Eventually The Truth ALWAYS Comes Out...No Matter How much Libs / Hillary / Obama Want It To Go Away


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Full Measure: Benghazi rescue interrupted?

Full Measure: Benghazi rescue 'interrupted'

"Now an email hidden from public view for three years reveals another rescue attempt was apparently interrupted. The military offered to deploy Special Forces to Benghazi during the assault, long before the attackers killed CIA contractors and former Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Ty Woods.

Three and a half hours into the eight-hour long siege, the military's Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash emails top State Department officials: "we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak. They include a SOF [Special Operations Forces] element that was in Croatia."

Retired Army Green Beret Col. Andrew Wood commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chris Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In 2012, Wood told Congress his team was removed from Libya by the Obama administration a month before the attacks, despite warnings of terrorist violence to come.

For the first time, Wood is speaking out with a startling claim: that those Special Forces offered in the military email were on their way to Benghazi, but were turned back.

Wood: Those individuals I know loaded aircraft and got on their way to Benghazi to respond to that incident. They were not allowed to cross the border, as per protocol, until they get approval from the Commander-in-Chief. That authority has got to come from him. Otherwise, they're not allowed to go further into the country. I have a high degree of confidence that that happened, based on information that I've heard from individuals that were there. Those forces were put into motion. They simply were not allowed to go further.

The White House has refused to detail the involvement of President Obama, the Commander-in-Chief, while Americans were under attack on foreign soil. Following a short briefing at the beginning of the assault, he virtually disappears from the public narrative.

The White House declined to comment for this report but has long denied any assets were available or ready, and said everything possible was done.

Yet the email indicates Special Forces were ready and high-ranking Obama administration officials, or "Principals" were to weigh in. "Assuming Principals agree to deploy these elements, we will ask State to secure the approval from host nation," the military emails the State Department. "Please advise how you wish to convey that approval to us."

Inexplicably, nobody did seek Libya's approval for the U.S. forces to fly in to help."


"Gary Berntsen is a former CIA senior operations officer and Chief of Station. He commanded counter-terrorism missions and led the response team after Islamic extremists bombed U.S. Embassies in East Africa in 1998.

Sharyl: The significance of this memo, would you say?

Gary Berntsen: It's incredibly significant, and you would understand why the administration wouldn't want people to see that those elements within the government that were tasked with the protection of lives and property, actually started the process and were stopped.

Like Wood, Berntsen says quick reaction military teams are tasked to handle emergencies exactly like Benghazi and automatically spin up, unless and until they're stopped.

Berntsen: You proceed because if there's an emergency and Americans are at risk, Americans have died or are under the threat of death or a threat of kidnapping or any kind of violence. We're moving.

A military source familiar with some of the night's events also confirms military options were provided.

Military source: There were both conventional and Special Forces in theater and assigned to AFRICOM [Africa Command] offered up by General [Carter] Ham on a video teleconference. Based on what I know, the forces they were talking about could have gotten there pretty quickly.

Berntsen: Only political instructions from above would have stopped them."
CONTINUED --------------------

"Adding to the claims of a rescue interrupted: the leader of a Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) in the U.S. earlier testified his squad, too, was stopped from responding and a small U.S. military team in Tripoli was ordered not to board a plane for Benghazi during the attacks.

Col. Wood says it all implies a decision at the highest level. Otherwise, he believes the military would have gotten in position to respond five hours before the Benghazi attacks when the U.S. faced a related crisis: Islamic extremists overran the American Embassy in Cairo, Egypt."


"Sharyl: Two groups of testimony given under oath by government officials were: there were no forces that could have responded quickly, and that even if they had scrambled more people, they couldn't have gotten there in time to make a difference.

Berntsen: I don't believe either of those reflect the truth of what occurred on the ground there. They had forces moving, they could have intervened, they should have intervened, and had they, we likely would have been in a position to save the second two men who bravely sacrificed their lives."


