Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Try to stick with the program. None of what you just said is mentioned in prophecy. Or has anything to do with what is being discussed. Just more deflection. Every prophecy ever made has happened exactly as described, up to the second coming. With no "exaggeration".

Don't be silly........... Revelation says there is NO Temple.

Rev 21: 22

22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it,[j] for the glory[k] of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the nations of those who are saved[l] shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it.[m] 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26 And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.[n] 27 But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes[o] an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Israel is the fig tree.. and it will never again bear fruit.

Dayim. I feel like a kindergarten teacher. I have already gone through this with Satanic Sherri. Ezekiel and Revelation both speak of the New Jerusalem which comes from the sky and will be our future dwelling place for eternity. Of course there will be no need for a temple because God and Jesus are the temple. Daniel's vision says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease. The angel tells him that the vision is sealed because it's for the end times. Nero did NOT live in the end times. There will be another temple built.

Yes.. the New Jerusalem is spiritual.

Daniel was written by many authors over time .. and quite late .. around 164 BC.

There probably won't be another Temple. Emperor tried to rebuild it around 300 AD and it was felled by fire and earthquake.
Oh!!!! Revelation is now and the very near future. Like the 200million man army that will soon come against tiny israel. When revelation was written ,there was little more than 200million people on earth. You people need to learn to read and think!

Exaggeration is very common in scripture..

There were many prophecy schools in Palestine and they were more contemporaneous commentators than future tellers. Most prophesy was after the fact.

I doubt it will change your mind, but spend some time with first century history and the symbolism for another perspective.

You are basing a lot of what you are saying, on assumptions of exaggeration. Yet many prophesies were fulfilled literally. No exaggeration whatsoever.

Take Micah 3:12.
"Therefore because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, the temple hill a mound overgrown with thickets."

Was that kind of an exaggeration? Or is that precisely what happened?

Micah was written somewhere around 725 BC.

In 98 AD, Hadrian became Roman emperor Hadrian, and some years later decided to rebuild the temple mount in Jerusalem. But not the Jewish temple, but rather a Roman temple. Thus around 130 AD, he sent construction crews who came and literally plowed under the temple mount, covering everything, and building a foundation for their new temple.

It was this action, that eventually resulted in the Jewish revolt. After the revolt was eliminated by Hadrian, he had a Roman coin, in which his face is on one side, and a plow is on the other. He plowed under Israel. It was actually because of this event, that the Roman emperor, renamed the area where Israel was "Syria Palestina" Which of course is where we get the name "Palestine" today.

So was that prophesy from 900 years prior, an "exaggeration", or was it exactly what happened?

It was literal. It happened precisely as it was written. Does that mean every single prophesy will be literal? Perhaps not, if the prophesy is specifically using poetic words and imagery.

Now let me ask you this... Revelations 9:15 says "They were let loose so they could kill one-third part of all men that were living."

Does that sound "poetic" or is that "word imagery"? Or does that sound more like 1/3rd of all people are going to be killed?

Has anything remotely close to that, ever happened in history? Best I can tell, the worst mass casualties in history with the highest percentage of the worlds population, would have been the An Lushan Rebellion in China, which the estimates are that 36 Million died, and that would have been about 15% of the worlds population.

No where even close to the 33%, the Bible says. So obviously, this prophesy hasn't happened yet.
The fact is there have been many theories about End Times Eschaetology, and no one agrees about any of that.

But we know what the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches says, and nothing there about land being given to Jews or Jews regathering.

Jesus Kingdom Is a spiritual and eternal kingdom, nothing to do with Zionism or land stealing or ethnic cleansing or baby killing.

Again, there are hundreds of verses in the Bible about the land of Israel, belonging to the Jews.

This Bible, is the word of Jesus. It's not just the red type, it's the whole thing. So yes, Jesus did talk about it many times.
Don't be silly........... Revelation says there is NO Temple.

Rev 21: 22

22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it,[j] for the glory[k] of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the nations of those who are saved[l] shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it.[m] 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26 And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.[n] 27 But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes[o] an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Israel is the fig tree.. and it will never again bear fruit.

Dayim. I feel like a kindergarten teacher. I have already gone through this with Satanic Sherri. Ezekiel and Revelation both speak of the New Jerusalem which comes from the sky and will be our future dwelling place for eternity. Of course there will be no need for a temple because God and Jesus are the temple. Daniel's vision says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease. The angel tells him that the vision is sealed because it's for the end times. Nero did NOT live in the end times. There will be another temple built.

