!

So to summarize - not only are you too damn lazy to do any research before making any wild and inaccurate claims, but then when it's proven that you're wrong, you throw a tantrum like a small child and start swearing and telling people to "get off the playground"? Of course you don't want me on the playground, I'm making you look like the idiot that you are.
Prove I don't do research. If that is true, it should be verifiable so verify your claim you phony! You can't because that is an outright LIE! You're merely projecting your own persona again AND trying to bait with that straw man crap once more. I'm staying on point regardless of how you try to deflect from the topic. Care to yield? I've made my points, but if you want more...
I can...by telling literate people (which immediacy eliminates you) to scroll up and see where you claimed I've made "13 posts" when in fact I've made thousands of posts. You're just too damn lazy to check them all and compare how many have links and videos. Instead, you'd rather pick a few and declare those as "fact". Seriously, what kind of asshole picks 13 out of several thousands as a "sample"?

Answer: a typical lazy libtard
Your typical distortions don't cut it shit for brains! Here is what I wrote initially;
So far you have made a total of 13 posts up to and counting post #34. Of those posts four (4) contain a link or video and nine (9) do not. That is 31% with and 69% without a link or video. That is far, far less than your claim of 75% or more.
You fucking idiot, the 13 posts were all from your OP to post #34 of this thread. Did you really think you could get that deceitful turd of a lie off the ground? Just keep making a fool of yourself...I'm enjoying it, dummy. You're too damn ignorant in your pridefulness to realize how very pitiful you appear! Swim with the alligators, fool!
You're "enjoying" it so much that you're having a meltdown, ranting like a lunatic, and showing people why you're a lonely jack-ass.

There is no "distortion". I've made many thousands of posts on USMB. You chose to cherry pick 13 of them. It just shows two things:

How extremely lazy you are

That you cherry pick information while ignoring the larger data set in order to put your absurd spin on things.
What a whining, whimpering, lying piece of work you are. Should someone call the wambulance for you for all those hurt widdo feewings of yours that you brought down on your own head you damn wimp! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, you're a disgrace to manhood in general!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
But then you don't always know what's going on in the heads of people whose heads are full of politics. They don't necessarily make sense, but they do what they do because they think it'll make a different to their career.

Well I don't know about you, but I know I sure as hell don't want someone like that running the country and having their finger on the launch button. I want someone who makes sense and exhibits rational thought in everything they do.

I wouldn't want someone like Hillary, Trump, Dubya etc with their finger on the button. And the latter, with hindsight, is even worse than I thought about before.
Compared to Hillary and Trump, W. keeps looking better and better to me (and I was no big fan).

I don't see how Dubya could ever be seen as good. He was an absolute disaster.
Democrats will always say that a Republican was a disaster. The country has split. Everything to the contrary is just a formality.
Bottom line as far as I can see is, if Mickey Mouse ever had a chance of winning as a "write-in candidate", this is the year!! I think the fact that clinton has ovaries is what is going to put her in the white house.
Clinton was right a lot of Coal Miners are going to lose there job...

Coal kills 22,000 Americans a year.. Good job...

She also endorsed a bill to invest $10 bn in retraining coal miners...

The far right doesn't really understand economics...

You tell the laid off coal miner that has to feed his family this week that not to worry because the filthy ass government will some how take care of him. He will probably kick your ass.

Coal is a cheap source of energy and it is environmental wacko bullshit that it kills 22,000 Americans a year.

Crooked Hillary doesn't know coal for a hole in the ground. Her handlers told her what to say in order to kiss the ass of the environmental wackos that contribute heavily to the Democrat Party, like that idiotTom Steyer.

Crooked Hillary is just as wrong about this as she is wrong about everything else.

However, the issue last week was that she once again lied. She told the Moon Bats one thing about coal and then she told the laid off coal miner that she really didn't mean what she said.

Crooked Hillary lies every time she opens her mouth, doesn't she?

Arse in the air and head in the sand... Sorry be work ih the world of facts and science...

This is going to be difficult for you because you don't understand facts... scientists to you are the same as myth and magic...

So keep saying what you are saying, you're a joke..

I love when you idiots are saying the world is laughing at America... They are not, they are laughing at you...

The rest of the first world is educated and knows facts are right...

I am a retired Environmental Engineer that understands air pollution very well. I have cleaned up more pollution in my 30 career than a million of you Environmental Wackos will ever see in your lifetimes.

The studies that make prosperous claims about thousands of people dying each year because of some pollutant in the air are mostly bullshit. They are funded by political interest and usually fall apart upon any real scientific scrutiny.

Coal is a great source of energy and there are sufficient pollution control methods to make the emissions acceptable.

The only reasons shitheads like Crooked Hillary and President Shit for Brains pushes this environmental Wackos agenda and this AGW scam is because confused assholes like Tom Steyer pays well.

Tom Steyer is giving the filthy ass Democrats tens of millions of dollars this year and he expects a great rate of return for his money. That is why Crooked Hillary got up in front of a gaggle of Gruberididot Moon Bats and declared that she would put the coal industry out of business. However, when she needed WV votes she told laid off workers that she really didn't mean it and if they would just trust her she would make sure the debt ridden filthy ass government would take of them. She probably picked up that lie from Slick Willy.

It is politics not science. It is politics not economics. It was an economic decision coal is the cheapest and most plentiful form of energy on the earth, even when you factor in the environmental cost.

You Moon Bats really need to pull your head out of your Left Wing asses. That way you wouldn't embarrass yourself so much when you post your ignorant crap on a discussion forum.
This broad is bat-shit crazy. The eyes will always tell you everything you need to know about a person and even a novice can understand what Hilldabeast's eyes are telling us...

This broad is bat-shit crazy. The eyes will always tell you everything you need to know about a person and even a novice can understand what Hilldabeast's eyes are telling us...

With the exception of maybe Barack Obama - nobody knows how to lie like the Clintons do...

Figuring she has the Democratic nomination sewn up, Hillary Clinton this week headed to swing state West Virginia, aiming to “feel the pain” of coal country.

But then she ran into Bo Copley, a recently laid-off miner.

He hit her with her comments from last month, explaining her clean-energy program: “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” she’d said.

Bo didn’t like that much: “I just want to know how you can say you’re going to put a lot of coal miners out of, out of jobs, and then come in here and tell us how you’re going to be our friend.”

Clinton’s eye-rolling answer: “What I was saying is that the way things are going now, we will continue to lose jobs.”

Not true: She was plainly promising her policy would put miners out of work.

More lies: “I didn’t mean that we were going to do it, what I said was, that is going to happen unless we take action to try to help and prevent it.”

And she still means to kill those jobs, as Democratic Party chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz clarified later: “In saying she made a misstatement, I don’t think she was backtracking on the substance of what she said” in explaining her anti-coal energy plan.

No wonder Clinton failed as a diplomat: Even her pals can’t pretend to believe her lies.

The American people do not want this liar in the White House. Which is why Donald Trump is drawing such huge crowds while Hillary camp is hiding the classroom size audiences she is mustering up. One must wonder if she has to pay them to show up!
This broad is bat-shit crazy. The eyes will always tell you everything you need to know about a person and even a novice can understand what Hilldabeast's eyes are telling us...

View attachment 74210
She has a spirit of insanity in her. You're right. The eyes are the windows to the soul. She belongs in prison because putting her in a mental institution would endanger anyone in there.

She is insane and unfit for the office of president. Her daughter has my sympathy. If she is smart she'll keep her baby daughter away from this monster.

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