Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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This is Jesus.

Watch "Life Of Jesus Christ — Sermon On the Mount, The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-16)" on YouTube

This is Zionism.

Watch "Testimony - Palestinians humiliated in raid in Jericho" on YouTube

Really? It's only Tuesday. It's people like you that made me reject religion, and I was silly enough to study it.
sounds better in aramaic
Most religious fanatics very insecure people and social failures who get an instant gratification and false sense of power and importance, by showing off their religiosity. Jihad Sherri takes that one step even further by mutilating a faith and then injecting it with her agenda of hatred and violence. Christianity is not the only faith that these kinds of hate peddlers exist.
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Luke never met Jesus------and he spoke greek and not aramaic. Writings by
Luke are entirely heresay. The weird story about DEMONS-----may be some
kind of parable------but insisting it is "HISTORY" is a bit idiotic. Lots of scriptural
writings consist of parables----sometimes even stories meant to INFORM
using a cryptic code

DEMONS? seen any DEMONS lately?

None of the gospels are really written by the those they are ascribed to. Luke was a disciple of Paul, who also never met Jesus, in the flesh.
I used to take my father to mass, which was in aramaic. The bible is in aramaic therefore all the sermons are as well.
My grandparent spoke Aramaic to each other. Many of the words are similar to Hebrew.
Luke never met Jesus------and he spoke greek and not aramaic. Writings by
Luke are entirely heresay. The weird story about DEMONS-----may be some
kind of parable------but insisting it is "HISTORY" is a bit idiotic. Lots of scriptural
writings consist of parables----sometimes even stories meant to INFORM
using a cryptic code

DEMONS? seen any DEMONS lately?

None of the gospels are really written by the those they are ascribed to. Luke was a disciple of Paul, who also never met Jesus, in the flesh.
I used to take my father to mass, which was in aramaic. The bible is in aramaic therefore all the sermons are as well.
My grandparent spoke Aramaic to each other. Many of the words are similar to Hebrew.

OH GEE I am damned EXCITED both aris and roudy know ARAMAIC----
in one of hubby's synagogues (of yemenite style) they still do the TARGUM -thing---
they do a SIMULTANEOUS translation into aramaic -------somehow there are more
persons like you in the world ARAMAIC KNOWERS ------hubby is resistent---
he claims he DESPISES ARAMAIC (yeah----that means he just could never learn it)
(sherri might want to know too-----afterall---she should be even more
interested than am I)

****************LONG LIVE ARAMAIC***************
(can I get an 'amen'?)
This is Jesus.

Watch "Life Of Jesus Christ — Sermon On the Mount, The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-16)" on YouTube

This is Zionism.

Watch "Testimony - Palestinians humiliated in raid in Jericho" on YouTube

Really? It's only Tuesday. It's people like you that made me reject religion, and I was silly enough to study it.
sounds better in aramaic
Most religious fanatics very insecure people and social failures who get an instant gratification and false sense of power and importance, by showing off their religiosity. Jihad Sherri takes that one step even further by mutilating a faith and then injecting it with her agenda of hatred and violence. Christianity is not the only faith that these kinds of hate peddlers exist.

Makes me cringe to think religion teaches her kind of moral distortions....and I grew up with it, it still makes me shake my head.
None of the gospels are really written by the those they are ascribed to. Luke was a disciple of Paul, who also never met Jesus, in the flesh.
I used to take my father to mass, which was in aramaic. The bible is in aramaic therefore all the sermons are as well.
My grandparent spoke Aramaic to each other. Many of the words are similar to Hebrew.

OH GEE I am damned EXCITED both aris and roudy know ARAMAIC----
in one of hubby's synagogues (of yemenite style) they still do the TARGUM -thing---
they do a SIMULTANEOUS translation into aramaic -------somehow there are more
persons like you in the world ARAMAIC KNOWERS ------hubby is resistent---
he claims he DESPISES ARAMAIC (yeah----that means he just could never learn it)
(sherri might want to know too-----afterall---she should be even more
interested than am I)

****************LONG LIVE ARAMAIC***************
(can I get an 'amen'?)
Hebrew, Assyrian aka Chaldean, Aramaic, and Kurdish all have similar words and all go back to ancient Babylon and Sumerians. My grandparents spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, and Kurdish to each other when they didn't want us to understand what they were talking about. Years ago, I found my grandparent's marriage certificate which was half Hebrew and half Aramaic.
Really? It's only Tuesday. It's people like you that made me reject religion, and I was silly enough to study it.
sounds better in aramaic
Most religious fanatics very insecure people and social failures who get an instant gratification and false sense of power and importance, by showing off their religiosity. Jihad Sherri takes that one step even further by mutilating a faith and then injecting it with her agenda of hatred and violence. Christianity is not the only faith that these kinds of hate peddlers exist.

Makes me cringe to think religion teaches her kind of moral distortions....and I grew up with it, it still makes me shake my head.
The religion is not at fault, it's merely a tool. Childhood environment, upbringing, family values, school, religious teachings, etc. are more important factors which create abominations like Sherri. They exist in every religion.
My grandparent spoke Aramaic to each other. Many of the words are similar to Hebrew.

OH GEE I am damned EXCITED both aris and roudy know ARAMAIC----
in one of hubby's synagogues (of yemenite style) they still do the TARGUM -thing---
they do a SIMULTANEOUS translation into aramaic -------somehow there are more
persons like you in the world ARAMAIC KNOWERS ------hubby is resistent---
he claims he DESPISES ARAMAIC (yeah----that means he just could never learn it)
(sherri might want to know too-----afterall---she should be even more
interested than am I)

****************LONG LIVE ARAMAIC***************
(can I get an 'amen'?)
Hebrew, Assyrian aka Chaldean, Aramaic, and Kurdish all have similar words and all go back to ancient Babylon and Sumerians. My grandparents spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, and Kurdish to each other when they didn't want us to understand what they were talking about. Years ago, I found my grandparent's marriage certificate which was half Hebrew and half Aramaic.

