Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Gosh I wonder why there is no mention of any "Palestinians." Is it actually possible there were no Palestinians at this time & those in Israel today are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's land for generations?

Genesis 15:18-21

On that day, God made a covenant with Abram, saying: “To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river the Euphrates. The land of the Kenites, Kenizites, Kadmonites; the Chitties, Perizites, Refaim; the Emorites, Canaanites, Gigashites and Yevusites.”

Exodus 23:31

“I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you.


Numbers 34

The Lord said to Moses, “Command the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter Canaan, the land that will be allotted to you as an inheritance is to have these boundaries:

“‘Your southern side will include some of the Desert of Zin along the border of Edom. Your southern boundary will start in the east from the southern end of the Dead Sea, cross south of Scorpion Pass, continue on to Zin and go south of Kadesh Barnea. Then it will go to Hazar Addar and over to Azmon, where it will turn, join the Wadi of Egypt and end at the Mediterranean Sea.

“‘Your western boundary will be the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. This will be your boundary on the west.

“‘For your northern boundary, run a line from the Mediterranean Sea to Mount Hor and from Mount Hor to Lebo Hamath. Then the boundary will go to Zedad, continue to Ziphron and end at Hazar Enan. This will be your boundary on the north.

“‘For your eastern boundary, run a line from Hazar Enan to Shepham. The boundary will go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain and continue along the slopes east of the Sea of Galilee. Then the boundary will go down along the Jordan and end at the Dead Sea.

“‘This will be your land, with its boundaries on every side.’”

This is what Jesus said. Jesus was G-d. These are His words.

Both Canaan and Sinai were ruled by Egypt at the time... and paid tribute to the Pharaoh.
The fact is there have been many theories about End Times Eschaetology, and no one agrees about any of that.

But we know what the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches says, and nothing there about land being given to Jews or Jews regathering.

Jesus Kingdom Is a spiritual and eternal kingdom, nothing to do with Zionism or land stealing or ethnic cleansing or baby killing.
A nd so were the Hebrews. What does this have to do with the Palestinian theft & occupation of Israel's land?

Gosh I wonder why there is no mention of any "Palestinians." Is it actually possible there were no Palestinians at this time & those in Israel today are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's land for generations?

Both Canaan and Sinai were ruled by Egypt at the time... and paid tribute to the Pharaoh.
A nd so were the Hebrews. What does this have to do with the Palestinian theft & occupation of Israel's land?

Gosh I wonder why there is no mention of any "Palestinians." Is it actually possible there were no Palestinians at this time & those in Israel today are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's land for generations?

Both Canaan and Sinai were ruled by Egypt at the time... and paid tribute to the Pharaoh.

They didn't steal Jewish land... Palestinians have been there for a few thousand years.. long before Islam..

Who do you think planted and watered and tended all those ancient olive trees?

Who kept the Roman terraces in repair?
The fact is there have been many theories about End Times Eschaetology, and no one agrees about any of that.

But we know what the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches says, and nothing there about land being given to Jews or Jews regathering.

Jesus Kingdom Is a spiritual and eternal kingdom, nothing to do with Zionism or land stealing or ethnic cleansing or baby killing.
Oh, but the Kingdom will be here on Earth!

Remember this part of a spiritual hymn that goes:

"There's a heaven right here on Earth; In the land of my dreams, way down yonder in New Orleans".

You might want to go down yonder on Fat Tuesday.
A nd so were the Hebrews. What does this have to do with the Palestinian theft & occupation of Israel's land?

Both Canaan and Sinai were ruled by Egypt at the time... and paid tribute to the Pharaoh.

They didn't steal Jewish land... Palestinians have been there for a few thousand years.. long before Islam..

Who do you think planted and watered and tended all those ancient olive trees?

Who kept the Roman terraces in repair?

Still throwing things against the wall, Shaarona, hoping something willk stick> I suggest you contact Professor Menashe Harel, an award winning historian and geographer who taught at Hebrew University, and ask him about this. There is a piece on the Internet by him saying that he has walked all over Israel and that these terraces were an Israelite innovation. Maybe you can fight it out with him after you search for his piece on the Internet and read it.
The fact is there have been many theories about End Times Eschaetology, and no one agrees about any of that.

But we know what the Gospel of the Kingdom Jesus teaches says, and nothing there about land being given to Jews or Jews regathering.

Jesus Kingdom Is a spiritual and eternal kingdom, nothing to do with Zionism or land stealing or ethnic cleansing or baby killing.

