Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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"Although the*crusaders*are commonly thought to have been motivated by their deep Christian faith, crusades were actually wars inspired by avarice. At a time of utmost poverty and misery prevalent in the West, the attractions of the East-in particular, the. Muslim societies' wealth and prosperity-played on the minds of Europeans, especially those in the Church.These attractions, bolstered with Christian teachings, begot the crusaders' mindset, seemly motivated by religion but actually motivated by worldly designs. This is the reason why*Christians, who had followed more or less peaceful policies in the previous 1,000 years, suddenly began to display an appetite for war-specifically, the "liberation" of the holy city of Jerusalem and Palestine as a whole."

Sad days for Christianity those Crusades were, Satan was leading them all into battle, nothing of Christ in any of that.

Nothing to do with Zionism either, that did not enter the picture until the 1800s.

Christian Zionism is a heresy and a political tool.. It didn't exist until around 1500... and it is very detrimental to Israel.
Idiot, what do you think the Crusades were over? Apple pie? Or the capture of Jerusalem.
Blah blah blah. The stated goal of the Crusades were defeating the Muslim invaders, and capturing the holy city of Jerusalem. In other words, fulfilling ZIONISM, from the Bible.
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There is nothing of Jesus In This Barbarism

Barbarism of the Crusaders

After ransacking and setting fire to many settlements and putting countless Muslims to the sword, eventually the crusaders reached Jerusalem in 1099. After a siege of approximately five weeks, the city fell. When the victors finally entered Jerusalem, according to one historian, "They killed all the Saracens and the Turks they found... whether male of female."5

Crusaders slaughtered everyone they met and looted everything they could get their hands on. They murdered indiscriminately those who had taken refuge in the mosques, whether young or old, and devastated the Muslim and Jewish holy sites and places of worship setting the city's synagogues aflame, burning alive Jews who had hidden inside. This slaughter continued until no longer could they find anyone to kill.6

I took the class and passed it and earned a degree as a Psychology major, so save your Zionist psychology spill for your shill pals.

We do not define ourself or create ourself, you are completely leaving God out of the picture.

There is a reason for existing, for us being here.

Its all about God, not all about us.

Psychology 101, and you failed in it, Sherri.

Human beings are designed in a way that they define themselves, and others, in different ways. That's called "group belonging", you know. human behavior.

Sin to God? God created man as just another creature in nature. And just like any other creature in nature, human beings are divided. just like any other creation, humans find their horde.

So now you're a lawyer AND a psychologist. And now you're working on posting 72 consecutive hours on a meaningless message board instead of defending and psychoanalyzing your nutty Iranians. Or have you hired a 4th shift, you Satanic imp of Satan? Or maybe you should analyze yourself to determine if it's normal to sit at your PC for 72 consecutive hours. And guess what? Jesus is still a Zionist.
I would trust a single word this illiterate lunatic sherri mumbles. First off, she never said she's an attorney, she said she worked in a law firm. That means she could have been drinking water from their toilets. It's obvious, most of the time she's hallucinating things, and talking to people that don't exist, etc. we aren't dealing with someone with a full deck of cards here.
You do not hear of anyone burning Jews alive today.

That's what those Crusades were about.

There is nothing of Jesus in any of that.
There is nothing of Jesus In This Barbarism

Barbarism of the Crusaders

After ransacking and setting fire to many settlements and putting countless Muslims to the sword, eventually the crusaders reached Jerusalem in 1099. After a siege of approximately five weeks, the city fell. When the victors finally entered Jerusalem, according to one historian, "They killed all the Saracens and the Turks they found... whether male of female."5

Crusaders slaughtered everyone they met and looted everything they could get their hands on. They murdered indiscriminately those who had taken refuge in the mosques, whether young or old, and devastated the Muslim and Jewish holy sites and places of worship setting the city's synagogues aflame, burning alive Jews who had hidden inside. This slaughter continued until no longer could they find anyone to kill.6

And Muslims were better? Ha ha ha.

Fortunately, Christians reformed themselves and their religion, and are now living peacefully with others in the 21st century, while Muslims are still living as 7 th century Saudi Arabian barbarians.

True story :cool:
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I took the class and passed it and earned a degree as a Psychology major, so save your Zionist psychology spill for your shill pals. We do not define ourself or create ourself, you are completely leaving God out of the picture. There is a reason for existing, for us being here. Its all about God, not all about us.
Psychology 101, and you failed in it, Sherri. Human beings are designed in a way that they define themselves, and others, in different ways. That's called "group belonging", you know. human behavior.

Sin to God? God created man as just another creature in nature. And just like any other creature in nature, human beings are divided. just like any other creation, humans find their horde.

So now you're a lawyer AND a psychologist. And now you're working on posting 72 consecutive hours on a meaningless message board instead of defending and psychoanalyzing your nutty Iranians. Or have you hired a 4th shift, you Satanic imp of Satan? Or maybe you should analyze yourself to determine if it's normal to sit at your PC for 72 consecutive hours. And guess what? Jesus is still a Zionist.
Some resume, eh?

