Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Everybody knows that.

Its called Palestine by Herodotus.. and referenced in Chaucer and Shakespeare.. its called Palestine in the documents on file at the Avalon Project-Yale.

Joel 3:1-4 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head;
I see. In those days they translated Greek into English? Don't you think that in recent times the Greek was translated into Hebrew translated into English and the translators lazily called Philistia, Palestine?
Everybody knows that.

Its called Palestine by Herodotus.. and referenced in Chaucer and Shakespeare.. its called Palestine in the documents on file at the Avalon Project-Yale.

Joel 3:1-4 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head;

I see. In those days they translated Greek into English? Don't you think that in recent times the Greek was translated into Hebrew translated into English and the translators lazily called Philistia, Palestine?

Much of the NT was written in Greek and Aramaic... and there are many translation errors. Go to the archeology... There is far more to the history of the region than the OT stories of huge armies, epic battles, the flood and the Exodus.

Another excellent source is the Israeli scholars in the universities in Israel.
And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.

Palestine and the Palestinians

Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Everybody knows that.

Shaar is right----there were people called PHILISTINES who lived on the coast---sorta
north Ashkelon------they were Aegeans-----like ---JASON -----(the golden flecce guy)
and they were not arabs and they went away----probably due to wars and climactic
changes thanks for being so candid Shaar
Everybody knows that.

Its called Palestine by Herodotus.. and referenced in Chaucer and Shakespeare.. its called Palestine in the documents on file at the Avalon Project-Yale.

Joel 3:1-4 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head;[/QUOTE

I see. In those days they translated Greek into English? Don't you think that in recent times the Greek was translated into Hebrew translated into English and the translators lazily called Philistia, Palestine?

What I think is that those who are continually quoting Scripture should take a class in Aramaic so that they can read the Bible in the language spoken during the time of Jesus. It's a shame that those who once lived in the Los Angeles area didn't take classes in that language whey they had the chance.

Assyrians | By Susan Abram
Its called Palestine by Herodotus.. and referenced in Chaucer and Shakespeare.. its called Palestine in the documents on file at the Avalon Project-Yale.

Joel 3:1-4 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head;[/QUOTE

I see. In those days they translated Greek into English? Don't you think that in recent times the Greek was translated into Hebrew translated into English and the translators lazily called Philistia, Palestine?

What I think is that those who are continually quoting Scripture should take a class in Aramaic so that they can read the Bible in the language spoken during the time of Jesus.

It's a shame that those who once lived in the Los Angeles area didn't take classes in that language whey they had the chance.

Assyrians | By Susan Abram

Well, Hebrew was just about a dead language after the Babylonian exile.. so I think that you are right.
What I think is that those who are continually quoting Scripture should take a class in Aramaic so that they can read the Bible in the language spoken during the time of Jesus.

It's a shame that those who once lived in the Los Angeles area didn't take classes in that language whey they had the chance.

Assyrians | By Susan Abram

Well, Hebrew was just about a dead language after the Babylonian exile.. so I think that you are right.

well----not really----people were still reading and writing in Hebrew thruout----it became
a language of scholars as far as literature a language which spread around as a
SYNCRETIC kind of phenomenon in the developement of many languages in vernacular.
During the entire time----post babylonian exile TO MODERN TIMES it remained active
in the developement of------the languages special to jews-----YIDDISH of course--which
has an extensive literature -----and also a HEBRAIZED form of arabic----
acutually several since arabic is nothing more than a jargon thing that comes
in scores of different forms and there is LADINO----the Hebraized form of
Spanish like Yiddish ----a full fledged language on its own-----there is even a
Hebraized form of FARSI---

Of course purists continued to write philosophy and poetry and prose in standard
hebrew-----which is why standard hebrew has remained SO STABLE to the extent
that persons literate in the language have no trouble reading stuff written
thousands of years ago --------I have trouble reading stuff written
in english 400 years ago

roudy -----where are you??
Well, Hebrew was just about a dead language after the Babylonian exile.. so I think that you are right.

well----not really----people were still reading and writing in Hebrew thruout----it became
a language of scholars as far as literature a language which spread around as a
SYNCRETIC kind of phenomenon in the developement of many languages in vernacular.
During the entire time----post babylonian exile TO MODERN TIMES it remained active
in the developement of------the languages special to jews-----YIDDISH of course--which
has an extensive literature -----and also a HEBRAIZED form of arabic----
acutually several since arabic is nothing more than a jargon thing that comes
in scores of different forms and there is LADINO----the Hebraized form of
Spanish like Yiddish ----a full fledged language on its own-----there is even a
Hebraized form of FARSI---

Of course purists continued to write philosophy and poetry and prose in standard
hebrew-----which is why standard hebrew has remained SO STABLE to the extent
that persons literate in the language have no trouble reading stuff written
thousands of years ago --------I have trouble reading stuff written
in english 400 years ago

roudy -----where are you??

