Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Who cares what one Zionist says about all Jews?

I know many Jews who do not even believe in God, they do not recognize a temple anywhere.

Stop slandering Jews.

And stop slandering all Muslims.

Your posts illustrate you are nothing but a hater.

All jews observe the location of their old temple as Jerusalem. It is their holy site.
How many times have you heard from their own mouth that militants and radicals are killing in the name of Allah?

Why should it not be discussed? Why should muslims or their actions not be subject?
Talking and analyzing about people is not about hate but understanding.
Why should we not accept all sources of information and then digest the facts? It helps to see things from all angles.

Beats me why anyone would believe a word a Zionist had to say about a Muslim, as they are consumed with murderous hate for nonJews.

Suuuuuuuuure ya know many Jews..................suuuuuure ya do! How far out of town did you have to go to even *find* one?
Who cares what one Zionist says about all Jews?

I know many Jews who do not even believe in God, they do not recognize a temple anywhere.

Stop slandering Jews.

And stop slandering all Muslims.

Your posts illustrate you are nothing but a hater.

All jews observe the location of their old temple as Jerusalem. It is their holy site.
How many times have you heard from their own mouth that militants and radicals are killing in the name of Allah?

Why should it not be discussed? Why should muslims or their actions not be subject?
Talking and analyzing about people is not about hate but understanding.
Why should we not accept all sources of information and then digest the facts? It helps to see things from all angles.

Suuuuuuuuure ya know many Jews..................suuuuuure ya do! How far out of town did you have to go to even *find* one?

Leave sherri alone-----she is doing the jihado fascist thing SO WELL-----
I am delighted ----she is a TREASURE for review of the filth which
I encountered from people trained in JIHADO STENCH in both arab
lands and in southeast Asia in my young adulthood and the nazi dogs of
the town in which I lived in my childhood ------she is a KINDA COMBO

(for the record ---in my early young adulthood----I also encountered many
Iranians----but that was BEFORE THE FILTH HIT ---ie before 1979---
when Iranians were still human----they had not yet turned SHERRI)
So according to this demented abomination Jihad Sherri, the majority of American Christians, about 250 million of them, who strongly support the state of Israel and agree with the Jewish people's biblical ties to Israel and a Zionist Jesus and New Testament, are "idol worshipers of the synagogue of Satan." :cuckoo:

yes-----and according to the New Testament----a book which sherri "believes" word
for word.------Jesus prayed in SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN-----and even took part---in
the rituals there ------obviously he was a "SATAN WORSHIPPER" ----according to sherri
So according to this demented abomination Jihad Sherri, the majority of American Christians, about 250 million of them, who strongly support the state of Israel and agree with the Jewish people's biblical ties to Israel and a Zionist Jesus and New Testament, are "idol worshipers of the synagogue of Satan." :cuckoo:

Hey, when you have no argument at all, it's best to just make shit up !
So according to this demented abomination Jihad Sherri, the majority of American Christians, about 250 million of them, who strongly support the state of Israel and agree with the Jewish people's biblical ties to Israel and a Zionist Jesus and New Testament, are "idol worshipers of the synagogue of Satan." :cuckoo:

yes-----and according to the New Testament----a book which sherri "believes" word
for word.------Jesus prayed in SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN-----and even took part---in
the rituals there ------obviously he was a "SATAN WORSHIPPER" ----according to sherri
Correction, according to Jihad Sherri, Jesus was a Muslim from Philistia (not Israel) who was a Satan worshiper. LOL
So according to this demented abomination Jihad Sherri, the majority of American Christians, about 250 million of them, who strongly support the state of Israel and agree with the Jewish people's biblical ties to Israel and a Zionist Jesus and New Testament, are "idol worshipers of the synagogue of Satan." :cuckoo:

Hey, when you have no argument at all, it's best to just make shit up !
...and when you're made up of shit, it's much easier to make shit up.
So according to this demented abomination Jihad Sherri, the majority of American Christians, about 250 million of them, who strongly support the state of Israel and agree with the Jewish people's biblical ties to Israel and a Zionist Jesus and New Testament, are "idol worshipers of the synagogue of Satan." :cuckoo:

yes-----and according to the New Testament----a book which sherri "believes" word
for word.------Jesus prayed in SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN-----and even took part---in
the rituals there ------obviously he was a "SATAN WORSHIPPER" ----according to sherri
Correction, according to Jihad Sherri, Jesus was a Muslim from Philistia (not Israel) who was a Satan worshiper. LOL

Actually, Sherri said this several times: "Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine"

and no, I'm not joking !
yes-----and according to the New Testament----a book which sherri "believes" word
for word.------Jesus prayed in SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN-----and even took part---in
the rituals there ------obviously he was a "SATAN WORSHIPPER" ----according to sherri
Correction, according to Jihad Sherri, Jesus was a Muslim from Philistia (not Israel) who was a Satan worshiper. LOL

Actually, Sherri said this several times: "Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine"

and no, I'm not joking !

Sherri also claims that Jesus spoke ARABIC-----arabic speaking people cannot say
"PALESTINE" ------therefore he was a "BALESTINIAN"
yes-----and according to the New Testament----a book which sherri "believes" word
for word.------Jesus prayed in SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN-----and even took part---in
the rituals there ------obviously he was a "SATAN WORSHIPPER" ----according to sherri
Correction, according to Jihad Sherri, Jesus was a Muslim from Philistia (not Israel) who was a Satan worshiper. LOL

Actually, Sherri said this several times: "Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine"

and no, I'm not joking !
Yes, what she inadvertently called Palestine was actually Philistia according to all 59 versions of the bible in the website "biblegateway" Ha ha ha.
Correction, according to Jihad Sherri, Jesus was a Muslim from Philistia (not Israel) who was a Satan worshiper. LOL

Actually, Sherri said this several times: "Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine"

and no, I'm not joking !

