Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Your post is Hearsay.

And in Jesus Sermon on the Mount Jesus says not one word about being a Zionist.

The thread title is taking Jesus and slandering His name and seeking to minimize Him and redefine Him as simply a proponent of a modern day political ideology.

What Jesus does speak of is that He has come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets.

And one thing to keep in mind while reading this is that He has not fulfilled the Law and the Prophets fully yet, that will not happen until He has lived and been crucified on a cross to save man from sin and risen three days later and returned to Heaven to sit on the right hand of God.

What Jesus might have said on the mount wasn't written down until at least several generations after the fact. That's called hearsay.
I certainly see how that phrase fulfill the Law and Prophets is one that merits serious discussion.

It certainly does not simply mean follow all that is written that came before, as written, the book title The New Testament makes that clear.

The laws and rituals of the Levites.. set down in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.. are mostly about identity politics to keep Jewish people separate from the "other".
Your post is Hearsay.

And in Jesus Sermon on the Mount Jesus says not one word about being a Zionist.

The thread title is taking Jesus and slandering His name and seeking to minimize Him and redefine Him as simply a proponent of a modern day political ideology.

What Jesus does speak of is that He has come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets.

And one thing to keep in mind while reading this is that He has not fulfilled the Law and the Prophets fully yet, that will not happen until He has lived and been crucified on a cross to save man from sin and risen three days later and returned to Heaven to sit on the right hand of God.

What Jesus might have said on the mount wasn't written down until at least several generations after the fact. That's called hearsay.

Cool, then I have something in common with the bible. :D
Here is an Article by a respected theologian addressing how Jesus fulfills the Law, there is a discussion about each in the article.

And we could spend 4000 more posts and not even then fully see in Scriptures themselves the truth of this.

How Christ Fulfilled and Ended the Old Testament Regime

1. All the Scriptures bear witness to Christ. Moses wrote about Christ.

2. All the Scriptures are about Jesus Christ, even where there is no explicit prediction. That is, there is a fullness of implication in all Scriptures that points to Christ and is satisfied only when he has come and done his work. “The meaning of all the Scriptures is unlocked by the death and resurrection of Jesus.”(Graeme Goldsworthy,*Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture, p. 54)

3. Jesus came to fulfill all that was written in the Law and the Prophets. All of it was pointing to him even where it is not explicitly prophetic. He accomplishes what the Law required.

4. All the promises of God in the Old Testament are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. That is, when you have Christ, sooner or later you will have both Christ himself and all else that God promised through Christ.

5. The law was kept perfectly by Christ. And all its penalties against God’s sinful people were poured out on Christ. Therefore, the law is now manifestly not the path to righteousness, Christ is. The ultimate goal of the law is that we would look to Christ, not law-keeping, for our righteousness.

How Christ Fulfilled and Ended the Old Testament Regime | Desiring God
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A Catholic answer to the question of how Jesus fulfills the Law.

Jesus, the Law’s Fulfillment

"Old Testament law, as such, is not binding on Christians. It never has been. In fact, it was only ever binding on those to whom it was delivered—the Jews (Israelites). That said, some of that law contains elements of a law that is binding on all people of every place and time. Jesus and Paul provide evidence of this in the New Testament."

How could Jesus fulfill the Old Testament law without relaxing it? The*Catechism of the Catholic Church*states, "The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master who is its perfect fulfillment" (CCC 2053).

Why We Are Not Bound by Everything in the Old Law | Catholic Answers
A Catholic answer to the question of how Jesus fulfills the Law.

Jesus, the Law’s Fulfillment

"Old Testament law, as such, is not binding on Christians. It never has been. In fact, it was only ever binding on those to whom it was delivered—the Jews (Israelites). That said, some of that law contains elements of a law that is binding on all people of every place and time. Jesus and Paul provide evidence of this in the New Testament."

How could Jesus fulfill the Old Testament law without relaxing it? The*Catechism of the Catholic Church*states, "The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master who is its perfect fulfillment" (CCC 2053).

