Even When Times Are Tough Keep Socialism as Your North Star, Though Building fully socialist society takes long time, we should never lose sight of it

It is just the most successful savage capitalist propaganda. In the United states, if you say you are a socialist, the Super dupers say oh you're for stalinism! Absolute idiocy. A country without a living wage health care for all cheap college and training daycare paid parental leave and taxing the rich their fair share is not socially responsible, so they have to make the word socialism evil. They do a great job with the dupes...
Did you see 'Mouseland' yet. It forms the basis for the entire discussion in that they finally elected a mouse government. And true to the American way, they called him a Bolshevist!
Dumbest dumbass thread from a dumbass in the history of his dumbass threads.

Congrats to bakedBromance:

Socialism is socially responsible capitalism and always democratic. Every socialist in the world knows it. You can't keep the two terms apart you're so brainwashed
Pure socialism is communism, and you can't tell them the difference.

Work it out for yourself and you'll suddenly see that we're on the same page.

The only competition between us is to see who gets labelled a 'commie' first.
Communism as defined by Marc who came to with idea, is no state…socialism is the dictosrshio where Govt owns the means of production. We have never gotten beyond that stage…cuba, china, ussr etc…it doesn’t work well that’s why some socialists came up with the third way…fascism
try reality. Marx was wrong about everything and so is communism. If it isn't democratic it is not socialism and it is not good for humans and other living beings... Communism has nothing to do with reality or the United states unless you are a brainwashed functional moron... take your communism and its dictatorships and show them up your *** . Every Socialist Party in every democracy ever has been for democracy first of all and justice and fairness and it's capitalism period end of story shove the communism nobody cares except for dupes.....a brainwashed functional moron... take your communism and its dictatorships and show them up your *** . Every Socialist Party in every democracy ever has been for democracy first of all and justice and fairness and its capitalism period end of story... shove the communism nobody cares except for dupes..... nobody should give a god damn what lying scumbag communists and Nazis have to say about anything either....
Pure socialism is communism, and you can't tell them the difference.

Work it out for yourself and you'll suddenly see that we're on the same page.

The only competition between us is to see who gets labelled a 'commie' first.
You’re a commie and have been so labeled by many for a long time, you dopey Canuck.
Patriots first of all have to believe in the constitution and democracy and if they don't they are barking up the wrong tree and they're going to hell end of story... Swallowing total crap anti American propaganda ain't it....
No, patriots just have to love their country. Your country can be a dictatorship, and still be loved by at least some of its citizens.

It's not a good idea to mix up words so that they mean 'good things' or 'what I happen to believe' in. Better to have different words for different things.

The Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol may believe terrible things ... I won't get into that. But the overwhelming majority, like the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters, love their country. (And by the way, 'loving one's country' is not an unqualified always-good thing. It tends to make you uncritical of your government in its dealings with other governments, when maybe you ought to be critical.)

Are there genuine patriots among people who vote Democratic? Of course there are? The problem such people have is that among them, and in influential positions, are people who despise America ... as racist, fascist, imperialist. They focus on the bad things in America and make them the essence of the country. They hate the police, they don't want the military to recruit in the schools, they hate free speech if it's exercised by conservatives or honest liberals, and they hate the tradtional family.

They're people like the New York City Councillors who voted to honor Ethel Rosenberg, the executed Soviet spy. Unfortunately, they are very influential, especially in our educational system, and are increasingly influential within the Democratic Party. (The Democrats let leaders of the Communist Party be their precinct chairmen!)

The main political task of patriots is to break the pro-American base of the Democratic Party away. That's why FH Buckley's book, linked to in a previous post, is so important.
Pure socialism is communism, and you can't tell them the difference.

Work it out for yourself and you'll suddenly see that we're on the same page.

The only competition between us is to see who gets labelled a 'commie' first.
I'm not labeling anybody a communist, they are all in China Vietnam or Cuba with a gun to their head or so far off into ideological theory they are hopeless..... Every Socialist Party ever has been for fair capitalism with a good safety net and democracy. Every Communist Party ever has been for a dictatorship and violent revolution and they are a total disgrace and catastrophe.... Perhaps theoretically communism is pure socialism, but that is irrelevant to life on planet earth..... It always takes a horrible violent revolution and a ruthless dictatorship with secret police to try and make people share everything. Bringing communism into every god damn Discussion of socialism is the sign of a pure brainwashed populace.
Pure socialism is communism, and you can't tell them the difference.

Work it out for yourself and you'll suddenly see that we're on the same page.

The only competition between us is to see who gets labelled a 'commie' first.
I'm not labeling anybody a communist, they are all in China Vietnam or Cuba with a gun to their head or so far off into ideological theory they are hopeless..... Every Socialist Party ever has been for fair capitalism with a good safety net and democracy. Every Communist Party ever has been for a dictatorship and violent revolution and they are a total disgrace and catastrophe.... Perhaps theoretically communism is pure socialism, but that is irrelevant to life on planet earth..... It always takes a horrible violent revolution and a ruthless dictatorship with secret police to try and make people share everything. Bringing communism into every god damn Discussion of socialism is the sign of a pure brainwashed populace.
No, patriots just have to love their country. Your country can be a dictatorship, and still be loved by at least some of its citizens.

It's not a good idea to mix up words so that they mean 'good things' or 'what I happen to believe' in. Better to have different words for different things.

The Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol may believe terrible things ... I won't get into that. But the overwhelming majority, like the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters, love their country. (And by the way, 'loving one's country' is not an unqualified always-good thing. It tends to make you uncritical of your government in its dealings with other governments, when maybe you ought to be critical.)

