Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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What I think is that those who are continually quoting Scripture should take a class in Aramaic so that they can read the Bible in the language spoken during the time of Jesus.

It's a shame that those who once lived in the Los Angeles area didn't take classes in that language whey they had the chance.

Assyrians | By Susan Abram

Well, Hebrew was just about a dead language after the Babylonian exile.. so I think that you are right.

Not as dead as old Arabic that only has 9 people fluent in it, when they die then islam dies as that is the language of the koran
Several links have already been posted on this thread from notable Christian theologians confirming that Jesus was indeed a Zionist. Would you like us to post more?

Naturally, Bumberclyde, there are differing opinions. Say, why not tell us what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East. Surely you have been keeping up with the news and want to share it with the readers on this Middle East Forum.

The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians :: Gatestone Institute

The topic is about whether jesus is a zionist or not. This picture would suggest that he's not. That's all.

To what jesus do you refer?
Gosh I wonder if Palestinians know that Jesus was a Zionist? Maybe that's why they hate Christians as well as Jews.
They sure don't like the Zionist treatment of Palestinians. And who can blame them? Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can stay in Israel rather than the Zionists helping to free them back to their indigenous Arab country homelands.

Gosh I wonder if Palestinians know that Jesus was a Zionist? Maybe that's why they hate Christians as well as Jews.

Best not to tell them. They don't take bad news too well ..
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Noone denies there was once a people called Philistines who lived on the coast.

But what we all know is that Palestine subsequently became the name used to describe a much more extensive area that encompassed what is now Israel and the OPT.

Herodotus wrote of Palestine over 2460 years ago.

And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.

Palestine and the Palestinians

Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Well, tell your bestest friend Jihad Sherri that. Out of almost a hundred Biblical versions, she found THE ONE verse in the King James Bible, that mistakenly put Palestine instead of the correct Philistine, in this ONE Joel verse.

This just shows the depth of fraud and depravity this mental case will go to, in order to deceive and misrepresent. Funny part is she keeps talking about "slandering Jesus", and she's the biggest slanderer I have ever seen.
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Palestinians relate to Jesus, just like them He was a Palestinian resisting Occupation.

And Palestinians include Christians, they do not hate themselves.

Gosh I wonder if Palestinians know that Jesus was a Zionist? Maybe that's why they hate Christians as well as Jews.

Best not to tell them. They don't take bad news too well ..
Jesus is the last thing they relate to.

If you said Mohammad, then maybe.

You see, Jesus wasn't a terrorist, like the Hamas animals are. He didn't glorify death. Nor did he encourage hatred, indoctrination, and suicide bombing.
Here is what a Palestinian Christian writes about Jesus, proving Roudy is a liar.

Mar 31, 2013

Easter Resurrection of Palestine

Jesus was a Palestinian martyr; he was born in Palestine and spoke the language of my ancestors Aramaic, the precursor of the Arabic language.**He believed in resistance like turning tables of profiteers at the temple, challenging the “leaders” etc.**And he worked to help the poor and disenfranchised.**“Comfort the afflicted and make the comfortable a little less comfortable” as Dorothy Day once said.* He did not spend any time congratulating the rich and powerful or visiting their palaces.**When he did encounter the rich and powerful (e.g. Pharisees) he called them hypocrites.** I use it also to describe powerful today.**For example they speak of democracy and human rights while daily violating those.**They speak of love of God but they murder, steal, lie, and cheat to get money and resources and land of others. So I think what Jesus would do if he was still physically walking in these hills here is that he would join us in protests at the apartheid wall and stand in front of bulldozers uprooting olive trees and destroying Palestinian homes.**He would also still be telling us to be hopeful that the Son of Man will be brought to life again and that Palestine will be free again. *We Palestinians do have some experience with resurrection

Popular Resistance: Easter Resurrection of Palestine
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Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Noone denies there was once a people called Philistines who lived on the coast.

But what we all know is that Palestine subsequently became the name used to describe a much more extensive area that encompassed what is now Israel and the OPT.

Herodotus wrote of Palestine over 2460 years ago.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Well, tell your bestest friend Jihad Sherri that. Out of almost a hundred Biblical versions, she found THE ONE verse in the King James Bible, that mistakenly put Palestine instead of the correct Philistine, in this ONE Joel verse.