Sherri also claims that Jesus spoke ARABIC-----arabic speaking people cannot say
"PALESTINE" ------therefore he was a "BALESTINIAN"
Blease, we are beastful boeble, blease don't bomb us with your abbache helicobters.
Zionists want a US war against Iran, they are always beating the drums for the US to start more wars for Israel.

ZIONISTS are behind the war we started against Iraq and are responsible for over 1 million deaths we caused in Iraq.

Zionists support greater sanctions in Iran and now they are trying to sabotage the diplomatic deal with Iran.

Jesus never supported war or sanctions that kill.

JESUS Is the polar opposite of all that Zionism is and all Zionism embraces.

Watch "The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy" on YouTube
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Does the apologist for Zionist crimes against humanity never tire of all his Satanic Zionist lies?

Satan does not even know how to spell.

Actually, Sherri said this several times: "Jesus was a Palestinian living in Palestine"

and no, I'm not joking !

Sherri also claims that Jesus spoke ARABIC-----arabic speaking people cannot say
"PALESTINE" ------therefore he was a "BALESTINIAN"
Blease, we are beastful boeble, blease don't bomb us with your abbache helicobters.
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Does the apologist for Zionist crimes against humanity never tire of all his Satanic Zionist lies?

Satan does not even know how to spell.

Sherri also claims that Jesus spoke ARABIC-----arabic speaking people cannot say
"PALESTINE" ------therefore he was a "BALESTINIAN"
Blease, we are beastful boeble, blease don't bomb us with your abbache helicobters.
You satanic beoble don' no how to sbell! We are beastful belestinian beoble! And Jesus was not a Zionist berson!
Iran sanctions serve Zionists’ crave for war

Paul Sheldon Foote, an American university professor says issuing new sanctions on*Iran*is in line with the interests of Zionists who seek �œendless wars” in the Middle East region.

�œThe (US) president has to make a choice about his desire for a legacy for doing something right and solving some problems with*Iran*and the Middle East or surrendering to the Zionists and Neoconservatives who want endless wars and totalitarian rule,” said Sheldon Foote, a professor of accounting at California State University, Fullerton.

Iran sanctions serve Zionists? crave for war | Alternative
thanks sherri-----you bring me back to my childhood when I came into contact with
the literature of your people. It was scattered all over the little rural/surburban town
of my childhood. Circa pre 1960----I was a YOUNG child----not particularly talented
in any field----but a VERY AVID reader. Way back then----people of the economic level
of my family did not OWN BOOKS to any great extent-----so I read anything that
dropped into my hands---------at that time it was the nazi literature ----largely written
by nazis pigs who escaped the nuremburg trials ---to Arab countries and south america.
I also got to see nazi literature from BEFORE 1940-----it was ALL OVER TOWN ----SEE?
I know you well. Way back BEFORE 1940---your people were claiming that your
"god" ADOLF ABU ALI ----was a nice guy-----but THE JOOOOOS ARE WAR MONGERS

see? nothing new Of course JOOOS CAUSED ALL THE WARS and cholera and
acne and hemorrhoids---------and even knew how to turn base metal to gold. I lived
amongst people like you. For the record----other books that dropped into my hands
included THE NEW TESTAMENT------kindly old ladies handed out tiny pocket
bibles during the christmas season-------I read that too------you should read it some time
Zionists goal is the US starting a war with Iran for Israel

Israel Buys the US Congress: Sabotaging the US-Iran Peace NegotiationsA Short History of Israel Blackmailing America into Proxy Zionist Wars

Pro-Israel Policy groups such as AIPAC work with unlimited funding to divert US policy in the region ( Middle East )”* Jack Straw, Member of Parliament and former Foreign Secretary of the British Labor Party

“The United States should drop a nuclear bomb on Iran to spur the country to end its nuclear program”* **Sheldon Adelson, biggest donor to the Republican Party and major fundraiser for pro-Israel political action committees,* speech at Yeshiva University, New York City, October 22, 2013.


The question of war or peace with Iran rests with the policies adopted by the White House and the US Congress.* The peace overtures by newly elected Iranian President Rohani have resonated favorably around the world, except with Israel and its Zionist acolytes in North America and Europe .* The first negotiating session proceeded without recrimination and resulted in an optimistic assessment by both sides.* Precisely because of the initial favorable response among the participants, the Israeli government escalated its propaganda war against Iran .* Its agents in the US Congress, the mass media and in the Executive branch moved to undermine the peace process.* What is at stake is Israel’s capacity to wage proxy wars using the US military and its NATO allies against any government challenging Israeli military supremacy in the Middle East, its violent annexation of Palestinian territory and its ability to attack any adversary with impunity.

Israel Buys the US Congress: Sabotaging the US-Iran Peace Negotiations | Global Research
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Americans are fed up with shedding human life in wars started for Zionists, in wars started for Israel

We need to recognize America's real enemy is Zionism.
Jihad Sherri just can't stand that American Christians love Israel so much. Her hate is eating her alive. Ha ha ha:

Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-Time High

March 15, 2013
Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-Time High

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

Majorities of all political as well as major demographic groups in America say they sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians -- with minor variations by gender, age, education level, and political orientation.

Bottom Line

Americans' sympathy for Israel is at a high-water mark ..... Consistent with attitudes in the past decade, Republicans are significantly more supportive of Israel than are Democrats, although the majority of all party groups tilt toward Israel.
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