Even When Times Are Tough Keep Socialism as Your North Star, Though Building fully socialist society takes long time, we should never lose sight of it

I was just quoting someone for effect. I just call it socialism which everyone outside the English speaker super savage capitalist propaganda area, knows to be fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net. Every Socialist Party and every socialist ever agrees, and agrees that you have no clue and are a imperialist capitalist running dog lol. In other words a brainwashed functional moron lol
Actually, he may be mentally ill. We should be kind to him. His writing style is so poor that I doubt very much that he's a graduate even of our crappy schools. A shame.
You are the idiots who vote for the give away to the rich GOP because of emails pedophilia the election steal the vaccine hoax and the global warming hoax which you are the only people in the world that deny. Absolute idiots oops brainwashed functional idiots.
So why are we, the richest country on earth easily, the only modern country without a living wage health care for all daycare help cheap college and training paid parental leave, and ID card to make illegal work impossible, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans? Well I'll tell you, it's because of brainwashed functional idiots like you. But thanks for the ridiculous talking points and insults lol....
So why are we, the richest country on earth easily, the only modern country without a living wage health care for all daycare help cheap college and training paid parental leave, and ID card to make illegal work impossible, and mainly taxing the rich enough to invest in America and Americans? Well I'll tell you, it's because of brainwashed functional idiots like you. But thanks for the ridiculous talking points and insults lol....
Talking points?!?....You've gotta be kidding, projectasaurus rex! :auiqs.jpg:

The next time you have anything more than meaningless pinko rhetorical and begged questions will be your first time, commie douchebag.
So why are we, the richest country on earth easily

.... the only modern country without a living wage health care for all daycare help cheap college and training paid parental leave, and ID card to make illegal work impossible

I believe you just answered your own question ... taxing all the profits out of businesses and investments (which is required to shower the peasants with "free" health care and cheap college, etc.) just kills any incentive to create business or make investments, and the economy suffers for it.

If you're not making a living wage, is that the fault of the business who hired you or your fault for having worthless skills? Does a person who screws up your order a McDonalds deserve $40 an hour? Are you willing to pay $35 for a dried out Quarter Pounder and a Coke so the person who screws up your order can have a "living wage"?
I believe you just answered your own question ... taxing all the profits out of businesses and investments (which is required to shower the peasants with "free" health care and cheap college, etc.) just kills any incentive to create business or make investments, and the economy suffers for it.

If you're not making a living wage, is that the fault of the business who hired you or your fault for having worthless skills? Does a person who screws up your order a McDonalds deserve $40 an hour? Are you willing to pay $35 for a dried out Quarter Pounder and a Coke so the person who screws up your order can have a "living wage"?
Wait a sec....You mean people need to be able to deliver value and a satisfactory product to earn a decent wage?

Who is this kulak anyway? :auiqs.jpg:
I believe you just answered your own question ... taxing all the profits out of businesses and investments (which is required to shower the peasants with "free" health care and cheap college, etc.) just kills any incentive to create business or make investments, and the economy suffers for it.

If you're not making a living wage, is that the fault of the business who hired you or your fault for having worthless skills? Does a person who screws up your order a McDonalds deserve $40 an hour? Are you willing to pay $35 for a dried out Quarter Pounder and a Coke so the person who screws up your order can have a "living wage"?
Actually these other modrn countries do just fine especially considering they don't have our natural resources. They depend on the great education and infrastructure they get by taxing the rich their fair share, super duper, all we get by the giveaway to the rich is the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever. Anywhere. Great job! the only time those other countries have real problems is when the GOP gets eight years in office and has another one of their corrupt bubble bust depressions. Like 1929 1989 2008 and even 2020 with trump's worst anywhere pandemic reaction... Too bad you have no knowledge of history or politics and rely on pure garbage misinformation, hater dupe.
You are the idiots who vote for the give away to the rich GOP because of emails pedophilia the election steal the vaccine hoax and the global warming hoax which you are the only people in the world that deny. Absolute idiots oops brainwashed functional idiots.
Please don't take that as a personal insult. It's just an objective observation, given the incoherence of your posts.

Very few people on the Right are economic Libertarians. While they are, rightly, not eager to extend central government powers, they recognize necessity, especially if the things we're talking about have been around for many decades: so we have to have the military, we have to have various government protections for the people who would otherwise not be insured, not be taken care of in their old age, etc.

I completely understand liberals' fury over Mr Trump. How I wish we had had an American Churchill. But you go to war with the army you've got.

I suppose something like this is what liberals tell themselves every time Joe Biden does or says something stupid, or allows something to happen that he shouldn't have (like arming the jihadis with billions of dollars worth of our best weapons, allowing the Chinese spy balloon to overfly the entire country), or every time Kamala Harris opens her mouth.

So we can see you, and raise you ten.
Those White Cats Are the Fatcats' Fatkittens

I put no faith in reforms that ignore the hidden cancer of hereditary power, especially with this fixation on Socialism, which is a product of the prep schools and their Ivy League universities.
For the lefty kiddies, the word 'socialism' means free stuff, making the waitresses and hairdressers and auto mechanics and electricians pay for their college education and health care.

It doesn't mean that they want the big corporations for which they will go to work at high salaries to be nationalized and wages equalized. They'd drop dead at the very idea.

