Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.


Your ilk are worse then animals; they are SAVAGES.
Pollacks didn’t participate in killing Jews?

You and your ILK are the spawns of Hell and shouldn’t even be living

What a loser you are, copying me half the time. LOL

You are so dumb, you can't even come up with your own material.

Not true, You ask and I answer, I posted other Religions that don't accept JESUS ( unlike you) and you don't respond. In your Pollack posts, I never saw you use the word ILK you dumb, stupid, moron

They lived in their own countries until pretty recently
, not in Christian countries for thousands of years, while disrespecting Christ, like you & your ilk.

Doesn't answer my question you stupid POLLACK. For Centuries people of different FAITHS have lived in Countries that were predominantly one religion,
If there are no need for Churches or Mosques, Israel then has the right to destroy every single one of them. I AGREE !!

Nobody else besides your tribe spent 2,000 years living in nations who worshiped Christ, while disrespecting their Christ (God).

Notice how the POLLACK denies Jews to have their own Nation and says NOTHING about other Religions living in primarily Christian Nations? One example; Hindus live in “ Christian Nations” that religion is almost 4000 years old
I posted a link previously about the number of Religions there are but the POLLACK is too DUMB and STUPID to read it
Last edited:
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?

Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.

Numerous capitalist merchants benefited hugely from the transatlantic slave trade and the industries associated with it. For several centuries the economies of the U.S. North and South were intertwined by slavery. By the mid-1800s, capital investment in slaves was higher than the value of land or any other capital worth.

Southern slave labor made New York City the financial capital of the world. Cotton produced on plantations became the main product of export and a major source of the city’s wealth. Large textile mills gave New York State a booming economy.

Both cotton and enslaved workers treated as “property” were among the first commodities on the stock market. Cotton trading accounted for the country’s expansive growth for an extended historical period. Profits from the slave trade financed the industrial revolution.

The Lehman family members were Alabama cotton brokers. In 1850 they founded Lehman Brothers Investments, acquiring their capital and wealth by investing and trading in cotton. Three sons moved to New York City in 1858, where they later helped to establish the New York Cotton Exchange (1870).

In 1781, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina was founded on the profits of the slave trade. Its predecessors, the Bank of Charleston, S.C., and the Bank of North America, made loans to slave “owners” and accepted slaves as collateral. When the owners defaulted on the loans the banks became the new slave owners.

The Morgan family of Massachusetts was a major stock broker. JP Morgan brokers became JP Morgan/Chase. Their predecessor banks also made loans to slave owners and accepted 13,000 enslaved Africans as “collateral.” When owners defaulted, the banks acquired their fortunes by becoming the new owners of 1,250 slaves. Chase Bank is owned by the Rockefeller family.

Another profitable company was Aetna Insurance Co., which sold insurance to slave owners wanting to protect their investments of human cargo aboard the slave ships and on the plantations, should a slave die. The life insurance policies, issued in the 1850s, were intended to compensate slave owners for the loss of people who were at that time considered “property.”

Your stupidity is showing again. Unfortunately there were a lot of Capitalists who benefited from the Slave trade

I didn't say Lehman brothers were the "ONLY" ones, but they were still Kosher people involved in financing the slave trade in the Southerner states.
"I didn't say Lehman brothers were the "ONLY" ones, but they were still Kosher people involved in financing the slave trade in the Southerner states."
I understand the very first Africans brought as slaves to the New World were brought to work on a sugar plantation in Jamaica(?) owned by a Jew who had been one of five Jews with Columbus on his 1492 voyage.
They lived in Tsarist Russia, and killed the Tsar, and implemented their own system not by Democracy but by killing, sure seems traitorous to me.
This is your point of view, I have the opposite. There is no point of arguing. Mentioning democracy in context with tsarist Russia is quite hilarious.

Oh really?
Kosher people were intellectually superior?
Are you Kosher?
I am not. If you don't like the term 'intellectually superior' then I will call them people who had prominent role in the economy but were underrated politically.

Maybe if Kosher people assimilated, they wouldn't have been persecuted, how about that?
Why should they assimilate? In Russia there were and is many nations that doesn't assimilate - Tatars, the people of Caucasus, for example.
Jews decided that their religious identity is worth more than the favor of ruling class.
I am not. If you don't like the term 'intellectually superior' then I will call them people who had prominent role in the economy but were underrated politically.
The Jewish economic role in Russia was entirely extractive.
Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.


