Zone1 Every day I have to remind myself that I'm one of the "good guys."

If you need to remind yourself everyday that you’re a good guy, chances are you’re not.

its not always easy -


for them to keep up with their good and wholesome neighbors ...
To me, Moonglow is a younger guy. Of course, I'm not burned out, I'm not in a wheelchair, and I am VERY vigorous and active.

I just got done working a 10 hour day, in fact.

I haven't touched the stuff in 16 years. It makes me weird, paranoid, unintelligible, causes me to fuck things up, alienate friends, lose jobs, make bad decisions, and waste money. I smoked it casually from 1967 to 2007 before I realized I didn't really like it.
The reason why Christian, property-owning, conservative, gun-owning people who believe in national sovereignty are increasingly being demonized is because this world is heading toward the New World Order, and anyone who disagrees with globalism is the "enemy." They must be demonized because they're the ones who are speaking out against and exposing the globalists. Everything happening is biblical btw.

Of course the lefties or establishment types will laugh at that, but hey.... you'll see. :)
Very sorry, but same sex marriage, public school systems, transgenderism, Affirmative Action, Abortion, communal living, secularism, Marxism, redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, racial apologism, climate change, big labor unions, gun confiscation, identity politics, assisted suicide, open borders, defunding law enforcement and cashless bail, voter fraud, increased welfare, Darwinism, globalism, socialized medicine, student loan forgiveness, and vaccine mandates don't fit my feet.

You can walk around with all those things on your feet if you like, but don't be surprised if people call you a clown.
See what I mean? Proud of your ignorance, enamored by hate, and with not an atom of self awareness.
That's why you have to convince yourself of your "goodness."
When I consider my own morality, race or gender or sexual orientation or religion don't enter into it.

In the liberal mind, morality is based on actions, not what group you belong to.

We reject tribalism-based morality, because it's just an exercise in defining yourself as moral. That's why the right embraces tribalism-based morality -- they can just say they're moral, without having to put in the effort. Just look at this thread.
Have you looked at the inner cities and what the tribal savages have been doing to destroy them?
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".


They lie. About everything. They lie.

Lies don't last long. They're powerful and they seem indefinite, but they are not.
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".


I’m right there with you other than I’m a woman and don’t own a gun. After a strong academic career, 40 years of professional work, caring for family and friends, volunteering to help those in need, paying taxes, obey laws, paying taxes, and taking nice care of my property, all of a sudden I’m a threat to democracy and vilified as a MAGAT.
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".
If you have to tell yourself you're a 'good guy' maybe you're not.

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