Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Such a POLLACK MORON who is INCAPABLE of understanding there are a lot of Religions who don't believe in Jesus and live here and in many other Christian Countries

It's disrespectful to spend 2,000 years resisting assimilation to your host nations.


ANYONE who honestly believes it's " disrespectful" to have your OWN ideas, OWN beliefs, as long as you're not forcing your way of life onto others has a real problem

I hope 2,000 years Muslim Arab Palestinians living in Israel never assimilate showing you what it's like to have sh1theads like you disrespect the country they reside in.

You're right,,,,,,,,,, Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA :ahole-1:

Hindus AKA Gypsies did mostly assimilate to Christianity in Europe eventually
A certain scumbag people.

Sorry, but most of them have not. Explain all the Hindu, Indian, Muslim, ETC. ETC. places of Worship there and in the U.S.,
Go up to any Muslim in this Country after they leave their Mosque and tell them they should either convert or leave, You don't have the GUTS. SCUMBAGS ( You and the rest of the Pollacks) never do,
Maybe you should bring your matches
reality-----Russian jews did support REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA------because Russia stank like shit. As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig

Yes, but the Majority didn't
reality-----Russian jews did support REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA------because Russia stank like shit. As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig

Yes, but the Majority didn't

Russian jews of cities----did like the idea of revolution---to SOMETHING---
anything. Russians in general-----were sorta uninformed people---the
big shots spoke french
One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

I can't think of a heck of a lot of people not superior to you on this forum.[/QUOTE]
One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

I’ll answer you; We are dominant. :lastword:
so it's true------time to give up, gentiles. Trump is a jew----I checked----circumcized
yeah------all true------does anyone out there know what the
I have a need to know--------I know that X approaches infinity---
but I MUST know-----does X ever get there?
The preconception that every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy should be guarded against. While every Jew who identifies as such is familiar with the general idea of the ultimate triumph of Israel, the average Jew is no more familiar with the special plans which for centuries have existed in formulated form for the attainment of that triumph--the Zionist world conspiracy--than anyone else.

The role the average Jew plays in the conspiracy is limited to two things:
  1. it is perfectly understood that the consummation of the Jewish triumph will not be distasteful to any Jew, and
  2. if the methods to be used toward the end are a bit violent, every Jew can be depended upon to see in that violence a very insufficient retribution visited upon the Gentile world for the sufferings which it has caused the children of Israel throughout the centuries.
The Jewish users of this forum provide ample evidence that #2 is true. As for #1, I can only assume it is true. But, when taken together, those two conditions provide sufficient condition in themselves for the viability of a secret Zionist world conspiracy. It would therefore behoove those Jews, it seems to me, who take offense at any suggestion of the existence of such conspiracy to take care to ensure both #1 and #2 are not the case insofar as his own individual case is concerned. It is, after all, morally indefensible to do otherwise.

You’re on to me and my people. Now we have you marked. Watch your back.:290968001256257790-final:
It's disrespectful to spend 2,000 years resisting assimilation to your host nations.


ANYONE who honestly believes it's " disrespectful" to have your OWN ideas, OWN beliefs, as long as you're not forcing your way of life onto others has a real problem

I hope 2,000 years Muslim Arab Palestinians living in Israel never assimilate showing you what it's like to have sh1theads like you disrespect the country they reside in.

You're right,,,,,,,,,, Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA :ahole-1:

Hindus AKA Gypsies did mostly assimilate to Christianity in Europe eventually
A certain scumbag people.

gypsies are not hindus----not now and never were. ------not have they adopted christianity

Well Wikipedia says something different.
Considering they lived 2,000 years among Christians, rejecting Christ, it's actually an insult to us they even exist.

The Pollack is so stupid he doesn’t know they’re a lot of Religions who don’t believe. He obviously doesn’t believe in “ Freedom of Religion”
He would dare say it but he’s for the destruction of EVERY Temple, Mosque, Hindu and Chinese places of Worship, etc. or the ones who follow that religion should be eliminated A typical HITLER mentality
EVERY Temple, Mosque, Hindu and Chinese places of Worship, etc. or the ones who follow that religion should be eliminated A typical HITLER mentality
Actually, a Bolshevik mentality, that is to say, Jewish mentality. When the Jews took power in Russia in `1917, thousands of churches were razed, the clergy hunted down and slaughtered like animals with their wives and children. The synagogues and rabbinate were left unscathed.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
In your world, Jewish success can never have anything to do with nepotism, bribery, collusion, or any other kind of socially destructive or unfair behavior. It is ALWAYS "education"
You must be very ignorant, if you think Kosher people are so innocent.
Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence.
"Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence."
Speaking of loans, when is Poland going to pay back for the homes and businesses confiscated by the Germans and taken by the Poles after the war?
When the Jews pay back the Russians, Poles, Germans, Hungarians, Czecks, Ukranians,Serbs, et al., the property stolen by the Communists and looted by the Jews. Let's start with the property of the Romanovs that the Jew Armand Hammer brought to New York after Jews murdered the Tsar and his wife and children.
You do realize that Communism was the reaction to 1,000 years of the RCC and tyranny.
Of course you don’t.
Every genocidalist has his justification and you justify the unbelievable brutality of the Bolsheviks on "persecution" of Jews by the Church (1000 years of it, no less). It seems reasonable to you that when the Jews rounded up Gentile university professors and slaughtered them (and, frequently, their children since they were now orphans) it was justified because it was the legitimate revenge for something some Gentile had done to some Jew 900 years earlier?

