Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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"...Zionists kill children."

Muslim Palestinians in Gaza (and the West Bank, to a lesser extent) kill children...

They kill children when they conduct suicide bombings of Israeli population centers...

They kill children when they launch rocket barrages against Israeli population centers...

They kill children - their own - when they...

1. establish their command and operations centers inside of their own civilian population zones, and the IDF hits those

2. establish weapons caches and ammunition depots inside of their own civilian population centers, and the IDF hits those

3. launch rocket barrages from within or in close proximity to their own civilian population centers, and the IDF hits those

4. engage in combat operations while sheltered within schools and mosques and hospitals, and the IDF hits those

5. use their TV and radio programming to encourage their youngsters to become martyrs

6. teach their children to hate Jews and then those children are harmed trying to do violence to Jews

7. conduct demonstrations and riots amidst or in close proximity to civilian population centers, and Israeli police and the IDF suppress such outburts

8. use impressionable young people for suicide missions

...so, although in many cases, an Israeli is behind the trigger, there is another side to the story; one that can be summed-up in the several bullet-points, above.

And, of the 1500-ish Muslim-Palestinian children that have supposedly been killed since 2000...

All we have is a soft-and-fuzzy guess-timate based upon various sources of varying reliability; entirely one-sided accounts and declarations of cause-and-effect.

One-sided story-telling can work as a propaganda tool, but only if left unchallenged.

The second somebody mentions varying cause-and-effect, the eyebrows start to go up, and the desired propaganda effect is greatly diluted - as it should be with one-sided scenarios.

Even if 1500 poor kids have been killed since 2000, how many of those may rightfully be attributed to accidental collateral damage rather than intentionally?

We'll never know, because the one-sided stories we hear do not address why combat operations were occurring in the vicinity of those kids in the first place.

It is a tragedy when a child dies.

It is an even bigger tragedy when a child's death is portrayed as entirely the fault of Side A when Side B is just as much to blame - due to 'embedded war assets'.

Nobody respects a warrior who hides behind the skirts of his women and children.

And then squeals like a whiney little bitch when the requisite military counterstrike occurs.

Don't want your women and children hit?

Stop firing from behind their skirts (stop embedding war assets and ops centers within your civilian population centers).
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No, I have not.

Ah, but you HAVE cheered the murders of babies, l'il sherriliar. And wished death on other posters.

Somehow I don't think your version of Jesus would fancy you after realizing you harbor such unrepentant hatred. For Jesus MUST love 'Zionists' as much as anyone else: they are, after all, real human beings. What you are hating on, is your distorted *perception* of 'Zionist': it's possibly the world's biggest straw man.

Sure you have. You celebrate every time Israelis die. Everybody's seen you do that.

Celebrating when Israelis die? That's nuts. Is that the essence of your self talk.
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Noone denies there was once a people called Philistines who lived on the coast.

But what we all know is that Palestine subsequently became the name used to describe a much more extensive area that encompassed what is now Israel and the OPT.

Herodotus wrote of Palestine over 2460 years ago.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Well, tell your bestest friend Jihad Sherri that. Out of almost a hundred Biblical versions, she found THE ONE verse in the King James Bible, that mistakenly put Palestine instead of the correct Philistine, in this ONE Joel verse.

This just shows the depth of fraud and depravity this mental case will go to, in order to deceive and misrepresent. Funny part is she keeps talking about "slandering Jesus", and she's the biggest slanderer I have ever seen.

I already gave you the greek, why do you still rely on translations that are erroneous?
The term palestine did not exist till more than 50 yrs after Jesus death, and it was created as in insult to the jews by romans after the jewish wars.
Under that definition, Post 3617, Jesus is not a Zionist.

That Movement commenced over 1800 years after Jesus lived as a man in Palestine.

