Even some of the English have had enough! 'Black Panther of Oxford' activist Sasha Johnson, 26, is fighting for her life after being shot in the head

Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
"a communist was one who also upheld the dictatorship of the proletariat".......revolutions sorta lead to mass murder....idiot!!!!

Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls
She’s the deplorable human being. I wonder if they are only allowing black doctors work on her. Wouldn’t want White Privilege saving her life.
No dude, the way you are talking about somebody who is fighting for their life is disgusting and evil shit
Not if the person was an evil twat like her
Her politics and personal opinions warrant her death huh??? Dipshit
Yes !! She was a violent terrorist
Why wasn’t she in jail?
Because countries like the UK are run by gutless cowards.
Or in other words she didn’t break any laws and was a law abiding citizen?
Considering how strict speech laws are over there, I would say she easily broke their laws. But since gutless cowards are in charge, they are too afraid to charge her.
Haha, you think she should have been arrested for her speech? Wow

No I think she should be mocked and ridiculed for her beliefs and statements. Instead she is revered and cheered by so many leftwingers, and given airtime by the media.
And you chose her attempted murder as the gateway to mock and ridicule her as she is fighting for her life. Yeah, you’re a real piece of shit
Correct, she should still be mocked and ridiculed for her beliefs. Why does that make me a “piece of shit”? She’s the piece of shit for her beliefs. She’s a racist who wants to make slaves of white men.

So feel free to donate your money to her GoFundMe. I just think her wishes should be respected and no white doctors or nurses should touch her.
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
Marxism is fascism and it almost always leads to “ mounds of skulls “
This whole idea that Marxism has anything to do with protesting an injustice in society has been pushed on the internet by a propagandist who knew that the ignorant would take the bait, and s/he was right.
This whole idea that Marxism has anything to do with protesting an injustice in society has been pushed on the internet by a propagandist who knew that the ignorant would take the bait, and s/he was right.

Lysie-----Marxism has NOTHING to do with the solution to social and economic
injustice ? What is the objective of the "PROPAGANDAIST"? What is the "BAIT"
Yep the tories the second worst party in the modern world, incredibly missinformed racist and imperialist but nowhere near as bad as Rupert Murdoch's GOP. The less you know the more likely you are to vote for Trump and brexit etc....
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
Marxism is fascism and it almost always leads to “ mounds of skulls “
Nobody is talking about Marxism except brainwashed functional moron conservatives and people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and Vietnam. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
Marxism is fascism and it almost always leads to “ mounds of skulls “
Nobody is talking about Marxism except brainwashed functional moron conservatives and people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and Vietnam. You are a brainwashed functional moron.

YOu are too late. Slade already defended marixsts.
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
Marxism is an economic theory------its practice developed over time
and came to include genocide amongst other atrocities
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Can you show it? I can show you were racism and genocide came from Nazism if you’d like.

do you think catholicism promotes pedophilia?

review the GENOCIDE OF THE RUSSIAN KULAKS. The notion that catholicism "promotes"
pedophilia is a libel
Thank you, I read up on the Dekulakization, sick stuff. Not seeing how you see the ideology teaching that though. People that kill their opposers are tyrants. That’s a separate issue. Why is my pedo question libel?
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....

It doesn't matter. He likes marxism so he invented rationalizations for it. He doesn't like nazism, so he did NOT make up reasons to explain away their...evils.

Pointing out that his rationalizations are wrong, is irrelevant. He is fine with the mass murder and the totalitarian oppression.
I like Marxism? You state that despite me posting 4 times now that I dont?! Wow you got some serious issues

Correct. The way that you defend marxists, and make excuses for marxists AND marxism, is far more compelling than your stated denial of support.
No that’s just you being a dumbass and not knowing how to have an honest debate. when you lie, hyperbolize and conflate you present weak arguments. You may justify all that because your fighting the “good fight” or maybe there is another warped justification you use... but that’s a crock of shit. I would love to be a proud conservative and capitalist but I’m surrounded by dishonest douchbags like yourself and there is no way I’d stand behind the crap arguments you make to defend your ideology. Do better

