Even Saul Alinsky understood this


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
The list of "fake news" attacks against Trump is so long that I won't even try to recite them here. But the most ludicrous attack is the "Russian collusion" nothingburger they keep harping on.

The leftists has used ever Alinskyite tactic the dead Communist put to paper, as well as propaganda methods used by Joseph Goebbels, Stalin, and Baghdad Bob. But the one rule they're seemed to forgotten was Alinsky's rule number 7:

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
That pretty much happened a year ago but is getting even better.

You can only sell so much bullshit until you have to produce a bull. The dems have an empty pasture. At the best the have a cow with some sticks tied to its head.
A glimpse of Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is a textbook for what democrats are trying to do to the Trump administration. It should be noted that Hillary's college thesis was a tribute to Alinsky. The problem for lefties is that they used to get away with Alinsky tactics way back when Cronkite was the king of the media and the only information available to Americans was filtered through a liberal agenda. Americans are smarter in the age of information and Hillary lost and democrats lost almost every important election in the last eight years so the democrat agenda is preaching to a shrinking choir of crazies and the democrat party is becoming irrelevant.
That pretty much happened a year ago but is getting even better.

You can only sell so much bullshit until you have to produce a bull. The dems have an empty pasture. At the best the have a cow with some sticks tied to its head.

Brilliant! That should be the new mascot for the Democrat Party. :lmao:

Alinsky would look at modern liberals and say WTF :cuckoo:

Spot on. What would JFK think, were he to see what happened to the Democrat Party?

He would probably express his disdain by saying "That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works".
Check is out. Trumpflakes have been given their orders to deflect from DearLeader's treason by any means possible, so they're all bleating their propaganda here in unison. At least they're reliable authoritarian-follower parrots.

The interesting thing is how those Trumpflakes can quote Alinksy chapter and verse. That's how they give away that they spend their idle youths as hardcore socialists, and are still working to spread the gospel of Master Alinsky across the globe. A devoted Trumpflake will always carry "Rules for Radicals" next to their heart, right next to their copy of Mao's Little Red Book.

So Trumpflakes, which of your propaganda-masters do you love the most -- Mao, Goebbels, or Alinksy? If you're like most Trumpflakes, you'll say you love them all equally and won't be able to make a choice. So, just keep on using the philosophies of all three them to guide everything you do in life.
Alinsky would look at modern liberals and say WTF :cuckoo:

Spot on. What would JFK think, were he to see what happened to the Democrat Party?

They don't hold any American values anymore. Sad, really.

They don't. The Democrat Party has been hijacked by radical leftism. Anyone who's seen as much history as I have knows that one of the stated goals of Cold War era Communism was the infiltration of the American political system. Apparently those old-school Communists figured out that of the two American parties, the Democrats would be the most susceptible to being compromised. This has been going on for decades now.

That's why I know this whole "collusion" thing is pure unadulterated cow flatulence.
Check is out. Trumpflakes have been given their orders to deflect from DearLeader's treason by any means possible, so they're all bleating their propaganda here in unison. At least they're reliable authoritarian-follower parrots.

The interesting thing is how those Trumpflakes can quote Alinksy chapter and verse. That's how they give away that they spend their idle youths as hardcore socialists, and are still working to spread the gospel of Master Alinsky across the globe. A devoted Trumpflake will always carry "Rules for Radicals" next to their heart, right next to their copy of Mao's Little Red Book.

So Trumpflakes, which of your propaganda-masters do you love the most -- Mao, Goebbels, or Alinksy? If you're like most Trumpflakes, you'll say you love them all equally and won't be able to make a choice. So, just keep on using the philosophies of all three them to guide everything you do in life.

So when the day is done and you look in the mirror, do you ever get tired of being what you are? Come on, tell the truth.

Let me tell you what I see when I look in your mirror: I see a cold, lonely, misguided person whose probably been hurt a little, and lacking self-esteem.
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So when the day is done and you look in the mirror, do you ever get tired of being what you are? Come on, tell the truth.

I see a liberty-backing patriot. It reminds me that I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Most hardcore Trumpflakes are domestic enemies of the Constitution.

So, let's explore your adulation of John Galt. As written, he was a genocidal sociopath who killed a billion people because his poor widdle feewings were hurt.

Given that Galt was such a reprehensible character, your adulation for him would indicate that all decent people should shun your company. Has nobody ever broken the news to you that heaping praise on genocidal sociopaths is _not_ okay?
So when the day is done and you look in the mirror, do you ever get tired of being what you are? Come on, tell the truth.

I see a liberty-backing patriot. It reminds me that I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Most hardcore Trumpflakes are domestic enemies of the Constitution.

So, let's explore your adulation of John Galt. As written, he was a genocidal sociopath who killed a billion people because his poor widdle feewings were hurt.

