Even if Biden wins, it doesn’t matter.

There is little difference between the two parties. Their main concerns are satisfying their donors...the big corporations and billionaires.
Yawn. This tired and trite cliché has completely run it’s course.

That is literally as stupid as saying “there is little difference between a trans woman and an actual woman”. The differences in the two parties are monumental. Just stop your “ironic hipster outsider” nonsense. :rolleyes:
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.
I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.
If so that idea exists in the younger generations being brainwashed by liberals in the public schools

so you can thank democrats for the decline

the left is in the minority and as long as they are you will embrace authoritarian rule yourselves such as in activist lib judges to create laws by judicial fiat rather than the will of the people

Roe V Wade or gay marriage is an example of that
There is little difference between the two parties. Their main concerns are satisfying their donors...the big corporations and billionaires.
Yawn. This tired and trite cliché has completely run it’s course.

That is literally as stupid as saying “there is little difference between a trans woman and an actual woman”. The differences in the two parties are monumental. Just stop your “ironic hipster outsider” nonsense. :rolleyes:
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

Why is that so important to you?
I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.
If so that idea exists in the younger generations being brainwashed by liberals in the public schools

so you can thank democrats for the decline

the left is in the minority and as long as they are you will embrace authoritarian rule yourselves such as in activist lib judges to create laws by judicial fiat rather than the will of the people

Roe V Wade or gay marriage is an example of that

Almost every surge leftward that has been made has been pulled off by unelected Judges/Justices ruling against the will of the people.
Every problem discussed here would be solved if we began to value education and critical thinking skills. Then as Hannah Arendt tells us, we’d collectively work toward what is in the best interests of ourselves AND others.

When OANN is considered to be a viable member of the 4th estate by the leader of the free world, we have a long way to go.

One large Problem with that -
is that the institutions that we have empowered to teach education are absolutely against teaching critical thinking.

What this election has told us, in multiple ways, is that our country has fundamentally changed and that breaks my heart.

The Republicans are entrenched. They are likely to retain control of the senate, added to their House, and retained state legislatures. They have the courts. They will control redistricting after the census and we can expect continued gerrymandering to further marginalize Democrat voting blocks, leading to more districts where a minority of the voters controls a majority of the seats. Not unique to Republicans, but increasingly utilized by them.

The Democrats have still, somehow missed the mark. Again. They can’t seem to get a message to the people that unifies. Maybe this is because Biden is not strong candidate, and Trump carries the power of the incumbency into the election. There are some bright spots, retaining seats in Texas, tight margins in some key red states.

If Trump wins, I see a further dismantling of our nation’s democratic infrastructure and a continued decline in our image and effectiveness abroad. I see complete politicization of our departments, from tiny VOA to DoJ, and entire civil service where personal loyalty is demanded over competency and professionalism. When Trump talks about reorganizing military leadership, is he attempting to politicize the military? I do not think this is hyperbole. We have been seeing this trend for four years, E.O. after E.O.

If Trump wins, and continues his assault on long established unwritten rules of behavior and social norms what will we see coming out of this? When society agrees to an unwritten set of norms and our leaders hold to it, our institutions function smoothly even with bumps and potholes. But when those potholes become so extreme they threaten the structure and people can no longer navigate, we are forced to create laws or rules we never thought would be needed. Example: media resorting to fact checking, because the volume of disinformation and political lies exceeds the ability of our society to handle, and it is coming from our leadership. I fear, if Trump is re-elected further attacks on truth, on facts, and on genuine journalism.

But Trump doesn’t need to win for this. It is already rolling down on us. If Biden wins, a huge segment of America voted for Trump. Huge! And that is dismaying and unsettling, to me, because I see this election as not about which candidate to elect, but as who we are as a country and who we want to be going forward.

If Biden wins, what, at best will happen? A rollback of EO’s? Competent people making decisions? Rebuilding the integrity and professionalism of our battered institutions: DoJ, State Department, EPA, CDC, VOA,....

If Trump wins, there is nothing to stop him from using his offfice to go after his “enemies“, every person who has ever criticized, spoken up, or gone against him and firing those who won’t do it. I think this, coming from the top of our leadership, is an existential crisis. If Biden wins....maybe the Republicans can create a better party, without Trump.

I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.

Trump won 2016 by very narrow margins. 2020 will be the same, who ever wins. Will the people win?
If Democrats weren’t so easily offended and stopped telling me that trans girls are identical to biological girls then maybe we could have a civil discussion on how to better this country. Currently you and I can barely hold a civil discussion but you want the rest of the country to fall in line. Do explain how. Thanks.

I don’t think this is about anyone falling in line.
By fall in line I mean become civil toward one another.

You and I HAVE held civil conversations. So...where does change start?
It starts by taking people who disagree with you off ignore on this site. It starts with more listening and less talking. It starts with us trying our best not to be offensive but trying 10x harder not to be offended. Racial jokes are funny. Religious jokes are funny. Sex jokes are funny. Allow America to be funny again without feeling guilty about it. Lastly, it starts with the Left halting its divisive rhetoric that this country is systematically racist, was built on racism and taking down statues of our founding fathers.

