Eventually The Truth ALWAYS Comes Out...No Matter How much Libs / Hillary / Obama Want It To Go Away

By her poll numbers, Hillary left before I did.
With this evidence and '13 Hours' out, SHE'S DONE!
Tell ya what, kids. Let's cut to the chase and say some CIA boss, with a bunch of hired guns in Benghazi, did give a stand-down order for his people and delayed them trying to save Stevens and his State Department security team. Okay, do tell, how in the fuck is that Clinton's fault?

About the same as what some sadistic assholes did at Abu Graib was GWB's fault.
Well that ends the Hillary let people die poop-throwing contest then eh?
Easyt does this, "Do you ramble on endlessly about topics you know nothing about in the rest of your life?"

Glenn Beck called the admin out immediately on Abu Graib. The others tried to defend the crimes for several weeks before giving up. Beck gets kudos from me for his stand.

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