Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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He is the Son of God.

Nor does he say that he isn't a Pharisee, but he follows the Pharisee code. The gospel of the KIngdom was non other than the Jewish Tanaka which became the O.T. Try reading your Bible again and this time take in what is written in exodus and how the tribes of Israel are forcibly moved of their land and told they will one day return. The gospel according to John was not the words of Jesus, if it was then it would be the gospel according to Jesus. Like the posts by you are not written by Ariel Sharron are they, yet other people could claim that they were in 300 years time.

A simple question for you to find the answer to in the Bible, and it is there if you look, "In what year was Jesus Crucified" ?
One of many kindergarten playground taunts the Heide spouts.

You mean the Heide ho' , don't you? :eusa_angel:
How in the world can a person claim to be a Christian and reject the Truth of the words Jesus speaks in John 3:16.

Belief in Jesus and His words defines a Christian.

How in the world can a person claim to be a Christian and celebrate the death of a human being. Says she thinks it's funny, condemn the person to hell, thanks God for killing them and then turn around and talk about the love of Jesus? What a fucking heretic.
Bloodrock did not reject anything, Heide. He is a devout Christian and you ain't. You be a flaming hypocrite.
How in the world can a person claim to be a Christian and reject the Truth of the words Jesus speaks in John 3:16.

Belief in Jesus and His words defines a Christian.

How in the world can a person claim to be a Christian and celebrate the death of a human being. Says she thinks it's funny, condemn the person to hell, thanks God for killing them and then turn around and talk about the love of Jesus? What a fucking heretic.

You heretic and liar! Bring up one post where I reject the words of Jesus! For the record, I believe every word in the New Testament. But unlike a heretic like you, I also believe every word in the Old, which were the scriptures Jesus taught. To say the words of God are not true makes you a spawn of Satan. If you are going to make accusations, you satanic hellhound, then post your proof. The readers can decide for themselves and they can see you are a liar and a hypocrite.
I give you Jesus words.


Do you accept Jesus as who He is or do you continue in your disbelief?

33*“You snakes! You brood of vipers!*How will you escape being condemned to hell?*34*Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify;*others you will flog in your synagogues*and pursue from town to town.*35*And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel*to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah,*whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.36*Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

The only one here who's been slandering Jesus has been the sherrithing, with her hypocrisy.
Those two verses show that Jesus was preaching to Jews. Sherria says Jesus had nothing to do with Jews or Zionists. Make up your feeble mind as to whether he was a Jew or not. He certainly was not a Christian or a Muslum as neither of those religions existed at the time. And BTW, Jesus was a Zionist whether you like it or not, heathen.
Exactly, if anything, the second verse shows Jesus concerned for his nation and his people, and blames the leadership for it. The Jews were under occupation, and when times are tough, a lot of finger pointing occurs. In ancient times, the culture was to always find a religious reason for why a people are suffering.

But the fact that Jesus speaks of Jerusalem and it's children the Jews in this way, shows his love for Israel and his people. Jesus was 100% a Zionist.
He clearly says He speaks to all in Jerusalem there and by extension He today speaks to all persons, Salvation comes with belief in Jesus.

So, what is your choice, heaven or hell?

I give you Jesus words.


Do you accept Jesus as who He is or do you continue in your disbelief?

33*“You snakes! You brood of vipers!*How will you escape being condemned to hell?*34*Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify;*others you will flog in your synagogues*and pursue from town to town.*35*And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel*to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah,*whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.36*Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
Those two verses show that Jesus was preaching to Jews. Sherria says Jesus had nothing to do with Jews or Zionists. Make up your feeble mind as to whether he was a Jew or not. He certainly was not a Christian or a Muslum as neither of those religions existed at the time. And BTW, Jesus was a Zionist whether you like it or not, heathen.
Exactly, if anything, the second verse shows Jesus concerned for his nation and his people, and blames the leadership for it. The Jews were under occupation, and when times are tough, a lot of finger pointing occurs. In ancient times, the culture was to always find a religious reason for why a people are suffering.

But the fact that Jesus speaks of Jerusalem and it's children the Jews in this way, shows his love for Israel and his people. Jesus was 100% a Zionist.
i believe in jesus and you reject him

i think sherri is the same kind of pharisee jesus would be upset at. One who takes the words of the faith, mutilates it, lies about it, and uses it to justify her hatred.

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.
He is the Son of God.

And He says all are condemed, including all Pharisees , who continue in their disbelief of Him.

He follows no Pharisee code, no matter how often ZIONIST scum like you repeat such slanders .

Jesus was never a Pharisee and He never says He was a Pharisee. Throughout the Gospels, He is constantly criticizing the Pharisees.

And learn English, Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, not the OT or the return of the Jews. That would make no sense, the Jews were there. The fact is they were forced out of Jerusalem and the Temple destroyed in 70 AD because of their disbelief in Jesus, because of their rejection of Jesus as Messiah.. See Matthew 23.

Do you understand English?

The words you claim are written are not there.

