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Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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And here is addressed more of the writers, Post Herodotus, who wrote of the land called Palestine who lived before or contemporaneous with Jesus.

"Later writers such as*Polemon*and*Pausanias*also used the term to refer to the same region. This usage was followed by Roman writers such as*Ovid,*Tibullus,*Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder,*Dio Chrysostom,*Statius,*Plutarch*as well as Roman Judean writers*Philo of Alexandria*and*Josephus.[14]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And here is addressed more of the writers, Post Herodotus, who wrote of the land called Palestine who lived before or contemporaneous with Jesus.

"Later writers such as*Polemon*and*Pausanias*also used the term to refer to the same region. This usage was followed by Roman writers such as*Ovid,*Tibullus,*Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder,*Dio Chrysostom,*Statius,*Plutarch*as well as Roman Judean writers*Philo of Alexandria*and*Josephus.[14]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And still no clear borders is there, just a vague area on a map that is so named because the Romans wanted to humiliate the conquered Jews. No indigenous people, no borders, no capital city, no administration, no currency and no history.
Even if we concede that that Palestine existed from the 5th century BC, all Sherri has to do is consider that Israel existed since the 10th century BC & then use her magnificent brain to figure out who is stealing who's land.
Timeline History - photo.net
He saw god sitting on a throne, so he became a martyr.
People that touch the arc also died.
And here is addressed more of the writers, Post Herodotus, who wrote of the land called Palestine who lived before or contemporaneous with Jesus.

"Later writers such as*Polemon*and*Pausanias*also used the term to refer to the same region. This usage was followed by Roman writers such as*Ovid,*Tibullus,*Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder,*Dio Chrysostom,*Statius,*Plutarch*as well as Roman Judean writers*Philo of Alexandria*and*Josephus.[14]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And still no clear borders is there, just a vague area on a map that is so named because the Romans wanted to humiliate the conquered Jews. No indigenous people, no borders, no capital city, no administration, no currency and no history.

You apparently have not read the posts on this thread.

Palestine has over 2400 years of history.

Of course, borders change over 2400 years.

The Father of History, Herodotus, wrote of Palestine, not one single word about Israel or Jews.

I see very clearly who is doing a whole lot of lying about History.
Here it is by Sherri herself. "Palestine has over 2400 years of history."

And Israel has over 3000 years of history. So who is stealing who's land?

Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People

And here is addressed more of the writers, Post Herodotus, who wrote of the land called Palestine who lived before or contemporaneous with Jesus.

"Later writers such as*Polemon*and*Pausanias*also used the term to refer to the same region. This usage was followed by Roman writers such as*Ovid,*Tibullus,*Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder,*Dio Chrysostom,*Statius,*Plutarch*as well as Roman Judean writers*Philo of Alexandria*and*Josephus.[14]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And still no clear borders is there, just a vague area on a map that is so named because the Romans wanted to humiliate the conquered Jews. No indigenous people, no borders, no capital city, no administration, no currency and no history.

You apparently have not read the posts on this thread.

Palestine has over 2400 years of history.

Of course, borders change over 2400 years.

The Father of History, Herodotus, wrote of Palestine, not one single word about Israel or Jews.

I see very clearly who is doing a whole lot of lying about History.
And here is addressed more of the writers, Post Herodotus, who wrote of the land called Palestine who lived before or contemporaneous with Jesus.

"Later writers such as*Polemon*and*Pausanias*also used the term to refer to the same region. This usage was followed by Roman writers such as*Ovid,*Tibullus,*Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder,*Dio Chrysostom,*Statius,*Plutarch*as well as Roman Judean writers*Philo of Alexandria*and*Josephus.[14]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And still no clear borders is there, just a vague area on a map that is so named because the Romans wanted to humiliate the conquered Jews. No indigenous people, no borders, no capital city, no administration, no currency and no history.

You apparently have not read the posts on this thread.

Palestine has over 2400 years of history.

Of course, borders change over 2400 years.

The Father of History, Herodotus, wrote of Palestine, not one single word about Israel or Jews.

