Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Jesus 'had no use for' ***hypocrite*** Pharisees, anymore than any of the rest of the Christians here of whatever Church have any use for the sherrithing because of its hypocrisy.

There were at least 7 different 'schools' of Pharisees - and most of 'em wouldn't have been caught dead standing next to a Sadducee (ie, quisling)...... speaking of 'historical context'.
Being that the Jews ruled the nation, naturally there would be different sects and sub sects, and political "parties", and they all blamed each other for being under Roman occupation and their status quo.
A hate group calling others hate groups is so unimpressive.

Keep on demonizing and hating, Zionist, it is certainly what you do best.

Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.
Showing your Zionist ignorance again, Palestine was under Roman Occupation.

But they were kinder, much kinder and gentler occupiers, they were not massacring children the way Zionists are.

Jesus 'had no use for' ***hypocrite*** Pharisees, anymore than any of the rest of the Christians here of whatever Church have any use for the sherrithing because of its hypocrisy.

There were at least 7 different 'schools' of Pharisees - and most of 'em wouldn't have been caught dead standing next to a Sadducee (ie, quisling)...... speaking of 'historical context'.
Being that the Jews ruled the nation, naturally there would be different sects and sub sects, and political "parties", and they all blamed each other for being under Roman occupation and their status quo.
A hate group calling others hate groups is so unimpressive.

Keep on demonizing and hating, Zionist, it is certainly what you do best.

Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.
What's funnier is the biggest Jew hating bigot on this board, with her phony baloney Islamic Neo Nazi version of Christianity and Jesus, accuses using others of being haters.

Jihad Sherri is one funny whack job.
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Showing your Zionist ignorance again, Palestine was under Roman Occupation.

But they were kinder, much kinder and gentler occupiers, they were not massacring children the way Zionists are.

Jesus 'had no use for' ***hypocrite*** Pharisees, anymore than any of the rest of the Christians here of whatever Church have any use for the sherrithing because of its hypocrisy.

There were at least 7 different 'schools' of Pharisees - and most of 'em wouldn't have been caught dead standing next to a Sadducee (ie, quisling)...... speaking of 'historical context'.
Being that the Jews ruled the nation, naturally there would be different sects and sub sects, and political "parties", and they all blamed each other for being under Roman occupation and their status quo.
SHADAP retard, there was no Palestine during Jesus' time, nor is it mentioned in the bibles and the Koran. There are hundreds of references to Israel and Zion as the promised land of the Jews. The name Palestine was given to the land of Israel after the death of Jesus and the Roman invasion. We already went over that and you failed miserably, over and over. Go get an education and a fucking life.
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Showing your Zionist ignorance again, Palestine was under Roman Occupation.

But they were kinder, much kinder and gentler occupiers, they were not massacring children the way Zionists are.

Jesus 'had no use for' ***hypocrite*** Pharisees, anymore than any of the rest of the Christians here of whatever Church have any use for the sherrithing because of its hypocrisy.

There were at least 7 different 'schools' of Pharisees - and most of 'em wouldn't have been caught dead standing next to a Sadducee (ie, quisling)...... speaking of 'historical context'.
Being that the Jews ruled the nation, naturally there would be different sects and sub sects, and political "parties", and they all blamed each other for being under Roman occupation and their status quo.

And there was I thinking that a few hours off this forum would have refreshed your brain but your views are still as warped as ever.
Showing your Zionist ignorance again, Palestine was under Roman Occupation.

But they were kinder, much kinder and gentler occupiers, they were not massacring children the way Zionists are.

Being that the Jews ruled the nation, naturally there would be different sects and sub sects, and political "parties", and they all blamed each other for being under Roman occupation and their status quo.

And there was I thinking that a few hours off this forum would have refreshed your brain but your views are still as warped as ever.
Yeah, the Romans who crucified hundreds of thousands of people, including thousands of a Jews during the occupation and invasion, and one Jew in particular, JESUS were kinder. Can you believe the blasphemy and vomit that comes out of this lunatic's mouth?

Hey ,maybe they were kinder than These suicide bombing, rocket shooting, human shield using, Islamo terrorist Palestinian animals like Hamas and Hezbollah.
Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.
Yes, Sharoona uses common anti Semetic themes, here Replacment Theology is being employed. All very old tactics of Jew haters.

Indeed. When you give a specific chapter and verse proving an irrefutable truth and they flat out reject it without a valid reason, you have to question their motives.
You being a Zionist who backs up his claim that the thread title is true based on nothing are certainly no one to criticize another.

The thread title remains a lie of Jesus slanderers like yourself.

Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.
Yes, Sharoona uses common anti Semetic themes, here Replacment Theology is being employed. All very old tactics of Jew haters.

Indeed. When you give a specific chapter and verse proving an irrefutable truth and they flat out reject it without a valid reason, you have to question their motives.
And here we see the whore of HAMAS, sherrisatanspawn, *defending* the crucifiers of Jesus..... no wonder 'Jesus wept'!

Showing your Zionist ignorance again, Palestine was under Roman Occupation.

But they were kinder, much kinder and gentler occupiers, they were not massacring children the way Zionists are.