Yes.. the New Jerusalem is spiritual.

Daniel was written by many authors over time .. and quite late .. around 164 BC.

There probably won't be another Temple. Emperor tried to rebuild it around 300 AD and it was felled by fire and earthquake.

There is only one place on earth sacrifice can happen and that's the temple. If the bible says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease, there must needs be a temple and I believe it. Of course, if the bible says the sky is blue and it doesn't fit your agenda, you and Satanic Sherri will say "I don't see it that way."
Oh!!!! Revelation is now and the very near future. Like the 200million man army that will soon come against tiny israel. When revelation was written ,there was little more than 200million people on earth. You people need to learn to read and think!

Exaggeration is very common in scripture..

There were many prophecy schools in Palestine and they were more contemporaneous commentators than future tellers. Most prophesy was after the fact.

I doubt it will change your mind, but spend some time with first century history and the symbolism for another perspective.

You are basing a lot of what you are saying, on assumptions of exaggeration. Yet many prophesies were fulfilled literally. No exaggeration whatsoever.

Take Micah 3:12.
"Therefore because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, the temple hill a mound overgrown with thickets."

Was that kind of an exaggeration? Or is that precisely what happened?

Micah was written somewhere around 725 BC.

In 98 AD, Hadrian became Roman emperor Hadrian, and some years later decided to rebuild the temple mount in Jerusalem. But not the Jewish temple, but rather a Roman temple. Thus around 130 AD, he sent construction crews who came and literally plowed under the temple mount, covering everything, and building a foundation for their new temple.

It was this action, that eventually resulted in the Jewish revolt. After the revolt was eliminated by Hadrian, he had a Roman coin, in which his face is on one side, and a plow is on the other. He plowed under Israel. It was actually because of this event, that the Roman emperor, renamed the area where Israel was "Syria Palestina" Which of course is where we get the name "Palestine" today.

So was that prophesy from 900 years prior, an "exaggeration", or was it exactly what happened?

It was literal. It happened precisely as it was written. Does that mean every single prophesy will be literal? Perhaps not, if the prophesy is specifically using poetic words and imagery.

Now let me ask you this... Revelations 9:15 says "They were let loose so they could kill one-third part of all men that were living."

Does that sound "poetic" or is that "word imagery"? Or does that sound more like 1/3rd of all people are going to be killed?

Has anything remotely close to that, ever happened in history? Best I can tell, the worst mass casualties in history with the highest percentage of the worlds population, would have been the An Lushan Rebellion in China, which the estimates are that 36 Million died, and that would have been about 15% of the worlds population.

No where even close to the 33%, the Bible says. So obviously, this prophesy hasn't happened yet.

Like 64 million Jewish babies being wrapped in Torah scrolls and burned by the Romans in the tiny village of Betar???

Like Exodus and the Global flood.. and the vast armies of Israel? Like the glories of Jerusalem?
A nd so were the Hebrews. What does this have to do with the Palestinian theft & occupation of Israel's land?

Both Canaan and Sinai were ruled by Egypt at the time... and paid tribute to the Pharaoh.

They didn't steal Jewish land... Palestinians have been there for a few thousand years.. long before Islam..

Who do you think planted and watered and tended all those ancient olive trees?

Who kept the Roman terraces in repair?

I thought that Babylon, and Roma, intentionally transplanted people into Israel. Isn't that where the Samaritans came from, and specifically why the Jews hated them?
Dayim. I feel like a kindergarten teacher. I have already gone through this with Satanic Sherri. Ezekiel and Revelation both speak of the New Jerusalem which comes from the sky and will be our future dwelling place for eternity. Of course there will be no need for a temple because God and Jesus are the temple. Daniel's vision says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease. The angel tells him that the vision is sealed because it's for the end times. Nero did NOT live in the end times. There will be another temple built.

Yes.. the New Jerusalem is spiritual.

Daniel was written by many authors over time .. and quite late .. around 164 BC.

There probably won't be another Temple. Emperor tried to rebuild it around 300 AD and it was felled by fire and earthquake.

There is only one place on earth sacrifice can happen and that's the temple. If the bible says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease, there must needs be a temple and I believe it. Of course, if the bible says the sky is blue and it doesn't fit your agenda, you and Satanic Sherri will say "I don't see it that way."

Which Roman Emperor was the anti-Christ??

Jewish people are not going backwards to Azazel.
Yes.. the New Jerusalem is spiritual.