I see very clearly who is doing a whole lot of lying about History.
You are. You even said the Philistines are the same as the Palestinians. And then you took it one step further and mutilated Biblical verses in the Bible replacing Philistines with Palestinians. Forgetting of course, that they are the people God struck down.

Fact is, you haven't shown us any reference to Palestine in the Bible, nor have you been able to show a single verse where Jesus or his followers refer to themselves as Palestinian.

Just a bunch of bogus claims about Herodotus who was talking about Philistia which has nothing to do with Palestine.
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The Philistines Herodotus was referring to were Greek sea faring people.

Are Arab Palestinians now Greek sea faring people? What next? Palestinians are related to ancient Chinese? Ha ha ha.

Still waiting for Palestine in the Bible.


The Philistines formed part of the great naval confederacy, the "Sea Peoples", who had wandered, at the beginning of the 12th century BCE, from their homeland in southern Greece and the Aegean islands to the shores of the Mediterranean and repeatedly attacked Egypt during the later Nineteenth Dynasty. Though eventually repulsed by Ramesses III, he was, according to the theory, apparently unable to dislodge them from their settlements in Canaan.

Sea Peoples is the term used for a mysterious confederacy of ship-faring raiders who sailed into the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, invaded Cyprus, Hatti and the Levant, and attempted to enter Egyptian territory during the late 19th dynasty, and especially year 5 of Rameses III of the 20th Dynasty. The term "Sea Peoples" was never used in Egyptian records, but has been popularized in the last century.

The earliest mention of the Sea Peoples proper is in an inscription of the Egyptian king Merneptah, whose rule is usually dated from 1213 BC to 1204 BC, although mention of individual groups does occur earlier (for example Denyen, during the reign of Amenhotep III and Shardana, as mercenaries to Rameses II. Merneptah states that in the fifth year of his reign (1208 BC) he defeated an invasion of an allied force of Libyans and the Sea People, killing 6,000 soldiers and taking 9,000 prisoners.
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Herodotus wrote of a Palestine that encompassed what is today Israel and Palestine and of a Palestine that even extended into Syria.

He most definitely was not writing simply of the coastal area once inhabited by the Philistines.

The name Palestine may have originated from the name Philistine, but it came to refer to a much broader area of land by the time of Herodotus.
Herodotus wrote of a Palestine that encompassed what is today Israel and Palestine and of a Palestine that even extended into Syria.

He most definitely was not writing simply of the coastal area once inhabited by the Philistines.

The name Palestine may have originated from the name Philistine, but it came to refer to a much broader area of land by the time of Herodotus.
Yes, the name Palestine did originate from Philistine. The Philistines are an extinct people and Philsitia and the Philistinians were eliminated, just like the Phoenicians and Phoenecia no longer exist.

When Jesus lived there was no Palestine. He was a Jew living in the land of Zion,aka Israel, and like all Jews he loved his people and his land. After the Roman invasion, the Romans changed the name of Israel to Palestine, because they were a people the Jews had defeated. Therefore, there was no Phlistia nor was there a Palestine during Jesus' time. But there sure was a Zion and the land of Israel. Both according to archeological proof as well as Biblical references. Jesus lived during the time BEFORE the Roman invasion. So there could not have been a Palestine.

The land of Israel also became known as Palestine after the Roman invasion, and the Jews were the ONLY "Palestinians" for thousands of years up until 1967, when Arab invaders hijacked the name and started calling themselves by it, in the 1960's. Which is why there is no mention of Palestine in the Koran either, because it signified the land of ISRAEL belonging to the Jews. So Mohammad simply called it Israel and lay no claim to it.

You're dismissed.
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"Of the triremes the number proved to be one thousand two hundred and seven, and these were they who furnished them:–the Phoenicians, together with the Syrians who dwell in Palestine furnished three hundred; and they were equipped thus, that is to say, they had about their heads leathern caps made very nearly in the Hellenic fashion, and they wore corslets of linen, and had shields without rims and javelins. These Phenicians dwelt in ancient time, as they themselves report, upon the Erythraian Sea, and thence they passed over and dwell in the country along the sea coast of Syria; and this part of Syria and all as far as Egypt is called Palestine."
Herodotus, History 2:89

If people actually read the quote from Herodotus, they would realize he is referring a sea faring people that lived in the coastal areas. Last I checked Judea and Samaria, Jerusalem, Bethlehem were NOT coastal areas. OOOOPS,

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And here is addressed more of the writers, Post Herodotus, who wrote of the land called Palestine who lived before or contemporaneous with Jesus.

