Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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No, I have not.

I have never killed a child and I never shall.

Jesus Christ never killed a child.

Zionists kill children.

Ah, but you HAVE cheered the murders of babies, l'il sherriliar. And wished death on other posters.

Somehow I don't think your version of Jesus would fancy you after realizing you harbor such unrepentant hatred. For Jesus MUST love 'Zionists' as much as anyone else: they are, after all, real human beings. What you are hating on, is your distorted *perception* of 'Zionist': it's possibly the world's biggest straw man.

We all saw those posts, l'il sherriliar. And it wasn't just wishing death in some abstract manner: you told another poster it would have been better if she'd never been born.

That's actually wishing another's soul into non-existence.

Oh, and I forgot the one where you pissed and moaned about people daring to feel sorrow over the deaths of children at the Sandy Hook school.......

Sure, you're the spitting image of the compassion and love of Jesus, suuuuuuuuure you are.

Guess what, l'il sherriKKKins: you're as sucky at *being* a Christian, as you are at *preaching* Christianity. They say 'Charity begins at home': that's even truer with the 'charity' of the NT, "caritas". Since you seem to have no idea what 'caritas' is all about, l'il sherriliar - that might explain your complete failure.
Celebrating when Israelis die? That's nuts. Is that the essence of your self talk.

How many times have we seen it happen with pro muslim terrorist supporters when a Jew dies or is killed. How many times have you celebrated when a Jew has been killed, or a rocket has hit a school.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.
I can bring up the post from Sherriah about the 2 IAF pilots a few months ago where she praised God for their deaths. You need to bone up on what's transpired with the freak. And yes she has problems. Mental Health Facilities fix those problems. Talk her into committing herself. Maybe she can room with you.
Lies remain lies no matter how many times you repeat them.

Jesus is the Son of God, the creator of all creation.

Zionists are simply part of God's creation, who unfortunately for the most part continue in their disbelief of Jesus.

It is so funny to see Sherri constantly worshiping the Zionist Jesus.
You are lying.

And your lies will remain lies no matter how many times you repeat them.

No, I have not.

Ah, but you HAVE cheered the murders of babies, l'il sherriliar. And wished death on other posters.

Somehow I don't think your version of Jesus would fancy you after realizing you harbor such unrepentant hatred. For Jesus MUST love 'Zionists' as much as anyone else: they are, after all, real human beings. What you are hating on, is your distorted *perception* of 'Zionist': it's possibly the world's biggest straw man.

We all saw those posts, l'il sherriliar. And it wasn't just wishing death in some abstract manner: you told another poster it would have been better if she'd never been born.

That's actually wishing another's soul into non-existence.

Oh, and I forgot the one where you pissed and moaned about people daring to feel sorrow over the deaths of children at the Sandy Hook school.......

Sure, you're the spitting image of the compassion and love of Jesus, suuuuuuuuure you are.

Guess what, l'il sherriKKKins: you're as sucky at *being* a Christian, as you are at *preaching* Christianity. They say 'Charity begins at home': that's even truer with the 'charity' of the NT, "caritas". Since you seem to have no idea what 'caritas' is all about, l'il sherriliar - that might explain your complete failure.
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You are lying.

And your lies will remain lies no matter how many times you repeat them.

No, I have not.

We all saw those posts, l'il sherriliar. And it wasn't just wishing death in some abstract manner: you told another poster it would have been better if she'd never been born.

That's actually wishing another's soul into non-existence.

Oh, and I forgot the one where you pissed and moaned about people daring to feel sorrow over the deaths of children at the Sandy Hook school.......

Sure, you're the spitting image of the compassion and love of Jesus, suuuuuuuuure you are.

Guess what, l'il sherriKKKins: you're as sucky at *being* a Christian, as you are at *preaching* Christianity. They say 'Charity begins at home': that's even truer with the 'charity' of the NT, "caritas". Since you seem to have no idea what 'caritas' is all about, l'il sherriliar - that might explain your complete failure.
Shades of Joanserv!!! So everyone lies about Frau Sherriah? What else is new?
I do not choose who God removes.

The incident you address was pilots in the IDF killed in a mechanical accident.

