Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Another reason we know Jesus was not a Zionist is He never shed the blood of the innocent.

Zionists target and kill.

1519 children killed since 9/30/2000.

Jesus is life and Zionists live to kill and destroy.

A difference as clear as the difference between light and darkness.
You fail Logic 101, I know many Jews who are not Zionists.

----your point Sherri? I have known lots and lots of alcoholics---who engaged
in criminal behavior and were in handcuffs-----who claimed to be Baptist christians.
Magda Goebbels was a pious church going christian
Another reason we know Jesus was not a Zionist is He never shed the blood of the innocent.

Zionists target and kill.

1519 children killed since 9/30/2000.

Jesus is life and Zionists live to kill and destroy.

A difference as clear as the difference between light and darkness.
Is that why Christians and Muslims have slaughtered millions throughout history in the name of their respective religions? Genius.
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The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology.

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel". In fact, a great number of Orthodox Jews view the ideology of that state as diametrically opposed to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

We are concerned that the widespread misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state and its actions endangers Jews worldwide.

Home | True Torah Jews
We seek to disassociate Jews and traditional Judaism from the Zionist ideology by:

1. Providing historical and supporting documentation that Zionism is totally contrary to the teachings of traditional Judaism through the words of our Rabbis, Sages, and Holy Scriptures which oppose the creation of a state called Israel.

2. Providing historical documentation on the ideology and creation of Zionism, the supporters of Zionism and the negative impact of their actions on the Jewish people in the past hundred years, including their involvement in the Holocaust and their activities up to the present day.

3. Publicizing the efforts of traditional Jews to demonstrate their opposition to Zionism, efforts which are often ignored by the mainstream media.

4. Convincing the news media, politicians and the public to cease referring to the State of Israel as the "Jewish State" but to call it what it is: the "Zionist State".

We also aim to reach out to our Jewish brethren who have never studied the subject of Zionism from a Torah perspective, and have only been taught the Zionist side of the story. It is our hope that all of our fellow Jews will soon open their eyes, return to Torah and reject this ideology that replaces the Jew's age-old hope for G-d's redemption with a false redemption and a human-initiated state.

Home | True Torah Jews
Another reason we know Jesus was not a Zionist is He never shed the blood of the innocent.

Zionists target and kill.

1519 children killed since 9/30/2000.

Jesus is life and Zionists live to kill and destroy.

A difference as clear as the difference between light and darkness.
Jihad Sherri never met a Jew or Israel hater she didn't immediately fall in love with. Such Jesus like behavior. If you want to find out about the REAL Jesus, just observe Jihad Sherri. LOL
The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology.

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel". In fact, a great number of Orthodox Jews view the ideology of that state as diametrically opposed to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

We are concerned that the widespread misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state and its actions endangers Jews worldwide.

Home | True Torah Jews
It's relatively new. Only began with Moses and the story of Exodus about 3000 years ago. LOL
True Torah Jews illustrate some Jews support life and not death.

Some Jews are still people of conscience who oppose evils like Zionism.

ZIONISM is a cancer that needs complete cure and removal from our world.

I Pray for the destruction of Zionism, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.
Arabs For Israel

The Latest in Islamic Revisionism

Palestinian apologists have made a major industry out of creating a past for themselves by distorting the archeological record. What cannot be distorted is ignored, and what cannot be ignored has, in some cases, been destroyed. Not surprisingly, this particular form of historical reconstruction invariably finds the lowly Jew to be an interloper in the Middle East — not only now, but throughout all of discernable history.
Opposing Zionism is opposing hate.

Another reason we know Jesus
was not a Zionist is He never shed the blood of the innocent.

Zionists target and kill.

1519 children killed since 9/30/2000.

Jesus is life and Zionists live to kill and destroy.

A difference as clear as the difference between light and darkness.
Jihad Sherri never met a Jew or Israel hater she didn't immediately fall in love with. Such Jesus like behavior. If you want to find out about the REAL Jesus, just observe Jihad Sherri. LOL
The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology.

