Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Zonist means baby killer and ethnic cleanser and terrorist state and Jesus slanderer and God slanderer.

Jesus was and is none of these.
How a poll says Americans view Israel as compared to how they see specific others at a specific point in time says nothing about who Jesus is, Jesus slanderer.

And about these national polls, they manipulate findings by how they ask questions and by who they ask.

Example, when Israel was behind a false flag operation using chemical weapons against civilians in Syria, to try to get US to start a war with Syria this message board carried out our poll showing over 90% was against US strikes in Syria. And we all read Congressmen were receiving letters almost 100% opposing strikes.

But MSM REPORTED substantially different poll findings.

So take your phony poll, Jesus slanderer, and use it to wipe your ass with it.
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Zonist means baby killer and ethnic cleanser and terrorist state and Jesus slanderer and God slanderer.

Zonist means baby killer and ethnic cleanser and terrorist state and Jesus slanderer and God slanderer.

Jesus was and is none of these.

The last time the isa-alla sluts were posting thus was in 2006 whilst their pimp
was kissing his poison nail bombs and preaching to his excited whores----"WE WILL
HAIFA TO TEL AVIV millions of sluts world wide moaned in orgiastic delight.
It seems to me that the sluts are at it again. Birds tend to fly at low altitude before
a storm It is a sign-------Isa worshipping perverted sluts also provide signs
Zonist means baby killer and ethnic cleanser and terrorist state and Jesus slanderer and God slanderer.

Jesus was and is none of these.

The last time the isa-alla sluts were posting thus was in 2006 whilst their pimp
was kissing his poison nail bombs and preaching to his excited whores----"WE WILL
HAIFA TO TEL AVIV millions of sluts world wide moaned in orgiastic delight.
It seems to me that the sluts are at it again. Birds tend to fly at low altitude before
a storm It is a sign-------Isa worshipping perverted sluts also provide signs

Hey hey hajii sow

how many kids are you mutilating now???

Are you speaking of circumcision?

Intersting point-----it is true that Hajji circumcision is mutilation The first time I saw
the results of a masjid HACKING JOB-----I was shocked. ragged edges---scarring.

An interesting study in the medical literature comparing HAJJI hack jobs to the circumcsion
done by jews reveals that the barbaric hajji thing----does NOT confer the same kind
of protection against cervical cancer in the unfortunate "partners" of the hajjis----as jewish circumcision affords jewish wives-----NOR is it as protective against HIV transmission or Penile cancer Is that not interesting? The study came out several
years ago----I am convinced its those RAGGED EDGES ------now for the real shocker--
part of the study was based on information from saudi arabia
Zonist means baby killer and ethnic cleanser and terrorist state and Jesus slanderer and God slanderer.

Jesus was and is none of these.

The last time the isa-alla sluts were posting thus was in 2006 whilst their pimp
was kissing his poison nail bombs and preaching to his excited whores----"WE WILL
HAIFA TO TEL AVIV millions of sluts world wide moaned in orgiastic delight.
It seems to me that the sluts are at it again. Birds tend to fly at low altitude before
a storm It is a sign-------Isa worshipping perverted sluts also provide signs

Hey hey hajii sow

how many kids are you mutilating now???

Are you speaking of circumcision?

Intersting point-----it is true that Hajji circumcision is mutilation The first time I saw
the results of a masjid HACKING JOB-----I was shocked. ragged edges---scarring.

An interesting study in the medical literature comparing HAJJI hack jobs to the circumcsion
done by jews reveals that the barbaric hajji thing----does NOT confer the same kind
of protection against cervical cancer in the unfortunate "partners" of the hajjis----as jewish circumcision affords jewish wives-----NOR is it as protective against HIV transmission or Penile cancer Is that not interesting? The study came out several
years ago----I am convinced its those RAGGED EDGES ------now for the real shocker--
part of the study was based on information from saudi arabia

How many Muslim penises have you looked at?

Circumcision came from ancient Egypt .. and if a boy is taught basic hygiene is unnecessary.
That is another lie by the Jesus Slanderer.

And what does that even mean?

You are so full of lies and deceit you cannot even tell a lie that makes any sense.

Recap, most American Christians shoulder to shoulder with Israel.

A true Christian knows exactly what that means as they do it every day of the week. It is only a semi literate muslim that does not know common parlance as used in every day language. Southern Baptists are known for doing this, and saying it out loud
Zonist means baby killer and ethnic cleanser and terrorist state and Jesus slanderer and God slanderer.