Daniel was written by many authors over time .. and quite late .. around 164 BC.

There probably won't be another Temple. Emperor tried to rebuild it around 300 AD and it was felled by fire and earthquake.

There is only one place on earth sacrifice can happen and that's the temple. If the bible says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease, there must needs be a temple and I believe it. Of course, if the bible says the sky is blue and it doesn't fit your agenda, you and Satanic Sherri will say "I don't see it that way."

Which Roman Emperor was the anti-Christ??

Jewish people are not going backwards to Azazel.

More deflection and now your just throwing stuff against the wall to see if it will stick, as Sally says. And as my Daddy always said "Don't hold your farts in, they travel up your spine and into your brain. That's where shitty ideas come from." You're not worth it, Sherri Jr.
There is only one place on earth sacrifice can happen and that's the temple. If the bible says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease, there must needs be a temple and I believe it. Of course, if the bible says the sky is blue and it doesn't fit your agenda, you and Satanic Sherri will say "I don't see it that way."

Which Roman Emperor was the anti-Christ??

Jewish people are not going backwards to Azazel.

More deflection and now your just throwing stuff against the wall to see if it will stick, as Sally says. And as my Daddy always said "Don't hold your farts in, they travel up your spine and into your brain. That's where shitty ideas come from." You're not worth it, Sherri Jr.

Suit yourself.

As I said the history is far more complex and fascinating than the OT.. Sadly you will never know. The Hebrews were never the sole inhabitants of Palestine. Loo t the Decapolis or Scythiopolis .. or why Gallilee was prosperous and Jerusalem was not.
Exaggeration is very common in scripture..

There were many prophecy schools in Palestine and they were more contemporaneous commentators than future tellers. Most prophesy was after the fact.

I doubt it will change your mind, but spend some time with first century history and the symbolism for another perspective.

You are basing a lot of what you are saying, on assumptions of exaggeration. Yet many prophesies were fulfilled literally. No exaggeration whatsoever.

Take Micah 3:12.
"Therefore because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, the temple hill a mound overgrown with thickets."

Was that kind of an exaggeration? Or is that precisely what happened?

Micah was written somewhere around 725 BC.

In 98 AD, Hadrian became Roman emperor Hadrian, and some years later decided to rebuild the temple mount in Jerusalem. But not the Jewish temple, but rather a Roman temple. Thus around 130 AD, he sent construction crews who came and literally plowed under the temple mount, covering everything, and building a foundation for their new temple.

It was this action, that eventually resulted in the Jewish revolt. After the revolt was eliminated by Hadrian, he had a Roman coin, in which his face is on one side, and a plow is on the other. He plowed under Israel. It was actually because of this event, that the Roman emperor, renamed the area where Israel was "Syria Palestina" Which of course is where we get the name "Palestine" today.

So was that prophesy from 900 years prior, an "exaggeration", or was it exactly what happened?

It was literal. It happened precisely as it was written. Does that mean every single prophesy will be literal? Perhaps not, if the prophesy is specifically using poetic words and imagery.

Now let me ask you this... Revelations 9:15 says "They were let loose so they could kill one-third part of all men that were living."

Does that sound "poetic" or is that "word imagery"? Or does that sound more like 1/3rd of all people are going to be killed?

Has anything remotely close to that, ever happened in history? Best I can tell, the worst mass casualties in history with the highest percentage of the worlds population, would have been the An Lushan Rebellion in China, which the estimates are that 36 Million died, and that would have been about 15% of the worlds population.

No where even close to the 33%, the Bible says. So obviously, this prophesy hasn't happened yet.

Like 64 million Jewish babies being wrapped in Torah scrolls and burned by the Romans in the tiny village of Betar???

Like Exodus and the Global flood.. and the vast armies of Israel? Like the glories of Jerusalem?

Oh, puh-LEEZE - David Icke as a 'source'???? Barf Mir!!!!
You are basing a lot of what you are saying, on assumptions of exaggeration. Yet many prophesies were fulfilled literally. No exaggeration whatsoever.

Take Micah 3:12.
"Therefore because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble, the temple hill a mound overgrown with thickets."

Was that kind of an exaggeration? Or is that precisely what happened?

Micah was written somewhere around 725 BC.

In 98 AD, Hadrian became Roman emperor Hadrian, and some years later decided to rebuild the temple mount in Jerusalem. But not the Jewish temple, but rather a Roman temple. Thus around 130 AD, he sent construction crews who came and literally plowed under the temple mount, covering everything, and building a foundation for their new temple.

