Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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If Hamas resembles Jesus then who does Al Queda resemble...wait for it...wait for it...

God have mercy! Surely not Al Queda!
Ask Jihad Sherri, it's in the Bible! LOL
Israel PM threatens to teach Hamas lesson 'very soon'

January 21, 2014 - JERUSALEM - Agence France-Presse - via hurriyetdailynews - Turkey


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah' s warning was issued shortly after Hamas said it had deployed forces in Gaza to "preserve the truce" following an uptick of rocket fire on Israel. AFP Photo

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday threatened to teach Gaza's ruling Hamas movement a lesson "very soon" following a surge in militant rocket attacks on the Jewish state.

"We foil terrorist attacks when we identify that they are in the making and we respond against those who attack us," Netanyahu told reporters in Jerusalem at a joint press conference with his Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper. "If Hamas and the other terror organisations forgot this lesson, they will learn it again the hard way and very soon," he said. His warning was issued shortly after Hamas said it had deployed forces in Gaza to "preserve the truce" following an uptick of rocket fire on Israel.

Over the past month, tensions have risen in and around Gaza after more than a year of relative calm following a major Israeli confrontation with Hamas in November 2012.


Netanyahu has warned that Israel would not allow the intermittent rocket fire to turn into a deluge. "Security requires constant maintenance which means we don't accept what I call the 'drip irrigation' of rockets without a response - that is not the policy of this government," he told foreign reporters in an address on January 16. "My government's policy is to respond so we don't let the drizzle of rocket accumulate into rain, which then develops into a storm. We act." Earlier, Hamas confirmed its security forces had fanned out along the frontier to put a halt to firing by various militant groups. "National security forces have been deployed in order to preserve the truce," Hamas interior ministry spokesman Islam Shawan told AFP, referring to an Egyptian-brokered deal which ended the last major confrontation with Israel in November 2012.

Militants fired at least one rocket at southern Israel late on Monday which caused neither casualties nor damage. Another rocket at the weekend prompted an air strike on Gaza City on Sunday which wounded two Palestinians, one critically, with the military saying it had targeted a senior Islamic Jihad militant who was behind much of the rocket fire.

I have a feeling they're going to shove those missiles up their anuses. Here's how it's going to go down:


You know they just set a world record for the lowest flight
It's long overdo for Israel to stop placating the Palestinian squatters with their endless demands & do whatever is needed to defend their country & protect their citizens from terrorists.

Israel PM threatens to teach Hamas lesson 'very soon'

January 21, 2014 - JERUSALEM - Agence France-Presse - via hurriyetdailynews - Turkey


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah' s warning was issued shortly after Hamas said it had deployed forces in Gaza to "preserve the truce" following an uptick of rocket fire on Israel. AFP Photo

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday threatened to teach Gaza's ruling Hamas movement a lesson "very soon" following a surge in militant rocket attacks on the Jewish state.

"We foil terrorist attacks when we identify that they are in the making and we respond against those who attack us," Netanyahu told reporters in Jerusalem at a joint press conference with his Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper. "If Hamas and the other terror organisations forgot this lesson, they will learn it again the hard way and very soon," he said. His warning was issued shortly after Hamas said it had deployed forces in Gaza to "preserve the truce" following an uptick of rocket fire on Israel.

Over the past month, tensions have risen in and around Gaza after more than a year of relative calm following a major Israeli confrontation with Hamas in November 2012.


Netanyahu has warned that Israel would not allow the intermittent rocket fire to turn into a deluge. "Security requires constant maintenance which means we don't accept what I call the 'drip irrigation' of rockets without a response - that is not the policy of this government," he told foreign reporters in an address on January 16. "My government's policy is to respond so we don't let the drizzle of rocket accumulate into rain, which then develops into a storm. We act." Earlier, Hamas confirmed its security forces had fanned out along the frontier to put a halt to firing by various militant groups. "National security forces have been deployed in order to preserve the truce," Hamas interior ministry spokesman Islam Shawan told AFP, referring to an Egyptian-brokered deal which ended the last major confrontation with Israel in November 2012.