In your world the term COMMUNIST means jew? I have never met a person
who blamed the Bolsheviks on "persecution of the Jews" I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS-----but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town
until very recently--------and even then the WAS{ neighbors blamed it on da joooos they kindly allowed in

A lot of the financing & orchestration was Kosher, and the leadership was disproportionately Kosher.

Just like Kosher people are playing a huge role behind Democrats in funding, and media, Hollywood, social media, etc. but then ultimately will hide behind Liberal Goyim when the sh(t hits the fan.
It's disrespectful to spend 2,000 years resisting assimilation to your host nations.


ANYONE who honestly believes it's " disrespectful" to have your OWN ideas, OWN beliefs, as long as you're not forcing your way of life onto others has a real problem

I hope 2,000 years Muslim Arab Palestinians living in Israel never assimilate showing you what it's like to have sh1theads like you disrespect the country they reside in.

You're right,,,,,,,,,, Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA :ahole-1:

Hindus AKA Gypsies did mostly assimilate to Christianity in Europe eventually
A certain scumbag people.

Sorry, but most of them have not. Explain all the Hindu, Indian, Muslim, ETC. ETC. places of Worship there and in the U.S.,
Go up to any Muslim in this Country after they leave their Mosque and tell them they should either convert or leave, You don't have the GUTS. SCUMBAGS ( You and the rest of the Pollacks) never do,
Maybe you should bring your matches

Why can't we aim for a more homogeneous & therefor united society?
remember the musical play MUSIC MAN? he transformed the local barbers of
RIVER CITY into a singing quartet. Anyone out there ----do the same to
the four pests of DC
The Pollack is so stupid he doesn’t know they’re a lot of Religions who don’t believe. He obviously doesn’t believe in “ Freedom of Religion”
He would dare say it but he’s for the destruction of EVERY Temple, Mosque, Hindu and Chinese places of Worship, etc. or the ones who follow that religion should be eliminated A typical HITLER mentality
EVERY Temple, Mosque, Hindu and Chinese places of Worship, etc. or the ones who follow that religion should be eliminated A typical HITLER mentality
Actually, a Bolshevik mentality, that is to say, Jewish mentality. When the Jews took power in Russia in `1917, thousands of churches were razed, the clergy hunted down and slaughtered like animals with their wives and children. The synagogues and rabbinate were left unscathed.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
In your world, Jewish success can never have anything to do with nepotism, bribery, collusion, or any other kind of socially destructive or unfair behavior. It is ALWAYS "education"
Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence.
"Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence."
Speaking of loans, when is Poland going to pay back for the homes and businesses confiscated by the Germans and taken by the Poles after the war?
When the Jews pay back the Russians, Poles, Germans, Hungarians, Czecks, Ukranians,Serbs, et al., the property stolen by the Communists and looted by the Jews. Let's start with the property of the Romanovs that the Jew Armand Hammer brought to New York after Jews murdered the Tsar and his wife and children.
You do realize that Communism was the reaction to 1,000 years of the RCC and tyranny.
Of course you don’t.
Every genocidalist has his justification and you justify the unbelievable brutality of the Bolsheviks on "persecution" of Jews by the Church (1000 years of it, no less). It seems reasonable to you that when the Jews rounded up Gentile university professors and slaughtered them (and, frequently, their children since they were now orphans) it was justified because it was the legitimate revenge for something some Gentile had done to some Jew 900 years earlier?

In your world the term COMMUNIST means jew? I have never met a person
who blamed the Bolsheviks on "persecution of the Jews" I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS-----but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town
until very recently--------and even then the WAS{ neighbors blamed it on da joooos they kindly allowed in

A lot of the financing & orchestration was Kosher, and the leadership was disproportionately Kosher.

Just like Kosher people are playing a huge role behind Democrats in funding, and media, Hollywood, social media, etc. but then ultimately will hide behind Liberal Goyim when the sh(t hits the fan.

the old pieogis babushka taught you well
reality-----Russian jews did support REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA------because Russia stank like shit. As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig

Stalin hated Kosher people?
Is that why he appointed Kosher Genrikh Yagoda to run the NKVD, and which 40% of high ranking NKVD officers were Kosher around 1934?
Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Kosher people were appointed by Stalin to run the GULAG camps?
how about how Kosher Lazar Kaganovich was appointed by Stalin to organize the Holodomor Genocide?

ANYONE who honestly believes it's " disrespectful" to have your OWN ideas, OWN beliefs, as long as you're not forcing your way of life onto others has a real problem

I hope 2,000 years Muslim Arab Palestinians living in Israel never assimilate showing you what it's like to have sh1theads like you disrespect the country they reside in.