As sherri well knows-----the "MOVEMENT" to which she refers is the issue of
"SECULAR ZIONISM"-----which refers to a program which expands the concept
of establishment of jews in Israel/Judea even for persons who are not traditionally
observant ---in the orthodox manner of jewish law and custom Prior to that time--
zionism had been entirely a religious issue. As a religious issue----zionism has been
an active movement for thousands of years . In fact the secular zionist movmeent
of the late 1800s was BY NO MEANS the first zionist movement since the isa-respecting
genocide of jews in Israel/Judea 1700 years ago. There were many----but all galvanized
entirely by religious consideration

According to the "new" testament----besides declaring himself a zionist by ACTING
like a zionist----jesus even hosted a passover seder IN JERUSALEM-----a very very
zionist pharisee custom of his day. Thus sherri declares Jesus a gross
hypocrite. The entire theme of the passover seder is ZIONISM . ---or perhaps
she imagines that he stood up ----and announced "THIS PASSOVER THING IS CRAP"
and the writers of the "new" testament forgot to mention it
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Noone denies there was once a people called Philistines who lived on the coast.

But what we all know is that Palestine subsequently became the name used to describe a much more extensive area that encompassed what is now Israel and the OPT.

Herodotus wrote of Palestine over 2460 years ago.

Well, tell your bestest friend Jihad Sherri that. Out of almost a hundred Biblical versions, she found THE ONE verse in the King James Bible, that mistakenly put Palestine instead of the correct Philistine, in this ONE Joel verse.

This just shows the depth of fraud and depravity this mental case will go to, in order to deceive and misrepresent. Funny part is she keeps talking about "slandering Jesus", and she's the biggest slanderer I have ever seen.

I already gave you the greek, why do you still rely on translations that are erroneous?
The term palestine did not exist till more than 50 yrs after Jesus death, and it was created as in insult to the jews by romans after the jewish wars.
She has nothing but desperate lies and hate. She feeds on these lies like a parasite. If you take away these lies from her ideology, it will destroy her.
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The last time the isa-alla sluts were posting thus was in 2006 whilst their pimp
was kissing his poison nail bombs and preaching to his excited whores----"WE WILL
HAIFA TO TEL AVIV millions of sluts world wide moaned in orgiastic delight.
It seems to me that the sluts are at it again. Birds tend to fly at low altitude before
a storm It is a sign-------Isa worshipping perverted sluts also provide signs

Are you speaking of circumcision?

Intersting point-----it is true that Hajji circumcision is mutilation The first time I saw
the results of a masjid HACKING JOB-----I was shocked. ragged edges---scarring.

An interesting study in the medical literature comparing HAJJI hack jobs to the circumcsion
done by jews reveals that the barbaric hajji thing----does NOT confer the same kind
of protection against cervical cancer in the unfortunate "partners" of the hajjis----as jewish circumcision affords jewish wives-----NOR is it as protective against HIV transmission or Penile cancer Is that not interesting? The study came out several
years ago----I am convinced its those RAGGED EDGES ------now for the real shocker--
part of the study was based on information from saudi arabia

How many Muslim penises have you looked at?

Circumcision came from ancient Egypt .. and if a boy is taught basic hygiene is unnecessary.

How many do you think your M.D. has seen in his career, in the communal showers were I worked I saw many and they were all disfigured and in need of medical repair. Some were even oozing pus and blood from the botch job done on them. Some boys need to be circumcised for medical reasons, and they are always neat and tidy with not lasting ill effects.
No, I have not.

Ah, but you HAVE cheered the murders of babies, l'il sherriliar. And wished death on other posters.

Somehow I don't think your version of Jesus would fancy you after realizing you harbor such unrepentant hatred. For Jesus MUST love 'Zionists' as much as anyone else: they are, after all, real human beings. What you are hating on, is your distorted *perception* of 'Zionist': it's possibly the world's biggest straw man.
Sure you have. You celebrate every time Israelis die. Everybody's seen you do that.
Not to mention her voluminous public declarations re: Zionists and Israelis getting what's coming to them and relishing the prospect of them burning in hell.
How many Muslim penises have you looked at?