"A final footnote: the email offering military options was revealed under a lawsuit filed by watchdog Judicial Watch and also turned over to the Congressional Benghazi Committee three years after the fact. The law requires the email should have been provided after Freedom of Information requests made in 2012, but it was not."
You must be a racist and hate women to boot. Unfit for duty here in America

By your comment it can be assumed that the forestated summary is disturbing. It should be, the truth is tough for liberals to comprehend not less accept.
"The White House has refused to detail the involvement of President Obama, the Commander-in-Chief, while Americans were under attack on foreign soil. Following a short briefing at the beginning of the assault, he virtually disappears from the public narrative."

To this day the American people do not 100% know where Obama was during the attack on Benghazi. We know he was not in the War Room, where he and Hillary took photos of them watching the take-down of UBL for the world to see. 'Doogie' manned the War Room for Obama while it is believed Obama was holed up in the living quarters of the WH.

Maybe Obama is squeamish about watching Americans he abandons die.

The final facts, the only ones that matter, though, are that an American Ambassador and 3 other Americans died on 9/11/12 because President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton CHOSE not to do everything they could to prevent their deaths.

Stevens should have been pulled out when every other nation pulled their people out due to the known threats of attack on 9/11/12.

Stevens should have been pulled out after 2 attacks on his compound, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall, just before the final one on 9/11/12.

An Al Qaeida-associated militia should NOT have been hired to protect a U.S. Ambassador.

Over 600 pleas for additional security from Ambassador Stevens should not have been denied by Obama and Hillary.

14 Members of Stevens' security team should NOT have been taken away after the 2 terrorist attacks leading up to the final attack on 9/11/12.

Considering these facts there is no way in hell anyone can say that these Americans deaths were NOT avoidable and UN-necessary, that Hillary and Obama did all they could!
You must be a racist and hate women to boot. Unfit for duty here in America

The truth is not racist or sexist. It, unlike Liberals who seek to defend their flawed leaders, is not blind. It simply is what it is. It also can't be 'dismissed' because Liberals who don't want to hear it, to know it, or for it to come out declare it is 'dismissed'.
Eventually The Truth ALWAYS Comes Out...No Matter How much Libs / Hillary / Obama Want It To Go Away

It's a nice thought, but not always the case. It's likely that much of the truth about Obama has been destroyed.

Look how much we know about Trump's life, and how little to this day we know about Obama's.
Eventually The Truth ALWAYS Comes Out...No Matter How much Libs / Hillary / Obama Want It To Go Away

It's a nice thought, but not always the case. It's likely that much of the truth about Obama has been destroyed.

Look how much we know about Trump's life, and how little to this day we know about Obama's.

Its a sad commentary on the USA that the media was so obsessed with the "first black president" that they refused to properly investigate and vet the guy. Its also sad that the GOP did not have the guts to do it.
Hopefully this will become part of Obama's remembered legacy and will stop Hillary from ever having one.

'No one left behind'?! The idea that Obama was so consumed with his re-election that he tried to hide the truth about this terrorist attack that resulted in the deaths of the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and 3 other Americans, that he attempted to lie about it to protect his earlier declaration that 'the war on terror is over' and 'Al Qaeida - who perpetrated this attack, was 'on the run' is despicable!

The fact that Hillary attempted to hide and lie about this to protect herself and preserve her chance to run for President again in 2016 is just as equally despicable!

Both were willing to sacrifice American lives, disgrace their memory and how they died, and to lie to the American people about how they abandoned 4 Americans to die, all to preserve their own political futures.

This alone makes Obama the worst President in this nation's history, and solidifies Hillary's position as the other half of the worst Presidential couple in our nation's history.
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The claim we didn't have anything or anyone who could have responded in time has always been an absurdity.
No need, BB. It has already been proven by Hillary's own e-mail she lied about / created the false narrative about a video. This latest e-mail further proves their lie about no military option, that there was no stand down order, and proves that the order came from THE TOP. Ut proves this e-mail, which was required to be released was hidden instead from the world for 3 years - a crime.(Sound familiar, as in Hillary's criminal investigation now?!)

No need to investigate further as their own e-mails tell the story of how they left 4 Americans behind to die and covered up the details to preserve their own treasonous, despicable, Un-American political careers. As mentioned, their places in history as Ametica's worst as a result are secure...
OP- What a pile of bs, for dupes only. Spend a moment looking into ACTUAL Pub incompetence that allowed 9/11 THREE THOUSAND KILLED, the wars and financial corruption that wrecked the world. Brainwashed morons...
LINK: Full Measure: Benghazi rescue interrupted?