Psychologist, Lawyer, Soldier, Statesman, Evangelical Minister, Christian Ambassador to Islam, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer, and Bipolar Manic Depressive...
There is nothing of Jesus in any of this.

Satan was in control.

In*The Monks of War, researcher Desmond Seward narrates the events of these tragic days:

Jerusalem was stormed in July 1099. The rabid ferocity of its sack showed just how little the Church had succeeded in Christianizing atavistic instincts. The entire population of the Holy City was put to the sword, Jews as well as Moslems, 70,000 men, women and children perished in a holocaust, which raged for three days. In places men waded in blood up to their ankles and horsemen were splashed by it as they rode through the streets.8

According to another historical source, the number of Muslims pitilessly slaughtered was 40,000.9*Whatever the actual number of the dead, what the crusaders committed in the Holy Land has gone down in history as an example of matchless barbarism.

There is nothing of Jesus In This Barbarism

Barbarism of the Crusaders

After ransacking and setting fire to many settlements and putting countless Muslims to the sword, eventually the crusaders reached Jerusalem in 1099. After a siege of approximately five weeks, the city fell. When the victors finally entered Jerusalem, according to one historian, "They killed all the Saracens and the Turks they found... whether male of female."5

Crusaders slaughtered everyone they met and looted everything they could get their hands on. They murdered indiscriminately those who had taken refuge in the mosques, whether young or old, and devastated the Muslim and Jewish holy sites and places of worship setting the city's synagogues aflame, burning alive Jews who had hidden inside. This slaughter continued until no longer could they find anyone to kill.6

The big elephant in the room Jihad Sherri won't tell us is that the Crusades were a response to Muslim aggression and invasions of Europe.
I took the class and passed it and earned a degree as a Psychology major, so save your Zionist psychology spill for your shill pals. We do not define ourself or create ourself, you are completely leaving God out of the picture. There is a reason for existing, for us being here. Its all about God, not all about us.

So now you're a lawyer AND a psychologist. And now you're working on posting 72 consecutive hours on a meaningless message board instead of defending and psychoanalyzing your nutty Iranians. Or have you hired a 4th shift, you Satanic imp of Satan? Or maybe you should analyze yourself to determine if it's normal to sit at your PC for 72 consecutive hours. And guess what? Jesus is still a Zionist.
Some resume, eh?

Psychologist, Lawyer, Soldier, Statesman, Evangelical Minister, Christian Ambassador to Islam, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer, and Bipolar Manic Depressive...
...and oh, she's one of the "people of conscience" ha ha ha ha ha!
There is nothing of Jesus in any of this.

Satan was in control.

In*The Monks of War, researcher Desmond Seward narrates the events of these tragic days:

Jerusalem was stormed in July 1099. The rabid ferocity of its sack showed just how little the Church had succeeded in Christianizing atavistic instincts. The entire population of the Holy City was put to the sword, Jews as well as Moslems, 70,000 men, women and children perished in a holocaust, which raged for three days. In places men waded in blood up to their ankles and horsemen were splashed by it as they rode through the streets.8

According to another historical source, the number of Muslims pitilessly slaughtered was 40,000.9*Whatever the actual number of the dead, what the crusaders committed in the Holy Land has gone down in history as an example of matchless barbarism.

Jihad Sherri, tell us the about the death, destruction and havoc that the Muslim invasions of Europe brought, that caused the Europeans to react with the Crusades. Or would you like me to post a biography of your Muslim brethren's doings not only in Europe, but all over the world.

Over a span of 500 years, and three continents, Islam had killed more than 280 million people.

True story. : cool:
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Gosh I wonder what Jesus would have said about this?

Over a span of 500 years, and three continents, Islam had killed more than 280 million people.

There is nothing of Jesus in any of this.

Satan was in control.

In*The Monks of War, researcher Desmond Seward narrates the events of these tragic days:

Jerusalem was stormed in July 1099. The rabid ferocity of its sack showed just how little the Church had succeeded in Christianizing atavistic instincts. The entire population of the Holy City was put to the sword, Jews as well as Moslems, 70,000 men, women and children perished in a holocaust, which raged for three days. In places men waded in blood up to their ankles and horsemen were splashed by it as they rode through the streets.8

According to another historical source, the number of Muslims pitilessly slaughtered was 40,000.9*Whatever the actual number of the dead, what the crusaders committed in the Holy Land has gone down in history as an example of matchless barbarism.

Jihad Sherri, tell us the about the death, destruction and havoc that the Muslim invasions of Europe brought, that caused the Europeans to react with the Crusades. Or would you like me to post a biography of your Muslim brethren's doings not only in Europe, but all over the world.

Over a span of 500 years, and three continents, Islam had killed more than 280 million people.

True story. : cool:
Gosh I wonder what Jesus would have said about this?

Over a span of 500 years, and three continents, Islam had killed more than 280 million people.

There is nothing of Jesus in any of this.