It was this action, that eventually resulted in the Jewish revolt. After the revolt was eliminated by Hadrian, he had a Roman coin, in which his face is on one side, and a plow is on the other. He plowed under Israel. It was actually because of this event, that the Roman emperor, renamed the area where Israel was "Syria Palestina" Which of course is where we get the name "Palestine" today.

So was that prophesy from 900 years prior, an "exaggeration", or was it exactly what happened?

It was literal. It happened precisely as it was written. Does that mean every single prophesy will be literal? Perhaps not, if the prophesy is specifically using poetic words and imagery.

Now let me ask you this... Revelations 9:15 says "They were let loose so they could kill one-third part of all men that were living."

Does that sound "poetic" or is that "word imagery"? Or does that sound more like 1/3rd of all people are going to be killed?

Has anything remotely close to that, ever happened in history? Best I can tell, the worst mass casualties in history with the highest percentage of the worlds population, would have been the An Lushan Rebellion in China, which the estimates are that 36 Million died, and that would have been about 15% of the worlds population.

No where even close to the 33%, the Bible says. So obviously, this prophesy hasn't happened yet.

Like 64 million Jewish babies being wrapped in Torah scrolls and burned by the Romans in the tiny village of Betar???

Like Exodus and the Global flood.. and the vast armies of Israel? Like the glories of Jerusalem?

Oh, puh-LEEZE - David Icke as a 'source'???? Barf Mir!!!!

Icke? Look it up yourself.

Gittin 58a of the Babylonian Talmud:

"There were four hundred synagogues in the city of Bethar, and in every one were four hundred teachers of children, and each one had under him four hundred pupils, and when the enemy entered there they pierced them with their staves, and when the enemy prevailed and captured them, they wrapped them in their scrolls and burnt them with fire."

400 synagogues x 400 teachers/synagogue x 400 pupils/teacher = 64,000,000 children
Nero died in 68 AD and lots of people believed he would return from the dead and cross the Euphrates with a huge army of Parthians to start the persecutions all over again.

Apostle Paul died a couple of years earlier in Rome.

He did not live to see the destruction of the Temple.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Yes, people of all ages have been expecting the anti-christ, and the tribulation, and all the things that have been prophesied in the Bible, to come true in their day. Just as people expected it for centuries before us, and people say it will happen in our day. And if it does not come, they will expect it with the people who come after.

Why? Because it will happen. We have no idea when it's going to happen.... but it will happen.

I can remember back in the early 90s, and people talking about how Revelations was garbage, because the claims were insane. Revelation 13, and that controlling the entire worlds economy, would require a single standard for conducting trade, in other words a single world wide currency.

Get real, how can anyone believe in such a thing? Countries are not going to give up control over their own currency.

1 January 1999.... 18 countries give up their currency, and in a matter of weeks, the Euro replaces them all, with five more countries joining later, and more in progress.

Doesn't seem so far fetched anymore. It will happen. All of it *WILL* happen.
Which Roman Emperor was the anti-Christ??

Jewish people are not going backwards to Azazel.

None of them.

Now at the time, I'm sure people believed they were. But none of them fulfilled what the Bible said the Anti-Christ would do. So none of them where the anti-Christ.
Nero died in 68 AD and lots of people believed he would return from the dead and cross the Euphrates with a huge army of Parthians to start the persecutions all over again.

Apostle Paul died a couple of years earlier in Rome.

He did not live to see the destruction of the Temple.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Yes, people of all ages have been expecting the anti-christ, and the tribulation, and all the things that have been prophesied in the Bible, to come true in their day. Just as people expected it for centuries before us, and people say it will happen in our day. And if it does not come, they will expect it with the people who come after.

Why? Because it will happen. We have no idea when it's going to happen.... but it will happen.

I can remember back in the early 90s, and people talking about how Revelations was garbage, because the claims were insane. Revelation 13, and that controlling the entire worlds economy, would require a single standard for conducting trade, in other words a single world wide currency.

Get real, how can anyone believe in such a thing? Countries are not going to give up control over their own currency.

1 January 1999.... 18 countries give up their currency, and in a matter of weeks, the Euro replaces them all, with five more countries joining later, and more in progress.

Doesn't seem so far fetched anymore. It will happen. All of it *WILL* happen.

If you choose to be dragged around by the likes of Hal Lindsey.. be my guest.
Like 64 million Jewish babies being wrapped in Torah scrolls and burned by the Romans in the tiny village of Betar???