Why We Are Not Bound by Everything in the Old Law | Catholic Answers
Well theh, why did Jesus and his disciples obey the "old Law" when you say he told people they didn't have to? Something is fishy here.
LOL! Can't wait for Sherri to tell us Jesus didn't celebrate the OT Jewish Passover.

A Catholic answer to the question of how Jesus fulfills the Law.

Jesus, the Law’s Fulfillment

"Old Testament law, as such, is not binding on Christians. It never has been. In fact, it was only ever binding on those to whom it was delivered—the Jews (Israelites). That said, some of that law contains elements of a law that is binding on all people of every place and time. Jesus and Paul provide evidence of this in the New Testament."

How could Jesus fulfill the Old Testament law without relaxing it? The*Catechism of the Catholic Church*states, "The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master who is its perfect fulfillment" (CCC 2053).

Why We Are Not Bound by Everything in the Old Law | Catholic Answers
Well theh, why did Jesus and his disciples obey the "old Law" when you say he told people they didn't have to? Something is fishy here.
The New Testament is filled with believers who do not follow the old Law.

And the world is filled with Christians today who do not follow the old Law.

As for Jesus, you forget the Law was not fulfilled until all of His work was done and that did not happen until He was crucified and arose three days later and returned to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God.

A Catholic answer to the question of how Jesus fulfills the Law.

Jesus, the Law’s Fulfillment

"Old Testament law, as such, is not binding on Christians. It never has been. In fact, it was only ever binding on those to whom it was delivered—the Jews (Israelites). That said, some of that law contains elements of a law that is binding on all people of every place and time. Jesus and Paul provide evidence of this in the New Testament."

How could Jesus fulfill the Old Testament law without relaxing it? The*Catechism of the Catholic Church*states, "The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master who is its perfect fulfillment" (CCC 2053).

Why We Are Not Bound by Everything in the Old Law | Catholic Answers
Well theh, why did Jesus and his disciples obey the "old Law" when you say he told people they didn't have to? Something is fishy here.
My answer is in that last post.

LOL! Can't wait for Sherri to tell us Jesus didn't celebrate the OT Jewish Passover.

A Catholic answer to the question of how Jesus fulfills the Law.

Jesus, the Law’s Fulfillment

"Old Testament law, as such, is not binding on Christians. It never has been. In fact, it was only ever binding on those to whom it was delivered—the Jews (Israelites). That said, some of that law contains elements of a law that is binding on all people of every place and time. Jesus and Paul provide evidence of this in the New Testament."

How could Jesus fulfill the Old Testament law without relaxing it? The*Catechism of the Catholic Church*states, "The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master who is its perfect fulfillment" (CCC 2053).

Why We Are Not Bound by Everything in the Old Law | Catholic Answers
Well theh, why did Jesus and his disciples obey the "old Law" when you say he told people they didn't have to? Something is fishy here.
The New Testament is filled with believers who do not follow the old Law.

And the world is filled with Christians today who do not follow the old Law.

As for Jesus, you forget the Law was not fulfilled until all of His work was done and that did not happen until He was crucified and arose three days later and returned to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God.

A Catholic answer to the question of how Jesus fulfills the Law.

Jesus, the Law’s Fulfillment

"Old Testament law, as such, is not binding on Christians. It never has been. In fact, it was only ever binding on those to whom it was delivered—the Jews (Israelites). That said, some of that law contains elements of a law that is binding on all people of every place and time. Jesus and Paul provide evidence of this in the New Testament."

How could Jesus fulfill the Old Testament law without relaxing it? The*Catechism of the Catholic Church*states, "The Law has not been abolished, but rather man is invited to rediscover it in the person of his Master who is its perfect fulfillment" (CCC 2053).

Why We Are Not Bound by Everything in the Old Law | Catholic Answers
Well theh, why did Jesus and his disciples obey the "old Law" when you say he told people they didn't have to? Something is fishy here.

We are not under the law but under grace. This does not give you the license to lie like you do you imp of Satan.
What are you babbling about?

The Bible is a progressive revelation of God to man, we start with The Old Testament and the Law and prophecies and a better covenant to come and a Messiah to come to save the people. Jesus comes to save the people bringing a new covenant better then the old one (Jeremiah 31:31) with faith and belief in Jesus Jews and Gentiles now enter into the Kingdom of God through grace and have the promise of eternal life.