Meanwhile in the real world, a marxist got shot, probably by a close associate of hers, and some people were laughing at her misfortune and ridiculing the commie bitch, and you rushed to her defense.
Yup. I’d do the same thing if it were Trump in the hospital. That’s the difference between you and I

1. I will believe that when I see it.

2. Trump's policies were completely mainstream. That your mind went there, to equate with nazis, while you make excuses for marxists, is you being batshit crazy.
You think I was equating Trump to Nazis?! Haha, I guess basic statement go right over your head. Try reading it again

We were discussing marxists and nazis and your warm feeling for marxists was well established. you certainly would not equate him with them.
Ok, I’ll take that as admitting you misrepresented what a said about Trump. That’s a start. You have real issues with misrepresenting that statements of others. It’s a troll tactic. Do better

LOL!! Considering that I'm not the one making justifications and rationalizations for genocide, mass murder and totalitarian oppression, I will consider that a minor accusation to be dismissed.
Are you still lying and pretending like I’m making justifications for things that I’m not? That’s pretty pathetic are you unable to just have an honest conversation?
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
"a communist was one who also upheld the dictatorship of the proletariat".......revolutions sorta lead to mass murder....idiot!!!!

Revolutions sort of lead to mass murder?! Wow, that’s deep! Haha. I love it when people write idiotic things and then call others idiots :)
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls
She’s the deplorable human being. I wonder if they are only allowing black doctors work on her. Wouldn’t want White Privilege saving her life.
No dude, the way you are talking about somebody who is fighting for their life is disgusting and evil shit
Not if the person was an evil twat like her
Her politics and personal opinions warrant her death huh??? Dipshit
Yes !! She was a violent terrorist
Why wasn’t she in jail?
Because countries like the UK are run by gutless cowards.
Or in other words she didn’t break any laws and was a law abiding citizen?
Considering how strict speech laws are over there, I would say she easily broke their laws. But since gutless cowards are in charge, they are too afraid to charge her.
Haha, you think she should have been arrested for her speech? Wow

No I think she should be mocked and ridiculed for her beliefs and statements. Instead she is revered and cheered by so many leftwingers, and given airtime by the media.
And you chose her attempted murder as the gateway to mock and ridicule her as she is fighting for her life. Yeah, you’re a real piece of shit
Correct, she should still be mocked and ridiculed for her beliefs. Why does that make me a “piece of shit”? She’s the piece of shit for her beliefs. She’s a racist who wants to make slaves of white men.

So feel free to donate your money to her GoFundMe. I just think her wishes should be respected and no white doctors or nurses should touch her.
I do feel free to donate to her but I don’t support her cause or know her so I’m not going to do that. We both know why you’re a piece of shit... it’s been explained
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
Marxism is fascism and it almost always leads to “ mounds of skulls “
Almost always?! Haha ok
You’re celebrating a woman got shot in the head and hoping for her death? You’ve taken political affiliations too far. What won’t you support in the name of tribalism? Seems like nothing.
She wants to enslave white people.
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
Marxism is fascism and it almost always leads to “ mounds of skulls “
Nobody is talking about Marxism except brainwashed functional moron conservatives and people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and Vietnam. You are a brainwashed functional moron.

YOu are too late. Slade already defended marixsts.
Quote my defense of Marxism... you can’t. You are twisting my compassion for human life as a promotion of communism because you are a dishonest troll.
in 3am attack in London after numerous death threats but police say there is 'no indication at this stage it is a targeted shooting'....Now the police sound like OUR police... idiotic!

A leading British Black Lives Matter activist is fighting for her life after being shot in the head in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Sasha Johnson, the self-styled 'Black Panther of Oxford', was 'brutally' attacked after receiving multiple death threats, her political party said.

