Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho
Those are some more geniuses who need to get a real job.
Where they're wrong is that Christ was first a teacher among the Jews, but that he also had a heart for those of other backgrounds, as the story of the woman by the well whose deeds Christ gave her a recitation of correctly, yet gave her a command she likely heeded to "go and sin no more." Peter's revelation of this meaning was his dream of the table of unclean meats that were now acceptable, which he interpreted to mean all human beings, even those who were not born as Jews, were welcome to God's banquet if they followed Christ's teachings which were based absolutely on Old Testament books. They still went to Synagogues and taught scriptures in Christ's manner of interpreting God's commands and love for all humankind. Sometimes they were tortured, jailed, and killed for saying so. Many in the region made spectacles of feeding the new disciples to hungry lions, or used as easy kills for new gladiators, fighting the unskilled men given weapons to the death, which usually went well for the newbie gladiators and poorly for the Christians. The upper classes were not too concerned about Christians until Constantine, Emperor of the Roman Empire from 307-337AD, adopted Christianity and unified believers starting in 325 at the council of Nicaea in Turkey, which was opened by Constantine and attended by all Bishops in the realm. Somewhere along the line, the mission to go into Jewish Synagogues was abandoned, but often in some special communities, Synagogues will have a day of sharing with a Christian church or churches of different denominations as a good will in the community effort. I think that's really nice and was blessed to live in in a Wyoming community that did just that for many years. ;) It kind of makes you feel a brotherhood with the Community of believers in God.

The brotherhood of mankind is a far cry from idolatry, imho.
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Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
Jesus slanderer Roudy, keep on with those lies.

Go on and keep slandering Jesus, with each slanderous lie your time to burn draws closer.

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.
But Jihad Sherri told us that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

Could it be that Jihad Sherri is making stuff up to justify her hatred?
Jihad Sherri, terrorist ass licker posing as a Christian while spitting hate and venom, do you deny your claim that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

It's right here in this thread, if you'd like I can repost your claim.

Hellbound fraudster.
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Where you are wrong is in omitting the fact that Salvation comes only through belief in Him.

That is what Jesus says in John 3:16 and throughout The Gospels.

Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho
Those are some more geniuses who need to get a real job.
Where they're wrong is that Christ was first a teacher among the Jews, but that he also had a heart for those of other backgrounds, as the story of the woman by the well whose deeds Christ gave her a recitation of correctly, yet gave her a command she likely heeded to "go and sin no more." Peter's revelation of this meaning was his dream of the table of unclean meats that were now acceptable, which he interpreted to mean all human beings, even those who were not born as Jews, were welcome to God's banquet if they followed Christ's teachings which were based absolutely on Old Testament books. They still went to Synagogues and taught scriptures in Christ's manner of interpreting God's commands and love for all humankind. Sometimes they were tortured, jailed, and killed for saying so. Many in the region made spectacles of feeding the new disciples to hungry lions, or used as easy kills for new gladiators, fighting the unskilled men given weapons to the death, which usually went well for the newbie gladiators and poorly for the Christians. The upper classes were not too concerned about Christians until Constantine, Emperor of the Roman Empire from 307-337AD, adopted Christianity and unified believers starting in 325 at the council of Nicaea in Turkey, which was opened by Constantine and attended by all Bishops in the realm.
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Jesus slanderer, I never said Jesus said those words, I said those words.

Can you read English, Jesus slanderer?

And anyone with a brain can see The Bible has two parts, The Old Testament and The New Testament, and anyone with a brain knows believers in Jesus believe in The New Testament.

Jesus slanderer Roudy, keep on with those lies.

Go on and keep slandering Jesus, with each slanderous lie your time to burn draws closer.

But Jihad Sherri told us that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

Could it be that Jihad Sherri is making stuff up to justify her hatred?
Jihad Sherri, terrorist ass licker posing as a Christian, while spitting hate and venom, do you deny your claim that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

It's right here in this thread, if you'd like I can repost your claim.

Hellbound fraudster.
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Is there ANY CHRISTIAN HERE who agrees with Sherri's take on Jesus? Christians only please reply.