News alert for you, Mrs. Sherri. The Marlboro Man has died and services are at the Church of the Way in Van Nuys. Alert your old acquaintances in California to attend and pay their respects. Naturally you will want to make a contribution to that church as the member are very good Christians.
A nd so were the Hebrews. What does this have to do with the Palestinian theft & occupation of Israel's land?

They didn't steal Jewish land... Palestinians have been there for a few thousand years.. long before Islam..

Who do you think planted and watered and tended all those ancient olive trees?

Who kept the Roman terraces in repair?

Still throwing things against the wall, Shaarona, hoping something willk stick> I suggest you contact Professor Menashe Harel, an award winning historian and geographer who taught at Hebrew University, and ask him about this. There is a piece on the Internet by him saying that he has walked all over Israel and that these terraces were an Israelite innovation. Maybe you can fight it out with him after you search for his piece on the Internet and read it.

Menashe Harel isn't the only scholar in Israel.

Drive into the village of Battir on a weekday afternoon, and among the kids playing soccer in the streets and the lush fig trees outside modest homes, you are likely to see an old man or woman walking toward the fields, an antiquated hoe in hand. They are farming in the hundreds of acres of terraces watered by a Roman-era irrigation system.

On a recent Tuesday, Battir Mayor Akram Bader showed me around the village fields.

Water gushed into a Roman spring at the top of the farmland and gurgled from there to a large pool that feeds a network of pipes and channels that descend the stepped land. Water is divided among the villagers by clan.


Oh!!!! Revelation is now and the very near future. Like the 200million man army that will soon come against tiny israel. When revelation was written ,there was little more than 200million people on earth. You people need to learn to read and think!

Exaggeration is very common in scripture..

There were many prophecy schools in Palestine and they were more contemporaneous commentators than future tellers. Most prophesy was after the fact.

I doubt it will change your mind, but spend some time with first century history and the symbolism for another perspective.

Bullshit. The only ones exaggerating are you and Satanic Sherri. Specific prophecies are made and if it doesn't fit your and Sherri's wishes of what will happen then it's an "exaggeration." Paul specifically says "all Israel WILL be saved and the deliver WILL come from Zion" and the imp of Satan says "that's not how I see it." How in the hell else can one see it? Unless you don't want to see it.
They fear the truth. And for very good reasons.

Oh!!!! Revelation is now and the very near future. Like the 200million man army that will soon come against tiny israel. When revelation was written ,there was little more than 200million people on earth. You people need to learn to read and think!

Exaggeration is very common in scripture..

There were many prophecy schools in Palestine and they were more contemporaneous commentators than future tellers. Most prophesy was after the fact.

I doubt it will change your mind, but spend some time with first century history and the symbolism for another perspective.

Bullshit. The only ones exaggerating are you and Satanic Sherri. Specific prophecies are made and if it doesn't fit your and Sherri's wishes of what will happen then it's an "exaggeration." Paul specifically says "all Israel WILL be saved and the deliver WILL come from Zion" and the imp of Satan says "that's not how I see it." How in the hell else can one see it? Unless you don't want to see it.
Oh!!!! Revelation is now and the very near future. Like the 200million man army that will soon come against tiny israel. When revelation was written ,there was little more than 200million people on earth. You people need to learn to read and think!

Exaggeration is very common in scripture..

There were many prophecy schools in Palestine and they were more contemporaneous commentators than future tellers. Most prophesy was after the fact.

I doubt it will change your mind, but spend some time with first century history and the symbolism for another perspective.

Bullshit. The only ones exaggerating are you and Satanic Sherri. Specific prophecies are made and if it doesn't fit your and Sherri's wishes of what will happen then it's an "exaggeration." Paul specifically says "all Israel WILL be saved and the deliver WILL come from Zion" and the imp of Satan says "that's not how I see it." How in the hell else can one see it? Unless you don't want to see it.

Nero died in 68 AD and lots of people believed he would return from the dead and cross the Euphrates with a huge army of Parthians to start the persecutions all over again.

Apostle Paul died a couple of years earlier in Rome.

He did not live to see the destruction of the Temple.
Exaggeration is very common in scripture..

There were many prophecy schools in Palestine and they were more contemporaneous commentators than future tellers. Most prophesy was after the fact.

I doubt it will change your mind, but spend some time with first century history and the symbolism for another perspective.

Bullshit. The only ones exaggerating are you and Satanic Sherri. Specific prophecies are made and if it doesn't fit your and Sherri's wishes of what will happen then it's an "exaggeration." Paul specifically says "all Israel WILL be saved and the deliver WILL come from Zion" and the imp of Satan says "that's not how I see it." How in the hell else can one see it? Unless you don't want to see it.

