Even MSNBC now admitting Prosecution case against KYLE RITTENHOUSE is "FALLING APART" (video)

That’s the only thing that matters. What’s the address on your State issued ID/License. Where you hang out is your own business.

I spent 2 years at a college in Rhode Island. My residence never changed from my parent’s home In Connecticut.
"That's the only thing that matters" for what purpose?
I wasn't able to watch the trial Thursday or Friday.

Has the judge made a call on the mistrial request? Or has he said when he will make a decision?
The judge has a lot of options available to him.... everything from vacating a guilty verdict (if the jury obviously did not follow instructions) to directing the verdicts they render.
He can also still declare the case as a mistrial with prejudice...he is holding it in reserve. (Keeps the prosecutor honest)
We were speaking about morals.
Not legalities
This will be my last comment on the issue…
If Kyle had been an adult instead of a child, licensed to possess a firearm and in possession of a gun he owned, and in his city of residence and on his own property; I would probably be on his side. He was, in fact, none of those things.

For those reasons alone, I cannot stand with Kyle Rittenhouse. He did everything that I have been taught and believe he shouldn’t have done. I cannot and will not support that.
End of Discussion (for me at least)
This will be my last comment on the issue…
If Kyle had been an adult instead of a child, licensed to possess a firearm and in possession of a gun he owned, and in his city of residence and on his own property; I would probably be on his side. He was, in fact, none of those things.

For those reasons alone, I cannot stand with Kyle Rittenhouse. He did everything that I have been taught and believe he shouldn’t have done. I cannot and will not support that.
End of Discussion (for me at least)

So now you move the goalposts once again for whatever reason you choose....
That indicates a very poor moral line...
(You really don't own any despite your claims)

Most 17 year olds usually don't own property...his Father definitely did. But I'm guessing that you believe that apartment renters don't have rights either.
He was licensed, just not issued because of the pandemic but then because of the charges his license was not issued.

And he was on property helping his friends who all were each asked by the property owner who couldn't face the hordes coming to destroy his life's work.
This will be my last comment on the issue…
If Kyle had been an adult instead of a child, licensed to possess a firearm and in possession of a gun he owned, and in his city of residence and on his own property; I would probably be on his side. He was, in fact, none of those things.

For those reasons alone, I cannot stand with Kyle Rittenhouse. He did everything that I have been taught and believe he shouldn’t have done. I cannot and will not support that.
End of Discussion (for me at least)
You already admitted that everything he did was legal.
You MIGHT have an argument if Kyle was a Kenosha resident. More so if he was a property owner and tax payer.

You MIGHT have an argument IF Kyle was of legal age to possess, and more so if he was the owner of the gun he used. Even more so if he wasn’t openly carrying (something I consider to be a provocative act).

Jyle Rittenhouse was neither. He’s a resident of an adjacent state. He came without training or certification to do “security” work. He illegally possessed a semi-automatic rifle and openly carried it. At one point he was apparently in possession of body armor. He moved beyond the area he was supposedly working “Security” for.

Pretty much everything he did, from leaving his hone to the moment he pulled the trigger is antithetical to what I have been taught and come to believe to be proper self-defense philosophy.

His dad lives in Kenosha. Kyle works in Kenosha. And he was putting out fires and giving medical aid. You don't know what you are talking about.
. And he was putting out fires and giving medical aid. You don't know what you are talking about
I didn’t realize that Kyle was a certified firefighter or EMT. Very experienced for a 17 year old CHILD who should have been home with his teddy bear and nightlight.
I didn’t realize that Kyle was a certified firefighter or EMT. Very experienced for a 17 year old CHILD who should have been home with his teddy bear and nightlight.
The thugs he shot should have been in prison.
"If he didn’t have that gun, my son would’ve been dead," Wendy Rittenhouse says on the eve of closing arguments in the case against her son, Kyle.
The thugs he shot should have been in prison.
and why wasn't the one who lived charged the same as Kyle? This sham trial has been nothing more than a political statement by the DA. They are trying to show ALL OF US that we are NOT allowed to defend ourselves with evil black rifles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ramifications of a guilty verdict would be much bigger than any of us can possibly imagine!!!!!
This will be my last comment on the issue…
If Kyle had been an adult instead of a child, licensed to possess a firearm and in possession of a gun he owned, and in his city of residence and on his own property; I would probably be on his side. He was, in fact, none of those things.

For those reasons alone, I cannot stand with Kyle Rittenhouse. He did everything that I have been taught and believe he shouldn’t have done. I cannot and will not support that.
End of Discussion (for me at least)
You may make a point. The problem is that the endless anarchy riots in blue cities was promoted by someone else and sanctioned by the politicians in those areas. This is a variation of the old west wild town. A town where the sheriff was forced to not uphold the law by the town leaders with the citizens of the town running rampant destroying parts of it and the outsider who comes to town actually defending it. Which is perverse.
The trial is a sham. It was set up to acquit. They appointed prosecutors so bad at their job they almost have to be taking and the judge is obviously in the defense's court. The outcome was decided before the jury was even picked.
Yes, it was because he was clearly innocent. You whine about the prosecutor because you do not like the fact that there is simply no case there whatsoever. It should never have even went to trial as the AMPLE video evidence shows. The only reason it did was because the media almost universally demonized him.

From the start he was a 'vicious racist' even though there has never been any factual basis for the claim at any moment in time.
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When you lost MSNBC.....you are DONE!

They just see popularity growing towards the idea he is innocent and they are trying to cash in on it. MSNBC just goes where the popularity is all they are doing.

Just like they covered for Biden on Afghanistan until the real story got too big to contain and they started showing what was really happening, even then they didn't go full truth telling, they just lightly tapped Biden for being responsible.

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