Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Are you and Aris2chat the same poster?

Why do you accuse me of saying to you words I said to another?

Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
Why do you lie about me? I love Jesus the Lord with all my heart, and my neighbor as myself. I spend all my time and money on sewing for the poor, just like he commanded. I have no hatred for God's many creations, other people, and I love and talk to people who come from all perspectives here, even when they spew and lie and try to put words I never said into my mouth and other vile things.

I come from a long line of ministers and schoolmarms, Missy, and have shaken hands and broken bread with people who can also trace their family histories back to the days when Jesus laid hands on their ancestors, and the laying on of hands continued on as a special blessing to me.

You're in "everybody's going to hell but people who think like me" mode.
There are two exhortations of this error in the scriptures, one in which Christ commanded his disciplies to lay off people they didn't know preaching his precepts by name, who'd heard him and were sharing their experiences with other which put his disciples noses out of joint. The other is when he commanded his disciples to wash each others' feet just as he had done, and with as much love and kindness.

So as long as you're going to carry on with your dismissal of other believers in God, and in that important SECOND commandment, to love one's neighbors as yourself, I'm not going to worry about your false accusations spit out online with venom and spite. Got it?
LOL! How's about I bring Sherri to do Fatima's Couchee Couchee for us to enjoy?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxZoXJBILbc]Little Egypt 1896 - YouTube[/ame]

Jesus slanderer Roudy, keep on with those lies.

Go on and keep slandering Jesus, with each slanderous lie your time to burn draws closer.

But Jihad Sherri told us that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

Could it be that Jihad Sherri is making stuff up to justify her hatred?
If Roudy is gonna burn, we shouldn't lose the opportunity to bring marshmallows and hotdogs. We could sit around him while he burns and sing "Gimmee That Old Time Religion" and have a grand ol' Holy Rolling.
Just name the time. MJB, bring the liquid refreshments. And the dancing girls.
Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
Why do you lie about me? I love Jesus the Lord with all my heart, and my neighbor as myself. I spend all my time and money on sewing for the poor, just like he commanded. I have no hatred for God's many creations, other people, and I love and talk to people who come from all perspectives here, even when they spew and lie and try to put words I never said into my mouth and other vile things.

I come from a long line of ministers and schoolmarms, Missy, and have shaken hands and broken bread with people who can also trace their family histories back to the days when Jesus laid hands on their ancestors, and the laying on of hands continued on as a special blessing to me.

You're in "everybody's going to hell but people who think like me" mode.
There are two exhortations of this error in the scriptures, one in which Christ commanded his disciplies to lay off people they didn't know preaching his precepts by name, who'd heard him and were sharing their experiences with other which put his disciples noses out of joint. The other is when he commanded his disciples to wash each others' feet just as he had done, and with as much love and kindness.

So as long as you're going to carry on with your dismissal of other believers in God, and in that important SECOND commandment, to love one's neighbors as yourself, I'm not going to worry about your false accusations spit out online with venom and spite. Got it?
Becki, Jihad Sherri is not be taken seriously. She regularly attacks other Christians who do not hate Jews and Israel as she does.

Jihad Sherri, the "good" Christian:
Having just said FUCK ISRAEL...

Jesus slanderer,

Jesus tells us who He is in The Gospels.

And Zionism was not even founded until the 1800s, over 1800 years after Jesus lived as a man in Palestine.

whack job Jihad Sherri:
And Jesus is not and never was a Zionist.

and you know this...how?
Jesus tells us he believes in every word of the Old Testament, which gives the Promised Land to the Jews.

No if's and's or but's. You can keep squirming as much as you want, it's not gonna change ANYTHING. Accept it, or don't ever. Who cares, you are but a mutant.

Jesus was a Zionist!
Jihad Sherri the whackjob:
And that is all Zionism is , stealing land from others to give it to Jews.

That might be YOUR definition. Last I checked Jesus wanted to gather all the Children of Israel aka his brethren Jews in the Promised Land and help rebuild it to it's glory days. Which makes him a Zionist AND gives the land to the Jews.
They are Jesus words.