Militants fired at least one rocket at southern Israel late on Monday which caused neither casualties nor damage. Another rocket at the weekend prompted an air strike on Gaza City on Sunday which wounded two Palestinians, one critically, with the military saying it had targeted a senior Islamic Jihad militant who was behind much of the rocket fire.

This is Jesus.

Watch "Life Of Jesus Christ — Sermon On the Mount, The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-16)" on YouTube

This is Zionism.

Watch "Testimony - Palestinians humiliated in raid in Jericho" on YouTube
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It's long overdo for Israel to stop placating the Palestinian squatters with their endless demands & do whatever is needed to defend their country & protect their citizens from terrorists.

MJB this thread has over 3000 replies------it is reaching the point of HOLOCAUST

Please keep in mind-----the thread title rankles some people and every time it
RISES to the top of the page------I think some terrible cosmic tragedy
-----happens and -----do not play with fate.....think comets and asteroids
and strange omens-----astrological phenomena of the -----DANGEROUS KIND
and angels losing their wings

I think that this thread is creating a cosmic pressure which will
exert itself-------upon the center of the universe------the KAABA
Israel PM threatens to teach Hamas lesson 'very soon'

January 21, 2014 - JERUSALEM - Agence France-Presse - via hurriyetdailynews - Turkey


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah' s warning was issued shortly after Hamas said it had deployed forces in Gaza to "preserve the truce" following an uptick of rocket fire on Israel. AFP Photo

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday threatened to teach Gaza's ruling Hamas movement a lesson "very soon" following a surge in militant rocket attacks on the Jewish state.

"We foil terrorist attacks when we identify that they are in the making and we respond against those who attack us," Netanyahu told reporters in Jerusalem at a joint press conference with his Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper. "If Hamas and the other terror organisations forgot this lesson, they will learn it again the hard way and very soon," he said. His warning was issued shortly after Hamas said it had deployed forces in Gaza to "preserve the truce" following an uptick of rocket fire on Israel.

Over the past month, tensions have risen in and around Gaza after more than a year of relative calm following a major Israeli confrontation with Hamas in November 2012.


Netanyahu has warned that Israel would not allow the intermittent rocket fire to turn into a deluge. "Security requires constant maintenance which means we don't accept what I call the 'drip irrigation' of rockets without a response - that is not the policy of this government," he told foreign reporters in an address on January 16. "My government's policy is to respond so we don't let the drizzle of rocket accumulate into rain, which then develops into a storm. We act." Earlier, Hamas confirmed its security forces had fanned out along the frontier to put a halt to firing by various militant groups. "National security forces have been deployed in order to preserve the truce," Hamas interior ministry spokesman Islam Shawan told AFP, referring to an Egyptian-brokered deal which ended the last major confrontation with Israel in November 2012.

Militants fired at least one rocket at southern Israel late on Monday which caused neither casualties nor damage. Another rocket at the weekend prompted an air strike on Gaza City on Sunday which wounded two Palestinians, one critically, with the military saying it had targeted a senior Islamic Jihad militant who was behind much of the rocket fire.

I have a feeling they're going to shove those missiles up their anuses. Here's how it's going to go down:


You know they just set a world record for the lowest flight
We were at Disney in Orlando a couple years ago and flew in the simulated helicopter and it would fly under water. That's low!
This is Jesus Son of God, even a man with a demon recognized Him for who He was and is, yet you remain blind and continue in your disbelief and keep slandering Jesus.

Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

Then they sailed to the country of the Gerasenes,*which is opposite Galilee.*When Jesus[c]*had stepped out on land, there met him a man from the city who had demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes, and he had not lived in a house*but among the tombs.*When he saw Jesus, he*cried out and fell down before him and said*with a loud voice, “What have you to do with me, Jesus,*Son of*the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me.”*For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. (For many a time it had seized him. He was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon*into the desert.)*Jesus then asked him,*“What is your name?”*And he said,“Legion,” for many demons had entered him.*And they begged him not to command them to depart into*the abyss.*Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged him to let them enter these. So he gave them permission.*Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into*the lake and drowned.