None of those are words of Jesus.

Why must Zionists lie?
Sherria, are you aware of what you just said in answer to Androw's reply? Read his reply, then read his last three sentences. What's wrong with your answer? You are calling Jesus, God, the Bible and Androw liars. You need treatment.
There is no "better" covenant you Bible Jesus slanderer. There is a New Testament created by Jesus' followers who's foundation is based on the Old Testament of which Jesus practiced. There was no "Christianty" during Jesus time. Jesus' followers presented him as the Messiah of the Old Testament and son of God. Period. Whether one believes that or not makes them a Christian or not.

Jesus himself said very clearly in the sermon in the mount. "I did come here to change a single word of OT or anything the prophets that came before said" . That alone makes him a Zionist Jew. Setting aside 100's of other verses.
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That same OT which the sherrithing so despises has in it a 'commandment': "Do not place a stumbling-block before the blind'. And then in the NT there are several verses describing the Jewish people who don't believe Jesus was the MbD as 'blind'...... there is even one stating that they are 'blinded by GOD'.

So, why would it EVER be OK with that same GOD, for someone to mock and accuse and demonize said Jews for said blindness????

THAT part, the maliciousness and vindictiveness, is not possible to understand as part of 'following Jesus': it certainly relates more to an individual's "sin nature".
My answer is in that last post.

I misread this at first as ...my answer is the last post.

I got all excited for a second then BAM :(

Buddy, we all understand! Sometimes the l'il pious pustule seems almost human - and then it's back to bitching that people in the US are remembering the murdered kids at Sandy Hook, and not holding memorials for the poor Palestininan tykes...... Or it's telling another poster "Better had you never been born than to be raised by Zionists".....
Yup. There ain't any tradition more Zionist than the celebration of Passover, and Jesus and his followers celebrated it, like all Zionist Jews did at the time. Ooooops!
That same OT which the sherrithing so despises has in it a 'commandment': "Do not place a stumbling-block before the blind'. And then in the NT there are several verses describing the Jewish people who don't believe Jesus was the MbD as 'blind'...... there is even one stating that they are 'blinded by GOD'.

So, why would it EVER be OK with that same GOD, for someone to mock and accuse and demonize said Jews for said blindness????

THAT part, the maliciousness and vindictiveness, is not possible to understand as part of 'following Jesus': it certainly relates more to an individual's "sin nature".
Like I said before, Jihad Sherri doesn't care about Christianity or Jesus. These are all tools this lunatic uses to forward her hatred and lies. A futile effort to say the least.
My answer is in that last post.

I misread this at first as ...my answer is the last post.

I got all excited for a second then BAM :(

Buddy, we all understand! Sometimes the l'il pious pustule seems almost human - and then it's back to bitching that people in the US are remembering the murdered kids at Sandy Hook, and not holding memorials for the poor Palestininan tykes...... Or it's telling another poster "Better had you never been born than to be raised by Zionists".....

I disagree Marg. I have never seen her even come close to being human. A human doesn't celebrate the deaths of other or condemn people to hell. She is not human. She is an imp of Satan.
I misread this at first as ...my answer is the last post.

I got all excited for a second then BAM :(

Buddy, we all understand! Sometimes the l'il pious pustule seems almost human - and then it's back to bitching that people in the US are remembering the murdered kids at Sandy Hook, and not holding memorials for the poor Palestininan tykes...... Or it's telling another poster "Better had you never been born than to be raised by Zionists".....

I disagree Marg. I have never seen her even come close to being human. A human doesn't celebrate the deaths of other or condemn people to hell. She is not human. She is an imp of Satan.
Sherri resembles humans as much as Hamas resembles Jesus. How is that? LOL
I hate to interrupt the internecine disagreement - but Jews are also under GOD's Grace so far as our understanding of such matters goes. For it is only by His Grace that any of our following of Torah or our prayers are worthy of His Notice: the Covenant of which we are speaking is maintained by that Grace.......
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