And ... saying 'Yay socialism' is also like a ten-year-old saying "Fuck". It really upsets the adults.
you have no argument, you have a couple of talking points and become a troll immediately with your stupid insults.... Every Socialist Party and every socialist ever has believed in democracy and fair capitalism. That's all it is, nothing to do with communist dictatorships or your ridiculous GOP propaganda that has one goal, protect the greedy idiot lying rich.
This is objectively false. You literally don't know what you're talking about. You ought to read some histories of the socialist movement.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Second International (the international Socialist organization) had deep splits almost everwhere in the world. Its left wing went over to the Communists.

And before the Russian Revolution, the great majority of Socialists believed in full-blooded Socialism, not in 'fair capitalism'. There was an argument, around the turn of the century (19th to 20th) about whether the transformation of capitalism into socialism could be achieved slowly, gradually, by piecemeal reforms -- or not. (The main protagonists in this debate were Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein.)

I get the impression that you don't read books, but you can read a short summary of the debate here:
[ Karl Kautsky - Wikipedia ]

And the belief in full socialism --not in 'fair capitalism' -- continued, even among the Socialists who did not become Communists or apologists for Communism.

But many non-Communist Leftists did become apologists for Stalin, especially after 1934 and his turning of the world Communist parties towards the 'Popular Front' strategy. It's true that some did not (e.g. Karl Kautsky), and all honor to them.

This pro-Soviet attitude was especially strong among the European intelligentsia.

Now, of course, socialists disavow Communist socialism, because it was such an abject failure economically. Some of them had never been apologists for the Communist countries , but their objection was to the single-party totalitarian state, not to the planned economy.

I repeat: the disavowal of genuine socialism -- ie the planned economy -- by 'socialists' really only happened a few decades ago. For a very long time, 'democratic socialists' were in favor of full-fledged socialism -- their differences with the Communists were that they, the socialists, believed in democracy. (In the US, this tendency is still represented, in journal form, by the magazines Dissent and New Politics.)

So you are simply wrong with respect to your assertions about 'socialists' always just being for 'fair capitalism'.

Now, how about your objections to America's economic inequality and standard of living?

You must have some sources for your beliefs, some hard economic data. So what are they?

Over to you.
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socialism is what every modern country but the United states is running. The socialist parties won in every non-english speaking modern country and the UK and Canada Australia and New Zealand followed their lead, although they have to call it labour or Christian Democrats or God knows what ...... And they all do just fine thank you very much until the GOP has another deregulation bubble and bust depression. They don't have the natural resources we have, just well educated people and great infrastructure.
Socialism is the reason why nearly every developed country on Earth depends on the United States to prop up their economy fool. We Have plenty of socialism here. Social security, section 8 housing, food stamp program, local state-run healthcare insurance for those who can't afford insurance of their own. When was the last time you actually knew what the hell you were talking about?
For the lefty kiddies, the word 'socialism' means free stuff, making the waitresses and hairdressers and auto mechanics and electricians pay for their college education and health care.

It doesn't mean that they want the big corporations for which they will go to work at high salaries to be nationalized and wages equalized. They'd drop dead at the very idea.

And ... saying 'Yay socialism' is also like a ten-year-old saying "Fuck". It really upsets the adults.
BINGO! You hit the nail right on the head! The concept is always good in people's minds until it costs them something. I'll bet our buddy Franco has at least one empty bedroom that he doesn't use for anybody or anything. I wonder why he's leaving it empty instead of filling it with an immigrant family.
It seems that almost everyone commenting on this thread understands that we need a capitalist economy, but one which has some government intervention. The argument is about how much.

My fellow right-wingers need to read this book, by another right-winger, FH Buckley, a pretty smart fellow.

The Republican Workers Party: How the Trump Victory Drove Everyone Crazy, and Why It Was Just What We Needed
by F. H. Buckley | Sep 4, 2018

ach tee tee pee ess://.amazon.xxx/Republican-Workers-Party-Victory-Everyone/dp/1641770066/

Repair my link - which I had to do that way to prevent the system from destroying it -- and go to Amazon and you can pick up a used copy for almost nothing (good ole capitalism again!). At the moment, the cheapest copy is $1.65 --

Buckley proposes a way forward for patriots who want to make the pro-American party the permanent majority party.
How much you want to bet Franco doesn't get money from the government every month? He probably just doesn't know how to budget it and so he's bitching about being broke. United States is one of the most socially generous Nations on the face of the planet despite the fact that it's based on capitalism. But as it is with human nature for some people there is never enough. They don't understand that there's no such thing as free anything. I'd like to see Franco go to work in Sweden with a tech fully 50% of your pay every week.
How the hell does that translate out into free?

Mario Cuomo said that Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. We used to call them the unfortunate period nobody wants it that way. Try taxing the rich again and investing in America again GOP dupes? All they have given us the last 40 years is the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness etcetera anywhere ever. And the richest rich lying ******** ever
You use the word Rich like it is some kind of sin. Copy their habits and you will find no reason to bitch and moan. Lemme see now this is the 12th of the month, right about the time that all the G-money recipients run out of bill and food money because they think the government is supposed to support them. and they think scratch tickets are more important than a gallon of milk. That's when they get loud and nasty. Hmmmm
You use the word Rich like it is some kind of sin. Copy their habits and you will find no reason to bitch and moan. Lemme see now this is the 12th of the month, right about the time that all the G-money recipients run out of bill and food money because they think the government is supposed to support them. and they think scratch tickets are more important than a gallon of milk. That's when they get loud and nasty. Hmmmm
the greedy idiot lying scumbag GOP megarich are sinners. Luckily you are an ignoramus dupe so you may get away with your idiot beliefs, brainwashed functional moron.

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