I am not sad when it's pilots who kill children in Gaza who themselves die carrying out their killing operations .

That is an illustration of reaping what you have sown.

DID you cry when Osama died?

Did you cry when Hitler died?

How many times have we seen it happen with pro muslim terrorist supporters when a Jew dies or is killed. How many times have you celebrated when a Jew has been killed, or a rocket has hit a school.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.
I can bring up the post from Sherriah about the 2 IAF pilots a few months ago where she praised God for their deaths. You need to bone up on what's transpired with the freak. And yes she has problems. Mental Health Facilities fix those problems. Talk her into committing herself. Maybe she can room with you.
Watch JihadSherri finds out Jesus is a Jew on YouTube

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdwl3uo0pp4]Hitler finds out Jesus is a Jew - YouTube[/ame]
Poor l'il sherrithing still hasn't grasped the fact that NOBODY on here takes its shit-flinging seriously. NOT even the sunnitroll or the phocid redux: the sherriKKKins' posts simply are *useful* for their own agendas......

The fact is, laughing at the bizarre bigotry of the filthy sherriliar is probably one of the biggest draws for USMB. I suspect there are hundreds of lurkers reading her spewage and not replying because they're laughing too hard......
Lies remain lies no matter how many times they are repeated

You are lying.

And your lies will remain lies no matter how many times you repeat them.

We all saw those posts, l'il sherriliar. And it wasn't just wishing death in some abstract manner: you told another poster it would have been better if she'd never been born.

That's actually wishing another's soul into non-existence.

Oh, and I forgot the one where you pissed and moaned about people daring to feel sorrow over the deaths of children at the Sandy Hook school.......

Sure, you're the spitting image of the compassion and love of Jesus, suuuuuuuuure you are.

Guess what, l'il sherriKKKins: you're as sucky at *being* a Christian, as you are at *preaching* Christianity. They say 'Charity begins at home': that's even truer with the 'charity' of the NT, "caritas". Since you seem to have no idea what 'caritas' is all about, l'il sherriliar - that might explain your complete failure.
Shades of Joanserv!!! So everyone lies about Frau Sherriah? What else is new?
The biggest problem belongs to those like you who do not believe in Jesus whose disbelief shall condemn them.

How many times have we seen it happen with pro muslim terrorist supporters when a Jew dies or is killed. How many times have you celebrated when a Jew has been killed, or a rocket has hit a school.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.

Muslim militant sympathizers and apologists and fifth-columnists are the problem.
The sleazy sherrithing does indeed have 'a' problem: it's got so many *issues* that if its mind were a library - it'd be one huge periodicals room and nothing else.
I was looking at a book last night telling the stories of what happened to all the original 12 disciples.

We know about what happened to Judas from The Bible.

The rest were all martyred for their faith, except John.

Do you think they were crazy?

Jesus says follow me. I don't think they were crazy. I think they followed where He led them. I expect there were people who thought they were crazy. Philip was being crucified and there was a chance to be saved but he chose to stay and die.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.

He's right Shaarona. Not to mention, you only joined in December 2013, so you have only seen a tiny fraction of the disgusting posts by people like Sherri, Sunni Man, 'dreolin' etc..

No one should let the religion make them crazy.. and Sherri has a problem..
People have problems.

We call it life.

And there is One who can ensure we overcome all problems and He is Jesus.

And He is the Son of God

The sleazy sherrithing does indeed have 'a' problem: it's got so
many *issues* that if its mind were a library - it'd be one huge periodicals room and nothing else.
I was looking at a book last night telling the stories of what happened to all the original 12 disciples.

We know about what happened to Judas from The Bible.

The rest were all martyred for their faith, except John.

Do you think they were crazy?

Jesus says follow me. I don't think they were crazy. I think they followed where He led them. I expect there were people who thought they were crazy. Philip was being crucified and there was a chance to be saved but he chose to stay and die.

He's right Shaarona. Not to mention, you only joined in December 2013, so you have only seen a tiny fraction of the disgusting posts by people like Sherri, Sunni Man, 'dreolin' etc..

No one should let the religion make them crazy.. and Sherri has a problem..
Didn't John get a height shortening operation?
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