Even Saul Alinsky understood this

[Da fuq are you talking about? You're a freakin' nutcase or something. :uhoh3:

So after I linked to it, you're still denying making a pass at me?

And you're denying calling Obama "mulatto cocksucker"?

That's not very smart, given how all your words are still here.

Don't have a clue what you're rambling about, but I will give you a pass on that part about Obama being a "mulatto cocksucker".
The list of "fake news" attacks against Trump is so long that I won't even try to recite them here. But the most ludicrous attack is the "Russian collusion" nothingburger they keep harping on.

The leftists has used ever Alinskyite tactic the dead Communist put to paper, as well as propaganda methods used by Joseph Goebbels, Stalin, and Baghdad Bob. But the one rule they're seemed to forgotten was Alinsky's rule number 7:

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

The only problem with your theory is that it requires Trump and his top associates have meeting after meeting with representatives of the russian government, and then lie about those meetings.
Check is out. Trumpflakes have been given their orders to deflect from DearLeader's treason by any means possible, so they're all bleating their propaganda here in unison. At least they're reliable authoritarian-follower parrots.

The interesting thing is how those Trumpflakes can quote Alinksy chapter and verse. That's how they give away that they spend their idle youths as hardcore socialists, and are still working to spread the gospel of Master Alinsky across the globe. A devoted Trumpflake will always carry "Rules for Radicals" next to their heart, right next to their copy of Mao's Little Red Book.

So Trumpflakes, which of your propaganda-masters do you love the most -- Mao, Goebbels, or Alinksy? If you're like most Trumpflakes, you'll say you love them all equally and won't be able to make a choice. So, just keep on using the philosophies of all three them to guide everything you do in life.
The minute I see the word "treason" I stop reading. Anyone who accuses the Trump administration is obviously a lying piece of shit who isn't worth the effort of debating.
[Da fuq are you talking about? You're a freakin' nutcase or something. :uhoh3:

So after I linked to it, you're still denying making a pass at me?

And you're denying calling Obama "mulatto cocksucker"?

That's not very smart, given how all your words are still here.
How is that any worse than calling Trump the "orange Cheeto pussy grabber?"
[Da fuq are you talking about? You're a freakin' nutcase or something. :uhoh3:

So after I linked to it, you're still denying making a pass at me?

And you're denying calling Obama "mulatto cocksucker"?

That's not very smart, given how all your words are still here.
How is that any worse than calling Trump the "orange Cheeto pussy grabber?"

To know which one is real and which one is imaginary, ask yourself two questions:

1. Did Trump really grab some girl by the pussy?

2. Is Obama really only half black and did he really suck some man's dick?

<insert Jeopardy theme here>
To know which one is real and which one is imaginary, ask yourself two questions:

A better question.

Can you post even one TRUE statement Trump made about his associates contacts with the russians?
To know which one is real and which one is imaginary, ask yourself two questions:

A better question.

Can you post even one TRUE statement Trump made about his associates contacts with the russians?

Why should I care about who talked to who, when the losing candidate signed over 25% of our uranium reserves to Putin?

Why should I care about who talked to who, when the losing candidate signed over 25% of our uranium reserves to Putin?

You've seen the debunking of that lie before, and you still tell it.

So, do you lie because it's the only way a eunuch like you gets off, or do you lie out of communist devotion?
Can you post even one TRUE statement Trump made about his associates contacts with the russians?

Why should I care about who talked to who, when the losing candidate signed over 25% of our uranium reserves to Putin?


It's not about who talked to who. But why can't Trump tell the truth about who talked to who.

Because it's top secret. If he told you, then he'd have to kill you.
Why should I care about who talked to who, when the losing candidate signed over 25% of our uranium reserves to Putin?

You've seen the debunking of that lie before, and you still tell it.

So, do you lie because it's the only way a eunuch like you gets off, or do you lie out of communist devotion?

da fuq?
Why should I care about who talked to who, when the losing candidate signed over 25% of our uranium reserves to Putin?
It's not about who talked to who. But why can't Trump tell the truth about who talked to who.
Because it's top secret. If he told you, then he'd have to kill you.
Can you post even one TRUE statement Trump made about his associates contacts with the russians?

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