"In fact, the cotton plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them." - Jewish Encyclopedia, 1901

In 1860, just under 5% of free people in the slave states owned one or more slaves.
Just under 25% of jews in the slave states owned one or more slaves.
(Percentages are of individuals, not households)
Julius, Kevin C. - The Abolitionist Decade, 1829-1838: A Year-by-year History of Early Events in the Antislavery Movement
Rodriguez, Junius - The Historical Encyclopedia of World Slavery, Volume 1
You mean the New Testament writers could take some writing classes? Well it depends if they can get some discount on the fee for those credits, since they are not core modules. I would imagine though that they have repaid all their student loans during these past 2019 years though.
The NT is a bad case of repetitive desperation.
I trust you’ve read The Book of James.

Not knowing the law of Moses is a satanic aberration, typical to jews. There is no contradiction between James and the ones that Paul wrote. Paul was not lying, and even Jesus Himself in the Gospels expresses His frustration quite a number of times about how stupid jews are and how jews are unable to grasp the first basic part of the law of Moses. No wonder that then He goes out of his way and tells Paul to work it with the Gentiles, as His jews proved themselves a lost cause. Hehehe
So you haven't read it...Ok.
I have read it, so I know exactly where your error is. Too bad, every jew falls into that error. To improve, you need to stop being a jew.

I got news -----Paul never met Jesus and----according to Christians, James was the
brother of Jesus I read the NT------in no place does he complain about
HOW STUPID ARE JEWS------he castigates jews in the some way fire and
brimstone Christian preachers castigate Christians. In fact Jesus states---according to the NT that the Pharisees are the teachers of the law----of course
Jesus was a Pharisee-----reread the book-----and read Jeremiah and Amos----they use imagery similar but MORE so than the disparaging stuff Jesus uses----you just do not grasp the issue

It is not a very lucky argument, to start it with a lie. The Book of Acts clearly shows the Paul and Jesus met, on the road to Damascus.
The NT is a bad case of repetitive desperation.
I trust you’ve read The Book of James.

Not knowing the law of Moses is a satanic aberration, typical to jews. There is no contradiction between James and the ones that Paul wrote. Paul was not lying, and even Jesus Himself in the Gospels expresses His frustration quite a number of times about how stupid jews are and how jews are unable to grasp the first basic part of the law of Moses. No wonder that then He goes out of his way and tells Paul to work it with the Gentiles, as His jews proved themselves a lost cause. Hehehe
So you haven't read it...Ok.
I have read it, so I know exactly where your error is. Too bad, every jew falls into that error. To improve, you need to stop being a jew.

I got news -----Paul never met Jesus and----according to Christians, James was the
brother of Jesus I read the NT------in no place does he complain about
HOW STUPID ARE JEWS------he castigates jews in the some way fire and
brimstone Christian preachers castigate Christians. In fact Jesus states---according to the NT that the Pharisees are the teachers of the law----of course
Jesus was a Pharisee-----reread the book-----and read Jeremiah and Amos----they use imagery similar but MORE so than the disparaging stuff Jesus uses----you just do not grasp the issue

It is not a very lucky argument, to start it with a lie. The Book of Acts clearly shows the Paul and Jesus met, on the road to Damascus.

yes----after Jesus was already dead. Lots of people "see things"
Two common causes are alcohol withdrawal and syphilis
infection of the brain-------both result in actual FORMED hallucinations.
Paul ALSO seems to have experienced HYPNOPOMPIC hallucinations
which can occur even in the absence of overt pathology
Not knowing the law of Moses is a satanic aberration, typical to jews. There is no contradiction between James and the ones that Paul wrote. Paul was not lying, and even Jesus Himself in the Gospels expresses His frustration quite a number of times about how stupid jews are and how jews are unable to grasp the first basic part of the law of Moses. No wonder that then He goes out of his way and tells Paul to work it with the Gentiles, as His jews proved themselves a lost cause. Hehehe
So you haven't read it...Ok.
I have read it, so I know exactly where your error is. Too bad, every jew falls into that error. To improve, you need to stop being a jew.