When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country.*Then people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone, sitting*at the feet of Jesus,*clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid.*And those who had seen it told them how the demon-possessed[d]*man had been healed.*Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes*asked him to depart from them, for they were seized with great fear. So he got into the boat and returned.*The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying,*“Return to your home, and*declare how much God has done for you.”*And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke 8

Let us all join together to thank Jesus & his followers for being Zionists who love & support Israel.

Articles: Why Jesus was a Zionist
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The Religion Forum is straight down the hall, third door on the right.

This thread is about determining whether Jesus was (or would be, if living in modern times) a Zionist.
The Religion Forum is straight down the hall, third door on the right.

This thread is about determining whether Jesus was (or would be, if living in modern times) a Zionist.

That is an intersting question-----but in order for it to be reasonable-----
you should provide MORE INFORMATION. Are we talking about a jesus
born in the USA? What would be the religion of his parents?
There is nothing was about Jesus.

Jesus is, no matter how much you hate it.

The Religion Forum is straight down the hall, third door on the right.

This thread is about determining whether Jesus was (or would be, if living in modern times) a Zionist.
There is nothing was about Jesus.

Jesus is, no matter how much you hate it.

The Religion Forum is straight down the hall, third door on the right.

This thread is about determining whether Jesus was (or would be, if living in modern times) a Zionist.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wuz a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, so Fuzzy Wuzzy wuzn't fuzzy, wuz he?
The logical response to slanderous claims against Jesus is demonstrating who Jesus in fact was.

good point-----the best way to do that is by examining statements CREDIBLY
attributed to him-----and by noting with whom he socialized and what he did .
IN so doing----the educated person concludes he was a pharisee of his time
Credible reports of what HE SAID ----would be made by people who accompanied
him and spoke the same language that he spoke. Languge is very important ----
Most lawyers make a bit deal out of word usage and know that people do not get
"DRUG" from their houses by cops or soldiers------they may get DRAGGED ---
"HE WAS DRUG" is not english

Language is also important in analyzing MINDSET and STYLE OF EXPRESSION AND
UNDERSTANDING. and aculturation. Every vocation, and social position and ideology
has a LINGO Jesus exhibited the LINGO of a pharisee of his time as well
as pharisee style of rhetoric and pharisee life style, Like tens of thousands of
his fellow pharisees-----he was crucified by the romans------it it walks the walk --talks
the talk ------etc etc................
There is nothing was about Jesus.

Jesus is, no matter how much you hate it.

The "JESUS IS" idea is a RELIGIOUS CONVICTION -----not an objective
fact. Only very rude and vulgar people present their PERSONAL RELIGIOUS
CONVICTIONS AS ABSOLUTE FACT in conversation with a mixed group.
This is Jesus.

Watch "Life Of Jesus Christ — Sermon On the Mount, The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-16)" on YouTube

This is Zionism.

Watch "Testimony - Palestinians humiliated in raid in Jericho" on YouTube

Really? It's only Tuesday. It's people like you that made me reject religion, and I was silly enough to study it.
sounds better in aramaic
Luke never met Jesus------and he spoke greek and not aramaic. Writings by
Luke are entirely heresay. The weird story about DEMONS-----may be some
kind of parable------but insisting it is "HISTORY" is a bit idiotic. Lots of scriptural
writings consist of parables----sometimes even stories meant to INFORM
using a cryptic code

DEMONS? seen any DEMONS lately?
Luke never met Jesus------and he spoke greek and not aramaic. Writings by
Luke are entirely heresay. The weird story about DEMONS-----may be some
kind of parable------but insisting it is "HISTORY" is a bit idiotic. Lots of scriptural
writings consist of parables----sometimes even stories meant to INFORM
using a cryptic code

DEMONS? seen any DEMONS lately?

None of the gospels are really written by the those they are ascribed to. Luke was a disciple of Paul, who also never met Jesus, in the flesh.
I used to take my father to mass, which was in aramaic. The bible is in aramaic therefore all the sermons are as well.
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