Nero died in 68 AD and lots of people believed he would return from the dead and cross the Euphrates with a huge army of Parthians to start the persecutions all over again.

Apostle Paul died a couple of years earlier in Rome.

He did not live to see the destruction of the Temple.

Try to stick with the program. None of what you just said is mentioned in prophecy. Or has anything to do with what is being discussed. Just more deflection. Every prophecy ever made has happened exactly as described, up to the second coming. With no "exaggeration".
They didn't steal Jewish land... Palestinians have been there for a few thousand years.. long before Islam..

Who do you think planted and watered and tended all those ancient olive trees?

Who kept the Roman terraces in repair?

Still throwing things against the wall, Shaarona, hoping something willk stick> I suggest you contact Professor Menashe Harel, an award winning historian and geographer who taught at Hebrew University, and ask him about this. There is a piece on the Internet by him saying that he has walked all over Israel and that these terraces were an Israelite innovation. Maybe you can fight it out with him after you search for his piece on the Internet and read it.

Menashe Harel isn't the only scholar in Israel.

Drive into the village of Battir on a weekday afternoon, and among the kids playing soccer in the streets and the lush fig trees outside modest homes, you are likely to see an old man or woman walking toward the fields, an antiquated hoe in hand. They are farming in the hundreds of acres of terraces watered by a Roman-era irrigation system.

On a recent Tuesday, Battir Mayor Akram Bader showed me around the village fields.

Water gushed into a Roman spring at the top of the farmland and gurgled from there to a large pool that feeds a network of pipes and channels that descend the stepped land. Water is divided among the villagers by clan.



Shaarona, since you know it all, why not contact Professor Harel and give him your thoughts on the matter? After all, he is very respected over there, and I am sure he would like to explain everything to you. Perhaps he will even take you to spots in Israel that you actually never heard off. After all, I don't think you have walked the land extensively as he has. Maybe the only place you have walked extensively is out your front door to the street.
Bullshit. The only ones exaggerating are you and Satanic Sherri. Specific prophecies are made and if it doesn't fit your and Sherri's wishes of what will happen then it's an "exaggeration." Paul specifically says "all Israel WILL be saved and the deliver WILL come from Zion" and the imp of Satan says "that's not how I see it." How in the hell else can one see it? Unless you don't want to see it.

Nero died in 68 AD and lots of people believed he would return from the dead and cross the Euphrates with a huge army of Parthians to start the persecutions all over again.

Apostle Paul died a couple of years earlier in Rome.

He did not live to see the destruction of the Temple.

Try to stick with the program. None of what you just said is mentioned in prophecy. Or has anything to do with what is being discussed. Just more deflection. Every prophecy ever made has happened exactly as described, up to the second coming. With no "exaggeration".

Don't be silly........... Revelation says there is NO Temple.

Rev 21: 22

22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it,[j] for the glory[k] of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the nations of those who are saved[l] shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it.[m] 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26 And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.[n] 27 But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes[o] an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Israel is the fig tree.. and it will never again bear fruit.
Still throwing things against the wall, Shaarona, hoping something willk stick> I suggest you contact Professor Menashe Harel, an award winning historian and geographer who taught at Hebrew University, and ask him about this. There is a piece on the Internet by him saying that he has walked all over Israel and that these terraces were an Israelite innovation. Maybe you can fight it out with him after you search for his piece on the Internet and read it.

Menashe Harel isn't the only scholar in Israel.

Drive into the village of Battir on a weekday afternoon, and among the kids playing soccer in the streets and the lush fig trees outside modest homes, you are likely to see an old man or woman walking toward the fields, an antiquated hoe in hand. They are farming in the hundreds of acres of terraces watered by a Roman-era irrigation system.

On a recent Tuesday, Battir Mayor Akram Bader showed me around the village fields.

Water gushed into a Roman spring at the top of the farmland and gurgled from there to a large pool that feeds a network of pipes and channels that descend the stepped land. Water is divided among the villagers by clan.



Shaarona, since you know it all, why not contact Professor Harel and give him your thoughts on the matter? After all, he is very respected over there, and I am sure he would like to explain everything to you. Perhaps he will even take you to spots in Israel that you actually never heard off. After all, I don't think you have walked the land extensively as he has. Maybe the only place you have walked extensively is out your front door to the street.

I read a lot of Israeli scholars and university professors Harel is NOT the only authority.
Menashe Harel isn't the only scholar in Israel.

Drive into the village of Battir on a weekday afternoon, and among the kids playing soccer in the streets and the lush fig trees outside modest homes, you are likely to see an old man or woman walking toward the fields, an antiquated hoe in hand. They are farming in the hundreds of acres of terraces watered by a Roman-era irrigation system.