Why do you suppose the offered free Hebrew language schools in Palestine in 1948?
What I think is that those who are continually quoting Scripture should take a class in Aramaic so that they can read the Bible in the language spoken during the time of Jesus.

It's a shame that those who once lived in the Los Angeles area didn't take classes in that language whey they had the chance.

Assyrians | By Susan Abram

Well, Hebrew was just about a dead language after the Babylonian exile.. so I think that you are right.

I am sure that there were plenty of people who knew Hebrew. No doubt in all the synagogues and temples of the world, all the Jewish holy writings were still in Hebrew and the people attending knew what they said. I love the way you throw out things without anything to back you up. Meanwhile, with all this spouting of Scriptures, people should join these Assyrians and learn Aramaic. Look at all the enjoyment they will have learning a new language. Maybe you can gather up a few of your friends, Shaarona, and arrange for someone to teach the group.
well----not really----people were still reading and writing in Hebrew thruout----it became
a language of scholars as far as literature a language which spread around as a
SYNCRETIC kind of phenomenon in the developement of many languages in vernacular.
During the entire time----post babylonian exile TO MODERN TIMES it remained active
in the developement of------the languages special to jews-----YIDDISH of course--which
has an extensive literature -----and also a HEBRAIZED form of arabic----
acutually several since arabic is nothing more than a jargon thing that comes
in scores of different forms and there is LADINO----the Hebraized form of
Spanish like Yiddish ----a full fledged language on its own-----there is even a
Hebraized form of FARSI---

Of course purists continued to write philosophy and poetry and prose in standard
hebrew-----which is why standard hebrew has remained SO STABLE to the extent
that persons literate in the language have no trouble reading stuff written
thousands of years ago --------I have trouble reading stuff written
in english 400 years ago

roudy -----where are you??

Why do you suppose the offered free Hebrew language schools in Palestine in 1948?

So that those people who did not know the language as a SPOKEN language
could learn it. The average jew knew it only as a language of religion----
most jews could read the words------and understand a few hundred words that
constitute prayers------but not use it easily in every day MODERN life. The
Transformation was very EASY since just about all the people who came to Israel
ALREADY had a background in the language-----even illiterate women from Yemen
could speak well enough to function The "language schools" were quickie
courses--------not a seven year Ph-d program
Well, Hebrew was just about a dead language after the Babylonian exile.. so I think that you are right.

well----not really----people were still reading and writing in Hebrew thruout----it became
a language of scholars as far as literature a language which spread around as a
SYNCRETIC kind of phenomenon in the developement of many languages in vernacular.
During the entire time----post babylonian exile TO MODERN TIMES it remained active
in the developement of------the languages special to jews-----YIDDISH of course--which
has an extensive literature -----and also a HEBRAIZED form of arabic----
acutually several since arabic is nothing more than a jargon thing that comes
in scores of different forms and there is LADINO----the Hebraized form of
Spanish like Yiddish ----a full fledged language on its own-----there is even a
Hebraized form of FARSI---

Of course purists continued to write philosophy and poetry and prose in standard
hebrew-----which is why standard hebrew has remained SO STABLE to the extent
that persons literate in the language have no trouble reading stuff written
thousands of years ago --------I have trouble reading stuff written
in english 400 years ago

roudy -----where are you??

What is interesting is that a poster once said that his daughter going to medical school to be a doctor was told by one of her professors that since so many medical innovations were coming out of Israel that instead of many medical books being in German, they would now be in Hebrew. I also have trouble reading stuff in the Old English like Chaucer.
well----not really----people were still reading and writing in Hebrew thruout----it became
a language of scholars as far as literature a language which spread around as a
SYNCRETIC kind of phenomenon in the developement of many languages in vernacular.
During the entire time----post babylonian exile TO MODERN TIMES it remained active
in the developement of------the languages special to jews-----YIDDISH of course--which
has an extensive literature -----and also a HEBRAIZED form of arabic----
acutually several since arabic is nothing more than a jargon thing that comes
in scores of different forms and there is LADINO----the Hebraized form of
Spanish like Yiddish ----a full fledged language on its own-----there is even a
Hebraized form of FARSI---

Of course purists continued to write philosophy and poetry and prose in standard
hebrew-----which is why standard hebrew has remained SO STABLE to the extent
that persons literate in the language have no trouble reading stuff written
thousands of years ago --------I have trouble reading stuff written
in english 400 years ago

roudy -----where are you??

Why do you suppose the offered free Hebrew language schools in Palestine in 1948?

To learn modern Hebrew. No doubt many new words were thrown in because of the modern world. Probably those coming into Israel certainly didn't speak modern Hebrew, but could read the Holy Writings in the synagogue and temples they attended in their original countries. No doubt many people coming into the U.S. know some English, but they still attend ESL classes to become more proficient. I knew a Guatemalan who I thought spoke very good English, but he still attended these classes.
And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.

