Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I tend to agree that the Christian Zionists are correct in advising Netanyahu to scrub any further attempts at peace negotiations with the Palestinians. All Israel ever got in return for thank you's are jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Want peace from Palestinians? It's all just a matter of communicating with them in the only language they understand & respect. Fact is that only king Husssein's Black September ever achieved that. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.

Read Moshe Dayan...

Are you in Israel? Ever been to Jordan or the West Bank?
One does not have to have visited or lived in those countries or regions to correctly interpret the Palestinian track record in reaching a reasonable and peaceful compromise solution. It's pointless, trying to deal with those people.
I tend to agree that the Christian Zionists are correct in advising Netanyahu to scrub any further attempts at peace negotiations with the Palestinians. All Israel ever got in return for thank you's are jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Want peace from Palestinians? It's all just a matter of communicating with them in the only language they understand & respect. Fact is that only king Husssein's Black September ever achieved that. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Read Moshe Dayan...

Are you in Israel? Ever been to Jordan or the West Bank?
One does not have to have visited or lived in those countries or regions to correctly interpret the Palestinian track record in reaching a reasonable and peaceful compromise solution. It's pointless, trying to deal with those people.

The Israelis have derailed every attempt at peace since Eisenhower... They want more land and water assets... always have.
I believe in Jesus, so I am saved.

And I condemn no one, it is continuing disbelief that condemns.

You choose heaven or hell all on your own.

You are not saved because you believe alone. He has to be your Lord too. Even Satan and the Demons "believe" in Jesus.

You have to actually do what He says, and support the will of the Father, which clearly includes supporting Zion.

"Why do you call me Lord Lord, and do not do the things I say?" -Jesus.

As many have pointed out, the will of the Father, is for Zionism. Not because I said so, but because that's what the Bible, what you claim is the word of G-d says.

And honestly, I don't know what you hope to accomplish here. People are mocking, and laughing at Jesus, because of you on this forum. Do you think this is helping the Kingdom of G-d, by making a mockery of Christianity?

I don't understand your motivation for being here.
Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.

You would not know a Christian Zionist if one came up and bit you on the nose, all you are good for is posting islamonazi propaganda and raghead pallywood lies.
Read Moshe Dayan...

Are you in Israel? Ever been to Jordan or the West Bank?
One does not have to have visited or lived in those countries or regions to correctly interpret the Palestinian track record in reaching a reasonable and peaceful compromise solution. It's pointless, trying to deal with those people.

The Israelis have derailed every attempt at peace since Eisenhower... They want more land and water assets... always have.
Oh, I'm sure that there's plenty of blame to go around, for both sides.

And it's no secret that they'd rather have it all, from River to Sea.

But they seem to have reached for compromise more often than the Palestinians have, until finally reaching a point where they pretty much came to view the process as futile.

And, of course, they are not sworn to destroy the Palestinians, unlike the Palestinians, who have sworn to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean on more than one occasion.

Land-for-peace deals never work out very well for Israel.

I don't blame them for giving up on such things.
I tend to agree that the Christian Zionists are correct in advising Netanyahu to scrub any further attempts at peace negotiations with the Palestinians. All Israel ever got in return for thank you's are jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Want peace from Palestinians? It's all just a matter of communicating with them in the only language they understand & respect. Fact is that only king Husssein's Black September ever achieved that. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.

Read Moshe Dayan...

Are you in Israel? Ever been to Jordan or the West Bank?

Have you ?
Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.

You would not know a Christian Zionist if one came up and bit you on the nose, all you are good for is posting islamonazi propaganda and raghead pallywood lies.

Has nothing to do with Islam.. just Dominionist theology... Its a false theology..
John 3:1-21

English Standard Version (ESV)

You Must Be Born Again

Now there was a man of the Pharisees named*Nicodemus,*a ruler of the Jews.*This man came to Jesus[a]*by night and said to him,*“Rabbi,we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do*unless God is with him.”*Jesus answered him,“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is*born*again*he cannot*see the kingdom of God.”*Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?”*Jesus answered,*“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born*of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.*That which is born of the flesh is*flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.[c]*Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You[d]*must be born*again.’The wind[e]*blows*where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Nicodemus said to him,*“How can these things be?”*Jesus answered him,*“Are you the teacher of Israel*and yet you do not understand these things?*Truly, truly, I say to you,*we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but*you[f]*do not receive our testimony.*If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?*No one has*ascended into heaven except*he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.[g]And*as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man*be lifted up,*that whoever believes*in him*may have eternal life.[h]

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

I believe in Jesus and stand proclaiming His words.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As Jesus says, the only way to the Father is through the Son.

Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life.

That says everything that matters.

You seem to have some misunderstanding about Christian beliefs...
Funny you should mention that.

So do you.

The first misunderstanding being that you are a Christian.
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I tend to agree that the Christian Zionists are correct in advising Netanyahu to scrub any further attempts at peace negotiations with the Palestinians. All Israel ever got in return for thank you's are jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Want peace from Palestinians? It's all just a matter of communicating with them in the only language they understand & respect. Fact is that only king Husssein's Black September ever achieved that. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Read Moshe Dayan...

Are you in Israel? Ever been to Jordan or the West Bank?

Have you ?

Oh yes.. three visits of two weeks each.
I believe in Jesus and stand on His words.

That says everything that matters.

You seem to have some misunderstanding about Christian beliefs...
Funny you should mention that.

So do you.

The first misunderstanding being that you are a Christian.

If there is a God (and I certainly hope that there is)...

He did not intend us to arrogantly convince ourselves that we are right and everybody else is wrong...

