Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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She already does live in the 7th or 8th century. That's what makes her so much fun for us who live in the 21st century.

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.

How to people following Jesus' inclusion of all people and spirit of forgiveness find so much hate for others and presume they and only they will be saved through Jesus? Such people make a mockery of his ministry and sacrifice. Even people that don't believe that Jesus was the "son" of god still admire his teachings and approach caring for all mankind.
Why are there so many bible trumpeters using Jesus to attack others?
Unimaginative Uber-Literalists who can't see beyond the verbiage in order to assess its intent 2000 years ago and its applicability and utility 2000 years after the words were uttered?

People trapped in what I amateurishly and loosely call a 'hyper-literal' condition strike me as unimaginative dullards and drudges and drones who hardly ever think outside the box or have an original thought and who find it virtually impossible to adapt old understandings to a present-day context.

You know... the kind of folks who would be more comfortable and better-equipped living in the 7th or 8th century - out on the sands, perhaps, in this case - rather than the 21st.
NO. We're just rejecting *you* as anyone truly associated with Jesus or his teachings.

I believe in who Jesus says He was, I keep giving you His words and you keep rejecting them.

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.
As a matter of fact Jihad Sherri and her kin which comprise of Neo Nazis, White Supremacists, Skinheads, etc, are the abomination and not the norm in Christianity.
Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho
Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

But, Mrs. Sherri, you and your Iranian gang worship a meteorite. If that is what floats your boat, go for it. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sherri is so busy talking about Zionists that she has not a moment to spare to talk about all those Christians being murdered in the Middle East even though this is actually a Middle East forum and she does claim that she is a "Christian."
Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho
yup, and she quotes a scumbag who is regularly quoted in Islamist and Arab sites. What a surprise.
Poor Jihad Sherri, just can't handle the fact that vast majority of American Christians support Israel wholeheartedly.
LOL! Let the truth be known to all.

LiveLeak.com - Muslims Worship A Few Meteorite Fragments

Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

But, Mrs. Sherri, you and your Iranian gang worship a meteorite. If that is what floats your boat, go for it. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sherri is so busy talking about Zionists that she has not a moment to spare to talk about all those Christians being murdered in the Middle East even though this is actually a Middle East forum and she does claim that she is a "Christian."
Does Jihad Sherri realize that the Founding Fathers of this great nation were all Christian Zionists?

Oh gawd, why is it always the dumbass morons that end up being anti semites?

Anti semitism is a mental disease.
I find it interesting how Israel's greatest enemies like her from without are also the USA's greatest enemies from within.
And you don't think that website you're using as a source is the least bit biased? BTW, what are you (ab)using as your definition of 'theologian'?
Need I remind you that Lamarck and Lysenko were both considered 'scientists'?
Not to mention that the 'reviewer' is a Palestinian "activist" - so of course he has represents a totally objective POV on the topic, LOL!

If one takes ANY good idea to an extreme, it becomes corrupted - but that goes for one's own ideology as well. Both the 'Shepherds' Chapel' and the 'Westboro Baptist Church' are convinced they represent sound Christianity: do you think they do, l'il sherrithing?

Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho
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Is there ANY CHRISTIAN HERE who agrees with Sherri's take on Jesus? Christians only please reply.
Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
You mean he preached the true values of his faith and the Old Testament?
Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
You mean he preached the true values of his faith and the Old Testament?

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.
Another Christian theologian calls Christian Zionism Idolatry.

Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho

By:*Yohanna Katanacho

Paas concludes that Christian Zionism is the golden calf of ancient Israel, a self-made god, in rebellion against the true God (p. 108). He adds that Christian Zionism “has to be considered as a heterodox expression of Christianity” (p. 108). He believes that it is a heresy that decentralizes Christ even gets rid of him (p. 108).

Come And See - Christian Zionism Examined by Steven Paas - Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho
Those are some more geniuses who need to get a real job.
Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
You mean he preached the true values of his faith and the Old Testament?

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.
But Jihad Sherri told us that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

Could it be that Jihad Sherri is making stuff up to justify her hatred?
The words are clear, Jesus says He is the Son of God in John 3:16, He nowhere says He is a Zionist, and He clearly says in John 3:16 Salvation comes from belief in Him.

How long will you be rejecting Jesus as Messiah and slandering Him?

The lie in the thread title lies not just in stating Jesus was a Zionist, but in stating Jesus "was" .

Jesus is the life and the truth and the way.

Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus is Messiah.

Jesus is the only way to the Father.

Jesus is Lord and Saviour to those who call on His name and believe in Him.

And Jesus is not and never was a Zionist.

Is there ANY CHRISTIAN HERE who agrees with Sherri's take on Jesus? Christians only please reply.
Jesus slanderer Roudy, keep on with those lies.

Go on and keep slandering Jesus, with each slanderous lie your time to burn draws closer.

You mean he preached the true values of his faith and the Old Testament?

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.
But Jihad Sherri told us that Jesus said "out with the Old and in with the New"?

Could it be that Jihad Sherri is making stuff up to justify her hatred?
They are Jesus words.

How long do you plan to keep slandering Jesus and continuing in your disbelief of Him?

Hell awaits those who do not believe.

Jesus was not about hate, or retribution. It was not for man to judge.
Jesus welcomed all people, no matter their sin or acts. He was about kindness and caring for all people.
He preached about love, not hate or hell. Hell, a la Dante, did not exist for Jesus.
You mean he preached the true values of his faith and the Old Testament?

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.
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