How long do you plan to keep slandering Jesus and continuing in your disbelief of Him?

Hell awaits those who do not believe.

You mean he preached the true values of his faith and the Old Testament?

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.

I don't believe in hell. I couldn't believe in a god that condemns people to suffering.
I have more personal reason than most posters to hate, but I don't. A might be angry, but I don't hate. There were some I was glad when they died, but I don't hate them.
I don't care to take that kind of karma with me. It's not about hell, it's about just believing there is a better way.
Are you and Aris2chat the same poster?

Why do you accuse me of saying to you words I said to another?

Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?
Why do you lie about me? I love Jesus the Lord with all my heart, and my neighbor as myself. I spend all my time and money on sewing for the poor, just like he commanded. I have no hatred for God's many creations, other people, and I love and talk to people who come from all perspectives here, even when they spew and lie and try to put words I never said into my mouth and other vile things.

I come from a long line of ministers and schoolmarms, Missy, and have shaken hands and broken bread with people who can also trace their family histories back to the days when Jesus laid hands on their ancestors, and the laying on of hands continued on as a special blessing to me.

You're in "everybody's going to hell but people who think like me" mode.
There are two exhortations of this error in the scriptures, one in which Christ commanded his disciplies to lay off people they didn't know preaching his precepts by name, who'd heard him and were sharing their experiences with other which put his disciples noses out of joint. The other is when he commanded his disciples to wash each others' feet just as he had done, and with as much love and kindness.

So as long as you're going to carry on with your dismissal of other believers in God, and in that important SECOND commandment, to love one's neighbors as yourself, I'm not going to worry about your false accusations spit out online with venom and spite. Got it?
I don't break the rules of the forum by dressing in multiple disguises. Our board moderators have enough problems as it is.

You quoted no one, which opened your blanket disapproval to anyone in the area who'd just posted.
The promises of the land in the Old Testament were conditional promises.

Over and over and over you see unconditional promises followed by conditional clauses.

Genesis 17:8 describes the land as an everlasting possession.

Genesis 17:9, 14 makes that promise conditional.

Joshua 1:2-5 Unconditional promise

Joshua 1:7-8 Conditional clause

Residence in the land was always conditional.

And there are Blessings for Obedience Deuteronomy 28:1-3. 7, 10

And there are curses for disobedience Deuteronomy 28:15-16, 25, 63-64

And they have met the conditions you imp of Satan. They were scattered as God said they would be and they have been gathered back to the land in the last days as was prophesied. To dwell in it forever. According to the prophecies.

For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. ¶ And these [are] the words that the LORD spake concerning Israel and concerning Judah." Jeremiah 30: 3,4

"After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land [that is] brought back from the sword, [and is] gathered out of many people, against the mountains of
Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall
dwell safely all of them." Ezekiel 38:8
Jesus repudiated the notion of an earthly and nationalistic kingdom on more than one occasion.

Matthew 21:43 Jesus uses the analogy of the fruit tree, Therefore, I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.

Matthew 8: 10-12 Jesus says that the subjects of the kingdom, that is, unbelieving Jews, will be thrown outside.

Luke 14:15-24 None of those who were originally invited will get a taste of my banquet.

All of the above are references to Jews who do not believe in Jesus, and Jesus addressing what shall happen to them.

I addressed Jesus speaking about the land in The Beatitudes, the verse actually first appeared in Psalms and was a much narrower verse.

Jesus takes a promise made to the Jewish people concerning the land in Psalm 37 and applies it to His followers all over the world. The Kingdom of God has been expanded, to now include Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus all over the world. This is Jesus redefining the kingdom : an inclusive inheritance in the world. (The Kingdom of God is entered upon Salvation on this earth for believers in Jesus and becomes a Heavenly Kingdom upon death of believers in Jesus)

Psalm 37:11 But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

This is a redefining of the boundaries of the kingdom, and should be read in context with Jesus later command to go out into the world and share the good news/gospel of Christ.