He not only left us with Recorded Teachings and Guidelines, He also gave us Intellect and Reason and Logic and Curiosity and Imagination, by which to find our way to Him, each in his own way...

The God of my understanding does not want dogma-spouting, arrogant, self-righteous robots...

The God of my understanding wants Thinkers, and Flexibility of thought and belief, by which to seek Him out, using the gifts He gave us...

The God of my understanding wants Human Beings of flexible mind and goodwill, not dogma-parroting sycophants...
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Read Moshe Dayan...

Are you in Israel? Ever been to Jordan or the West Bank?
One does not have to have visited or lived in those countries or regions to correctly interpret the Palestinian track record in reaching a reasonable and peaceful compromise solution. It's pointless, trying to deal with those people.

The Israelis have derailed every attempt at peace since Eisenhower... They want more land and water assets... always have.

Do explain why Israel has reached agreement with Egypt and Jordan then, it only needs another 2 countries and that is it the full suit. Try reading the UN resolutions and see how many times the Palestinians are not mentioned as being involved in negotiations
Let us forgive Sherri for her ignorance in making a mockery of Chrisitanity by supporting those who kill the followers of the Zionist Jesus & calls herself a "Christian."

I believe in Jesus, so I am saved.

And I condemn no one, it is continuing disbelief that condemns.

You choose heaven or hell all on your own.

You are not saved because you believe alone. He has to be your Lord too. Even Satan and the Demons "believe" in Jesus.

You have to actually do what He says, and support the will of the Father, which clearly includes supporting Zion.

"Why do you call me Lord Lord, and do not do the things I say?" -Jesus.

As many have pointed out, the will of the Father, is for Zionism. Not because I said so, but because that's what the Bible, what you claim is the word of G-d says.

And honestly, I don't know what you hope to accomplish here. People are mocking, and laughing at Jesus, because of you on this forum. Do you think this is helping the Kingdom of G-d, by making a mockery of Christianity?

I don't understand your motivation for being here.
Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.
Christian Zionists are not the problem. Muslim / Islamic savagery is.
I tend to agree that the Christian Zionists are correct in advising Netanyahu to scrub any further attempts at peace negotiations with the Palestinians. All Israel ever got in return for thank you's are jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles. Want peace from Palestinians? It's all just a matter of communicating with them in the only language they understand & respect. Fact is that only king Husssein's Black September ever achieved that. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.
Christian Zionists were against Sharon giving Gaza back. And look what it got Israel...rockets...a terrorist organization as it's government. Seems like Christian Zionists were right. This conflict is not about land it is about Islamic intolerance and barbarism.
Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.
Christian Zionists are not the problem. Muslim / Islamic savagery is.

Christian Zionism is a heresy and a political tool.. It didn't exist until around 1500... and it is very detrimental to Israel.
Read Moshe Dayan...

Are you in Israel? Ever been to Jordan or the West Bank?
One does not have to have visited or lived in those countries or regions to correctly interpret the Palestinian track record in reaching a reasonable and peaceful compromise solution. It's pointless, trying to deal with those people.

The Israelis have derailed every attempt at peace since Eisenhower... They want more land and water assets... always have.
Really, you mean that terrorist thief Arafat and the current group of terrorist thieves aka Hamas want "peace". What a blabbermouth. Ha ha ha.
Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.
Christian Zionists are not the problem. Muslim / Islamic savagery is.

Christian Zionism is a heresy and a political tool.. It didn't exist until around 1500... and it is very detrimental to Israel.
Idiot, what do you think the Crusades were over? Apple pie? Or the capture of Jerusalem.
OMG! Christian Zionist support is "very detrimental to Israel." I didn't know that. Amazing what we can learn here.

Christian Zionists tend to believe futuristic interpretations of Revelation ... and that after the in-gathering of the Jews, Jesus will return .. and 2/3rds of the Jews will die.

I read yesterday that the CZ's are pressuring Netanyahu NOT to make peace.
Christian Zionists are not the problem. Muslim / Islamic savagery is.

Christian Zionism is a heresy and a political tool.. It didn't exist until around 1500... and it is very detrimental to Israel.
Sad days for Christianity those Crusades were, Satan was leading them all into battle, nothing of Christ in any of that.

Nothing to do with Zionism either, that did not enter the picture until the 1800s.

Christian Zionists are not the problem. Muslim / Islamic savagery is.

Christian Zionism is a heresy and a political tool.. It didn't exist until around 1500... and it is very detrimental to Israel.
Idiot, what do you think the Crusades were over? Apple pie? Or the capture of Jerusalem.
I took the class and passed it and earned a degree as a Psychology major, so save your Zionist psychology spill for your shill pals.

We do not define ourself or create ourself, you are completely leaving God out of the picture.

There is a reason for existing, for us being here.

Its all about God, not all about us.

I really do not think all these labels we human beings place on ourselves or place on others, like Zionist or Nazi or freedom fighter or terrorists, etc , mean much to God. They are but man made words elevating ourselves or demeaning another. There is sin in both.

Psychology 101, and you failed in it, Sherri.

Human beings are designed in a way that they define themselves, and others, in different ways. That's called "group belonging", you know. human behavior.

Sin to God? God created man as just another creature in nature. And just like any other creature in nature, human beings are divided. just like any other creation, humans find their horde.

So now you're a lawyer AND a psychologist. And now you're working on posting 72 consecutive hours on a meaningless message board instead of defending and psychoanalyzing your nutty Iranians. Or have you hired a 4th shift, you Satanic imp of Satan? Or maybe you should analyze yourself to determine if it's normal to sit at your PC for 72 consecutive hours. And guess what? Jesus is still a Zionist.
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