Again...I wish I had the “informative rating back.

We have gone from a society where we had a socially agreed upon code of behavior, called manners, that laid out how we were expected to behave - to a society where anything goes in the name of free speech, where we have a right to offend and by consequence a right to not be offended. I don’t know how you fix that.
If your goal is to be able to stop expressions that you find offensive, all you have to do is look at academia to see where that leads, suddenly every view that one does not agree with is "offensive".
BLM gear is "not offensive" so allowed.
MAGA hats are "offensive" and some folks think it's ok to physically assault anyone in a MAGA hate because they declared them to be "Nazi's" and it's "OK" to beat a Nazi. If you have spoken out against that, that's to your credit.

If your lamentation is that this election result is not a mandate for extremist agenda, you are right. Many leaders on the Left are sounding the warning:

On a House caucus call today, Democrat Representative Abigail Spanberger, reportedly in an agitated state, warned that Democrats “lost races we shouldn’t have lost.” She further claimed that “defund police almost cost me my race because of an attack ad. Don’t say socialism ever again. Need to get back to basics. . . . If we run this race again we will get f***ng torn apart again in 2022.”

I think she is right.

Former Missouri senator Claire McCaskill had this to say: “Whether you are talking guns or . . . abortion . . . or gay marriage and rights for ‘transsexuals’ and other people who we as a party ‘look after’ and make sure they are treated fairly. As we circled the issues we left voters behind and Republicans dove in.”

If you exclude half the electorate, you have excluded enough to defeat you. The math is fairly simple. This is a self-correcting process that keeps government aligned with who wields legitimate power in this county, The Electorate.

Democrats are grousing today that their candidates in Florida and elsewhere were falsely labeled “socialist.” Perhaps Nancy Pelosi shouldn’t pose with a gaggle of Marxists on the cover of Rolling Stone. Perhaps Democrats should treat Bernie Sanders as a fringe crank rather than a comrade who’s just moving a tad too quickly. Maybe arguing “democratic” socialism is "the good kind" doesn’t quite do it for the folks in Des Moines.

What are voters in Texas supposed to make of every major presidential Democrat presidential candidate, including Joe Biden, giving their blessing to the authoritarian Green New Deal? "Fact"-checkers had to work overtime to help Biden walk back those endorsements of fracking bans, of defunding the police, and of confiscating guns.

McCaskill has already apologized for her use of the word “transsexuals.” Unlike progressive urban dwellers, one suspects the vast majority of suburban Americans have zero clue what McCaskill is sorry about. They may even believe that letting genetic boys compete with their daughters in track and field is ridiculous. They probably wouldn’t be crazy about being accused of being transphobic for taking this rational position.

Identitarianism that’s now overwhelmed left-wing politics isn’t working. We just went through four years solid of liberal pundits accusing every political opponent of being a crypto-Nazi, and yet Democrats lost ground among black and Latino voters. That well is nearly dry, face that.

A white working-class dad in suburban Pittsburgh or the Latina daughter of a Venezuelan immigrant in Miami is not identifying with the tragically ludicrous ravings of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' pabulum describing modern progressivism.

Our real divisions are not racial, they are class. The Left is largely professional, urban, secular, wealthy and poor. The Right is largely working/middleclass, rural and religious.
AOC, a dumb bimbo, is now the spokesperson for the Donkeys
And they expect to be taken seriously outside their moonbat bubble...which is quite hilarious.
Every problem discussed here would be solved if we began to value education and critical thinking skills. Then as Hannah Arendt tells us, we’d collectively work toward what is in the best interests of ourselves AND others.

When OANN is considered to be a viable member of the 4th estate by the leader of the free world, we have a long way to go.

One large Problem with that -
is that the institutions that we have empowered to teach education are absolutely against teaching critical thinking.


Your Cult of The Bubble does not serve you well.
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

All that said and done ... Is it more the fault of the wealthy, those that do their bidding, or the people who elected those who do their bidding?

i disagree. yep - we will probably still have gridlock & tribalism; but the rest of the world's leaders that aren't of the dictator type, knows biden & will be more willing to work with us to try & get back to some sort of world sanity.

& it will be also be comforting to the rest of the world that those cheeto dusted little hands won't be anywhere near the nuclear codes again.
There is little difference between the two parties. Their main concerns are satisfying their donors...the big corporations and billionaires.
Yawn. This tired and trite cliché has completely run it’s course.

That is literally as stupid as saying “there is little difference between a trans woman and an actual woman”. The differences in the two parties are monumental. Just stop your “ironic hipster outsider” nonsense. :rolleyes:
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

Why is that so important to you?
Why is the truth unimportant to you?
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

All that said and done ... Is it more the fault of the wealthy, those that do their bidding, or the people who elected those who do their bidding?

Plenty of folks to blame.
There is little difference between the two parties. Their main concerns are satisfying their donors...the big corporations and billionaires.
Yawn. This tired and trite cliché has completely run it’s course.

That is literally as stupid as saying “there is little difference between a trans woman and an actual woman”. The differences in the two parties are monumental. Just stop your “ironic hipster outsider” nonsense. :rolleyes:
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

Why is that so important to you?
Why is the truth unimportant to you?