And the Kingdom of God in The New Testament has come about through Jesus, through Jesus fulfilling all of the promises of The Old Testament.
Satanic Sherri. Just admit it that you hates Jews and can't accept the fact the land is theirs forever. And admit that the land is more important to you than the souls of your fellow human beings. If you were really a Christian, you would stop focusing on stealing land for your Islamic heroes and focus on saving their souls. Remember, you believe the words of Jesus and he said I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. So if you really believe the words of Jesus, you should be saving some Muslim souls cause you know they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah, you despicable imp of Satan.
More slander about Jesus from the Jesus slanderer.

You just spew out those lies, like a good little Zionist boy always does.

Jesus slanderer,

Jesus tells us who He is in The Gospels.

And Zionism was not even founded until the 1800s, over 1800 years after Jesus lived as a man in Palestine.

whack job Jihad Sherri:

and you know this...how?
Jesus tells us he believes in every word of the Old Testament, which gives the Promised Land to the Jews.

No if's and's or but's. You can keep squirming as much as you want, it's not gonna change ANYTHING. Accept it, or don't ever. Who cares, you are but a mutant.

Jesus was a Zionist!
Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.

Everyone else here has wondered exactly that about you, l'il sherriliar...... You remain the ONLY one here to slander Jesus, with your raging hatred of all of Zion and her people.
Are you and Aris2chat the same poster?

Why do you accuse me of saying to you words I said to another?

Why do you lie about me? I love Jesus the Lord with all my heart, and my neighbor as myself. I spend all my time and money on sewing for the poor, just like he commanded. I have no hatred for God's many creations, other people, and I love and talk to people who come from all perspectives here, even when they spew and lie and try to put words I never said into my mouth and other vile things.

I come from a long line of ministers and schoolmarms, Missy, and have shaken hands and broken bread with people who can also trace their family histories back to the days when Jesus laid hands on their ancestors, and the laying on of hands continued on as a special blessing to me.

You're in "everybody's going to hell but people who think like me" mode.
There are two exhortations of this error in the scriptures, one in which Christ commanded his disciplies to lay off people they didn't know preaching his precepts by name, who'd heard him and were sharing their experiences with other which put his disciples noses out of joint. The other is when he commanded his disciples to wash each others' feet just as he had done, and with as much love and kindness.

So as long as you're going to carry on with your dismissal of other believers in God, and in that important SECOND commandment, to love one's neighbors as yourself, I'm not going to worry about your false accusations spit out online with venom and spite. Got it?
I don't break the rules of the forum by dressing in multiple disguises. Our board moderators have enough problems as it is.

You quoted no one, which opened your blanket disapproval to anyone in the area who'd just posted.

Posts can speak to anyone and everyone.
With a few exceptions, for business or private use, I have had the same screen name for almost thirty years.
Jesus is the fulfillment of all promises in The Old Testament.

That is my claim.

I did not say Israel was a spiritual state, I said The Apostle Paul speaks of a Spiritual Israel as consisting of Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus. And he does that in Galatians.

And I believe what Jesus says in John 3:16, that those who believe in Jesus have Salvation.

When did all Jews accept Jesus as Messiah?

Bloodrock has been asked over and over and over to tell us where Jesus speaks of the secular nation Israel and he cannot.

He cannot produce words Jesus never says.

Jesus came to save man, not give land to Jews.

Learn to read English Satanic heretic and stop dodging and deflecting. I never made the claim that Jesus addressed the land. You made the claim that the Old Testament was no longer valid. You made the claim that Israel is not a physical state but a spiritual state. You were asked to give chapter and verse where the bible says that. All you do is dodge and deflect. Intelligent readers can see you are a lying heretic. Hell, even stupid posters can see you are a lying heretic that has too many Iranian handlers. BTW, since you post 24/7, are you the first or second shift Satanic Sherri?
Learn what slandering Jesus means, Zionist.

It is lying about Jesus, I am the one who keeps giving you the words of Jesus which you keep rejecting.