"Later writers such as*Polemon*and*Pausanias*also used the term to refer to the same region. This usage was followed by Roman writers such as*Ovid,*Tibullus,*Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder,*Dio Chrysostom,*Statius,*Plutarch*as well as Roman Judean writers*Philo of Alexandria*and*Josephus.[14]"

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And still no clear borders is there, just a vague area on a map that is so named because the Romans wanted to humiliate the conquered Jews. No indigenous people, no borders, no capital city, no administration, no currency and no history.

You apparently have not read the posts on this thread.

Palestine has over 2400 years of history.

Of course, borders change over 2400 years.

The Father of History, Herodotus, wrote of Palestine, not one single word about Israel or Jews.

I see very clearly who is doing a whole lot of lying about History.

God himself could have written about Palestine, it still does not prove that it is or was a sovereign nation with clearly defined borders. Lets take the pampas of south America that cuts across national borders, or the Gobi desert in Asia that does the same thing. Or even the corn belt in your very own USA that is no more than a poorly defined area that changes year on year. Even Wikipedia does not give it any more status than just being a region

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين* Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin. The region is also known as the Land of Israel (Hebrew: ארץ־ישראל Eretz-Yisra'el),[1] the Holy Land, the Southern Levant,[2] Cisjordan, and historically has been known by other names including Canaan, Southern Syria and Jerusalem.
"Of the triremes the number proved to be one thousand two hundred and seven, and these were they who furnished them:–the Phoenicians, together with the Syrians who dwell in Palestine furnished three hundred; and they were equipped thus, that is to say, they had about their heads leathern caps made very nearly in the Hellenic fashion, and they wore corslets of linen, and had shields without rims and javelins. These Phenicians dwelt in ancient time, as they themselves report, upon the Erythraian Sea, and thence they passed over and dwell in the country along the sea coast of Syria; and this part of Syria and all as far as Egypt is called Palestine."
Herodotus, History 2:89

If people actually read the quote from Herodotus, they would realize he is referring a sea faring people that lived to the coastal areas. Last I checked Judea and Samaria, Jerusalem, Bethlehem were NOT coastal areas. OOOOPS,


Phoenicians had quite a few towns along the coast. They sailed around Africa, to the UK, to India and perhaps to the coast of the US. They set up colonies around the Mediterranean. They traded oil, class, fabric, they had dyes in purple, blue and red that they were famous for.
Philistines were invaders from the Aegean.
Pork eaters.
Israel has 65 years of existence.

SOME Zionists do not know the history of the Zionist State.

WRONG as Israel existed 3,000 year ago, and I see you still insist on using RACIST ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED NAZI terms.
Here is a map of Palestine as it was in 1947, with the partion plan superimposed on it


Boundaries of Roman Syria Palaestina, where dashed green line shows the boundary between Byzantine Palaestina Prima (later Jund Filastin) and Palaestina Secunda (later Jund al-Urdunn), as well as Palaestina Salutaris (later Jebel et-Tih and the Jifar)

Borders of Mandatory Palestine in red

Borders of the State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip) in blue
Fellow posters-----I have an advantage in discussing sherri's view of biblical history---
---because I have had close assocations with muslims for more then 45 years and even
visited mosques. Sherri considers the bible to be a lump of idiotic dung and she
rejects every word of it other than those words she can use and twist to attempt to
justify genocide upon jews. As to archaelogical findings----they are all forgeries.
There are other issues----like Hebrew is not really a language---it is a kind of muddled
and messed up dialect of arabic. Most important----Muhummad invented felafel and pita
and jesus would rather slit and throat than do the weenie "turn the cheek" thing
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