Like Exodus and the Global flood.. and the vast armies of Israel? Like the glories of Jerusalem?

Oh, puh-LEEZE - David Icke as a 'source'???? Barf Mir!!!!

Icke? Look it up yourself.

Gittin 58a of the Babylonian Talmud:

"There were four hundred synagogues in the city of Bethar, and in every one were four hundred teachers of children, and each one had under him four hundred pupils, and when the enemy entered there they pierced them with their staves, and when the enemy prevailed and captured them, they wrapped them in their scrolls and burnt them with fire."

400 synagogues x 400 teachers/synagogue x 400 pupils/teacher = 64,000,000 children
64 million children plus their parents, siblings and other relatives would make about how many people. A rough guess. Were there that many actual people? Where did the food come from to feed a mob that big? Manna?
Oh, puh-LEEZE - David Icke as a 'source'???? Barf Mir!!!!

Icke? Look it up yourself.

Gittin 58a of the Babylonian Talmud:

"There were four hundred synagogues in the city of Bethar, and in every one were four hundred teachers of children, and each one had under him four hundred pupils, and when the enemy entered there they pierced them with their staves, and when the enemy prevailed and captured them, they wrapped them in their scrolls and burnt them with fire."

400 synagogues x 400 teachers/synagogue x 400 pupils/teacher = 64,000,000 children
64 million children plus their parents, siblings and other relatives would make about how many people. A rough guess. Were there that many actual people? Where did the food come from to feed a mob that big? Manna?

Its a ridiculous lie.. Betar was a tiny hilltop village.
If you choose to be dragged around by the likes of Hal Lindsey.. be my guest.

I have no idea who that is, but regardless, that's a non-response.

He promoted the futuristic end times scenario in the 1970s.. Until then it had only been a small following from the revival meetings of the Dust Bowl and the Depression era by people like Amy Semple McPherson.
Nero died in 68 AD and lots of people believed he would return from the dead and cross the Euphrates with a huge army of Parthians to start the persecutions all over again.

Apostle Paul died a couple of years earlier in Rome.

He did not live to see the destruction of the Temple.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Yes, people of all ages have been expecting the anti-christ, and the tribulation, and all the things that have been prophesied in the Bible, to come true in their day. Just as people expected it for centuries before us, and people say it will happen in our day. And if it does not come, they will expect it with the people who come after.

Why? Because it will happen. We have no idea when it's going to happen.... but it will happen.

I can remember back in the early 90s, and people talking about how Revelations was garbage, because the claims were insane. Revelation 13, and that controlling the entire worlds economy, would require a single standard for conducting trade, in other words a single world wide currency.

Get real, how can anyone believe in such a thing? Countries are not going to give up control over their own currency.

1 January 1999.... 18 countries give up their currency, and in a matter of weeks, the Euro replaces them all, with five more countries joining later, and more in progress.

Doesn't seem so far fetched anymore. It will happen. All of it *WILL* happen.

Androw, please understand, they have no point. She is deflecting because every statement she has made has been debunked. They have an agenda and that is to replace Jews with Palestinians. They will outright lie, distort scripture and do what they have to do in order to push their pro-Palestinian schmeel. They probably believe people fall for their toro poopee.
Oh, puh-LEEZE - David Icke as a 'source'???? Barf Mir!!!!

Icke? Look it up yourself.

Gittin 58a of the Babylonian Talmud:

"There were four hundred synagogues in the city of Bethar, and in every one were four hundred teachers of children, and each one had under him four hundred pupils, and when the enemy entered there they pierced them with their staves, and when the enemy prevailed and captured them, they wrapped them in their scrolls and burnt them with fire."

400 synagogues x 400 teachers/synagogue x 400 pupils/teacher = 64,000,000 children

64 million children plus their parents, siblings and other relatives would make about how many people. A rough guess. Were there that many actual people? Where did the food come from to feed a mob that big? Manna?

I find it hilarious that there are those who become Talmudic scholars from the Internet. They are the variety of David Duke Talmudic scholars that you find on the hate sites. I remember a poster with the same mind set as Shaarona spitting out something about a different Gitten passage supposedly from the Talmud. Another poster researched that particular Gitten and said he only saw it referenced on hate sites. It's a shame that there are no real actual Talmud scholars on these forums so that when these David Duke Talmudic Scholars post up their nonsense, he could refute them. Meanwhile, while.

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