I got news -----Paul never met Jesus and----according to Christians, James was the
brother of Jesus I read the NT------in no place does he complain about
HOW STUPID ARE JEWS------he castigates jews in the some way fire and
brimstone Christian preachers castigate Christians. In fact Jesus states---according to the NT that the Pharisees are the teachers of the law----of course
Jesus was a Pharisee-----reread the book-----and read Jeremiah and Amos----they use imagery similar but MORE so than the disparaging stuff Jesus uses----you just do not grasp the issue

It is not a very lucky argument, to start it with a lie. The Book of Acts clearly shows the Paul and Jesus met, on the road to Damascus.

yes----after Jesus was already dead. Lots of people "see things"
Two common causes are alcohol withdrawal and syphilis
infection of the brain-------both result in actual FORMED hallucinations.
Paul ALSO seems to have experienced HYPNOPOMPIC hallucinations
which can occur even in the absence of overt pathology

Interesting that the medical field is full of Jews. Now we know why. Also, how much more do these fancy word inventions allow you to bill the insurance companies as extra?
Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?

Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.

Numerous capitalist merchants benefited hugely from the transatlantic slave trade and the industries associated with it. For several centuries the economies of the U.S. North and South were intertwined by slavery. By the mid-1800s, capital investment in slaves was higher than the value of land or any other capital worth.

Southern slave labor made New York City the financial capital of the world. Cotton produced on plantations became the main product of export and a major source of the city’s wealth. Large textile mills gave New York State a booming economy.

Both cotton and enslaved workers treated as “property” were among the first commodities on the stock market. Cotton trading accounted for the country’s expansive growth for an extended historical period. Profits from the slave trade financed the industrial revolution.

The Lehman family members were Alabama cotton brokers. In 1850 they founded Lehman Brothers Investments, acquiring their capital and wealth by investing and trading in cotton. Three sons moved to New York City in 1858, where they later helped to establish the New York Cotton Exchange (1870).

In 1781, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina was founded on the profits of the slave trade. Its predecessors, the Bank of Charleston, S.C., and the Bank of North America, made loans to slave “owners” and accepted slaves as collateral. When the owners defaulted on the loans the banks became the new slave owners.

The Morgan family of Massachusetts was a major stock broker. JP Morgan brokers became JP Morgan/Chase. Their predecessor banks also made loans to slave owners and accepted 13,000 enslaved Africans as “collateral.” When owners defaulted, the banks acquired their fortunes by becoming the new owners of 1,250 slaves. Chase Bank is owned by the Rockefeller family.

Another profitable company was Aetna Insurance Co., which sold insurance to slave owners wanting to protect their investments of human cargo aboard the slave ships and on the plantations, should a slave die. The life insurance policies, issued in the 1850s, were intended to compensate slave owners for the loss of people who were at that time considered “property.”

Your stupidity is showing again. Unfortunately there were a lot of Capitalists who benefited from the Slave trade

I didn't say Lehman brothers were the "ONLY" ones, but they were still Kosher people involved in financing the slave trade in the Southerner states.
"I didn't say Lehman brothers were the "ONLY" ones, but they were still Kosher people involved in financing the slave trade in the Southerner states."
I understand the very first Africans brought as slaves to the New World were brought to work on a sugar plantation in Jamaica(?) owned by a Jew who had been one of five Jews with Columbus on his 1492 voyage.

slavery was PART OF THE ECONOMY which results in EVERY ONE having
some involvement. The islamo Nazi literature is chock full of the idiot arguments linking jews to slavery because during the time that slavery existed
jews ALSO BREATHED AIR. Islamo Nazis depend on this perverted sort of
So you haven't read it...Ok.
I have read it, so I know exactly where your error is. Too bad, every jew falls into that error. To improve, you need to stop being a jew.

