Ever been pissed off at the DMV?

I guess we are lucky. Our DMV is pretty fast and I have never had a bad experience there.
"Get these cuffs off me! If you let me go, I won't make scene." :laugh2:
He was a BIG cop. And he had trouble dealing with her but had it under control. One punch from him though, he could have hurt her bad. And the media would be all over it and black live....er....never mind. Wrong color.
I guess we are lucky. Our DMV is pretty fast and I have never had a bad experience there.

People speak of the DMV like they are entering one of the circles of Hell. I never once had nothing but pleasant and speedy service at our location.
My last scuffle with LEO was at Camp Casey. We came through the gate about ten. It was snowing. Tom was a bit hammered, and he staggered into an E7 Bus Safety NCO. The Safety NCO tried to detain Tom for the MPs, Burnsy clipped the NCO in the back of the neck, and I tripped him onto the floor and stomped his instep. We got Tom off the bus, ran between some barracks, turned right, ran up to and sat down in the small pavilion next to the 2nd MP Battalion and smoked some cigarettes. We could hear the hulabaloo one over and down the street, but it never came our way. I think the MPs thought we went back through the gate into the ville. We did not go back down to the gate from the 2X flag pole for two weeks. It was miserable. Don't mess with LEO. You have to get lucky every time, they only have to catch you once.
Why no help? It was the show, man. If you are at the DMV, watching a stupid stoned girl act up and get whacked by a cop is good stuff.
Yup, but it could have turned bad, she could have grabbed his gun or something.
Yup, he should have hit her in the face immediately as hard as he could. End of fight.

Maybe, I wouldn't have blamed him if he did but I sure respect him for not taking that route. I guess that wasn't his first impulse.
My last scuffle with LEO was at Camp Casey. We came through the gate about ten. It was snowing. Tom was a bit hammered, and he staggered into an E7 Bus Safety NCO. The Safety NCO tried to detain Tom for the MPs, Burnsy clipped the NCO in the back of the neck, and I tripped him onto the floor and stomped his instep. We got Tom off the bus, ran between some barracks, turned right, ran up to and sat down in the small pavilion next to the 2nd MP Battalion and smoked some cigarettes. We could hear the hulabaloo one over and down the street, but it never came our way. I think the MPs thought we went back through the gate into the ville. We did not go back down to the gate from the 2X flag pole for two weeks. It was miserable. Don't mess with LEO. You have to get lucky every time, they only have to catch you once.

My brother was pretty tight-lipped about his time in nam but he used to love to tell the one about the time he buzzed the camp with his copter, drunk, and the trials and tribulations with the MPs after that. Did mps get a lot of cop training or were they just assigned willy-nilly?
My last scuffle with LEO was at Camp Casey. We came through the gate about ten. It was snowing. Tom was a bit hammered, and he staggered into an E7 Bus Safety NCO. The Safety NCO tried to detain Tom for the MPs, Burnsy clipped the NCO in the back of the neck, and I tripped him onto the floor and stomped his instep. We got Tom off the bus, ran between some barracks, turned right, ran up to and sat down in the small pavilion next to the 2nd MP Battalion and smoked some cigarettes. We could hear the hulabaloo one over and down the street, but it never came our way. I think the MPs thought we went back through the gate into the ville. We did not go back down to the gate from the 2X flag pole for two weeks. It was miserable. Don't mess with LEO. You have to get lucky every time, they only have to catch you once.

My brother was pretty tight-lipped about his time in nam but he used to love to tell the one about the time he buzzed the camp with his copter, drunk, and the trials and tribulations with the MPs after that. Did mps get a lot of cop training or were they just assigned willy-nilly?
In Nam? I don't know, but I suspect a lot of them were two year draftees, so you can imagine the lack of quality among the rank and file.

In Korea during the 70s and 80s, the MPs were well trained and well disciplined. But if they had caught us, they would have hurt us for hurting the Safety NCO. They would have been justified to do so.

The best MPs I observed, though, were the MP companies at Fort Hood in the later eighties. Just good strac troops.
Up here a visit to the Motor Vehicle Branch can be one of life's most frustrating experiences. If you're trying to get something done during lunch break it can make you want to smack someone. Never drove me quite this crazy tho.

Lucky she didn't get shot.
And why didn't any of the bystanders offer to help the officer?

IT is a crying shame that our peace officers have to put up with shit like that.

It should be legal for him to have stomped the ever-living fuck out of her and put her in the hospital for resisting arrest.