Jesus 'had no use for' ***hypocrite*** Pharisees, anymore than any of the rest of the Christians here of whatever Church have any use for the sherrithing because of its hypocrisy.

There were at least 7 different 'schools' of Pharisees - and most of 'em wouldn't have been caught dead standing next to a Sadducee (ie, quisling)...... speaking of 'historical context'.
Being that the Jews ruled the nation, naturally there would be different sects and sub sects, and political "parties", and they all blamed each other for being under Roman occupation and their status quo.
What are you babbling about, Jesus slanderer?

Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.
Yes, Sharoona uses common anti Semetic themes, here Replacment Theology is being employed. All very old tactics of Jew haters.

Indeed. When you give a specific chapter and verse proving an irrefutable truth and they flat out reject it without a valid reason, you have to question their motives.
And here we see the whore of HAMAS, sherrisatanspawn, *defending* the crucifiers of Jesus..... no wonder 'Jesus wept'!

Showing your Zionist ignorance again, Palestine was under Roman Occupation.

But they were kinder, much kinder and gentler occupiers, they were not massacring children the way Zionists are.

Being that the Jews ruled the nation, naturally there would be different sects and sub sects, and political "parties", and they all blamed each other for being under Roman occupation and their status quo.

So true----during that period of time Israel/Judea was in a kind of ideological turmoil---
ALL KINDS of ideologies' popped up-----and----as is not at all unusual----many
mystic cults and "savior" cults. As to kindness----In the course of a short stint as
PRELATE OF JUDEA-----one of the demigods of the present isa-respecting cultists----
to wit PONTIUS PILATE-----crucified at least 20,000 jews. Also enslavement of jews
was rampant-----including, of course----hundreds of thousands of children.
Enslavement of children by isa-respecters did not start with the meccan rapist----
it was actually the custom of the ---ROMAN FORERUNNERS of isa-respecting
filth. Kill the father, rape the mother and enslave the children-------still
a custom of KHARTOUM. For those who do not know ----crucifixtion was a
penalty for CRIMES AGAINST ROME ----generally sedition. It had nothing to
do with common criminals . Unless "barrabas" robbed a roman-----he was
not being crucified for ----'robbery'
What are you babbling about, Jesus slanderer?

Yes, Sharoona uses common anti Semetic themes, here Replacment Theology is being employed. All very old tactics of Jew haters.

Indeed. When you give a specific chapter and verse proving an irrefutable truth and they flat out reject it without a valid reason, you have to question their motives.

Learn to read English you Iranian imp of Satan.
What are you babbling about, Jesus slanderer?

Yes, Sharoona uses common anti Semetic themes, here Replacment Theology is being employed. All very old tactics of Jew haters.

Indeed. When you give a specific chapter and verse proving an irrefutable truth and they flat out reject it without a valid reason, you have to question their motives.

It's not Bloodrocks fault you can't read English.

Go back to school, satanic shill
Just curious Sherri. Are there male virgins for you up there in Allahland when you leave this earth?

QUOTE=SherriMunnerlyn;8455877]What are you babbling about, Jesus slanderer?

Yes, Sharoona uses common anti Semetic themes, here Replacment Theology is being employed. All very old tactics of Jew haters.

Indeed. When you give a specific chapter and verse proving an irrefutable truth and they flat out reject it without a valid reason, you have to question their motives.
I read the KJV without Scofield references.

I also don't care for fundamentalism or futuristic projections about Revelation.

I think that Revelation is very hard to understand for us because we don't understand the history of what was happening in the first century AD or the symbolism that the 7 churches clearly understood.

Hal Lindsey and the Left Behind authors have done a lot of damage.

Revelations was about 1st century roman and the rise of the church.

It is not some futuristic battle. The writer was taking to his contemporaries not 2000 or more years into the future.

Sadly some people believe revelations and expect an end time. The end time will be either by man or some piece of rock out in space. Extinctions are a natural part of our planet. Just because dinosaurs lived for 160 million years does not mean man will.

We are on the same page.
Then pay close attention whenever Aris2chat, Bloodrock or Jeremiah post their thoughts. They have all their shit in one pile. As for the Jews here, the majority of them know more about the New Testament than some Christian preachers I have heard. Can you guess why?
All we see is Zionists slandering Jesus, rejecting Him for who He says He is and calling Him something He is not.

What are you babbling about, Jesus slanderer?

Indeed. When you give a specific chapter and verse proving an irrefutable truth and they flat out reject it without a valid reason, you have to question their motives.

It's not Bloodrocks fault you can't read English.

Go back to school, satanic shill
Who does Jesus say He is?

Jesus Said He Is God

John 14:7-10*[7]*If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on,*you do know him*and*have seen him." [8]*Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." * [9]*Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?*Anyone who has seen*me*has seen the Father.*How can you say, `Show us the Father'? *[10]*Don't you believe that*I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.

John 10:30**"I and the Father are one."

John 14:11**Believe me when I say that*I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.

John 10:37-38*[37]*Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. [38]*But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles,*that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father."

Matthew 27:43*He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him,*for he said, 'I am the Son of God.'"

John 17:11** I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one*as we are one.

Jesus said He is God
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