You're right,,,,,,,,,, Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA :ahole-1:

Hindus AKA Gypsies did mostly assimilate to Christianity in Europe eventually
A certain scumbag people.

gypsies are not hindus----not now and never were. ------not have they adopted christianity

Well Wikipedia says something different.

you are very confused ------persons EXPERT IN LANGUAGE-----
find some link LINGUISTICALLY to NORTHERN INDIA-----I got
bad news------Northern India-----actually means-----the NORTHERN
PART OF THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT-----<<<< that does not mean
HINDU ----it refers to a linguistic group that includes Urdu AND
Farsi -----and that means people who are INDO EUROPEAN----
and that includes even Afghanistan, Pakistan---and---eastern Iran---
of course -----Indo European languages describes even Sanskrit and
INDO-EUROPEAN even us-----except polacks who just GARBLE
EVERY Temple, Mosque, Hindu and Chinese places of Worship, etc. or the ones who follow that religion should be eliminated A typical HITLER mentality
Actually, a Bolshevik mentality, that is to say, Jewish mentality. When the Jews took power in Russia in `1917, thousands of churches were razed, the clergy hunted down and slaughtered like animals with their wives and children. The synagogues and rabbinate were left unscathed.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
In your world, Jewish success can never have anything to do with nepotism, bribery, collusion, or any other kind of socially destructive or unfair behavior. It is ALWAYS "education"
"Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence."
When the Jews pay back the Russians, Poles, Germans, Hungarians, Czecks, Ukranians,Serbs, et al., the property stolen by the Communists and looted by the Jews. Let's start with the property of the Romanovs that the Jew Armand Hammer brought to New York after Jews murdered the Tsar and his wife and children.
You do realize that Communism was the reaction to 1,000 years of the RCC and tyranny.
Of course you don’t.
Every genocidalist has his justification and you justify the unbelievable brutality of the Bolsheviks on "persecution" of Jews by the Church (1000 years of it, no less). It seems reasonable to you that when the Jews rounded up Gentile university professors and slaughtered them (and, frequently, their children since they were now orphans) it was justified because it was the legitimate revenge for something some Gentile had done to some Jew 900 years earlier?

In your world the term COMMUNIST means jew? I have never met a person
who blamed the Bolsheviks on "persecution of the Jews" I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS-----but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town
until very recently--------and even then the WAS{ neighbors blamed it on da joooos they kindly allowed in

A lot of the financing & orchestration was Kosher, and the leadership was disproportionately Kosher.

Just like Kosher people are playing a huge role behind Democrats in funding, and media, Hollywood, social media, etc. but then ultimately will hide behind Liberal Goyim when the sh(t hits the fan.

the old pieogis babushka taught you well

It's Babcia in Polish, not Babushka.

Even in Germany, the idea to send partially Kosher Lenin to Russia on train in 1917 came from Izrael Gelphand, the Kosher,
Trotsky Lenin's full Kosher side kick, was also financed on a ship to Russia in 1917 by Kosher Jacob Schiff.
Kosher Jacob Schiff became the top financier of the Bolsheviks
among others like Otto Kahn, Felix Warburg, Yakub Ganetzky etc.
yes the Tsar was killed by Kosher Jacob Yurovsky.
reality-----Russian jews did support REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA------because Russia stank like shit. As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig

Stalin hated Kosher people?
Is that why he appointed Kosher Genrikh Yagoda to run the NKVD, and which 40% of high ranking NKVD officers were Kosher around 1934?
Lazar Kogan & Matvei Berman 2 Kosher people were appointed by Stalin to run the GULAG camps?
how about how Kosher Lazar Kaganovich was appointed by Stalin to organize the Holodomor Genocide?

there is a polish habit STILL DONE_-----in politics-----if a filthy polish dog hates someone--------he seeks ALL THE WAY BACK into his family tree to find
a JEW----------the polish dogs are still doing it-------and then find out that
the most stinking jew in the family is JESUS. There is only one player in the Russian system who has no jewish background as determined by polacks------the GENOCIDAL PIG----stalin another non jew is the POLISH HERO-----adolf hitler-----baptized catholic. The polacks are still searching
I hope 2,000 years Muslim Arab Palestinians living in Israel never assimilate showing you what it's like to have sh1theads like you disrespect the country they reside in.

You're right,,,,,,,,,, Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA :ahole-1:

Hindus AKA Gypsies did mostly assimilate to Christianity in Europe eventually
A certain scumbag people.

gypsies are not hindus----not now and never were. ------not have they adopted christianity

Well Wikipedia says something different.

you are very confused ------persons EXPERT IN LANGUAGE-----
find some link LINGUISTICALLY to NORTHERN INDIA-----I got
bad news------Northern India-----actually means-----the NORTHERN
PART OF THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT-----<<<< that does not mean
HINDU ----it refers to a linguistic group that includes Urdu AND
Farsi -----and that means people who are INDO EUROPEAN----
and that includes even Afghanistan, Pakistan---and---eastern Iran---
of course -----Indo European languages describes even Sanskrit and
INDO-EUROPEAN even us-----except polacks who just GARBLE

Poles just garble?
So says the people who growl & cough up phlegm when they speak Yiddish & Hebrew both.

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