This just shows the depth of fraud and depravity this mental case will go to, in order to deceive and misrepresent. Funny part is she keeps talking about "slandering Jesus", and she's the biggest slanderer I have ever seen.
We went over this like fifty times, crazy one. Herodotus was referring to Philistia the coastal region which had itching to do with Judea the inland nation where the Israelite Zionist Jewish Rabbi Jesus lived. :cuckoo:

That's why Palestine is not mentioned in the Bible.
My favorite Jihad Sherri quote:

"Hamas resembles Jesus".

Satanic. Ha ha ha.
Jesus did not do this to children.

This is all the work of Zionists.


Structural birth defects in the Gaza Strip, occupied Palestinian territory: a cohort study

In 12 (27%) of 44 families with children with birth defects, one or both parents were exposed to white phosphorus during Operation Cast Lead compared with 49 (2%) of 2933 parents with children without such defects; the difference was significant (25·6%, 21·4&#8212;29·8; p<0·0001). These families' homes were at the site of the attacks. Bombing of the house, removal of rubble, or on-site reconstruction were reported by nine (20%) of 44 couples with children with birth defects. Exposure to bombing was not recorded for parents with children without birth defects.

Structural birth defects in the Gaza Strip, occupied Palestinian territory: a cohort study : The Lancet

What is interesting is that a poster once said that his daughter going to medical school to be a doctor was told by one of her professors that since so many medical innovations were coming out of Israel that instead of many medical books being in German, they would now be in Hebrew. I also have trouble reading stuff in the Old English like Chaucer.

I think most medical stuff coming out of israel---gets translated QUICKLY into
english-------the most important jounals----like New England Journal of
Medicina and LANCET and British Medical Journal are full of Israeli articles

I wasted two years of ----college class doing GERMAN-----never used it
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Structural defects in Jihad Sherri's brain. Now that's something to take a closer look at.

Is the Lancet still in business after all those bogus fraudulent research they presented?
Here is what a Palestinian Christian writes about Jesus, proving Roudy is a liar.

Mar 31, 2013

Easter Resurrection of Palestine

Jesus was a Palestinian martyr; he was born in Palestine and spoke the language of my ancestors Aramaic, the precursor of the Arabic language.**He believed in resistance like turning tables of profiteers at the temple, challenging the &#8220;leaders&#8221; etc.**And he worked to help the poor and disenfranchised.**&#8220;Comfort the afflicted and make the comfortable a little less comfortable&#8221; as Dorothy Day once said.* He did not spend any time congratulating the rich and powerful or visiting their palaces.**When he did encounter the rich and powerful (e.g. Pharisees) he called them hypocrites.** I use it also to describe powerful today.**For example they speak of democracy and human rights while daily violating those.**They speak of love of God but they murder, steal, lie, and cheat to get money and resources and land of others. So I think what Jesus would do if he was still physically walking in these hills here is that he would join us in protests at the apartheid wall and stand in front of bulldozers uprooting olive trees and destroying Palestinian homes.**He would also still be telling us to be hopeful that the Son of Man will be brought to life again and that Palestine will be free again. *We Palestinians do have some experience with resurrection

Popular Resistance: Easter Resurrection of Palestine
No actually, that's a pro Pali blogshit worth flushing down the Mecca I mean toilet.
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

He wrote "Palestine."

And he wrote about "Palestine" seven different times in his works.

You just cannot accept truth, again proving there is no truth in a Zionist.

Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Noone denies there was once a people called Philistines who lived on the coast.

But what we all know is that Palestine subsequently became the name used to describe a much more extensive area that encompassed what is now Israel and the OPT.

Herodotus wrote of Palestine over 2460 years ago.

Well, tell your bestest friend Jihad Sherri that. Out of almost a hundred Biblical versions, she found THE ONE verse in the King James Bible, that mistakenly put Palestine instead of the correct Philistine, in this ONE Joel verse.

This just shows the depth of fraud and depravity this mental case will go to, in order to deceive and misrepresent. Funny part is she keeps talking about "slandering Jesus", and she's the biggest slanderer I have ever seen.
We went over this like fifty times, crazy one. Herodotus was referring to Philistia the coastal region which had itching to do with Judea the inland nation where the Israelite Zionist Jewish Rabbi Jesus lived. :cuckoo:

That's why Palestine is not mentioned in the Bible.
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Most American Christians support Israel wholeheartedly, and believe Jesus was a Zionist Israelite Judean rabbi.

Jihad Sherri who compares Hamas terrorists to Jesus, isn't even a fly on a donkey's anus.
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