Jesus says in John 3:16 Salvation comes from belief in Jesus, He does not say Salvation comes from belief in Israel.

Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.

Everyone else here has wondered exactly that about you, l'il sherriliar...... You remain the ONLY one here to slander Jesus, with your raging hatred of all of Zion and her people.
Sherri the satanic Shill says she loves Jesus so much, yet she has spent this entire thread lying about him, as proved by the other posters.
Sherri a good Christian ??? More like a satanic heretic !
Learn what slandering Jesus means, Zionist.

It is lying about Jesus, I am the one who keeps giving you the words of Jesus which you keep rejecting.

Jesus says in John 3:16 Salvation comes from belief in Jesus, He does not say Salvation comes from belief in Israel.

Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Everyone else here has wondered exactly that about you, l'il sherriliar...... You remain the ONLY one here to slander Jesus, with your raging hatred of all of Zion and her people.
Nobody disagrees with the Heide about the scriptures, but she is totally wrong about their meaning.
Learn what slandering Jesus means, Zionist.

It is lying about Jesus, I am the one who keeps giving you the words of Jesus which you keep rejecting.

Jesus says in John 3:16 Salvation comes from belief in Jesus, He does not say Salvation comes from belief in Israel.

Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Everyone else here has wondered exactly that about you, l'il sherriliar...... You remain the ONLY one here to slander Jesus, with your raging hatred of all of Zion and her people.

But your vaunted 'belief' is not enough, l'il sherrisatanslut: especially not while you persist in trying to beat up on others for not sharing your theology. I wonder how many people you've actually driven away from Jesus by your evil cackling over the prospect of other human beings burning in Hell forever?

Would you enjoy someone chucking over the thought of you burning forever? Or the thought of someone you hold dear, burning and burning and burning forever?

If it would distress you - then how dare you seek to bring such pain to others? You know full well that nobody is going to believe you have any respect for anyone else's soul - not after you address another as 'Satan'!
Learn what slandering Jesus means, Zionist.

It is lying about Jesus, I am the one who keeps giving you the words of Jesus which you keep rejecting.

Jesus says in John 3:16 Salvation comes from belief in Jesus, He does not say Salvation comes from belief in Israel.

Matthew 4, we read Jesus taught the gospel of the kingdom.

And He says in John 3:16 Salvation comes through belief in Him.

He taught love, He is love, why do you renounce love and choose hate?

Everyone else here has wondered exactly that about you, l'il sherriliar...... You remain the ONLY one here to slander Jesus, with your raging hatred of all of Zion and her people.

We have atheists, deists, christians, muslims and jews, and likely a few others, that all seem to understand the gospels better than you do.
It is not about a few quotes but the books as a whole. The gospels individually tell very different stories and frequently contradict.
Jesus slanderer,

Jesus says He is the Son of God and Salvation comes from belief in Him, in John 3:16.

I am 100% convinced I believe in Jesus.

Now, why in this world would I believe what you say about Jesus over what Jesus says Himself, about Himself?

You have been presented with the words of Jesus, you make your choices and you answer for your choices.

Blaming me for your choices does not cut it.

Learn what slandering Jesus means, Zionist.

It is lying about Jesus, I am the one who keeps giving you the words of Jesus which you keep rejecting.

Jesus says in John 3:16 Salvation comes from belief in Jesus, He does not say Salvation comes from belief in Israel.

Everyone else here has wondered exactly that about you, l'il sherriliar...... You remain the ONLY one here to slander Jesus, with your raging hatred of all of Zion and her people.

But your vaunted 'belief' is not enough, l'il sherrisatanslut: especially not while you persist in trying to beat up on others for not sharing your theology. I wonder how many people you've actually driven away from Jesus by your evil cackling over the prospect of other human beings burning in Hell forever?

Would you enjoy someone chucking over the thought of you burning forever? Or the thought of someone you hold dear, burning and burning and burning forever?

If it would distress you - then how dare you seek to bring such pain to others? You know full well that nobody is going to believe you have any respect for anyone else's soul - not after you address another as 'Satan'!
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