Full Measure: Benghazi rescue 'interrupted'

"Now an email hidden from public view for three years reveals another rescue attempt was apparently interrupted. The military offered to deploy Special Forces to Benghazi during the assault, long before the attackers killed CIA contractors and former Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Ty Woods.

Three and a half hours into the eight-hour long siege, the military's Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash emails top State Department officials: "we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak. They include a SOF [Special Operations Forces] element that was in Croatia."

Retired Army Green Beret Col. Andrew Wood commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chris Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In 2012, Wood told Congress his team was removed from Libya by the Obama administration a month before the attacks, despite warnings of terrorist violence to come.

For the first time, Wood is speaking out with a startling claim: that those Special Forces offered in the military email were on their way to Benghazi, but were turned back.

Wood: Those individuals I know loaded aircraft and got on their way to Benghazi to respond to that incident. They were not allowed to cross the border, as per protocol, until they get approval from the Commander-in-Chief. That authority has got to come from him. Otherwise, they're not allowed to go further into the country. I have a high degree of confidence that that happened, based on information that I've heard from individuals that were there. Those forces were put into motion. They simply were not allowed to go further.

The White House has refused to detail the involvement of President Obama, the Commander-in-Chief, while Americans were under attack on foreign soil. Following a short briefing at the beginning of the assault, he virtually disappears from the public narrative.

The White House declined to comment for this report but has long denied any assets were available or ready, and said everything possible was done.

Yet the email indicates Special Forces were ready and high-ranking Obama administration officials, or "Principals" were to weigh in. "Assuming Principals agree to deploy these elements, we will ask State to secure the approval from host nation," the military emails the State Department. "Please advise how you wish to convey that approval to us."

Inexplicably, nobody did seek Libya's approval for the U.S. forces to fly in to help."


"Gary Berntsen is a former CIA senior operations officer and Chief of Station. He commanded counter-terrorism missions and led the response team after Islamic extremists bombed U.S. Embassies in East Africa in 1998.

Sharyl: The significance of this memo, would you say?

Gary Berntsen: It's incredibly significant, and you would understand why the administration wouldn't want people to see that those elements within the government that were tasked with the protection of lives and property, actually started the process and were stopped.

Like Wood, Berntsen says quick reaction military teams are tasked to handle emergencies exactly like Benghazi and automatically spin up, unless and until they're stopped.

Berntsen: You proceed because if there's an emergency and Americans are at risk, Americans have died or are under the threat of death or a threat of kidnapping or any kind of violence. We're moving.

A military source familiar with some of the night's events also confirms military options were provided.

Military source: There were both conventional and Special Forces in theater and assigned to AFRICOM [Africa Command] offered up by General [Carter] Ham on a video teleconference. Based on what I know, the forces they were talking about could have gotten there pretty quickly.

Berntsen: Only political instructions from above would have stopped them."

So where are these emails?
Evidence, Franco. Your opinion has none while this e-mail, which they illegally tried to hide from the world, completes the story of Hillary's and Obama's betrayal and lies.
The mission was relieved
within 20 minutes, and only brainwashed twits "know" the annex attack hours later was expected.
. What was going to stop those lucky mortar shots? Give it up, functional numbskulls.
The mission was relieved
within 20 minutes, and only brainwashed twits "know" the annex attack hours later was expected.
. What was going to stop those lucky mortar shots? Give it up, functional numbskulls.
Fail...evidence versus liberal denial and opinion. You lose...but continue to defend 2 betrayers who left Stevens to die, when he should have been taken out of harm's way numerous times before 9/11/12, betrayers who hired Al Qaeida to guard a US Ambassador, who denied over 600 pleas from Stevens for additional security, and betrayers who took away 14 members of his security team AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound.

Even YOU and NYC aren't stupid enough to do all that and to leave an American Ambassador there to die under those conditions.

Rant your OPINIONS all you want, these facts and new evidence - which they illegally tried to hide - is irrefutable!

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