Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Jewish concepts of eschatology first appear in the book of Daniel which passed on into Christianity.

We know quite a lot about how the Book of Daniel came to be written. It was written about 164 B.C., probably by several authors. And its background was what was known as the Antiochan persecution of the Jews.

After Alexander the Great conquered that whole area of the Near East, he left behind him a number of successor kingdoms, one of which was based in Syria. It was known as the Seleucid dynasty, and one of the monarchs, a particularly nasty one, was called Antiochus Epiphanes IV. And he did exercise a very real tyranny over the Jews.

On the whole, these ancient Near Eastern empires didn't persecute people for their religion. They could be nasty to conquered peoples as conquered peoples, but they left their religion largely undisturbed. But not so this man, who desecrated the Temple and forbade all Jewish religious practices. The answer to this was that those Jews who wouldn't compromise in any way started a war, known as the Maccabean Revolt, and in the end won. And they defeated Antiochus, and reconsecrated the Temple, and it was during this war that the Book of Daniel was composed.

It wasn't, however, composed by the Maccabeans. Any idea that is was a kind of recruiting manifesto is now discredited. It wasn't that. It was simply a prophetic writing. Saying that we're going to defeat Antiochus and beyond that lies a world in which the Jews will be recognized as God's chosen people, and will really dominate in their turn.

Apocalypticism Explained | Apocalypse! FRONTLINE | PBS

Daniel is not about the future of the seven churches.. NO prophet ever wrote thousands of years into the future.

They were commentators not fortunetellers.

Jewish eschatology seems very different from Revelation to me.

For instance .. God and Magog invaded Syria-Palestine many years before the birth of Christ... and they did come swiftly like locusts on horseback.

Daniel's writings are not in Nivi'im (Prophets): they are in 'Ketuvim' (Writings) If you're talking Jewish eschatology, Daniel is less authoritative than any actual prophet.

And the KJV, for all its poetic beauty, is about the least accurate rendition of the Hebrew Bible into English.
Jewish concepts of eschatology first appear in the book of Daniel which passed on into Christianity.

Daniel is not about the future of the seven churches.. NO prophet ever wrote thousands of years into the future.

They were commentators not fortunetellers.

Jewish eschatology seems very different from Revelation to me.

For instance .. God and Magog invaded Syria-Palestine many years before the birth of Christ... and they did come swiftly like locusts on horseback.

Daniel's writings are not in Nivi'im (Prophets): they are in 'Ketuvim' (Writings) If you're talking Jewish eschatology, Daniel is less authoritative than any actual prophet.

And the KJV, for all its poetic beauty, is about the least accurate rendition of the Hebrew Bible into English.

I have not studied the Torah.. and its all I can do to keep up with Christian writings and their historical context.

Not that I even imagine that I have all the answers. I just keep studying.
So we know the New Jerusalem will be huge and beautiful.

Well, that's why I study history alongside the scriptures.

Jerusalem was not grand.. it was arid and rocky and poor.

Galilee however was prosperous

Yes. Glad you finally agree. According to Revelation it will be 1500 miles by 1500 miles and 1500 miles high. And we will live there forever.

Did you read on down?

Is apocalyptic writing always a response with concrete [circumstances], or is it more mystical?

Really, all apocalyptic literature is much more a response to a concrete set of circumstances, often political circumstances that drive this sense that we have to look for a mode of deliverance from God.

And Daniel was, as a book, really responding to the political crisis of Antiochus Epiphanes and the political forces of war that are all about. ... For the people of this period there's really no difference between religion and politics. We can't simply look at this work as if its symbolism of good and truth and beauty are divorced from the political reality that's all around them. ...

Apocalypticism Explained | Apocalypse! FRONTLINE | PBS

OK...since you won't accept that a spiritual city wouldn't have physical dimensions let's leave it at this. You can live in spiritual Jerusalem and I will live in physical Jerusalem and we'll both be happy and agree to disagree. It doesn't affect my salvation one way or the other.
Yes. Glad you finally agree. According to Revelation it will be 1500 miles by 1500 miles and 1500 miles high. And we will live there forever.

Did you read on down?

Is apocalyptic writing always a response with concrete [circumstances], or is it more mystical?

Really, all apocalyptic literature is much more a response to a concrete set of circumstances, often political circumstances that drive this sense that we have to look for a mode of deliverance from God.

