Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Where you are wrong is in omitting the fact that Salvation comes only through belief in Him.

That is what Jesus says in John 3:16 and throughout The Gospels.

Those are some more geniuses who need to get a real job.
Where they're wrong is that Christ was first a teacher among the Jews, but that he also had a heart for those of other backgrounds, as the story of the woman by the well whose deeds Christ gave her a recitation of correctly, yet gave her a command she likely heeded to "go and sin no more." Peter's revelation of this meaning was his dream of the table of unclean meats that were now acceptable, which he interpreted to mean all human beings, even those who were not born as Jews, were welcome to God's banquet if they followed Christ's teachings which were based absolutely on Old Testament books. They still went to Synagogues and taught scriptures in Christ's manner of interpreting God's commands and love for all humankind. Sometimes they were tortured, jailed, and killed for saying so. Many in the region made spectacles of feeding the new disciples to hungry lions, or used as easy kills for new gladiators, fighting the unskilled men given weapons to the death, which usually went well for the newbie gladiators and poorly for the Christians. The upper classes were not too concerned about Christians until Constantine, Emperor of the Roman Empire from 307-337AD, adopted Christianity and unified believers starting in 325 at the council of Nicaea in Turkey, which was opened by Constantine and attended by all Bishops in the realm.

When will you learn how to read English as Jesus says nothing in the Gospel according to John, that is Johns words which is why it is called John
Jesus slanderer,

Jesus tells us who He is in The Gospels.

And Zionism was not even founded until the 1800s, over 1800 years after Jesus lived as a man in Palestine.

whack job Jihad Sherri:
And Jesus is not and never was a Zionist.

and you know this...how?

And modern Christianity was not even founded until just before islam was invented, before that time it was an offshoot of Judaism. The majority of the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the messiah so ignored his teachings. this is were your hatred of the Jews stems from.
I believe the words of Jesus about who He is, and Bloodrock rejects them.

May God have mercy on your soul for your disbelief of the words of Jesus and who He says He is.

So were in Judea did you hear Jesus preach these words, as there has never been any recorded history of his teachings. All we have is 4th or 5th hand accounts of his words that have been bastardised over 300 years of telling and re-telling
Jesus slanderer,

Jesus tells us who He is in The Gospels.

And Zionism was not even founded until the 1800s, over 1800 years after Jesus lived as a man in Palestine.

whack job Jihad Sherri:

and you know this...how?

And modern Christianity was not even founded until just before islam was invented, before that time it was an offshoot of Judaism. The majority of the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the messiah so ignored his teachings. this is were your hatred of the Jews stems from.

James and Paul disagreed.. James said one had to be a Jew and keep Jewish law and rituals before one could become a Christian.
The words are clear, Jesus says He is the Son of God in John 3:16, He nowhere says He is a Zionist, and He clearly says in John 3:16 Salvation comes from belief in Him.

How long will you be rejecting Jesus as Messiah and slandering Him?

The lie in the thread title lies not just in stating Jesus was a Zionist, but in stating Jesus "was" .

Jesus is the life and the truth and the way.

Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus is Messiah.

Jesus is the only way to the Father.

Jesus is Lord and Saviour to those who call on His name and believe in Him.

And Jesus is not and never was a Zionist.

Jesus was a travelling Pharisee teacher that believed in the rebirth of Israel and the temple being rebuilt.

Jesus had no use for the Pharisees.

Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?
Jesus slanderer,

Jesus tells us who He is in The Gospels.

And Zionism was not even founded until the 1800s, over 1800 years after Jesus lived as a man in Palestine.

And modern Christianity was not even founded until just before islam was invented, before that time it was an offshoot of Judaism. The majority of the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the messiah so ignored his teachings. this is were your hatred of the Jews stems from.

James and Paul disagreed.. James said one had to be a Jew and keep Jewish law and rituals before one could become a Christian.

Which was changed by the roman church to make Christianity more acceptable to the heathens
Jesus was a travelling Pharisee teacher that believed in the rebirth of Israel and the temple being rebuilt.

Jesus had no use for the Pharisees.

Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.
And modern Christianity was not even founded until just before islam was invented, before that time it was an offshoot of Judaism. The majority of the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the messiah so ignored his teachings. this is were your hatred of the Jews stems from.

