Zone1 Even if it isn't racist, it's still racist

Try not to always find an excuse to dismiss the existence of white racism while consistently reading racist postings by white members of this form.

My career was in facts, logic and reason. When I criticize it's usually because SOMEBODY is abusing them to draw pre-determined conclusions. That's not objective or scientific. Neither are staged "reality shows" on TV.
So you're basing the amount of bias on a made-up and highly edited TV show? There WERE people who questioned him. WE have NO idea how many reported "the theft" off camera. Or what was left on in the editing room. It has no truth to it. We have NO IDEA how many people ignored the black actor. NONE.

It's also old. I doubt ANYONE in a big city would bother today, because lefty loosey DAs would LAUGH at an arrest. ESPECIALLY if the guy is under 18. In some cities, the cops would not even roll away from lunch break for a bike theft.

Try the same stunt with abusing a kid or a puppy,

Or dont. Because we'll never ever SEE the FULL recording there either.
No, I'm illustrating the possibility that something can seem totally objective, merit based, but still be influenced by racial bias.

You're coping bro. The black guy got the most response, they even said it. You're gaslighting as usual.

Nah, it's not old. But The other video I gave to hello kitty is like a couple years old. Next excuse.

Woke DAs are the result of white racism.
Even when two races are engaged in exactly the same objectively bad behavior, the black man still got the worst treatment and reaction, while the white lady was actually helped. That's why blacks get more time for same crime by white judges, but white criminals get Burger King. If you're black, you get an automatic -2 penalty to all saving throws no.matter if what you're doing is positive or negative. The woke are correct In addressing this.

How many cases are you comparing?

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