Jesus was and is none of these.

I think you mean islam means baby killer, ethnic cleanser, terrorist state, jesus slanderer and god slanderer.
Zionist means allowing the Jews to live in everlasting peace in their homeland
Hey hey hajii sow

how many kids are you mutilating now???

Are you speaking of circumcision?

Isn't that something that happens to all muslim boys BADLY, and results in 10% dying of complications. Another 50% end up disfigured for life and unable to procreate.
The Jews use a tool developed for the job that is painless and with very few complications, about as harmfull as the flu jab.
Just how screwy can she get? One must hate Jesus very much to say he was a baby killer & ethnic cleanser.

Zonist means baby killer and ethnic cleanser and terrorist state and Jesus slanderer and God slanderer.

Jesus was and is none of these.

I think you mean islam means baby killer, ethnic cleanser, terrorist state, jesus slanderer and god slanderer.
Zionist means allowing the Jews to live in everlasting peace in their homeland
The last time the isa-alla sluts were posting thus was in 2006 whilst their pimp
was kissing his poison nail bombs and preaching to his excited whores----"WE WILL
HAIFA TO TEL AVIV millions of sluts world wide moaned in orgiastic delight.
It seems to me that the sluts are at it again. Birds tend to fly at low altitude before
a storm It is a sign-------Isa worshipping perverted sluts also provide signs

Are you speaking of circumcision?

Intersting point-----it is true that Hajji circumcision is mutilation The first time I saw
the results of a masjid HACKING JOB-----I was shocked. ragged edges---scarring.

An interesting study in the medical literature comparing HAJJI hack jobs to the circumcsion
done by jews reveals that the barbaric hajji thing----does NOT confer the same kind
of protection against cervical cancer in the unfortunate "partners" of the hajjis----as jewish circumcision affords jewish wives-----NOR is it as protective against HIV transmission or Penile cancer Is that not interesting? The study came out several
years ago----I am convinced its those RAGGED EDGES ------now for the real shocker--
part of the study was based on information from saudi arabia

How many Muslim penises have you looked at?

Circumcision came from ancient Egypt .. and if a boy is taught basic hygiene is unnecessary.

So why is it practised in islam more than any other religion, on both boys and girls. How many young muslim girls have bled to death after being circumcised, and why is it now banned in all civilised countries. Many muslim mothers have faced prison for forcing their daughters to be mutilated in this way. Just another example of Islamic barbarity and violence
Intersting point-----it is true that Hajji circumcision is mutilation The first time I saw
the results of a masjid HACKING JOB-----I was shocked. ragged edges---scarring.

An interesting study in the medical literature comparing HAJJI hack jobs to the circumcsion
done by jews reveals that the barbaric hajji thing----does NOT confer the same kind
of protection against cervical cancer in the unfortunate "partners" of the hajjis----as jewish circumcision affords jewish wives-----NOR is it as protective against HIV transmission or Penile cancer Is that not interesting? The study came out several
years ago----I am convinced its those RAGGED EDGES ------now for the real shocker--
part of the study was based on information from saudi arabia

How many Muslim penises have you looked at?

Circumcision came from ancient Egypt .. and if a boy is taught basic hygiene is unnecessary.

So why is it practised in islam more than any other religion, on both boys and girls. How many young muslim girls have bled to death after being circumcised, and why is it now banned in all civilised countries. Many muslim mothers have faced prison for forcing their daughters to be mutilated in this way. Just another example of Islamic barbarity and violence

You mean because there are more Muslims than Jews?
Circumcision of girls is not Islamic.. it comes from Africa..
How many Muslim penises have you looked at?

Circumcision came from ancient Egypt .. and if a boy is taught basic hygiene is unnecessary.

So why is it practised in islam more than any other religion, on both boys and girls. How many young muslim girls have bled to death after being circumcised, and why is it now banned in all civilised countries. Many muslim mothers have faced prison for forcing their daughters to be mutilated in this way. Just another example of Islamic barbarity and violence

You mean because there are more Muslims than Jews?
Circumcision of girls is not Islamic.. it comes from Africa..
Yet Muslims are the only ones currently prating it. About 60% Egyptian women are circumcised during their teenage years. Perhaps it's the culture of chauvinism and treating women like property that Islam creates.
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