James and Paul disagreed.. James said one had to be a Jew and keep Jewish law and rituals before one could become a Christian.

Which was changed by the roman church to make Christianity more acceptable to the heathens
It might be more accurate to style the organization simply as 'The Church' during the earliest centuries of its existence; given that the various centers of The Church - at Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Corinth, Rome, etc., were all in communion and all pretty much on the same page for a very long time, until evolving differences in emphasis and doctrine triggered disagreement and schism some centuries after their founding. It seems to be true that 'The Church' discarded much of Jewish law and ritual and tradition to make it more palatable to Gentiles, but only after much discussion and disputation on the part of Church Fathers in Jerusalem in the first decades after the death of Jesus of Nazareth.
and yet the OT is part of the christian bible. It is the basis of Jesus teachings.

What nonsense are you babbling about now?

One more time, Jesus comes after Jeremiah and He is the fulfillment of all OT PROMISES.

That means we do not look to the OT for prophecies yet to be fulfilled.

And The New Testament sets forth the new covenant.

Your verses are in the OT.

No we have established that the verse you yourself quoted proves a GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION for the promised land of Israel and covenant to be built. This thread has become about the inability of a Jew hating IslamoNazi lover to accept Jesus for who he was. Here's the Jeremiah you quoted. Does Israel sound spiritual or geographical here, dipshit:
31 “At that time, declares the Lord, I will be the God of all the clans of Israel, and they shall be my people.”

4 Again I will build you, and you shall be built,
O virgin Israel!

Again you shall plant vineyards
on the mountains of Samaria; (notice Samaria and NOT "West Bank, or Palestine" OOOOPS!
the planters shall plant
and shall enjoy the fruit.
6 For there shall be a day when watchmen will call
in the hill country of Ephraim:
‘Arise, and let us go up to Zion,
to the Lord our God.’”
‘O Lord, save your people,
the remnant of Israel.’
(Gee, still no Palestine, eh?)
8 Behold, I will bring them from the north country
and gather them from the farthest parts of the earth,
among them the blind and the lame,
10 “Hear the word of the Lord, O nations,
and declare it in the coastlands far away;
say, ‘He who scattered Israel will gather him,
and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock.’

They shall come and sing aloud on the height of Zion,
and they shall be radiant over the goodness of the Lord,

AND...How does that egg feel on your face?!

We have not established what any other people believe or do not believe about Jesus except Zionists.

The thread is all about Zionist slander of Jesus .

Zionism was not even founded until the 1800s.

Jesus lived 1800 years before that so it was impossible for Him to be a Zionist.

And The New Testament does not even speak at all about the land except to say the meek will inherit the land.

It's obvious The New Covenant had nothing to do with or say about the land.

The fact the word Zion existed does not make Jesus a Zionist, your ignorance is unbelievable.
Eid al-Adha is about Abraham's sacrifice.
Jews do not have a temple for sacrifice. Instead they use prayer and charity

Jesus had no use for the Pharisees.

Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.
Eid al-Adha is about Abraham's sacrifice.
Jews do not have a temple for sacrifice. Instead they use prayer and charity

Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.

Yes, The Eid celebrates Abraham with a feast and charity.

Its a fun celebration.. We used to give our Muslim friends a small gift of dates.
The books of Matthew and Luke and Mark and John are the The Gospels.

They are Jesus words.

How long do you plan to keep slandering Jesus and continuing in your disbelief of Him?

Hell awaits those who do not believe.

Jesus did not write the NT, other people did. Jesus did not come to found a new religion, he taught the meaning of the torah.

So then sharia produce the gospel according to Jesus to prove your claims. That is all you have to do. All educated Christians know that the N.T is just the teachings of Jesus and not his exact words
And modern Christianity was not even founded until just before islam was invented, before that time it was an offshoot of Judaism. The majority of the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the messiah so ignored his teachings. this is were your hatred of the Jews stems from.

James and Paul disagreed.. James said one had to be a Jew and keep Jewish law and rituals before one could become a Christian.

Which was changed by the roman church to make Christianity more acceptable to the heathens

Actually it was the apostle Paul who said we are not under the law but under grace.
Jesus had no use for the Pharisees.

Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.