On a recent Tuesday, Battir Mayor Akram Bader showed me around the village fields.

Water gushed into a Roman spring at the top of the farmland and gurgled from there to a large pool that feeds a network of pipes and channels that descend the stepped land. Water is divided among the villagers by clan.



Shaarona, since you know it all, why not contact Professor Harel and give him your thoughts on the matter? After all, he is very respected over there, and I am sure he would like to explain everything to you. Perhaps he will even take you to spots in Israel that you actually never heard off. After all, I don't think you have walked the land extensively as he has. Maybe the only place you have walked extensively is out your front door to the street.

I read a lot of Israeli scholars and university professors Harel is NOT the only authority.

You want to know something, Shaarona? I don't believe that you have read a lot of Israeli scholars and university professors as you are claiming. AND, I don't think many of the readers are falling for that either. However, if you want everyone here to believe you are so well read about so many different subjects, go for it. Meanwhile, I think I will go with Professor Harel and what he has to say.

Menashe Harel
Shaarona, since you know it all, why not contact Professor Harel and give him your thoughts on the matter? After all, he is very respected over there, and I am sure he would like to explain everything to you. Perhaps he will even take you to spots in Israel that you actually never heard off. After all, I don't think you have walked the land extensively as he has. Maybe the only place you have walked extensively is out your front door to the street.

I read a lot of Israeli scholars and university professors Harel is NOT the only authority.

You want to know something, Shaarona? I don't believe that you have read a lot of Israeli scholars and university professors as you are claiming. AND, I don't think many of the readers are falling for that either. However, if you want everyone here to believe you are so well read about so many different subjects, go for it. Meanwhile, I think I will go with Professor Harel and what he has to say.

Menashe Harel

Suit yourself..

The history of Palestine is far more interesting and complex than the OT stories and Hebrew claims... and I have an advantage of not being a Zionist or a brain dead fan of Hal Lindsey's crap.

I also have the advantage of having seen Biblos, Baalbeck , the Holy Lands including the West Bank.. How about you?
Nero died in 68 AD and lots of people believed he would return from the dead and cross the Euphrates with a huge army of Parthians to start the persecutions all over again.

Apostle Paul died a couple of years earlier in Rome.

He did not live to see the destruction of the Temple.

Try to stick with the program. None of what you just said is mentioned in prophecy. Or has anything to do with what is being discussed. Just more deflection. Every prophecy ever made has happened exactly as described, up to the second coming. With no "exaggeration".

Don't be silly........... Revelation says there is NO Temple.

Rev 21: 22

22 But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it,[j] for the glory[k] of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the nations of those who are saved[l] shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it.[m] 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26 And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.[n] 27 But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes[o] an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Israel is the fig tree.. and it will never again bear fruit.

Dayim. I feel like a kindergarten teacher. I have already gone through this with Satanic Sherri. Ezekiel and Revelation both speak of the New Jerusalem which comes from the sky and will be our future dwelling place for eternity. Of course there will be no need for a temple because God and Jesus are the temple. Daniel's vision says the anti-Christ will cause sacrifice to cease. The angel tells him that the vision is sealed because it's for the end times. Nero did NOT live in the end times. There will be another temple built.
I read a lot of Israeli scholars and university professors Harel is NOT the only authority.

You want to know something, Shaarona? I don't believe that you have read a lot of Israeli scholars and university professors as you are claiming. AND, I don't think many of the readers are falling for that either. However, if you want everyone here to believe you are so well read about so many different subjects, go for it. Meanwhile, I think I will go with Professor Harel and what he has to say.

Menashe Harel

Suit yourself..

The history of Palestine is far more interesting and complex than the OT stories and Hebrew claims... and I have an advantage of not being a Zionist or a brain dead fan of Hal Lindsey's crap.

I also have the advantage of having seen Biblos, Baalbeck , the Holy Lands including the West Bank.. How about you?

Shaarona appears on this forum, and right away she knows everything there is to know all about the Middle East. Yes, they did call on Shaarona to read the Rosetta Stone because she knows it call. However, I think many of the readers have realized that Shaarona has threw out so much stuff that is made up in her own mind or to suit her own purposes because of course she is not a dirty "Zionist.". There have been people who have had the advantage of seeing many places in the Middle East; however, I don't think they would come to this forum and play some game that they are experts in the Middle East as you have done. Actually, I did read The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay. Not that I thought the things that he said would happen would actually occur, but it was interesting nevertheless to read it.
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