Even MSNBC now admitting Prosecution case against KYLE RITTENHOUSE is "FALLING APART" (video)

Liberals know Kyle just has to be guilty because "feelings"

The facts and evidence just don't support your "feelings" you leftist scum bags.
I'm still waiting for the video of rittenhouse saying anything to rosenbaum at any time that night. rittenhouse appears to be on camera most of the night like he was on a watch list.
Morning Schmoe was doing his best to make it sound like Rittenhouse was the bad guy.

Fucking hate that motherfucker.
all of those fkers had their fate in their own hands. They interfered in business that wasn't any of theirs to get involved in. As well, no one yelled citizen's arrest if their intent was to turn him in. fail
count 6 was just dismissed.

so suck on that lefties!!!!!

All you clowns that were hanging on to that "underage gun" nonsense must be on Kyles side now huh????
o you would do nothing while some clown is beating you over the head with a skateboard
I wouldn’t be anywhere that people are beating other people with skateboards to begin with.
explain this moral issue you have? As I have stated frequently in here, what did he do to Rosenbaum?
I am a believer in Personal Responsibility. I don’t interfere in the lives of others and I certainly don’t want anyone else involving themselves in my life. Keep your nose outta other folks business and you’ll almost always be better off.
You have to be a certified firefighter to put out a fire?

You have to be an EMT to help someone who has minor injuries?
I wouldn’t let an amateur in either of those activities help ME out. That’s for sure.
I didn’t realize that Kyle was a certified firefighter or EMT. Very experienced for a 17 year old CHILD who should have been home with his teddy bear and nightlight.

He's a certified lifeguard, certified in first aid. And not every teenager in this country is a mollycoddled little milksop. I was working as a bouncer in nightclubs at 17. And less than 6 months after this incident, Kyle would have been eligible to fight in war. Hell, lots of teenagers under 18 fought in WWII. Your point is just stupid.
I wouldn’t be anywhere that people are beating other people with skateboards to begin with.

How do you know?

I wouldn’t let an amateur in either of those activities help ME out. That’s for sure.

Apparently, you have never watched your business being burned to the ground. But I'm sure if you did, you would ask for the credentials of everyone trying to help you before letting them do so.

I wouldn’t be anywhere that people are beating other people with skateboards to begin with.
Rittenhouse wasn't expecting it either. So now what? what is it you'd do if someone hit you with a skateboard in the head while two others were trying to take you out?
How do you know?
By not going to places where there is a moderate to high chance of there being groups of people, for one. Definitely not to places where there is the chance of a riot breaking out.
pparently, you have never watched your business being burned to the ground. But I'm sure if you did, you would ask for the credentials of everyone trying to help you before letting them do so
In today’s society I wouldn’t own a business. If I did… fences, dogs, and armed security would be omnipresent. No need to ask outsiders to do the job.
Rittenhouse wasn't expecting it either. So now what? what is it you'd do if someone hit you with a skateboard in the head while two others were trying to take you out?
I wouldn’t be in that sort of place to begin with. I avoid people and all toes of large gatherings. I trust nobody, ever.

if someone gets close enough to hit me with anything, I’ve already ducked up on multiple levels.
By not going to places where there is a moderate to high chance of there being groups of people, for one. Definitely not to places where there is the chance of a riot breaking out.
and? what about everyone doing the rioting and violating the law? Why aren't you against them for being there? One could say, using your own argument that the dude who died shouldn't have been there. Right? All of them infact, right? See how your argument melts like butter?
and? what about everyone doing the rioting and violating the law? Why aren't you against them for being there? One could say, using your own argument that the dude who died shouldn't have been there. Right? All of them infact, right? See how your argument melts like butter?
You’re absolutely right. The protesters shouldn’t have been their either. The people Kyle shot should have been at home. They weren’t. That’s not an acceptable reason for Kyle to be there acting as he did. Two wrongs don’t make a right
You’re absolutely right. The protesters shouldn’t have been their either. The people Kyle shot should have been at home. They weren’t. That’s not an acceptable reason for Kyle to be there acting as he did. Two wrongs don’t make a right
neither is saying that kyle should have stayed at home and they'd be alive.
I wouldn’t be in that sort of place to begin with. I avoid people and all toes of large gatherings. I trust nobody, ever.
you could walk down any street and have that happen to you. He didn't mind. fk, people followed him around most of the night with nothing happening. a nut job intentionally chased the defendant. While he was walking with a fire extinguisher to put out a fire. and he supposedly provoked rosenbaum. Yeah,

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