Circumcision came from ancient Egypt .. and if a boy is taught basic hygiene is unnecessary.

So why is it practised in islam more than any other religion, on both boys and girls. How many young muslim girls have bled to death after being circumcised, and why is it now banned in all civilised countries. Many muslim mothers have faced prison for forcing their daughters to be mutilated in this way. Just another example of Islamic barbarity and violence

You mean because there are more Muslims than Jews?
Circumcision of girls is not Islamic.. it comes from Africa..

And now taken up by muslims all over the world as a form of oppression. It is common in Saudi, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, gaza, Egypt etc and none of them are in Africa are they. Yet it is not practised in Israel, Lebanon or Turkey................I wonder why ?
You mean because there are more Muslims than Jews?
Circumcision of girls is not Islamic.. it comes from Africa..

Yet Muslims are the only ones currently prating it. About 60% Egyptian women are circumcised during their teenage years. Perhaps it's the culture of chauvinism and treating women like property that Islam creates.

FGM is against the law in Egypt and has been for years.. however, it still shows up in some rural villages. It also shows up in Israel among foreign workers.

It shows up in the UK mostly in the Islamic communities.

But you forget sha that you bring a subject up to demonise and harm the Jews forgetting that the same thing is practised in islam, just with more barbarity and violence showing once again were Islamic sentiments lie.
No, I have not.
Sure you have. You celebrate every time Israelis die. Everybody's seen you do that.
Not to mention her voluminous public declarations re: Zionists and Israelis getting what's coming to them and relishing the prospect of them burning in hell.
According to jihad Sherri, Jews are going to hell because they love Israel and they don't believe in Jesus.

On the other hand, Muslim terrorists like Hamas, RESEMBLE Jesus.

Only from the mind of psycho Sherri. :cuckoo:
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GOD SAYS==Concerning Damascus

“Damascus has become helpless;
She has turned away to flee,
And panic has gripped her;
Distress and pangs have taken hold of her
Like a woman in childbirth.

“Therefore, her young men will fall in her streets,
And all the men of war will be silenced in that day,” declares the Lord of hosts.

“I will set fire to the wall of Damascus.
Under that definition, Post 3617, Jesus is not a Zionist.

That Movement commenced over 1800 years after Jesus lived as a man in Palestine.

That is so, but the concept has been around from the very beginnings of Judaism. Moses was a Zionist leader when he escaped Egypt and led his people to Israel.
Sure you have. You celebrate every time Israelis die. Everybody's seen you do that.

Celebrating when Israelis die? That's nuts. Is that the essence of your self talk.

How many times have we seen it happen with pro muslim terrorist supporters when a Jew dies or is killed. How many times have you celebrated when a Jew has been killed, or a rocket has hit a school.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.
Celebrating when Israelis die? That's nuts. Is that the essence of your self talk.

How many times have we seen it happen with pro muslim terrorist supporters when a Jew dies or is killed. How many times have you celebrated when a Jew has been killed, or a rocket has hit a school.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.

He's right Shaarona. Not to mention, you only joined in December 2013, so you have only seen a tiny fraction of the disgusting posts by people like Sherri, Sunni Man, 'dreolin' etc..
Celebrating when Israelis die? That's nuts. Is that the essence of your self talk.

How many times have we seen it happen with pro muslim terrorist supporters when a Jew dies or is killed. How many times have you celebrated when a Jew has been killed, or a rocket has hit a school.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.

Muslim militant sympathizers and apologists and fifth-columnists are the problem.
How many times have we seen it happen with pro muslim terrorist supporters when a Jew dies or is killed. How many times have you celebrated when a Jew has been killed, or a rocket has hit a school.

Your crap is the problem. You're an idiot.

He's right Shaarona. Not to mention, you only joined in December 2013, so you have only seen a tiny fraction of the disgusting posts by people like Sherri, Sunni Man, 'dreolin' etc..

No one should let the religion make them crazy.. and Sherri has a problem..
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