Zone1 Every day I have to remind myself that I'm one of the "good guys."

It’s understandable after the years-long deluge of hate coming from the leftists. After a while, you need to remind yourself that it’s all coming from a place of intolerance and that none of it is true.

whatever is MAGAT - immature flys ... 558 or


did you mean maga, those darlings of democracy.
If you have to tell yourself you're a 'good guy' maybe you're not.

The criminal background check I underwent to obtain a carry permit says I am. Not to mention that my federal, state, and local governments consider me to be a trusted individual.

Do you even carry, bro?
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What's the problem?
When the shoes fit...

When I consider my own morality, race or gender or sexual orientation or religion don't enter into it.

In the liberal mind, morality is based on actions, not what group you belong to.

We reject tribalism-based morality, because it's just an exercise in defining yourself as moral. That's why the right embraces tribalism-based morality -- they can just say they're moral, without having to put in the effort. Just look at this thread.

If you need to remind yourself everyday that you’re a good guy, chances are you’re not.


Until you cry in yer bear over the "Lost Election".

Stan Freberg.

Hellofa spy network you gotz there.

See what I mean? Proud of your ignorance, enamored by hate, and with not an atom of self awareness.
That's why you have to convince yourself of your "goodness."

If you have to tell yourself you're a 'good guy' maybe you're not.

whatever is MAGAT - immature flys ... 558 or

View attachment 785854

did you mean maga, those darlings of democracy.
assuming we're still one......~S~
I don’t think we are, any longer. it’s just been established that the upper reaches of government interfered with Trump’s election and position of president by fabricating a case against him that led to an impeachment.

The Democrats have taken the right to vote away from us.
I don’t think we are, any longer. it’s just been established that the upper reaches of government interfered with Trump’s election and position of president by fabricating a case against him that led to an impeachment.

The Democrats have taken the right to vote away from us.

I know for a fact that we're not a democracy any more. The Democrats showed us in 2020 and 2022 how our election system could be compromised and corrupted. We have been in a kleptocracy for the last 2-1/2 years.
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".


sadly you are so have convinced yourself you are a 'good guy' cause you cant stand the reality of being a pos traitor...who thinks they are better than other....

and as far as being a chistian again you are kidding most of those claiming to be gop christians have little idea what the bible says....

you arent a boogieman but you are not a 'good guy' either....
I know for a fact that we're not a democracy any more. The Democrats showed us in 2020 and 2022 how our election system could be compromised and corrupted. We have been in a kleptocracy for the last 2-1/2 years.
Sad, but true.
sadly you are so have convinced yourself you are a 'good guy' cause you cant stand the reality of being a pos traitor...who thinks they are better than other....

and as far as being a chistian again you are kidding most of those claiming to be gop christians have little idea what the bible says....

you arent a boogieman but you are not a 'good guy' either....

Thanks for proving my point.
your point being you are a good guy....really? what does jesus say in luke? come on.....does it say hate people...does it say to treat others who are different with disdain? but you keep thinking you are a good guy and shout it as often as you can...making a mockery of the jesus you say you follow?
sadly you are so have convinced yourself you are a 'good guy' cause you cant stand the reality of being a pos traitor...who thinks they are better than other....

and as far as being a chistian again you are kidding most of those claiming to be gop christians have little idea what the bible says....

you arent a boogieman but you are not a 'good guy' either....
Lying skank.
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".


Don't be concerned about what liberals think about you.
The criminal background check I underwent to obtain a carry permit says I am. Not to mention that my federal, state, and local governments consider me to be a trusted individual.

Do you even carry, bro?
Yes, it carries a manufactured hatred for trump and Americans.

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