Nor does he say that he isn't a Pharisee, but he follows the Pharisee code. The gospel of the KIngdom was non other than the Jewish Tanaka which became the O.T. Try reading your Bible again and this time take in what is written in exodus and how the tribes of Israel are forcibly moved of their land and told they will one day return. The gospel according to John was not the words of Jesus, if it was then it would be the gospel according to Jesus. Like the posts by you are not written by Ariel Sharron are they, yet other people could claim that they were in 300 years time.

A simple question for you to find the answer to in the Bible, and it is there if you look, "In what year was Jesus Crucified" ?

Why don't you try reading your Bible instead of going to some hate site for your information.

He followed the Pharisee code because it said go out and teach the people. He also told of the destruction of the Temple and the rebirth of Israel.

Now have you found the date yet when he died, and how long after the destruction of the Temple it took place ?
How in the world can a person claim to be a Christian and reject the Truth of the words Jesus speaks in John 3:16.

Belief in Jesus and His words defines a Christian.

How in the world can a person claim to be a Christian and celebrate the death of a human being. Says she thinks it's funny, condemn the person to hell, thanks God for killing them and then turn around and talk about the love of Jesus? What a fucking heretic.

What proof do you have that they are his actual words then, and not the words of another person. If he spoke the words you allege in John 3:16 then it would be Jesus 3:16
"He clearly says He speaks to all in Jerusalem there and by extension He today speaks to all persons, Salvation comes with belief in Jesus. So, what is your choice, heaven or hell?"
I seriously doubt that Jesus of Nazareth meant to say that Good People who adhere to other belief-systems cannot attain Paradise (Heaven) without subscribing to his version of spirituality.
I believe in who Jesus says He was, I keep giving you His words and you keep rejecting them.

i believe in jesus and you reject him

i think sherri is the same kind of pharisee jesus would be upset at. One who takes the words of the faith, mutilates it, lies about it, and uses it to justify her hatred.

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.
i believe in jesus and you reject him

i think sherri is the same kind of pharisee jesus would be upset at. One who takes the words of the faith, mutilates it, lies about it, and uses it to justify her hatred.

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.

How to people following Jesus' inclusion of all people and spirit of forgiveness find so much hate for others and presume they and only they will be saved through Jesus? Such people make a mockery of his ministry and sacrifice. Even people that don't believe that Jesus was the "son" of god still admire his teachings and approach caring for all mankind.
Why are there so many bible trumpeters using Jesus to attack others?
Actually, he did not teach from the Bible.... just saying... ;)

Actually, this God damned thread should be in the Religion/Ethics forum...just sayin'.
You want to run things here, then run for election. I'll give you a vote.

Sure, let's discuss it on this thread, or better yet, we could talk about auctioning off the killing of the black rhino who can't get it up anymore. This is the right forum, isn't it?

I had a good friend from Namibia. who birrowed my copy of the Battle of Algeirs.

I see a lot of similarities between an impotent black rhinos and Jesus and both of them being executed for money.

Namibia is in the mideast, isn't it.

Actually, I am beginning to see a lot of similarites between Sherri and the black rhino...except the black rhino knew when to quit.
I believe in who Jesus says He was, I keep giving you His words and you keep rejecting them.

i believe in jesus and you reject him

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.

Not once have you given his words and you know this as fact. What you have given is another persons third or fourth hand version of events written many centuries after Jesus died. Why are the greek ramblings of a roman soldier the accepted words of Jesus if the soldier was born 300 years after Jesus died.

Now post the gospel according to Jesus written in the English language while he was still alive. When you cant it will show that you are out of your depth when it comes to debating theological matters.
NO. We're just rejecting *you* as anyone truly associated with Jesus or his teachings.

I believe in who Jesus says He was, I keep giving you His words and you keep rejecting them.

i believe in jesus and you reject him

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.
i believe in jesus and you reject him

no you dont, you believe in a warped and twisted extremist version of the teachings of christ. This shows when you treat his people with the utmost hatred and spite.

How to people following Jesus' inclusion of all people and spirit of forgiveness find so much hate for others and presume they and only they will be saved through Jesus? Such people make a mockery of his ministry and sacrifice. Even people that don't believe that Jesus was the "son" of god still admire his teachings and approach caring for all mankind.
Why are there so many bible trumpeters using Jesus to attack others?
Unimaginative Uber-Literalists who can't see beyond the verbiage in order to assess its intent 2000 years ago and its applicability and utility 2000 years after the words were uttered?

People trapped in what I amateurishly and loosely call a 'hyper-literal' condition strike me as unimaginative dullards and drudges and drones who hardly ever think outside the box or have an original thought and who find it virtually impossible to adapt old understandings to a present-day context.

You know... the kind of folks who would be more comfortable and better-equipped living in the 7th or 8th century - out on the sands, perhaps, in this case - rather than the 21st.
"He clearly says He speaks to all in Jerusalem there and by extension He today speaks to all persons, Salvation comes with belief in Jesus. So, what is your choice, heaven or hell?"
I seriously doubt that Jesus of Nazareth meant to say that Good People who adhere to other belief-systems cannot attain Paradise (Heaven) without subscribing to his version of spirituality.
Exactly. Your work and your deeds should be the criteria, regardless of religion or race.
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