And Daniel was, as a book, really responding to the political crisis of Antiochus Epiphanes and the political forces of war that are all about. ... For the people of this period there's really no difference between religion and politics. We can't simply look at this work as if its symbolism of good and truth and beauty are divorced from the political reality that's all around them. ...

Apocalypticism Explained | Apocalypse! FRONTLINE | PBS

OK...since you won't accept that a spiritual city wouldn't have physical dimensions let's leave it at this. You can live in spiritual Jerusalem and I will live in physical Jerusalem and we'll both be happy and agree to disagree. It doesn't affect my salvation one way or the other.


If I had not begun to look at the history and politics of the times, I would probably have left the church long ago.
Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.
Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.

You are out of your depth.. I am not opposed to Catholicism or Judaism... and I never heard of Kingdom Treasure Ministeries. The theology of the 700 Club comes out of the tent revivals of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. It preys on poor people and those who are uneducated.

The new gig is "prosperity doctrine"..
Cyrus Scofield was a disbarred lawyer and a convicted felon.. He was paid to write the Scofield Bible by Samuel Untermyer .. It was apostasy.

You have a problem with KJV or just Scofield's comments and references?

I read the KJV without Scofield references.

I also don't care for fundamentalism or futuristic projections about Revelation.

I think that Revelation is very hard to understand for us because we don't understand the history of what was happening in the first century AD or the symbolism that the 7 churches clearly understood.

Hal Lindsey and the Left Behind authors have done a lot of damage.

Revelations was about 1st century roman and the rise of the church.

It is not some futuristic battle. The writer was taking to his contemporaries not 2000 or more years into the future.

Sadly some people believe revelations and expect an end time. The end time will be either by man or some piece of rock out in space. Extinctions are a natural part of our planet. Just because dinosaurs lived for 160 million years does not mean man will.
You have a problem with KJV or just Scofield's comments and references?

I read the KJV without Scofield references.

I also don't care for fundamentalism or futuristic projections about Revelation.

I think that Revelation is very hard to understand for us because we don't understand the history of what was happening in the first century AD or the symbolism that the 7 churches clearly understood.

Hal Lindsey and the Left Behind authors have done a lot of damage.

Revelations was about 1st century roman and the rise of the church.

It is not some futuristic battle. The writer was taking to his contemporaries not 2000 or more years into the future.

Sadly some people believe revelations and expect an end time. The end time will be either by man or some piece of rock out in space. Extinctions are a natural part of our planet. Just because dinosaurs lived for 160 million years does not mean man will.

We are on the same page.
"Cyrus Scofield was a disbarred lawyer and a convicted felon.. He was paid to write the Scofield Bible by Samuel Untermyer .. It was apostasy."

Do you have a link to the copy of the cancelled check with the notation 'For Bible edition' on it AND the notarized affirmation from a prominent handwriting expert to confirm that it's truly Untermyer's handwriting?

If not, please cite your sources. The only places I could find reference to the idea in your quote above, Shaarona, were on the KTM site and others espousing a very similar view.
Jesus had no use for the Pharisees.

Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.
Wa? You do realize that Muslims slaughter millions of sheep and lambs during their yearly pilgrimage? Ignoramus.
The Zionist-Created Scofield 'Bible' The Source Of The Problem In The Mideast - Part 2 Why Judeo-Christians Support War

http://israelect.com/reference/ArnoldKennedy/Pre-Conditioned Churches- Schofield Style.pdf

The Greatest Hoax | Cyrus Scofeld: Who Was He?

A Little History: Cyrus I Scofield and the Tribulation

I think the above links make it very clear that this 'to-do' goes beyond any reasonable 'theological' disagreement and is firmly in the fringe of conspiranutter BS filth. That repeated connection, IMHO, is reason to be skeptical about the veracity of such claims as the links above invoke 'Illuminati' and 'Freemasons' among others who are identified as the 'villains' of their accounts.
Eid al-Adha is about Abraham's sacrifice.
Jews do not have a temple for sacrifice. Instead they use prayer and charity

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.

Yes, The Eid celebrates Abraham with a feast and charity.

Its a fun celebration.. We used to give our Muslim friends a small gift of dates.
Oh really now? Methinks you're a liar and an imposter. Another Muslim posing as a Christian?