Satan was in control.

In*The Monks of War, researcher Desmond Seward narrates the events of these tragic days:

Jerusalem was stormed in July 1099. The rabid ferocity of its sack showed just how little the Church had succeeded in Christianizing atavistic instincts. The entire population of the Holy City was put to the sword, Jews as well as Moslems, 70,000 men, women and children perished in a holocaust, which raged for three days. In places men waded in blood up to their ankles and horsemen were splashed by it as they rode through the streets.8

According to another historical source, the number of Muslims pitilessly slaughtered was 40,000.9*Whatever the actual number of the dead, what the crusaders committed in the Holy Land has gone down in history as an example of matchless barbarism.

Jihad Sherri, tell us the about the death, destruction and havoc that the Muslim invasions of Europe brought, that caused the Europeans to react with the Crusades. Or would you like me to post a biography of your Muslim brethren's doings not only in Europe, but all over the world.

Over a span of 500 years, and three continents, Islam had killed more than 280 million people.

True story. : cool:

How many have the christians killed?
How many have the christians killed?

Slight difference. When Christians went out fighting "holy wars", they were in violation of the scriptures.

John 18:36
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."

Thus, when these so-called "Christians" were fighting wars, it was completely against the teaching of Christ.

One of the reasons that the Catholic Church, refused to translate the Bible from Latin, a dead language, into common tongue like English, is because they knew they would lose their ability to control the masses.

When the Pope said "go kill those people", and the knights and common folk were reading the passage above.... People recognized the contradiction.

It was contradiction exactly like this, the led to the protestant split from the Catholic church, and why many people to this day, when they say "Christian", they don't mean Catholic. When I say "Christian" I never mean the Catholic church.

On the other hand, Islam, was born from the blood of the sword. It was spread in the blood of the sword. To this day, if you are a practicing Muslim, and you announce you reject Islam, in favor of another view, you will very likely be stoned, or killed, sometimes even by your own family. If you are oppressed, you should fight the infidels, and kill them. This is traditional, and present day Islam.

Again, compare this to Christianity, where Jesus said in Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."

What is the 'cross'? It was the method of execution. A Christian should be willing to suffer for their beliefs.

Not similar in any way.
The difference between Muslims and Christians is that the Muslims are killing NOW. More than anyone. These extremists have very much hijacked the religion of Islam.
Yes, the Crusades were a result of Muslims stealing Christian lands. And for generations they have been trying to steal Israel's land. And as long as there are Christians, this will not happen.

How many have the christians killed?

Slight difference. When Christians went out fighting "holy wars", they were in violation of the scriptures.

John 18:36
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."

Thus, when these so-called "Christians" were fighting wars, it was completely against the teaching of Christ.

One of the reasons that the Catholic Church, refused to translate the Bible from Latin, a dead language, into common tongue like English, is because they knew they would lose their ability to control the masses.

When the Pope said "go kill those people", and the knights and common folk were reading the passage above.... People recognized the contradiction.

It was contradiction exactly like this, the led to the protestant split from the Catholic church, and why many people to this day, when they say "Christian", they don't mean Catholic. When I say "Christian" I never mean the Catholic church.

On the other hand, Islam, was born from the blood of the sword. It was spread in the blood of the sword. To this day, if you are a practicing Muslim, and you announce you reject Islam, in favor of another view, you will very likely be stoned, or killed, sometimes even by your own family. If you are oppressed, you should fight the infidels, and kill them. This is traditional, and present day Islam.

Again, compare this to Christianity, where Jesus said in Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."

What is the 'cross'? It was the method of execution. A Christian should be willing to suffer for their beliefs.

Not similar in any way.
"There is nothing of Jesus in this barbarism" of those you support killing his people all over this earth.

There is nothing of Jesus In This Barbarism

Barbarism of the Crusaders

After ransacking and setting fire to many settlements and putting countless Muslims to the sword, eventually the crusaders reached Jerusalem in 1099. After a siege of approximately five weeks, the city fell. When the victors finally entered Jerusalem, according to one historian, "They killed all the Saracens and the Turks they found... whether male of female."5

Crusaders slaughtered everyone they met and looted everything they could get their hands on. They murdered indiscriminately those who had taken refuge in the mosques, whether young or old, and devastated the Muslim and Jewish holy sites and places of worship setting the city's synagogues aflame, burning alive Jews who had hidden inside. This slaughter continued until no longer could they find anyone to kill.6

The Apostle Pauls words to different peoples he shared the Gospel.of Jesus Christ with are as timely and filled with Truth today as they were then.

Romans 1

English Standard Version (ESV)


Paul,*a servant[a]*of Christ Jesus,*called to be an apostle,*set apart for the gospel of God,*which*he promised beforehand*through his prophets in the holy Scriptures,*concerning his Son,*who was descended from David*according to the flesh*and*was declared to be the Son of God*in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,*through whom*we have received grace and*apostleship*to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name*among all the nations,*including you who are*called to belong to Jesus Christ,

To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
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