Every holy month of Ramzan traders eager for abnormal profits


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Every holy month of Ramzan traders eager for abnormal profits
I want to question every type of traders specially my focus to food stuff traders they used to over charged by people in the name of inflation every holy month of Ramzan and more interesting to share our Govt always remain silent observer or no courage to keep check and balance system.

Why not fix the rates and asked shop keeper and traders if you over charging than ready to pay fine and punishment but in a country like Pakistan where law exits upto studies but where enforce or applied.

If you think over charging some one than you are smart and clever but it consider a totally cheating practice and Islam totally condemn and not like it, even you give million or billion as donation or zakat name but your earning secret over charging specially in holy month of Ramzan than you doing greatest sin nothing else.

The good deed and getting God love and attention to take a normal profit which Islam allows you and avoid to over charging profit when Ramzan or doing black marketing.

I request to all concern authority why not sincere to control the price hike which always active and work when holy month of Ramzan begins, in which only middle class and low income group people suffered and deprive to buy additional fruits or snack or chicken for their family members.

If you are true Muslim than please do not over charge from any one than you remain Muslim by name and your performance will be as non-Muslims believers?

Proof you as Muslim by performance and try to get maximum deed and reward in the holy month of Ramzan as no one knew that he will alive for next Ramzan? Do not forget the needy from your friend, relative and neighbors and try to solve their problem by giving money or if you solve their any issue or problem by using your influence than do it, do not wait till the needy will ask or request otherwise you will not get God affection and love too?

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

Ashfaq Sharif

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