Every Classroom Should Have Heavily Armed Teachers In It

No, that is not how school supplies work...

Because among those supplies are students having share books, equipment, or straight up going without....

But I am glad that you are more than OK with poor kids being treated worse than others..that is a Conservative requirement....which is why when you folks claim to be so pro-life and for children, you are being full of shit...
You scum bever stop lying.
Law enforcement had an opportunity to stop him and failed. You think teachers will stop him? That's pretty dumb. Nothing short of the military in every school would stop these killers. Or I guess we could stop selling really dangerous weapons to any ahole. This shooter with no training who just bought his gun 2 weeks ago had a shootout with 3 officers before he killed children. Tell me why the officers didn't stop him?
Exactly. He shot his way into that school...getting past trained law enforcement officers.

And these morons think the lunch lady with a pocket pistol is gonna stop him.
You scum bever stop lying.
Do you goofy muthafuckas ever get tired of being proven wrong?

That is the thing about me...I don't say shit without receipts...meanwhile, all you do is babble about your bitch ass emotions and not being able to refute a single thing I said...

Shortages in school supplies have been a thing, for awhile...this includes, text books...

When it comes to students having access to other learning equipment, including computers or even just internet access....

But I guarantee you will find the money for guns in schools...we love weapons....

MLK was right about you so-called Christian Conservatives....

"Hours after Texas’ deadliest school shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, state Republicans called for efforts to harden schools and arm more teachers. “We can’t stop bad people from doing bad things,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Fox News. “We can potentially arm and prepare and train teachers and other administrators to respond quickly. That, in my opinion, is the best answer.” There’s no assurance that an employee with a handgun can halt a school shooting.

For instance, during the 2018 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, an armed school resource officer never went inside the high school or attempted to engage the gunman during the attack. Reports are circulating that a school police officer was on campus at Robb Elementary on Tuesday. The officer exchanged gunfire with the shooter and was shot and injured."

Fact of the matter is, arming teachers is the most effective way at stopping the next school shooter....Yea, yea, I know...we have been busy demonizing public schools and teachers and accusing them of indoctrinating our kids and forcing kids to be trans and teaching them CRT -- but that was just political hyperbole, so put that aside for now.... Truth is, we can't trust teachers to not force our kids to be gay -- but we can totally trust them to carry a Glock 9mm on their hip during finger paints time.. Matter of fact, hand guns aren't enough....we need them to be armed to the T -- so it is vital they have either AR's or AK's in order to more effectively stop a mass shooter...that is why the officers that first engaged with the Uvalde shooter failed...Not enough firepower....They had a chance to stop the shooter before he even started -- and they failed....if they were armed with a grenade launcher, they could have blown up the truck the shooter was in a long time ago...

Which brings me to another point....why aren't we training these so-called professional law enforcement officers better? As more information has come out, we are hearing that the police waited over 40 minutes before they entered the school...that is 40 mins of time for this demon to murder 21 people....with a weapon that does so much damage that parents had to submit DNA samples and wait the longest fucking wait of their lives --- just to find out if it was their child or not.....

“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said “Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to -- “They were unprepared,” he added."

Apparently, police waited up to 40 minutes or more before entering the school because they were waiting on a tactical team to show up....why waste SWAT's time when you could have an armed teacher in the classroom instead? That armed teacher and other armed teachers from other classrooms could have done a far better job than well-trained tactical SWAT units....as long as you are willing to overlook the fact they are teaching our kids to have gay sex orgies in the class and indoctrinating them with CRT and stuff...
Experiment with that in red states....drop the vaccine requirement too.
I know so, butcher.
How come the 2 officers outside didn't stop him from entering the school?

One of those cops even got shot himself..

When your home has been broken into -- why don't you just call a school teacher??
I know many public school teachers.

Most of them I wouldn't trust with a sharpened pencil much less a firearm. The schoolteacher are idiot savant who are masters at the rules for public education but have difficulty tying shoes. So they wear slip on shoes.

It's just the way things have evolved.
Sounds like a great idea to arm them then...............in red states.
America is a stupid nation, I think intelligent people have to face that fact. Read the idiotic online solutions for instance. Americans are stupid because they are guided by ideology and not reason. The lack today of a good education is part of that fact. Private schools, especially so called religious are not balanced when it comes to analysis of tough issues. Another source of stupidity is media platforms like Fox, OAN, and Newsmax, as well as thousands of online sites. Yesterday Eric Bolling on Newsmax is making faces while our democratically elected president is talking about another unnecessary mass killing of children. Unreal that this idiot is on our TVs today. OAN is just as stupid they were still talking about Hunter Biden. When a gun sales company organization manages the mind of so many Americans there is little chance humanity will survive.

