Zone1 Every day I have to remind myself that I'm one of the "good guys."

your point being you are a good guy....really? what does jesus say in luke? come on.....does it say hate people...does it say to treat others who are different with disdain? but you keep thinking you are a good guy and shout it as often as you can...making a mockery of the jesus you say you follow?

Secular leftists like yourself are always quick to use morality as a weapon. Do you think we're not aware of your insipid little Alinskyite games of making the enemy "live up to his own book of rules", by invoking the name of "Jesus", which you didn't even capitalize?

No, I'm just saying that we conservatives are the "good" guys and girls because we have the patience and tolerance to keep from rounding up every one of you leftists, and throwing your collective asses out of helicopters.

There. Is that good enough for you? Now do I need to remind myself why I don't really need a helicopter?
In fact, I’d take it further: if a liberal thinks you’re a bad person, you must be doing something right!
Let's focus on people doing right. A strong part of our human condition is that almost all of us focus on doing what is right. Everyone is doing what they think is right.

The Durham Report released yesterday proves this point. The Democratic party, the FBI, and the Justice Department thought it right and necessary to do anything and everything to stop the Donald Trump 2016 Presidential run. When he was elected it was only right to get him removed from office. They were all convinced they were in the right to lie to the American people, because their way--not the MAGA way--was right. Of course, Trump supporters believed they were right.

Knowing this about mankind--that people will always firmly believe they are doing right--no matter what it is they are doing, where do we go from here?

No one will ever be punished for spreading lies about the 2016 Trump Campaign. No one will ever repay the American taxpayer for the millions of dollars that were spent trying to prevent a Trump Presidency, trying to remove President Trump from office, and then uncovering the truth.

If we all see ourselves as the good guys doing what is right, can we see those on the opposite side of the spectrum also as good guys doing what is right? We have to start there...and then figure out how we can pull together instead of pulling apart. That is a huge challenge. Perhaps start with what each side is hiding and bring it to light.
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".


You can call yourself one of the GOOD GUYS only when you can meet this Biblical standard....

The Greatest Commandment​

34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together.
35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 34 - 40

When you can achieve this above, then you can call yourself, one of the GOOD guys....
You can call yourself one of the GOOD GUYS only when you can meet this Biblical standard....

The Greatest Commandment​

34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together.
35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 34 - 40

When you can achieve this above, then you can call yourself, one of the GOOD guys....

Oh lookie! A supporter of murdering unborn children through abortion is lecturing me on morality.

To me, Moonglow is a younger guy. Of course, I'm not burned out, I'm not in a wheelchair, and I am VERY vigorous and active.

I just got done working a 10 hour day, in fact.

Such an American thing to do....brag about working 10 hours.

Just makes no sense.
Ever get that feeling? I'm a white Judaeo-Christian straight American male, a Republican, a property-owner, a law-abiding taxpayer, a gun-owner, and have carried a concealed weapon every day for the last 12 years. Yet everywhere I look, I see those like myself being constantly denigrated as being some kind of a "Boogieman".
Demonizing the opposition is what partisans do. It's all they got.
It’s understandable after the years-long deluge of hate coming from the leftists. After a while, you need to remind yourself that it’s all coming from a place of intolerance and that none of it is true.
Unfortunately there is plenty of hate on every side. Too many think that if someone disagrees with them the other person must be evil.
Unfortunately there is plenty of hate on every side. Too many think that if someone disagrees with them the other person must be evil.
That’s true. But it‘s pretty extreme when the U.S. President calls the tens of millions who don’t agree with the liberal take on things “threats to democracy.” He is demonizing those with dissenting opinions.
Unfortunately there is plenty of hate on every side. Too many think that if someone disagrees with them the other person must be evil.
I think about half of that is driven by the partisan nature of our political system.
I think about half of that is driven by the partisan nature of our political system.
We’ve always had a partisan system, with two parties. It’s never been anywhere near this bad. Sure, we had fringe lunatics, but the hate for their countrymen is now firmly entrenched among formerly normal Democrats.
We’ve always had a partisan system, with two parties. It’s never been anywhere near this bad.
Many things have aligned to bring it to such an intense place. Part of it is just the natural endgame of the way we do plurality elections (the "two-party" system). Part of it is the internet and our struggle to deal with firehose propaganda.

The sad fact is, fear and hatred wins elections. And it's far, far easier to provoke than more positive reactions.
Many things have aligned to bring it to such an intense place. Party of it is just the natural endgame of plurality elections. Part of it is the internet and our struggle to deal with firehose propaganda.

The sad fact is, fear and hatred wins elections. And it's far, far easier to provoke than more positive reactions.
This is true. But it’s still more on the Democrats who are promoting the fear and hatred. The whole false narrative about cops hunting down blacks and oppressed black victims is geared to drum up hate.
...said somebody at every point in our history.
Old Paul Harvey quote: "In times like these, it's important to remember that there have always been times like these"

Not sure it still applies, but it's worth considering in any case.
The criminal background check I underwent to obtain a carry permit says I am. Not to mention that my federal, state, and local governments consider me to be a trusted individual.
So you've never been convicted of a felony and government likes you? You have to admit, you offer a very low bar.

Do you even carry, bro?
Don't even own. Doesn't mean I want your gun. I'd be satisfied if I were convinced you knew how and when to use your gun.
This is true. But it’s still more on the Democrats who are promoting the fear and hatred.
?? Really? Hmm... I see it everywhere, from both sides. And it becomes more unhinged and frantic with every cycle.
The whole false narrative about cops hunting down blacks and oppressed black victims is geared to drum up hate.
Kind like the stolen election and the "deep state"?

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