The third temple is spoken of in the OT book of Daniel. His vision of the end times correlates to John's vision in Revelation. Daniel says the anti-Christ will put an end to sacrifice. In order to put an end to sacrifice there must be a Temple. There is only one place on earth the Jews can sacrifice and that is the Temple. He also says the anti-Christ will set up an abomination on a wing of the Temple. It will be rebuilt.
The books of Matthew and Luke and Mark and John are the The Gospels.

They are Jesus words.

How long do you plan to keep slandering Jesus and continuing in your disbelief of Him?

Hell awaits those who do not believe.

So then sharia produce the gospel according to Jesus to prove your claims. That is all you have to do. All educated Christians know that the N.T is just the teachings of Jesus and not his exact words

Holy Shiite. The imp of Satan was up ALL night spamming lies and now it's at it already. Is this the 3rd shift or 1st shift imp of Satan?
Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.

The third temple is spoken of in the OT book of Daniel. His vision of the end times correlates to John's vision in Revelation. Daniel says the anti-Christ will put an end to sacrifice. In order to put an end to sacrifice there must be a Temple. There is only one place on earth the Jews can sacrifice and that is the Temple. He also says the anti-Christ will set up an abomination on a wing of the Temple. It will be rebuilt.

You might study Daniel separately..

The antichrist did put an end to sacrifice and the Temple in 70 AD.

The Abomination was raised by Antiochus.

Revelation 21: 22 says there is NO Temple because Jesus is the Temple.
I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.

The third temple is spoken of in the OT book of Daniel. His vision of the end times correlates to John's vision in Revelation. Daniel says the anti-Christ will put an end to sacrifice. In order to put an end to sacrifice there must be a Temple. There is only one place on earth the Jews can sacrifice and that is the Temple. He also says the anti-Christ will set up an abomination on a wing of the Temple. It will be rebuilt.

You might study Daniel separately..

The antichrist did put an end to sacrifice and the Temple in 70 AD.

The Abomination was raised by Antiochus.

Revelation 21: 22 says there is NO Temple because Jesus is the Temple.

I beg to differ. Daniels vision and John's vision both concern the end times. As for the temple, you may want to read verse 10 which refers to the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. Of course at that time there will be no need for a temple because Jesus is the temple.
I reject Scofields and Zionists twisted fantasies about a third temple and accept the eyewitness account of Flavious Josephus who describes how Daniels prophecy came true before his eyes in 67-70 AD.

There is no Biblical basis for rebuilding the Temple.

Now just what would you know about Jesus being a muslim, didn't your child abusing prophet slander him and deny he was holy ?

I'm Episcopalian... Muslims believe that all who submit to the will of God are Muslims.

Muslims don't believe that blood ameliorates sin.. They don't believe in blood sacrifice since the time of Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of Isaac (or Ishmael)

Its offensive to Muslims that the purest of the prophets .. born of a virgin should have such a cruel death.

There is NO third Temple in the NT.

The third temple is spoken of in the OT book of Daniel. His vision of the end times correlates to John's vision in Revelation. Daniel says the anti-Christ will put an end to sacrifice. In order to put an end to sacrifice there must be a Temple. There is only one place on earth the Jews can sacrifice and that is the Temple. He also says the anti-Christ will set up an abomination on a wing of the Temple. It will be rebuilt.
In The New Testement, after Pentecost the temple imagery is applied to the Church, the body of Christ, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-21
One in Christ

11*Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is calledkthe circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands—12*remember*lthat you were at that time separated from Christ,malienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to*nthe covenants of promise,*ohaving no hope and without God in the world.*13*But now in Christ Jesus you who once were*pfar off have been brought near*qby the blood of Christ.*14*For*rhe himself is our peace,swho has made us both one and has broken down*tin his flesh the dividing wall of hostility*15*by abolishing the law of commandments expressed inuordinances, that he might create in himself one*vnew man in place of the two, so making peace,*16*and mightwreconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility.*17*And he came and*xpreached peace to you who were*yfar off and peace to those who were*znear.*18*through him we both have*baccess incone Spirit to the Father.*19*So then you are no longer*dstrangers and aliens,4but you are*efellow citizens with the saints and*fmembers of the household of God,*20*gbuilt on the foundation of thehapostles and prophets,*iChrist Jesus himself being*jthe cornerstone,*21*kin whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into*la holy temple in the Lord.*22*In him*myou also are being built together*ninto a dwelling place for God by5*the Spirit.

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