Even More Now Oppose Defunding Police, Fear More Violence


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Opposition is growing to efforts by the political left to defund the police, with most Americans convinced that such a move will lead to more violent crime.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of American Adults now oppose reducing the police budget in the community where they live to channel that money into more social services. That’s up from 59% in early June when we first asked this question. Just 23% favor defunding the cops where they live, down from 27% in the previous survey. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Calls for defunding the police are being aggressively championed by the Black Lives Matter movement, but even among black Americans, 57% are opposed to defunding the police in their home community. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of whites and 62% of other minority adults share that view.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all Americans believe that violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police. Only 12% think violent crime is more likely to go down, while 20% predict it will remain about the same.

The Democrats are clearly out of step with most Americans.
This is when the "Yes Absolutely! answer to that question of diverting funds from police (also known as DE-FUNDING THE POLICE) is going to come back and bit them in the ass...
Opposition is growing to efforts by the political left to defund the police, with most Americans convinced that such a move will lead to more violent crime.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of American Adults now oppose reducing the police budget in the community where they live to channel that money into more social services. That’s up from 59% in early June when we first asked this question. Just 23% favor defunding the cops where they live, down from 27% in the previous survey. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Calls for defunding the police are being aggressively championed by the Black Lives Matter movement, but even among black Americans, 57% are opposed to defunding the police in their home community. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of whites and 62% of other minority adults share that view.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all Americans believe that violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police. Only 12% think violent crime is more likely to go down, while 20% predict it will remain about the same.

The Democrats are clearly out of step with most Americans.

Are they?

"Defund" is a bad choice of words. Most Americans do however feel a major reform is needed.

What are Democrats calling for? If Biden is representative: The Obama-Era Police Reform Biden Can’t Wait to Restart
Opposition is growing to efforts by the political left to defund the police, with most Americans convinced that such a move will lead to more violent crime.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of American Adults now oppose reducing the police budget in the community where they live to channel that money into more social services. That’s up from 59% in early June when we first asked this question. Just 23% favor defunding the cops where they live, down from 27% in the previous survey. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Calls for defunding the police are being aggressively championed by the Black Lives Matter movement, but even among black Americans, 57% are opposed to defunding the police in their home community. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of whites and 62% of other minority adults share that view.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all Americans believe that violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police. Only 12% think violent crime is more likely to go down, while 20% predict it will remain about the same.

The Democrats are clearly out of step with most Americans.

Are they?

"Defund" is a bad choice of words. Most Americans do however feel a major reform is needed.

What are Democrats calling for? If Biden is representative: The Obama-Era Police Reform Biden Can’t Wait to Restart
Biden owns the defund the police mem... And Pelosi and Schumar are on record saying the same thing... LOL You fools own it!
Opposition is growing to efforts by the political left to defund the police, with most Americans convinced that such a move will lead to more violent crime.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of American Adults now oppose reducing the police budget in the community where they live to channel that money into more social services. That’s up from 59% in early June when we first asked this question. Just 23% favor defunding the cops where they live, down from 27% in the previous survey. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Calls for defunding the police are being aggressively championed by the Black Lives Matter movement, but even among black Americans, 57% are opposed to defunding the police in their home community. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of whites and 62% of other minority adults share that view.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all Americans believe that violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police. Only 12% think violent crime is more likely to go down, while 20% predict it will remain about the same.

The Democrats are clearly out of step with most Americans.

The "Defund the Police" platform plank, when combined with Biden's idea to "Disarm the People" is going to make American broads very nervous indeed. Especially those who live in the suburbs. When these gals realize that they will be defenseless when the Mobs come a-knocking, and they won't even be able to pull out a weapon in self defense like that chick on Portland Place in St. Louis did, I just can't see them voting for Sleepy Joe.
Opposition is growing to efforts by the political left to defund the police, with most Americans convinced that such a move will lead to more violent crime.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of American Adults now oppose reducing the police budget in the community where they live to channel that money into more social services. That’s up from 59% in early June when we first asked this question. Just 23% favor defunding the cops where they live, down from 27% in the previous survey. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Calls for defunding the police are being aggressively championed by the Black Lives Matter movement, but even among black Americans, 57% are opposed to defunding the police in their home community. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of whites and 62% of other minority adults share that view.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all Americans believe that violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police. Only 12% think violent crime is more likely to go down, while 20% predict it will remain about the same.

The Democrats are clearly out of step with most Americans.

Are they?

"Defund" is a bad choice of words. Most Americans do however feel a major reform is needed.

What are Democrats calling for? If Biden is representative: The Obama-Era Police Reform Biden Can’t Wait to Restart
And yet the Democratic mayors of troubled cities are defunding the police and the mobs that have been encouraged to attack the cities by Democratic politicians, especially Crazy Nancy, are demanding more defunding. Clearly, defunding is exactly the right word when describing the position of the Democratic leadership and most of the left wing of the Party.
Opposition is growing to efforts by the political left to defund the police, with most Americans convinced that such a move will lead to more violent crime.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of American Adults now oppose reducing the police budget in the community where they live to channel that money into more social services. That’s up from 59% in early June when we first asked this question. Just 23% favor defunding the cops where they live, down from 27% in the previous survey. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Calls for defunding the police are being aggressively championed by the Black Lives Matter movement, but even among black Americans, 57% are opposed to defunding the police in their home community. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of whites and 62% of other minority adults share that view.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all Americans believe that violent crime is likely to go up in communities that defund the police. Only 12% think violent crime is more likely to go down, while 20% predict it will remain about the same.

The Democrats are clearly out of step with most Americans.

Are they?

"Defund" is a bad choice of words. Most Americans do however feel a major reform is needed.

What are Democrats calling for? If Biden is representative: The Obama-Era Police Reform Biden Can’t Wait to Restart

"Defund" is an accurate word, and one which a million signs have already been printed pushing it.

Sure, Biden would have been wiser to choose something less clear that he could weasel around. But he isn't that sharp, so he went with the Truth.

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