London's Metropolitan Police said they are investigating after a woman in her 20s was shot in Peckham, in the capital's south-east, at 3am. Sky News reported this was understood to be the incident involving Ms Johnson, 26. No arrests have been made.

Ms Johnson, a mother-of-two Oxford Brookes graduate who rose to prominence after organising BLM protests last summer, is said to be currently in intensive care and in a critical condition following the attack.

It is believed that the shooting occurred in the vicinity of a house where a party was taking place and that a number of people may have been in the area. However, police said there is 'nothing to suggest' that the woman shot was the subject of a targeted attack.

(Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...


I approve....this type of action needs to be imported here...IMHO, of course!
Impossible. I was assured by my moral and intellectual superiors that the UK was not a violent place.
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....

It doesn't matter. He likes marxism so he invented rationalizations for it. He doesn't like nazism, so he did NOT make up reasons to explain away their...evils.

Pointing out that his rationalizations are wrong, is irrelevant. He is fine with the mass murder and the totalitarian oppression.
I like Marxism? You state that despite me posting 4 times now that I dont?! Wow you got some serious issues

Correct. The way that you defend marxists, and make excuses for marxists AND marxism, is far more compelling than your stated denial of support.
No that’s just you being a dumbass and not knowing how to have an honest debate. when you lie, hyperbolize and conflate you present weak arguments. You may justify all that because your fighting the “good fight” or maybe there is another warped justification you use... but that’s a crock of shit. I would love to be a proud conservative and capitalist but I’m surrounded by dishonest douchbags like yourself and there is no way I’d stand behind the crap arguments you make to defend your ideology. Do better

Meanwhile in the real world, a marxist got shot, probably by a close associate of hers, and some people were laughing at her misfortune and ridiculing the commie bitch, and you rushed to her defense.
Yup. I’d do the same thing if it were Trump in the hospital. That’s the difference between you and I

1. I will believe that when I see it.

2. Trump's policies were completely mainstream. That your mind went there, to equate with nazis, while you make excuses for marxists, is you being batshit crazy.
You think I was equating Trump to Nazis?! Haha, I guess basic statement go right over your head. Try reading it again

We were discussing marxists and nazis and your warm feeling for marxists was well established. you certainly would not equate him with them.
Ok, I’ll take that as admitting you misrepresented what a said about Trump. That’s a start. You have real issues with misrepresenting that statements of others. It’s a troll tactic. Do better

LOL!! Considering that I'm not the one making justifications and rationalizations for genocide, mass murder and totalitarian oppression, I will consider that a minor accusation to be dismissed.
Are you still lying and pretending like I’m making justifications for things that I’m not? That’s pretty pathetic are you unable to just have an honest conversation?

Remember that time we were talking about the historical record of genocide and mass murder of Marxism and you brought up nunneries because they were "collective" as though their lack of genocide and mass murder somehow balanced out the oceans of blood the marxists spilt?

That was funny of you.
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
"a communist was one who also upheld the dictatorship of the proletariat".......revolutions sorta lead to mass murder....idiot!!!!

Revolutions sort of lead to mass murder?! Wow, that’s deep! Haha. I love it when people write idiotic things and then call others idiots :)

Marxist revolutions tend to. A lot.
Wow, this thread is really bringing out all the douchebag deplorables. What horrible human beings most of you are. A true embarrassment to our species. May god have mercy on your souls

Marxists are teh moral equivalent of nazis.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better

I feel fine.

I'm glad I'm not the one that is expressing concern, publicly for the well being of a freaking marxist.
I don’t think being a Marxist is a good reason for people to be executed... that sentiment is actually more Nazi than anything else. Life is life and if you’re going to cheer the murder of somebody because you disagree with their politics then I’d say you’re a pretty disturbed individual.

Do you think that marxism, with it's history of genocide and mass murder and totalitarian oppression of BILLIONS of people, is the morally reprehensible and anyone that would embrace such an ideology is by their doing so, shown to be a moral monster, who should be shunned by civilized society?