It's not her take on Jesus that's the problem. It's her belief that the Old Testament is no longer valid. I have never met a Christian who believes the Old Testament is no longer valid. It's all about the land. She is trying to justify why the Pali's should have the land and she cannot provide one biblical passage to justify it. In Deuteronomy alone God speaks over 200 times about the land he has given to Israel as an everlasting possession. This cut's Satanic Sherri to the bone because she wants her Pali buds to have it and she has to outright lie and distort scripture to meet her beliefs. For example, the apostle Paul says all Israel will be saved. Satanic Sherri says well, he's speaking of spiritual Israel. Well hell no and fuck no. If he was speaking of spiritual Israel he would have said spiritual Israel. Something of that importance would be addressed directly and not spoken of in metaphors. Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth. Satanic Sherri outright lied and said Jesus said the meek shall inherit the "land". And since the pali's are the "meek" they will inherit the land. It all boils down to the fact that she is heavily influenced by Muslims. The bottom line is she is just your every day Jew and Israel hater.
I believe the words of Jesus about who He is, and Bloodrock rejects them.

May God have mercy on your soul for your disbelief of the words of Jesus and who He says He is.
Jesus fulfills all that is written in The Old Testament.

I do not claim it no longer exists, but that Jesus is the fulfillment of all of the promises in The Old Testament.

And Jesus Himself very clearly says the meek shall inherit the land, that does not give the land to any one ethnic group. That is the only words Jesus ever speaks about the land.

Why does Bloodrock refuse to believe what Jesus says?
Bloodrock has been asked over and over and over to tell us where Jesus speaks of the secular nation Israel and he cannot.

He cannot produce words Jesus never says.

Jesus came to save man, not give land to Jews.

And that is all Zionism is , stealing land from others to give it to Jews.

Jesus never tells anyone to steal land or ethnically cleanse land.

Jesus was sent for a much bigger purpose, to reconcile all of mankind to God, who believes in Him, Jew and Gentile who believes in Jesus.

And His Kingdom who He will take all to who believe in Him is a Heavenly Kingdom where those who believe in Him shall live for Eternity.
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Actually, the title of the thread should have been God Is A Zionist. Jesus does not directly address the land. Anyone who believes the land belongs to Israel is a Zionist. I did a count once of how many times in the old testament that God mentioned the land as an everlasting possession for Israel. It is over 500 times and 200 in Deuteronmy alone. For Satanic Sherri's benefit, everlasting means forever. This leaves no doubt that God is a Zionist and that is THE reason Satanic Sherri says the old testament is no longer valid. So if God is a Zionist, then of course Jesus is a Zionist. Someone needs to tell Satanic Sherri she needs to resign her membership in the Westboro Baptist church.
Jesus slanderer, I never said Jesus said those words, I said those words.

Can you read English, Jesus slanderer?

And anyone with a brain can see The Bible has two parts, The Old Testament and The New Testament, and anyone with a brain knows believers in Jesus believe in The New Testament.

Jesus slanderer Roudy, keep on with those lies.

Go on and keep slandering Jesus, with each slanderous lie your time to burn draws closer.
Jihad Sherri, terrorist ass licker posing as a Christian, while spitting hate and venom, do you deny your claim that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

It's right here in this thread, if you'd like I can repost your claim.

Hellbound fraudster.
Here are some of the Christian and Jesus-like words you spoke in this thread:


"Having just said FUCK ISRAEL, another way to view mention of Israel in The New Testament as now constituting The Church, both Jews and Gentiles accepting Jesus as Messiah."
Jesus slanderer Roudy, keep on with those lies.

Go on and keep slandering Jesus, with each slanderous lie your time to burn draws closer.

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.
But Jihad Sherri told us that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

Could it be that Jihad Sherri is making stuff up to justify her hatred?
If Roudy is gonna burn, we shouldn't lose the opportunity to bring marshmallows and hotdogs. We could sit around him while he burns and sing "Gimmee That Old Time Religion" and have a grand ol' Holy Rolling.
Just name the time. MJB, bring the liquid refreshments. And the dancing girls.
Bloodrock has been asked over and over and over to tell us where Jesus speaks of the secular nation Israel and he cannot.

He cannot produce words Jesus never says.

Jesus came to save man, not give land to Jews.

And that is all Zionism is , stealing land from others to give it to Jews.

Jesus never tells anyone to steal land or ethnically cleanse land.