Men, women and children are expected to dress in their finest clothing to perform Eid prayer in a large congregation is an open waqf ("stopping") field called Eidgah or mosque. Affluent Muslims who can afford, i.e. Malik-e-Nisaab; sacrifice their best halal domestic animals (usually a cow, but can also be a camel, goat, sheep or ram depending on the region) as a symbol of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his only son. The sacrificed animals, called aḍḥiya (Arabic: أضحية*, also known by its Persian term, Qurbāni), have to meet certain age and quality standards or else the animal is considered an unacceptable sacrifice.

This tradition accounts for the slaughter of more than 100 million animals in only two days of Eid.

In Pakistan alone nearly 10 million animals are slaughtered on Eid days costing over US$3 billion.In addition, the welfare of the animals, and more importantly, how they are sacrificed is a source of great contention.

Several contemporary videos on the internet of animals being sacrificed during Eid appear to show acts of extreme cruelty, suffering, and torture with a complete disregard for the animals' welfare.
The Muslim community has yet to confront and deal with the issue of animal cruelty and welfare during Eid.
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Jesus 'had no use for' ***hypocrite*** Pharisees, anymore than any of the rest of the Christians here of whatever Church have any use for the sherrithing because of its hypocrisy.

There were at least 7 different 'schools' of Pharisees - and most of 'em wouldn't have been caught dead standing next to a Sadducee (ie, quisling)...... speaking of 'historical context'.
Biblical scholar, you're not, bible mutilator.

I reject Scofields and Zionists twisted fantasies about a third temple and accept the eyewitness account of Flavious Josephus who describes how Daniels prophecy came true before his eyes in 67-70 AD.

There is no Biblical basis for rebuilding the Temple.

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.

The third temple is spoken of in the OT book of Daniel. His vision of the end times correlates to John's vision in Revelation. Daniel says the anti-Christ will put an end to sacrifice. In order to put an end to sacrifice there must be a Temple. There is only one place on earth the Jews can sacrifice and that is the Temple. He also says the anti-Christ will set up an abomination on a wing of the Temple. It will be rebuilt.
All this religious foofaraw is getting to be too deep for the Hossfly, so iffen y'all don't mind, I think I shall subscribe to the Big Bang Theory. One reason is, it proves beyond a doubt that Jesus is a Zionist.
Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.
Yes, Sharoona uses common anti Semetic themes, here Replacment Theology is being employed. All very old tactics of Jew haters.
Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.

You are out of your depth.. I am not opposed to Catholicism or Judaism... and I never heard of Kingdom Treasure Ministeries. The theology of the 700 Club comes out of the tent revivals of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. It preys on poor people and those who are uneducated.

The new gig is "prosperity doctrine"..
As opposed to Islamists and anti Semites who recruit in prisons, among illiterates and the ignorant, and social rejects?
Some interesting links, vis-à-vis 'Shaarona' and allegations about Schoefield:

List of organizations designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Not a 'given', of course, that every last group listed there is actually a hate group - but I'm unaware of any group successfully suingthe SPLC for defamation and winning. OTOH, the SPLC has sued and won.....)

About Us - Historicist.com
(Note that this is an 'outreach' of a 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' - one of the groups on the SPLC list above)

This site is rife with traditional 'Protestant' libels against both Catholicism and Judaism. It's particularly insistent on attacking 'Dispensationalism' - thus actively seeking to create contention *between* Protestant Christians.

Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and America's Cultural Corruption*-*Truth in History
And this page pretty well explains what 'Kingdom Treasure Ministries' is all about: they revile all manner of 19th century movements as corrupting American culture - and blame it on 'the North'.

You are out of your depth.. I am not opposed to Catholicism or Judaism... and I never heard of Kingdom Treasure Ministeries. The theology of the 700 Club comes out of the tent revivals of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. It preys on poor people and those who are uneducated.

The new gig is "prosperity doctrine"..

Since you acknowledge your ignorance about Torah - thus about Judaism - it seems more likely that you are the one out of their depth.

I also note that you have given no source nor reference for your 'fact' about Schoefield being paid by a 'Zionist' . As I stated, I was seeking a source for such a 'connection' - and I could only find it within a certain very narrow range of webstains.

You made the allegation, Shaarona: now I suggest you give some references to back it up. Else it begins to appear as though the 'sources' exist *only* on that variety of webstain and/or that you are trying to conceal said sources. I'd really hate to be forced to conclude you try to debate by prevarication.....
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