How many people die to crime because we place such asinine restrictions on our cops that a big ass cop like this guy could barely subdue a tiny bitch like this that cops cant be where they are truly most needed?
Good question of why nobody helped him subdue her.
No way. And get sued? The cop should be allowed to use whatever force he thinks necessary to put that woman under control ASAP.

No wonder so many people have ZERO respect for authority today.
Up here a visit to the Motor Vehicle Branch can be one of life's most frustrating experiences. If you're trying to get something done during lunch break it can make you want to smack someone. Never drove me quite this crazy tho.

Lucky she didn't get shot.
And why didn't any of the bystanders offer to help the officer?

No but my dog pissed on the side of their building
Up here a visit to the Motor Vehicle Branch can be one of life's most frustrating experiences. If you're trying to get something done during lunch break it can make you want to smack someone. Never drove me quite this crazy tho.

Lucky she didn't get shot.
And why didn't any of the bystanders offer to help the officer?

No but my dog pissed on the side of their building

Good dog!
Up here a visit to the Motor Vehicle Branch can be one of life's most frustrating experiences. If you're trying to get something done during lunch break it can make you want to smack someone. Never drove me quite this crazy tho.

Lucky she didn't get shot.
And why didn't any of the bystanders offer to help the officer?

IT is a crying shame that our peace officers have to put up with shit like that.

It should be legal for him to have stomped the ever-living fuck out of her and put her in the hospital for resisting arrest.

How many people die to crime because we place such asinine restrictions on our cops that a big ass cop like this guy could barely subdue a tiny bitch like this that cops cant be where they are truly most needed?

He could have punched her lights out and I don't think anybody would have blamed him. She can be thankful he was on duty that day.
The last time I went to the DMV I registered my car in California from Nevada. It was a bit curious. In a city the size and diversity of Los Angeles, what are the odds that the DMV would not have a single white person working there?

I got a semi interested Asian woman who took care of the paperwork. She told me that when I got my California plates, bring the Nevada ones back and leave them. No appointnent. Don't need to talk to anyone, just walk in, leave the plates at the front desk and I'm done.

I tried to do that. I walked in, license plates in hand. The young black girl at the front desk went berserk. White people have to wait in line like everyone else. No. I don't. I don't need to see anyone. Just drop these off. She's still running her pillow lips. Security comes over because the bitch is screaming. I explain to the security guy that I'm just dropping off license plates. He tells me to wait in line. No sucker, drop means DROP. I threw them on the floor and walked out.

"Pillow Lips"? Fuck you asshole I hope you spend hell in an eternal DMV lineup.

Oh but you don't understand.

See, the drunk cat lady has said she is a doctor AND a lawyer AND a dog washer. This bitch shouldn't have to wait in line to talk to - OMG - a person of color.


For myself, I knew I was in trouble when I walked into the DMV in Denver and saw a big sign that read, "Start Here".

In Tucson, after waiting more or less forever in a big room crammed with others who had waited just as long, it got near to closing time and suddenly, every window opened up and the room was cleared in no time. Why couldn't they have brought those people out sooner?

Then there was the time I was waiting in a long line of cars for inspection and spied a big, well fed, mommy Norway rat and a bunch of little rat babies, all chowing down on the fast food crap previous cars had thrown out. Before seeing them, I was about to nod off in the sun.
"See, the drunk cat lady has said she is a doctor AND a lawyer AND a dog washer. This bitch shouldn't have to wait in line to talk to - OMG - a person of color." She is also probably LadyGunSlinger and IrishChick in early versions. She also is a ph.d. candidate in Economics, an adviser to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and single handedly recaptured RouteIrish.
Up here a visit to the Motor Vehicle Branch can be one of life's most frustrating experiences. If you're trying to get something done during lunch break it can make you want to smack someone. Never drove me quite this crazy tho.

Lucky she didn't get shot.
And why didn't any of the bystanders offer to help the officer?

I guess it just depends on the state you're in.

The DMV here isn't bad. They have it down here.

You walk in, you can either check in at the kiosk or walk up to a counter. They give you a number according to what you're doing. Then you take a seat. When your number is called you go to the numbered counter that you've been assigned to. There are something like 15 counters all with very nice people waiting to help you.

It doesn't take all day, no one is going nuts. You go in, do your business and leave.

I guess my blue state cares enough to make sure everything goes smoothly and people can get back to what they were doing without spending all day waiting at the DMV.

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