Are there genuine patriots among people who vote Democratic? Of course there are? The problem such people have is that among them, and in influential positions, are people who despise America ... as racist, fascist, imperialist. They focus on the bad things in America and make them the essence of the country. They hate the police, they don't want the military to recruit in the schools, they hate free speech if it's exercised by conservatives or honest liberals, and they hate the tradtional family.

They're people like the New York City Councillors who voted to honor Ethel Rosenberg, the executed Soviet spy. Unfortunately, they are very influential, especially in our educational system, and are increasingly influential within the Democratic Party. (The Democrats let leaders of the Communist Party be their precinct chairmen!)

The main political task of patriots is to break the pro-American base of the Democratic Party away. That's why FH Buckley's book, linked to in a previous post, is so important.
You are brainwashed with baloney to the point that a discussion of health care day care cheap college and training and taxing the rich, gets you into such hateful unreal garbage. The only thing we hate is the total hateful misinformation propaganda you are brainwashed with.... it has been totally discredited election steal vaccine hoax in the second. Global warming hoax pedophilia and emails forever lol etcetera etcetera. Change the channel and try reality, hater dupe.
Well I have a masters in history with a concentration on the 20th century and I have lived in England France and Spain and I know what socialist means everywhere in the world but brainwashed UK and USA Canada Australia and New Zealand. But we are the only modern country without socialism. That is fair capitalism with a good safety net. Ever heard of Eugene debs?
And with all that you call Canada, Australia, and New Zealand socialist countries. Nice education you got there.
Whatever were the possibilities in 1818, today one of the granite-hard guiding principles of all serious statesmen should be: STAY OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S COUNTRIES.

Most people today have national pride, or some close equivalent. They want to be ruled by those who look like them, talk like them, have the same skin color as they do, share the same religions.

The poor Africans and the people of the Caribbean islands would be far better off, materially, if they were still ruled by the British. But they would rather live as they do, under their own rulers, than be ruled by foreigners.

So let them be. We should have learned our lessons with Iraq and Afghanistan.

[There are always exceptions to every rule. Normally, ethnic diversity means civil war, but the Swiss are an exception. Normally, people would rather live in squalor and crime than be ruled by foreigners, but the Puerto Ricans (in their majority) are an exception.]
America Is a Proud Example of Settler Colonialism Conquering Unfit Natives

People should look at a hereditary ruling class as foreign, even though it is of the same ethnicity as they are. If they don't, they don't deserve to be independent.

Natural rights have to be earned, so I have no sympathy for the self-determination of a people genetically determined to freeload off us, loot us, and destroy us. It is our own heiristocracy that has pushed this false multiculturalist ethic, so we have been conquered from within.
The difference between people running a government, and people running a business, is that if the latter make too many mistakes and don't satisfy their customers, they'll go out of business.

And most businesses do just that. (See Why Most Things Fail, by Paul Omerod. [ Why Most Things Fail - Wikipedia ] )

But when governments make mistakes -- like sending tens of thousands of young Americans to die or be horribly mutilated in stupid wars, or wasting billions of dollars in foreign aid to countries like Pakistan -- they can just say, 'Oops!' and raise taxes (either directly, or, via borrowing, by passing the problem on to our descendants).
"Loot and Scoot" Evades Punishment
And with all that you call Canada, Australia, and New Zealand socialist countries. Nice education you got there.
They are. They are democracy with health care daycare cheap college and training etcetera etcetera. But they can't call it socialism because they are brainwashed almost as bad as you are, hater dupe.
"Loot and Scoot" Evades Punishment
that's the GOP scumbag way... Every time they get eight years, they have a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust recession or depression that regular people pay for. So why are GOP voters so dumb how can they do it lol? brainwashed ... .
Guess what?

The government assholes that you put so much faith in are no better than the capitolists that you hate do much

You owe everything you have to an economic system that you hate
Even the Atomic Bomb Was More Engineering Than Physics

We didn't succeed because of Investor Supremacy #Stupid Speak: "Capitalism"; we succeeded because of practical science, seeing no point in the leisure-class mind-candy of theoretical science, which the Old World had been stuck in for 2,000 years.
Even the Atomic Bomb Was More Engineering Than Physics

We didn't succeed because of Investor Supremacy #Stupid Speak: "Capitalism"; we succeeded because of practical science, seeing no point in the leisure-class mind-candy of theoretical science, which the Old World had been stuck in for 2,000 years.
You have me stumped this time

I dont know if you’re “fer” or “agin”
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You'll enjoy this JO!

The Ruling Class's Constitution Establishes an Elitist Oligarchy

It's not only that we are forced to choose between pre-owned candidates, but, more importantly, it's that we give up our right to vote on the issues to them. These fraternal-twin cliques claim that letting us vote on the issues is "mob rule" or "tyranny of the majority."

So we wind up being passive spectators watching a shouting match by entitled Know-It-All Nobodies, who ignore us unless we cheer the shouting of one sheltered side or the other.
You are brainwashed with baloney to the point that a discussion of health care day care cheap college and training and taxing the rich, gets you into such hateful unreal garbage. The only thing we hate is the total hateful misinformation propaganda you are brainwashed with.... it has been totally discredited election steal vaccine hoax in the second. Global warming hoax pedophilia and emails forever lol etcetera etcetera. Change the channel and try reality, hater dupe.
I hope other people have read my posts, and then this poor fellow's response here. It's sort of like what you might expect from a very early version of Chat-GPT
In fact, Biden is making a good case on replacing the black cats with the white cats, but watch out because they'll still be cats.
Those White Cats Are the Fatcats' Fatkittens

I put no faith in reforms that ignore the hidden cancer of hereditary power, especially with this fixation on Socialism, which is a product of the prep schools and their Ivy League universities.

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