It is very important to me.
Why is it important to you that wealthy people don't have representation?
There is little difference between the two parties. Their main concerns are satisfying their donors...the big corporations and billionaires.
Yawn. This tired and trite cliché has completely run it’s course.

That is literally as stupid as saying “there is little difference between a trans woman and an actual woman”. The differences in the two parties are monumental. Just stop your “ironic hipster outsider” nonsense. :rolleyes:
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

Why is that so important to you?
Why is the truth unimportant to you?

It is very important to me.
Why is it important to you that wealthy people don't have representation?
Did I state that?
There is little difference between the two parties. Their main concerns are satisfying their donors...the big corporations and billionaires.
Yawn. This tired and trite cliché has completely run it’s course.

That is literally as stupid as saying “there is little difference between a trans woman and an actual woman”. The differences in the two parties are monumental. Just stop your “ironic hipster outsider” nonsense. :rolleyes:
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

Why is that so important to you?
Why is the truth unimportant to you?

It is very important to me.
Why is it important to you that wealthy people don't have representation?
Did I state that?

Every time that you post.
There is little difference between the two parties. Their main concerns are satisfying their donors...the big corporations and billionaires.
Yawn. This tired and trite cliché has completely run it’s course.

That is literally as stupid as saying “there is little difference between a trans woman and an actual woman”. The differences in the two parties are monumental. Just stop your “ironic hipster outsider” nonsense. :rolleyes:
It’s clearly the truth, but partisans can’t see it. Money controls our political class. This is why the wealthy are protected by government and receive significant benefits from government. Both parties seek money from the wealthy and in turn, do the wealthy’s bidding. Failing to recognize this obvious fact is proof you aren’t informed.

Why is that so important to you?
Why is the truth unimportant to you?

It is very important to me.
Why is it important to you that wealthy people don't have representation?
Did I state that?

Every time that you post.
You aren’t good at understanding the written word.
I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.
If so that idea exists in the younger generations being brainwashed by liberals in the public schools

so you can thank democrats for the decline

the left is in the minority and as long as they are you will embrace authoritarian rule yourselves such as in activist lib judges to create laws by judicial fiat rather than the will of the people

Roe V Wade or gay marriage is an example of that

Almost every surge leftward that has been made has been pulled off by unelected Judges/Justices ruling against the will of the people.

You DO realize, don't you, that if they over turn RvW, it will be AGAINST the will of the people? Unelected (rightwing) judges/justices.
I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.
If so that idea exists in the younger generations being brainwashed by liberals in the public schools

so you can thank democrats for the decline

the left is in the minority and as long as they are you will embrace authoritarian rule yourselves such as in activist lib judges to create laws by judicial fiat rather than the will of the people

Roe V Wade or gay marriage is an example of that

Almost every surge leftward that has been made has been pulled off by unelected Judges/Justices ruling against the will of the people.

You DO realize, don't you, that if they over turn RvW, it will be AGAINST the will of the people? Unelected (rightwing) judges/justices.

That's false
The SCOTUS found that right where none existed
No chance a baby killing Bill gets through congress and a president
Even you know that.
I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.
If so that idea exists in the younger generations being brainwashed by liberals in the public schools

so you can thank democrats for the decline

the left is in the minority and as long as they are you will embrace authoritarian rule yourselves such as in activist lib judges to create laws by judicial fiat rather than the will of the people

Roe V Wade or gay marriage is an example of that

Almost every surge leftward that has been made has been pulled off by unelected Judges/Justices ruling against the will of the people.

You DO realize, don't you, that if they over turn RvW, it will be AGAINST the will of the people? Unelected (rightwing) judges/justices.

That's false
The SCOTUS found that right where none existed
No change a baby killing Bill gets through congress and a president
Even you know that.

Knew you would come up with an excuse...but...but...but this is different!

What's the will of the people?
I read, somewhere, that an alarming number of people no longer feel democratic principles are so important, and that a strong (authoritarian) leader might even be preferred to the messiness and uncertainties of democratic systems. I'm trying to find links to this, because I wonder if it plays into sentiments driving our country today.
If so that idea exists in the younger generations being brainwashed by liberals in the public schools

so you can thank democrats for the decline

the left is in the minority and as long as they are you will embrace authoritarian rule yourselves such as in activist lib judges to create laws by judicial fiat rather than the will of the people

Roe V Wade or gay marriage is an example of that

Almost every surge leftward that has been made has been pulled off by unelected Judges/Justices ruling against the will of the people.

You DO realize, don't you, that if they over turn RvW, it will be AGAINST the will of the people? Unelected (rightwing) judges/justices.

That's false
The SCOTUS found that right where none existed
No change a baby killing Bill gets through congress and a president
Even you know that.

Knew you would come up with an excuse...but...but...but this is different!

What's the will of the people?

Laws passed through our legislators.
It won't be overturned by the way.
You DO realize, don't you, that if they over turn RvW, it will be AGAINST the will of the people? Unelected (rightwing) judges/justices.
The “people“ you refer to are deceased, fictitious, ex-convicts and/or illegal aliens

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