Jesus was sent for a much bigger purpose, to reconcile all of mankind to God, who believes in Him, Jew and Gentile who believes in Jesus.

And His Kingdom who He will take all to who believe in Him is a Heavenly Kingdom where those who believe in Him shall live for Eternity.
Having shown a million times that Jesus believed in every word of the Old Testament, a 100% Zionist book from which Jesus preached, you want us to show it to you a million and one times now? For what, so you can blabber some irrelevant biblical verse again? Ha ha ha. What a freak.
Bloodrock has been asked over and over and over to tell us where Jesus speaks of the secular nation Israel and he cannot.

He cannot produce words Jesus never says.

Jesus came to save man, not give land to Jews.

Learn to read English Satanic heretic and stop dodging and deflecting. I never made the claim that Jesus addressed the land. You made the claim that the Old Testament was no longer valid. You made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. You were asked to give chapter and verse where the bible says that. All you do is dodge and deflect. Intelligent readers can see you are a lying heretic. Hell, even stupid posters can see you are a lying heretic that has too many Iranian handlers. BTW, since you post 24/7, are you the first or second shift Satanic Sherri?
Jesus slanderer Roudy, keep on with those lies.

Go on and keep slandering Jesus, with each slanderous lie your time to burn draws closer.

But Jihad Sherri told us that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

Could it be that Jihad Sherri is making stuff up to justify her hatred?
If Roudy is gonna burn, we shouldn't lose the opportunity to bring marshmallows and hotdogs. We could sit around him while he burns and sing "Gimmee That Old Time Religion" and have a grand ol' Holy Rolling.
Just name the time. MJB, bring the liquid refreshments. And the dancing girls.
In that case your marshmallows and hotdogs will have a smoked flavor of expensive whiskey. LOL
Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
Why do you lie about me? I love Jesus the Lord with all my heart, and my neighbor as myself. I spend all my time and money on sewing for the poor, just like he commanded. I have no hatred for God's many creations, other people, and I love and talk to people who come from all perspectives here, even when they spew and lie and try to put words I never said into my mouth and other vile things.

I come from a long line of ministers and schoolmarms, Missy, and have shaken hands and broken bread with people who can also trace their family histories back to the days when Jesus laid hands on their ancestors, and the laying on of hands continued on as a special blessing to me.

You're in "everybody's going to hell but people who think like me" mode.
There are two exhortations of this error in the scriptures, one in which Christ commanded his disciplies to lay off people they didn't know preaching his precepts by name, who'd heard him and were sharing their experiences with other which put his disciples noses out of joint. The other is when he commanded his disciples to wash each others' feet just as he had done, and with as much love and kindness.

So as long as you're going to carry on with your dismissal of other believers in God, and in that important SECOND commandment, to love one's neighbors as yourself, I'm not going to worry about your false accusations spit out online with venom and spite. Got it?

God will reunify Christians and Jews when he is ready to. We are not privy to knowing the time nor the hour. God said he will never abandon Israel. God keeps his promises absolutely. I have a hunch we're not the only ones who know God. Christ is our sacrifice. He is a Jew, and was taunted on the day of his crucifixion as the King of the Jews by his soldier assassins.

He also forgave them. They are forgiven.
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The promises of the land in the Old Testament were conditional promises.

Over and over and over you see unconditional promises followed by conditional clauses.

Genesis 17:8 describes the land as an everlasting possession.

Genesis 17:9, 14 makes that promise conditional.

Joshua 1:2-5 Unconditional promise

Joshua 1:7-8 Conditional clause

Residence in the land was always conditional.

And there are Blessings for Obedience Deuteronomy 28:1-3. 7, 10

And there are curses for disobedience Deuteronomy 28:15-16, 25, 63-64
I believe the words of Jesus about who He is, and Bloodrock rejects them.

May God have mercy on your soul for your disbelief of the words of Jesus and who He says He is.

One more time you satanic heretic. Why do you have to outright lie? The readers remember when I said I believe every word in the New Testament. I believe the words of Jesus and who he says he is. I believe every word in the Old Testament and YOU are the satanic heretic who says God is a liar by denying the word of God in the Old Testament. The readers are intelligent enough to know that a true Christian does not celebrate the death of a human being nor thinks it's "funny" when someone dies. True Christians do not "Thank God" for a human beings death. You fool no one you imp of Satan!
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