Even When Times Are Tough Keep Socialism as Your North Star, Though Building fully socialist society takes long time, we should never lose sight of it

They are. They are democracy with health care daycare cheap college and training etcetera etcetera. But they can't call it socialism because they are brainwashed almost as bad as you are, hater dupe.
Now you are mixing terms. I call bullshit on your academic creds. You clearly don't know what you are talking about.
China is demonstrating huge success with socially responsible capitalism in action.
Yeah....Nothing says "socially responsible capitalism" like massive environmental degradation, displacment of millions from their centuries-old ancestral homes, police crackdowns, welding people into their apartment buildings, social credit scores, outright slavery and genocide of ethnic minorities.

America Is a Proud Example of Settler Colonialism Conquering Unfit Natives

People should look at a hereditary ruling class as foreign, even though it is of the same ethnicity as they are. If they don't, they don't deserve to be independent.

Natural rights have to be earned, so I have no sympathy for the self-determination of a people genetically determined to freeload off us, loot us, and destroy us. It is our own heiristocracy that has pushed this false multiculturalist ethic, so we have been conquered from within.
Mario Cuomo said that Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. We used to call them the unfortunate period nobody wants it that way. Try taxing the rich again and investing in America again GOP dupes? All they have given us the last 40 years is the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness etcetera anywhere ever. And the richest rich lying ******** ever
Now you are mixing terms. I call bullshit on your academic creds. You clearly don't know what you are talking about.
So what's the big difference between communism and socialism? I say like every Socialist Party and every socialist ever, it's democracy and with democracy you get capitalism, it's just a question of how fair it is. In the United states the least fair ever anywhere thanks to the brainwash and ignoramuses like you... That's what you get with a flat tax system like we have in the United states after all these tax cuts for the rich the last 40 years.
No, patriots just have to love their country. Your country can be a dictatorship, and still be loved by at least some of its citizens.

It's not a good idea to mix up words so that they mean 'good things' or 'what I happen to believe' in. Better to have different words for different things.

The Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol may believe terrible things ... I won't get into that. But the overwhelming majority, like the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters, love their country. (And by the way, 'loving one's country' is not an unqualified always-good thing. It tends to make you uncritical of your government in its dealings with other governments, when maybe you ought to be critical.)

Are there genuine patriots among people who vote Democratic? Of course there are? The problem such people have is that among them, and in influential positions, are people who despise America ... as racist, fascist, imperialist. They focus on the bad things in America and make them the essence of the country. They hate the police, they don't want the military to recruit in the schools, they hate free speech if it's exercised by conservatives or honest liberals, and they hate the tradtional family.

They're people like the New York City Councillors who voted to honor Ethel Rosenberg, the executed Soviet spy. Unfortunately, they are very influential, especially in our educational system, and are increasingly influential within the Democratic Party. (The Democrats let leaders of the Communist Party be their precinct chairmen!)

The main political task of patriots is to break the pro-American base of the Democratic Party away. That's why FH Buckley's book, linked to in a previous post, is so important.
If you don't think democracy matters go to China or Russia or Bylo Russia with your hero the orange narcissist lying con man, who above all wants to be a Russian oligarch. Just like in the dossier, which has never been discredited, sounds just like the swine or fools like you.
Now you are mixing terms. I call bullshit on your academic creds. You clearly don't know what you are talking about.
Degrees of Separation From Understanding Reality

You don't realize how ignorant college graduates are in knowledge of grammar, history, and logic. Preppyboy Franco illustrates that in spades, so if you think he's lying about his education, you're part of the problem because you don't realize that college "education" is itself a fraud, even, or especially, with those with the highest GPAs.
Mario Cuomo said that Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. We used to call them the unfortunate period nobody wants it that way. Try taxing the rich again and investing in America again GOP dupes? All they have given us the last 40 years is the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness etcetera anywhere ever. And the richest rich lying ******** ever
You Have Daddy Issues, Preppy, Just Like Jane Fonda
you have no argument or any intelligent ideology, just another brainwashed believer in the orange clown in the election steal the vaccine and global warming hoax or all the other ridiculous conspiracies of pedophilia and God knows what else. Go back to Russia. Idiot troll.... Democracy doesn't matter? You are the brainwashed functional scum of the earth
You Have Daddy Issues, Preppy, Just Like Jane Fonda
you have no argument, you have a couple of talking points and become a troll immediately with your stupid insults.... Every Socialist Party and every socialist ever has believed in democracy and fair capitalism. That's all it is, nothing to do with communist dictatorships or your ridiculous GOP propaganda that has one goal, protect the greedy idiot lying rich.
I'd like to see that list too. I would be fully supportive of any politician who suggested eliminating huge government programs such as these. Especially one who has the cojones to publicly state it.
Scott, Carl Lee and Ron Johnson and anyone that agrees with them, ignoramuses. You people know absolutely nothing.
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I'd like to see that list too. I would be fully supportive of any politician who suggested eliminating huge government programs such as these. Especially one who has the cojones to publicly state it.
Your love and admiration for the greedy idiot lying GOP mega rich and screwing your family and friends is noted, super dupe.
Yeah....Nothing says "socially responsible capitalism" like massive environmental degradation, displacment of millions from their centuries-old ancestral homes, police crackdowns, welding people into their apartment buildings, social credit scores, outright slavery and genocide of ethnic minorities.

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Dictatorships all suck, left wing communists or right wing Nazis and fascists. Which depends upon their economic outlook dimwits
I'm not the dope who used the term "socially responsible capitalism", sub-imbecile.
I was just quoting someone for effect. I just call it socialism which everyone outside the English speaker super savage capitalist propaganda area, knows to be fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net. Every Socialist Party and every socialist ever agrees, and agrees that you have no clue and are a imperialist capitalist running dog lol. In other words a brainwashed functional moron lol

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