Palestine and the Palestinians

Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Well, tell your bestest friend Jihad Sherri that. Out of almost a hundred Biblical versions, she found THE ONE verse in the King James Bible, that mistakenly put Palestine instead of the correct Philistine, in this ONE Joel verse.

This just shows the depth of fraud and depravity this mental case will go to, in order to deceive and misrepresent. Funny part is she keeps talking about "slandering Jesus", and she's the biggest slanderer I have ever seen.
well----not really----people were still reading and writing in Hebrew thruout----it became
a language of scholars as far as literature a language which spread around as a
SYNCRETIC kind of phenomenon in the developement of many languages in vernacular.
During the entire time----post babylonian exile TO MODERN TIMES it remained active
in the developement of------the languages special to jews-----YIDDISH of course--which
has an extensive literature -----and also a HEBRAIZED form of arabic----
acutually several since arabic is nothing more than a jargon thing that comes
in scores of different forms and there is LADINO----the Hebraized form of
Spanish like Yiddish ----a full fledged language on its own-----there is even a
Hebraized form of FARSI---

Of course purists continued to write philosophy and poetry and prose in standard
hebrew-----which is why standard hebrew has remained SO STABLE to the extent
that persons literate in the language have no trouble reading stuff written
thousands of years ago --------I have trouble reading stuff written
in english 400 years ago

roudy -----where are you??

What is interesting is that a poster once said that his daughter going to medical school to be a doctor was told by one of her professors that since so many medical innovations were coming out of Israel that instead of many medical books being in German, they would now be in Hebrew. I also have trouble reading stuff in the Old English like Chaucer.

I think most medical stuff coming out of israel---gets translated QUICKLY into
english-------the most important jounals----like New England Journal of
Medicina and LANCET and British Medical Journal are full of Israeli articles

I wasted two years of ----college class doing GERMAN-----never used it
well----not really----people were still reading and writing in Hebrew thruout----it became
a language of scholars as far as literature a language which spread around as a
SYNCRETIC kind of phenomenon in the developement of many languages in vernacular.
During the entire time----post babylonian exile TO MODERN TIMES it remained active
in the developement of------the languages special to jews-----YIDDISH of course--which
has an extensive literature -----and also a HEBRAIZED form of arabic----
acutually several since arabic is nothing more than a jargon thing that comes
in scores of different forms and there is LADINO----the Hebraized form of
Spanish like Yiddish ----a full fledged language on its own-----there is even a
Hebraized form of FARSI---

Of course purists continued to write philosophy and poetry and prose in standard
hebrew-----which is why standard hebrew has remained SO STABLE to the extent
that persons literate in the language have no trouble reading stuff written
thousands of years ago --------I have trouble reading stuff written
in english 400 years ago

roudy -----where are you??

Why do you suppose the offered free Hebrew language schools in Palestine in 1948?
What are you talking about, Jews have maintained a presence in that land over the millennia and there is solid proof of that, because it has always been holy to them, and Judaism cannot be separated from Zion and Jerusalem. Jews defended Hebron against the Crusaders over 600 years ago at a time when there wasn't a SINGLE Arab in Hebron.

Arabs then slowly started invading and squatting, successfully committing ethnic cleansing and genocide against the ancient Jews of Hebron in 1929, and now they call Hebron, the place where all of the Jewish Patriarchs are buried, "Muslim lands". This is what Muslims do and have done throughout the region.

Everything about Palestine is a fraud, from top to bottom.
And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.

Palestine and the Palestinians

Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
And Judeah where Jesus was born and lived, being an inland region, could not have been part of any coastal region. Have you told Jihad Sherri of this revelation? LOL

Naturally, Bumberclyde, there are differing opinions. Say, why not tell us what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East. Surely you have been keeping up with the news and want to share it with the readers on this Middle East Forum.

The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians :: Gatestone Institute

The topic is about whether jesus is a zionist or not. This picture would suggest that he's not. That's all.

Naturally, Bumberclyde, there are differing opinions. Say, why not tell us what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East. Surely you have been keeping up with the news and want to share it with the readers on this Middle East Forum.

The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians :: Gatestone Institute

The topic is about whether jesus is a zionist or not. This picture would suggest that he's not. That's all.

To what jesus do you refer?
Naturally, Bumberclyde, there are differing opinions. Say, why not tell us what is happening to the Christians in the rest of the Middle East. Surely you have been keeping up with the news and want to share it with the readers on this Middle East Forum.

The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians :: Gatestone Institute

The topic is about whether jesus is a zionist or not. This picture would suggest that he's not. That's all.

To what jesus do you refer?

It looks like Bumberclyde is not happy with those posting that Jesus was a Zionist. Regardless, now that Bumberclyde has shown up again, perhaps he can give us some new news about what is happening in the Middle East since this is the Midfdle East Forum. Anything new to report to the readers, Bumberclyde?
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