Given that Galt was such a reprehensible character, your adulation for him would indicate that all decent people should shun your company. Has nobody ever broken the news to you that heaping praise on genocidal sociopaths is _not_ okay?
So you're all for America unless someone does better than others.
So when the day is done and you look in the mirror, do you ever get tired of being what you are? Come on, tell the truth.

I see a liberty-backing patriot. It reminds me that I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Most hardcore Trumpflakes are domestic enemies of the Constitution...

So what happens when some day you wake up and discover that you yourself have become this domestic enemy you speak of? Swallow a bottle of pills and down a pint of vodka?

"Liberty-backing patriot", my ass. We've already been through this before. If your idea of being a "liberty-backing patriot" is supporting a POS like Obama, Hillary, or Bernie, then you need to take a longer look in your mirror.
So what happens when some day you wake up and discover that you yourself have become this domestic enemy you speak of? Swallow a bottle of pills and down a pint of vodka?

^^^ Triggered.

That always happens with Galt-worshippers when I tell the truth about their genocidal sociopathic messiah. I had hoped to get more sport out of this one, but it's clear he's just going to sulk at me now.

"Liberty-backing patriot", my ass. We've already been through this before.

Now I remember you! You're the flaming gay dude who offered to have sex with me. You're plainly still angry about me rejecting your gay pass.

A Successful Scam by Liberals That is By the Book
Go get laid, you won't be so hateful in the morning, ok sweetmeat? I'd do it for you but I'm kinda busy right now um..ok?

Anyways, are you still regularly referring to Obama as "mulatto cocksucker"? I mean, aside from in your fantasies.
The list of "fake news" attacks against Trump is so long that I won't even try to recite them here. But the most ludicrous attack is the "Russian collusion" nothingburger they keep harping on.

The leftists has used ever Alinskyite tactic the dead Communist put to paper, as well as propaganda methods used by Joseph Goebbels, Stalin, and Baghdad Bob. But the one rule they're seemed to forgotten was Alinsky's rule number 7:

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
Just like that " nothing burger"the Watergate scandal.
John Dean: The trump/ Russian scandal is worse than Watergate.
The list of "fake news" attacks against Trump is so long that I won't even try to recite them here. But the most ludicrous attack is the "Russian collusion" nothingburger they keep harping on.

The leftists has used ever Alinskyite tactic the dead Communist put to paper, as well as propaganda methods used by Joseph Goebbels, Stalin, and Baghdad Bob. But the one rule they're seemed to forgotten was Alinsky's rule number 7:

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

Who is Saw Al Inski? Trump's long lost son?

Cons have a rolodex of weird shit that only they and their fellow bubble dwellers know. Like with the Little Orphan Annie ring in A Christmas Story they believe the messages are important.
So when the day is done and you look in the mirror, do you ever get tired of being what you are? Come on, tell the truth.

I see a liberty-backing patriot. It reminds me that I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Most hardcore Trumpflakes are domestic enemies of the Constitution.

So, let's explore your adulation of John Galt. As written, he was a genocidal sociopath who killed a billion people because his poor widdle feewings were hurt.

Given that Galt was such a reprehensible character, your adulation for him would indicate that all decent people should shun your company. Has nobody ever broken the news to you that heaping praise on genocidal sociopaths is _not_ okay?

So what happens when some day you wake up and discover that you yourself have become this domestic enemy you speak of? Swallow a bottle of pills and down a pint of vodka?

^^^ Triggered.

That always happens with Galt-worshippers when I tell the truth about their genocidal sociopathic messiah. I had hoped to get more sport out of this one, but it's clear he's just going to sulk at me now.

"Liberty-backing patriot", my ass. We've already been through this before.

Now I remember you! You're the flaming gay dude who offered to have sex with me. You're plainly still angry about me rejecting your gay pass.

A Successful Scam by Liberals That is By the Book
Go get laid, you won't be so hateful in the morning, ok sweetmeat? I'd do it for you but I'm kinda busy right now um..ok?

Anyways, are you still regularly referring to Obama as "mulatto cocksucker"? I mean, aside from in your fantasies.
So what happens when some day you wake up and discover that you yourself have become this domestic enemy you speak of? Swallow a bottle of pills and down a pint of vodka?

^^^ Triggered.

That always happens with Galt-worshippers when I tell the truth about their genocidal sociopathic messiah. I had hoped to get more sport out of this one, but it's clear he's just going to sulk at me now.

"Liberty-backing patriot", my ass. We've already been through this before.

Now I remember you! You're the flaming gay dude who offered to have sex with me. You're plainly still angry about me rejecting your gay pass.

A Successful Scam by Liberals That is By the Book
Go get laid, you won't be so hateful in the morning, ok sweetmeat? I'd do it for you but I'm kinda busy right now um..ok?

Anyways, are you still regularly referring to Obama as "mulatto cocksucker"? I mean, aside from in your fantasies.

Da fuq are you talking about? You're a freakin' nutcase or something. :uhoh3:
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