Or do you make excuses for their genocide and oppression, because you agree with many of their ideas?
I think acts of murder and oppression are reprehensible. I’m not going to do the idiot thing and link it all the way down to those who want a collective society with the intent to take care of the poor and oppressed. Disagree with the practicality and effectiveness of the politics all you want but don’t make false equivalencies. Who do you think you’re fooling?

So, you DO, make excuses for the genocide and oppression of marxism because you agree with them politically.


Meanwhile, people who are not morally reprehensible, find it ok to be amused when bad things happen to really bad people.
I do? When did I do that?

I asked you a simple and clear question, and you made excuses and justifications for marxism.

Marxism, an ideology that has killed scores of millions of people, and oppressed generations of people in across the globe.

And I'm not talking about the bullshit micro oppressions you lefties talk shit about, like having to know that a statue in the park you disagree with, is there, but oppression where you get arrested and tortured and when you are executed the state charges your family for the bullet they used to kill you.
Well I don’t support Marxism and I don’t support torture murder or oppression. I’ve already stated that on this thread but I guess it didn’t register through that thick head of yours

I asked you your opinion on marxism and you felt the need to discuss how they " intent to take care of the poor and oppressed" and that you were NOT, "going to link them to the "murder and oppression" of marxism.

YOu did NOT state that did not support marxism. You also did NOT take the opportunity to wax poetic about the suffering caused by marxism or the horrible cost in human lives, or the loss of freedom, or the many, many wars, associated with Marxism.

Your answer, though implied, was very clear.
Correct because the theory of Marxism can be applied in many different ways. Communes, monasteries, Native American tribes, and societies all over the world operate in a similar way. You conflate everything with the evil actions of a few horrible dictators. It would be like blaming Christianity and all Christians for the violence and murder performed by the warped campaign of the crusaders. Or saying that Catholicism leads to Pedophilia. This is like basic stuff. Why are you acting like a moron and making me explain this stuff to you?!

Marxism in history is primarily represented by the Soviet Union and Red China, both of which committed genocide and totalitarian oppression on epic scales.

That you do not reject out of hand anyone that chooses to risk supporting such a platform, with that track record, is you being a bad person.

That was my point. THanks for validating it.
Genocide was committed by oppressive dictators not Marxist ideology. Monasteries with cloistered nuns and monks also operate using Marxist ideology yet you don’t see the violence...

For the third time now I’ll say I’m not a Marxist nor do I support the ideology but just because I don’t support it doesn’t mean I’m going to spout off like an idiot and try and like it and it’s supporters to genocide and terrorism.

Are you as generous with Nazis? Or is that different somehow?
Of course it’s different. Nazism is based on racism. Need I say more?

Nazism is socialism.....marx was as big a racist and anti-semite as hitler....
Who Marx was is irrelevant. We were comparing ideologies... Nazism is based on racism and a pure white race. Are you claiming that Is also a pillar of Marxism?

Which is more upsetting to you, than genocide and totalitarian oppression.
Nothing is more upsetting that genocide. Why do you ask?

Err, no. I did not ask a question. I used a period for a reason.

Your response to the racism of nazism was clear and strong. The presence of racism as part of their ideology and history was enough for them to be taboo and outcast in your view.

On the other hand, MARXISTS, whom you admit have genocide and totalitarian oppression in their ideology and history, you were able to look past that to make rationalizations for SOME marxists and to conflate them with other groups to provide them political cover.

So, it is clear that in your heart, racism is the bigger sin. Genocide and totalitarian oppression? Not nearly so bad.
Which element of Marxism promotes genocide? Please point to it.
Marxism is fascism and it almost always leads to “ mounds of skulls “
Nobody is talking about Marxism except brainwashed functional moron conservatives and people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and Vietnam. You are a brainwashed functional moron.

YOu are too late. Slade already defended marixsts.
Quote my defense of Marxism... you can’t. You are twisting my compassion for human life as a promotion of communism because you are a dishonest troll.

I clearly explained how your rhetorical distraction and conflation devices were defenses of marxists.

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