Even MSNBC now admitting Prosecution case against KYLE RITTENHOUSE is "FALLING APART" (video)

just like kyle. when you can prove that kyle ever threatened rosenbaum ahead of the chase, post it!!!!
I’m not here to change your mind or make you agree with me. I certainly know you won’t change my mind on this topic .
I’m not here to change your mind or make you agree with me. I certainly know you won’t change my mind on this topic .
I'm not trying to do anything except post facts. how you interpret facts may be different than me. But I know that someone chasing someone and dies by the person they are chasing, the reason for the death is on the chaser not the chasee. For all of them. Fact, most reasonable people retreat from a loaded weapon that is pointed at them.
No. He's clearly guilty as fuck.
Says you. Already demanding that the trial was a farce. Because they do not agree with you.

You are not looking for justice, that is crystal clear. You already 'know' what happened so why does it matter that there are reams of evidence given to the jury, testimony from the all the people involved including those for the prosecution all break to Rittenhouse.
It's all Kyle's fault because he was there. :cuckoo:
That seems to be the basic idea.

Of opposing BLM.

That is really what this boils down to for those that want blood here. They don't care what actually happened or the truth. It is why the majority of the commentators on the left are still clinging to 'viscous racist' claims. Opposing BLM, the holy of holies, is inherently evil.
I wouldn’t be anywhere that people are beating other people with skateboards to begin with.

I am a believer in Personal Responsibility. I don’t interfere in the lives of others and I certainly don’t want anyone else involving themselves in my life. Keep your nose outta other folks business and you’ll almost always be better off.

I wouldn’t let an amateur in either of those activities help ME out. That’s for sure.
No, you would instead hide in your home while they burned and pillaged everything around you.... until they got to you.

Just like a good authoritarian so at least you are consistent. It makes sense based on your world view but is counter to most of those here that do not adhere to an ideology like that.

We have a country precisely because people rejected that silly stance.
Fact, most reasonable people retreat from a loaded weapon that is pointed at them
Fact: MOST people go out of their way to avoid being places where they might get a weapon pointed at them. Kyle instead chose to leave his home and purposefully go to just such a place. Not a very bright idea, so far as I’m concerned.
No, you would instead hide in your home while they burned and pillaged everything around you.... until they got to you
Not hide… prepare. Ensure the well planned defenses are ready to resist the rabble of the peasantry. Fight to the death for what is MINE, not what is yours.
Just like a good authoritarian so at least you are consistent. It makes sense based on your world view but is counter to most of those here that do not adhere to an ideology like that.
That’s fine. We can see the consistent and constant decline of our Society as that philosophy has been abandoned over the last century and a half.
We have a country precisely because people rejected that silly stance.
… and as I noted above, that nation is falling apart at the seams.
Fact: MOST people go out of their way to avoid being places where they might get a weapon pointed at them. Kyle instead chose to leave his home and purposefully go to just such a place. Not a very bright idea, so far as I’m concerned.
yep many people don't go where weapons are at. There were hundreds of guns at that riot, stay home and wait for them to get to you! You won't be able to call the police, they stand down. So what happens to you and your home?
Not hide… prepare. Ensure the well planned defenses are ready to resist the rabble of the peasantry. Fight to the death for what is MINE, not what is yours.
doing what? killing anyone coming at you?
yep many people don't go where weapons are at. There were hundreds of guns at that riot, stay home and wait for them to get to you! You won't be able to call the police, they stand down. So what happens to you and your home?
Stay home and ensure the defenses are prepared to repel all comers. I don’t have any intention of calling the police, except for the clean up. My home and I either stand resilient against the barbarian horde or we go down in a blaze of glory trying.
doing what? killing anyone coming at you?
Yep. Anyone who wants my property will have to pry it from my dead hands. I ask nobody else to defend what is mine just as I will not defend what is theirs.
Stay home and ensure the defenses are prepared to repel all comers. I don’t have any intention of calling the police, except for the clean up. My home and I either stand resilient against the barbarian horde or we go down in a blaze of glory trying.
so you would do what Kyle did. See, you have something in common with the kid, he was prepared.
so you would do what Kyle did. See, you have something in common with the kid, he was prepared
He went looking for a fight; or at least placed himself in a location at a time where one was very likely to find him. That is something which I would never do, and in my mind voids his moral claim to self-defense; even if it doesn’t void his legal claim. So, no, he and I really don’t have that much in common.
He went looking for a fight; or at least placed himself in a location at a time where one was very likely to find him. That is something which I would never do, and in my mind voids his moral claim to self-defense; even if it doesn’t void his legal claim. So, no, he and I really don’t have that much in common.
It doesn’t matter
Stay home and ensure the defenses are prepared to repel all comers. I don’t have any intention of calling the police, except for the clean up. My home and I either stand resilient against the barbarian horde or we go down in a blaze of glory trying.

Yep. Anyone who wants my property will have to pry it from my dead hands. I ask nobody else to defend what is mine just as I will not defend what is theirs.
So it is immoral when you defend another's property when they have asked and allowed you? Even if that person is party of your immediate community or family?

How then, does an authoritarian state derive the power to police and protect the citizenry? The idea of defense outside of the things you directly own is inherent in any society and doubly so for a authoritarian one.
It doesn’t matter
You’re absolutely right, my opinion on this topic doesn’t matter any more or less than yours. In a day or two we’ll hear the jury’s opinion on it. THAT will matter some. The opinions of the appeals court judges will eventually matter some as well.

Kyle will have to wait many years to get the opinion that truly matters; The Deity’s opinion. Until then Kyle will have to live with the knowledge that he killed and maimed people when he could have been safe and sound at home that night. I hope he bears that weight well as it will likely be a heavy load.
So it is immoral when you defend another's property when they have asked and allowed you? Even if that person is party of your immediate community or family?
Yes, it is immoral. Personal Responsibility places that burden on the individual, not their associates, never mind Society at large or the Government.
How then, does an authoritarian state derive the power to police and protect the citizenry? The idea of defense outside of the things you directly own is inherent in any society and doubly so for a authoritarian one.
The State has no mandate to protect or defend private citizens or their property. The State does have a mandate to protect Public property and individuals acting on behalf of, and under the authority of, the State. The question is always… What belongs to the State and who is acting under the authority of the State?
Yes, it is immoral. Personal Responsibility places that burden on the individual, not their associates, never mind Society at large or the Government.

The State has no mandate to protect or defend private citizens or their property. The State does have a mandate to protect Public property and individuals acting on behalf of, and under the authority of, the State. The question is always… What belongs to the State and who is acting under the authority of the State?
If the state has no mandate to protect anything outside of what it owns and you only have a moral right to protect what is directly yours does that not mean that a roving gang then has utter carte blanche to do as they please? The state, in your framing, would have no obligation to stop it and your neighbors should not stop it so if 10 men show up to your front door there really is noting you can do but go down swinging.

To me, it seems there is a problem with that world view as there is no moral recourse to local warlords.

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