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel". In fact, a great number of Orthodox Jews view the ideology of that state as diametrically opposed to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

We are concerned that the widespread misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state and its actions endangers Jews worldwide.

Home | True Torah Jews
It's relatively new. Only began with Moses and the story of Exodus about 3000 years ago. LOL

Leave sherri alone----she is reciting her "CREED" I think she is holding beads in her
hand-----I have been told that meccaist females use white beads

for those who do not know-----the number of orthodox jews who "oppose zionism"---
actually oppose "SECULAR ZIONISM" ----is very tiny. AND ---they do ardently
believe that ISRAEL/JUDEA is the HOLY LAND FOR JEWS ------their concept of the
future of that land includes one entirely free of meccaist dogs-----
The real historical jesus sought to free the temple of "FOREIGNERS" by getting
rid of the "money chengers" who facilitated their presence by providing local tender.
HE WAS AN ARDENT PHARISEE who knew filth when he saw it
Satan must be so proud of all those lies he endows you with.

The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology.

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel". In fact, a great number of Orthodox Jews view the ideology of that state as diametrically opposed to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

We are concerned that the widespread misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state and its actions endangers Jews worldwide.

Home | True Torah Jews
It's relatively new. Only began with Moses and the story of Exodus about 3000 years ago. LOL
Arab Christians: Israel only state worth fighting for

Arab Christian residents of Nazareth who proudly serve in the Israeli army and encourage their children to do the same are coming under increasing attack, and Israel is starting to take notice and come to their aid.

For a number of years now, a group of Nazareth Christians who are officers in the Israeli army have been actively recruiting young local Arabs to follow in their footsteps and serve the Jewish state.

Meanwhile, the pro-Israel Arab Christians of Nazareth are becoming increasingly bold in their stance, and even dared to hold a public gathering late last month to toast the achievements of their new forum whose goal is convincing more young Arabs to join the army, as reported by Israel's Ma'ariv newspaper.

"We chose to hold the conference to demonstrate that nothing will deter us," forum spokesman Moran Khaloul told the newspaper. "We don’t live in Syria, where Christians are not allowed to speak...or in Iraq, where churches are bombed. We live in a Jewish state, which is democratic and free. As Israeli Christians we see ourselves as part of this state and not as part of those who oppose it."
Opposing Zionism is opposing hate.

Another reason we know Jesus
was not a Zionist is He never shed the blood of the innocent.

Zionists target and kill.

1519 children killed since 9/30/2000.

Jesus is life and Zionists live to kill and destroy.

A difference as clear as the difference between light and darkness.
Jihad Sherri never met a Jew or Israel hater she didn't immediately fall in love with. Such Jesus like behavior. If you want to find out about the REAL Jesus, just observe Jihad Sherri. LOL
"anti Zionism is anti Semetism"

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

True story. :cool:
Focus, we are talking about all that shedding of the blood of innocents of Zionism.

You live to kill the innocent, it is the essence of everything you are.

Another reason we know Jesus was not a Zionist is He never shed the blood of the innocent.

Zionists target and kill.

1519 children killed since 9/30/2000.

Jesus is life and Zionists live to kill and destroy.

A difference as clear as the difference between light and darkness.
Is that why Christians and Muslims have slaughtered millions throughout history in the name of their respective religions? Genius.
Satan must be so proud of all those lies he endows you with.

The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology.

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel". In fact, a great number of Orthodox Jews view the ideology of that state as diametrically opposed to the teachings of traditional Judaism.

We are concerned that the widespread misconception that all Jews support the Zionist state and its actions endangers Jews worldwide.

Home | True Torah Jews
It's relatively new. Only began with Moses and the story of Exodus about 3000 years ago. LOL
Not lying, Jew hater. Zionism began with God's Promise to Abraham and Moses. And Jesus believed in all of God's promises made to the prophets of the Old Testament.
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