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins

'Kurt Vonnegut Really, Really Hated Guns'

"Guns in civilian hands, whether accidental or on purpose, kill so many of us day after day."


'School Shootings by Country 2022'

United States 288
Mexico 8
South Africa 6
India 5
Nigeria 4
Pakistan 4
Afghanistan 3
Canada 2
France 2
Brazil 2
Estonia 1
Hungary 1

rest at link:

We Americans love our band aids.

"Put heavily-armed guards in our schools!" - So they switch to churches
"Put heavily-armed guards in our churches!" - So they switch to sporting events
"Put heavily-armed guards in our sporting events!" - So they switch to malls

America becomes a fucking prison, because we're so fucking intellectually lazy.

We're afraid to address the reasons behind our problems because that would take too much fucking work. And we might actually have to work together to fix them, horror of horrors. We can no longer do THAT. NO WAY. MY TRIBE IS TOO SMART FOR THE OTHER TRIBE.
I'm afraid it's too late for that. The gap between sane and insane is too large to bridge. The whole thing is coming down. :(

"Hours after Texas’ deadliest school shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, state Republicans called for efforts to harden schools and arm more teachers. “We can’t stop bad people from doing bad things,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Fox News. “We can potentially arm and prepare and train teachers and other administrators to respond quickly. That, in my opinion, is the best answer.” There’s no assurance that an employee with a handgun can halt a school shooting.

For instance, during the 2018 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, an armed school resource officer never went inside the high school or attempted to engage the gunman during the attack. Reports are circulating that a school police officer was on campus at Robb Elementary on Tuesday. The officer exchanged gunfire with the shooter and was shot and injured."

Fact of the matter is, arming teachers is the most effective way at stopping the next school shooter....Yea, yea, I know...we have been busy demonizing public schools and teachers and accusing them of indoctrinating our kids and forcing kids to be trans and teaching them CRT -- but that was just political hyperbole, so put that aside for now.... Truth is, we can't trust teachers to not force our kids to be gay -- but we can totally trust them to carry a Glock 9mm on their hip during finger paints time.. Matter of fact, hand guns aren't enough....we need them to be armed to the T -- so it is vital they have either AR's or AK's in order to more effectively stop a mass shooter...that is why the officers that first engaged with the Uvalde shooter failed...Not enough firepower....They had a chance to stop the shooter before he even started -- and they failed....if they were armed with a grenade launcher, they could have blown up the truck the shooter was in a long time ago...

Which brings me to another point....why aren't we training these so-called professional law enforcement officers better? As more information has come out, we are hearing that the police waited over 40 minutes before they entered the school...that is 40 mins of time for this demon to murder 21 people....with a weapon that does so much damage that parents had to submit DNA samples and wait the longest fucking wait of their lives --- just to find out if it was their child or not.....

“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said “Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to -- “They were unprepared,” he added."

Apparently, police waited up to 40 minutes or more before entering the school because they were waiting on a tactical team to show up....why waste SWAT's time when you could have an armed teacher in the classroom instead? That armed teacher and other armed teachers from other classrooms could have done a far better job than well-trained tactical SWAT units....as long as you are willing to overlook the fact they are teaching our kids to have gay sex orgies in the class and indoctrinating them with CRT and stuff...
We should MANDATE ALL teachers be armed AT ALL TIMES and trained (on off duty hours) to be proficient with firearms and ammo they are required to purchase at their own expense. They could requalify their proficiency on weekend hours
Well.....you do understand that when the governor of Texas goes "What About Chicago" to deflect from criticisms around the school shooting in his state....that was making it about race...

So....it must mean that there is something wrong with blacks, or why go "what about Chicago" like its an instant get out of jail free card to avoid discussions......
That blacks are so engaged in self-destruction on so many levels does suggest that.
We should MANDATE ALL teachers be armed AT ALL TIMES and trained (on off duty hours) to be proficient with firearms and ammo they are required to purchase at their own expense. They could requalify their proficiency on weekend hours
Actually, the weapons needed for classroom defense must be designed from the ground up, and provided by the government.
Teachers are not grooming kids.....

But I tell you what....when you can show me all of the droves of teachers being sent to prison for grooming kids -- because there must be hundreds of thousands, if you let conservatives tell it -- then we can worry about "arming the good teachers" that are left...

Because how can you know if a teacher is grooming the kids?? By looking at them?

How do we know the teachers in Robb Elementary were not grooming kids??
That's what teachers do, groom kids.
Personally, I think being heavily armed can be somewhat distracting in the classroom.


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