Even if Cannon delays Trump’s trial, the next federal indictment will take place in DC

That warehouse shit you’re talking about is a completely fallacious story. Obama had absolutely nothing to do with what was there to begin with.

LOL. But the Obama Foundation had to pay the Archives to remove those documents to proper and secure storage.

And Trump had nothing to do with what was at MAL to begin with.
"I think it's abfab...."
True that!


"Did Obama steal those documents?"
I'm not yet persuaded Obama did.
However, if the good poster 'excalibur' can provide reportage on a subpoena issued against Obama for them, and on his refusal to abide by it, and witnesses testifying that Obama then moved the documents just before an FBI search....well, that would go a ways towards convincing me that Obama could have.

If you get the picture.
Cannon at that point might not even bother delaying the trial until after the 2024 election. Either way, Trump will go to trial before November of that year for something.

Smith was of course anticipating this. Obviously she isn’t fit to be an actual judge considering the conservative court above her threw out her ridiculous rulings.

By the way, Jack Smith is my hero.

After pushing for an August start when Trump said he wanted a trial early....if she pushed it out until 2025, she'd be pulled off the case. Especially after being thrown off of Trump's last case for trying to rewrite precedent and subvert the separation of powers.
A 3rd IRS whistle blower will testify against the biden family before congress tomorrow.

QUICK! Somebody arrest Trump so CNN has something else to talk about!


Good, I see someone else is swift enough to make the connection.

That and the dems know Trump's number will go up another 10 points.

Good, I see someone else is swift enough to make the connection.

That and the dems know Trump's number will go up another 10 points.

Among republicans, undoubtedly. They delight in corruption.

But among the general electorate?

Not so much.
Cannon at that point might not even bother delaying the trial until after the 2024 election. Either way, Trump will go to trial before November of that year for something.

Smith was of course anticipating this. Obviously she isn’t fit to be an actual judge considering the conservative court above her threw out her ridiculous rulings.

By the way, Jack Smith is my hero.

Reality said, "I am no longer on speaking terms with the democrat Party. They've lost it completely"
Reality said, "I am no longer on speaking terms with the democrat Party. They've lost it completely"

That's just your willful ignorance.

You know...the voice you listen to when you refused to even look at the charges or evidence against Trump offered in the federal indictments.
That's just your willful ignorance.

You know...the voice you listen to when you refused to even look at the charges or evidence against Trump offered in the federal indictments.
Do you trust the feds to be above board or just when it works to the leftist's advantage?
I certainly trust them more than I do you or Donald Trump.
Damn, you are dumber than I thought.....Blah, I don't know why I expected different from a leftist that worships the state. Oh well.
Damn, you are dumber than I thought.....Blah, I don't know why I expected different from a leftist that worships the state. Oh well.

Why would I trust you over the DOJ investigators and the evidence in the indictment?
Reality said, "I am no longer on speaking terms with the democrat Party. They've lost it completely"
You never spoke with them to begin with because you only listen to entities that tell you everything you want to hear.
Why would I trust you over the DOJ investigators and the evidence in the indictment?
Because I have common sense and a pretty good bead on how things work.....I also have a magic 8-Ball if you have any questions. ;)
Because I have common sense and a pretty good bead on how things work.....I also have a magic 8-Ball if you have any questions. ;)
Well it’s safe assume you aren’t anywhere remotely near to being a lawyer so we will definitely not listen to your useless armchair critic analysis.

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