Arab, aramaic, hebrew have many words or word roots in common. I don't know enough kurdish, but I find it a bit different to the ear for me, more greek to bulgarian than aramaic or arabic. I rarely heard it spoke apart from special occasions, wedding and such. Writing is more greek than arabic.

Try a rosetta stone. In the military my son whipped through like 8 of those in less than a year. Some came in handy during the sandy disaster.
I have the words of Jesus from The Bible.

Who are you to blasphemy the Word of God?

WRONG .............what you have are the words attributed to him by others. In a court of law this is called hearsay and is not admissible as evidence. It is John saying "in my opinion" this is what he said that day, and Mathew, Mark and Luke saying "that is our opinion to"

And by the way the ENGLISH term is blaspheme, only a semi literate muslim would make that mistake.
What I have is Jesus who tells all who He is in The Gospels.

He is the Son of God sent by God to die on a cross to save the world from sin, for those who believe in Him, who turn to Him and ask to be forgiven of their sins and put their life in His hands.

His grace saves, no works , His unmerited gift of grace.

And for a Christian, there is nothing to fear from this world which is not our home.

We have LIFE for eternity.

Today is but a fleeting moment in our eternity with Christ.

And the best parts await us in Heaven.
So then marriage and family is only a temporary and 'physical' relationship - not anything spiritual or enduring?

And it doesn't matter if we pollute ten thousand species out of existence - after all, GOD will remake the world?

Just how far are you taking that concept of 'the earth is not our home'?
There is nothing was about Jesus.

Jesus is, no matter how much you hate it.

The Religion Forum is straight down the hall, third door on the right.

This thread is about determining whether Jesus was (or would be, if living in modern times) a Zionist.

"The logical response to slanderous claims against Jesus is demonstrating who Jesus in fact was. "

QED :eek:
What I have is Jesus who tells all who He is in The Gospels.

He is the Son of God sent by God to die on a cross to save the world from sin, for those who believe in Him, who turn to Him and ask to be forgiven of their sins and put their life in His hands.

His grace saves, no works , His unmerited gift of grace.

And for a Christian, there is nothing to fear from this world which is not our home.

We have LIFE for eternity.

Today is but a fleeting moment in our eternity with Christ.

And the best parts await us in Heaven.
You compared Jesus to a blood sucking terrorist organization.

Today is but a fleeting moment in your eternity in Hell.

This is Jesus Son of God, even a man with a demon recognized Him for who He was and is, yet you remain blind and continue in your disbelief and keep slandering Jesus.

Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

Then they sailed to the country of the Gerasenes,*which is opposite Galilee.*When Jesus[c]*had stepped out on land, there met him a man from the city who had demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes, and he had not lived in a house*but among the tombs.*When he saw Jesus, he*cried out and fell down before him and said*with a loud voice, “What have you to do with me, Jesus,*Son of*the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me.”*For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. (For many a time it had seized him. He was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon*into the desert.)*Jesus then asked him,*“What is your name?”*And he said,“Legion,” for many demons had entered him.*And they begged him not to command them to depart into*the abyss.*Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, and they begged him to let them enter these. So he gave them permission.*Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into*the lake and drowned.

When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they fled and told it in the city and in the country.*Then people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had gone, sitting*at the feet of Jesus,*clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid.*And those who had seen it told them how the demon-possessed[d]*man had been healed.*Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes*asked him to depart from them, for they were seized with great fear. So he got into the boat and returned.*The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying,*“Return to your home, and*declare how much God has done for you.”*And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke 8

Let us all join together to thank Jesus & his followers for being Zionists who love & support Israel.

Articles: Why Jesus was a Zionist

Did Jesus ask little kids to strap bombs around their waist, and then go out and kill other kids?
The Religion Forum is straight down the hall, third door on the right.

This thread is about determining whether Jesus was (or would be, if living in modern times) a Zionist.
It's already been proven a hundred times in this thread that he indeed was and according to most Christians, IS.
And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.


Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.
And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.

Palestine and the Palestinians

Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.

Palestine and the Palestinians

Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Everybody knows that.
And here is the lie and fraud that Sherri represents.

Palestine and the Palestinians

Holy Land Never Called Palestine in Scripture
Some believe that Israel today was once called Palestine millennia ago. The word Palestine does not occur in the original Hebrew or Greek Bible texts. The Hebrew term Pelesheth, which refers to the land of the ancient Philistines—Philistia—is erroneously translated in the King James Version as “Palestina” in Exodus 15:14 and in Isaiah 14:29 and 31, and as “Palestine” in Joel 3:4. The New King James Version correctly reads “Philistia”—the land of the Philistines—in every case noted above.

Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Everybody knows that.

Its called Palestine by Herodotus.. and referenced in Chaucer and Shakespeare.. its called Palestine in the documents on file at the Avalon Project-Yale.

Joel 3:1-4 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head;
Philistines lived on the coast. Look at a map.
Everybody knows that.

Its called Palestine by Herodotus.. and referenced in Chaucer and Shakespeare.. its called Palestine in the documents on file at the Avalon Project-Yale.

Joel 3:1-4 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompense upon your own head;

what point are you strugglng to make, Shaar? what is "IT"?
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