I got news -----Paul never met Jesus and----according to Christians, James was the
brother of Jesus I read the NT------in no place does he complain about
HOW STUPID ARE JEWS------he castigates jews in the some way fire and
brimstone Christian preachers castigate Christians. In fact Jesus states---according to the NT that the Pharisees are the teachers of the law----of course
Jesus was a Pharisee-----reread the book-----and read Jeremiah and Amos----they use imagery similar but MORE so than the disparaging stuff Jesus uses----you just do not grasp the issue

It is not a very lucky argument, to start it with a lie. The Book of Acts clearly shows the Paul and Jesus met, on the road to Damascus.

yes----after Jesus was already dead. Lots of people "see things"
Two common causes are alcohol withdrawal and syphilis
infection of the brain-------both result in actual FORMED hallucinations.
Paul ALSO seems to have experienced HYPNOPOMPIC hallucinations
which can occur even in the absence of overt pathology

Interesting that the medical field is full of Jews. Now we know why. Also, how much more do these fancy word inventions allow you to bill the insurance companies as extra?

Jesus also engaged, so they say, in CURES------even you can become a
ROMAN STYLE "GOD" if you manage to effectuate magical "cures"----
by vote of the SENATE ----aka college of cardinals. I do not know which
jewish or gentile neurologist coined the term "hypnopompic" Freud was
jewish but neither Charcot nor Gilles De La Tourette was
So you haven't read it...Ok.
I have read it, so I know exactly where your error is. Too bad, every jew falls into that error. To improve, you need to stop being a jew.

I got news -----Paul never met Jesus and----according to Christians, James was the
brother of Jesus I read the NT------in no place does he complain about
HOW STUPID ARE JEWS------he castigates jews in the some way fire and
brimstone Christian preachers castigate Christians. In fact Jesus states---according to the NT that the Pharisees are the teachers of the law----of course
Jesus was a Pharisee-----reread the book-----and read Jeremiah and Amos----they use imagery similar but MORE so than the disparaging stuff Jesus uses----you just do not grasp the issue

It is not a very lucky argument, to start it with a lie. The Book of Acts clearly shows the Paul and Jesus met, on the road to Damascus.

yes----after Jesus was already dead. Lots of people "see things"
Two common causes are alcohol withdrawal and syphilis
infection of the brain-------both result in actual FORMED hallucinations.
Paul ALSO seems to have experienced HYPNOPOMPIC hallucinations
which can occur even in the absence of overt pathology

Interesting that the medical field is full of Jews. Now we know why. Also, how much more do these fancy word inventions allow you to bill the insurance companies as extra?

I should add-----I have no idea if HYPNOPOMPIC hallucinations are somehow
The NT is a bad case of repetitive desperation.
I trust you’ve read The Book of James.

Not knowing the law of Moses is a satanic aberration, typical to jews. There is no contradiction between James and the ones that Paul wrote. Paul was not lying, and even Jesus Himself in the Gospels expresses His frustration quite a number of times about how stupid jews are and how jews are unable to grasp the first basic part of the law of Moses. No wonder that then He goes out of his way and tells Paul to work it with the Gentiles, as His jews proved themselves a lost cause. Hehehe
So you haven't read it...Ok.
I have read it, so I know exactly where your error is. Too bad, every jew falls into that error. To improve, you need to stop being a jew.

I got news -----Paul never met Jesus and----according to Christians, James was the
brother of Jesus I read the NT------in no place does he complain about
HOW STUPID ARE JEWS------he castigates jews in the some way fire and
brimstone Christian preachers castigate Christians. In fact Jesus states---according to the NT that the Pharisees are the teachers of the law----of course
Jesus was a Pharisee-----reread the book-----and read Jeremiah and Amos----they use imagery similar but MORE so than the disparaging stuff Jesus uses----you just do not grasp the issue

It is not a very lucky argument, to start it with a lie. The Book of Acts clearly shows the Paul and Jesus met, on the road to Damascus.
The Book of Acts was written after the Book of James and James says that whatever Paul or anyone writes is a lie.
So you haven't read it...Ok.
I have read it, so I know exactly where your error is. Too bad, every jew falls into that error. To improve, you need to stop being a jew.

I got news -----Paul never met Jesus and----according to Christians, James was the
brother of Jesus I read the NT------in no place does he complain about
HOW STUPID ARE JEWS------he castigates jews in the some way fire and
brimstone Christian preachers castigate Christians. In fact Jesus states---according to the NT that the Pharisees are the teachers of the law----of course
Jesus was a Pharisee-----reread the book-----and read Jeremiah and Amos----they use imagery similar but MORE so than the disparaging stuff Jesus uses----you just do not grasp the issue

It is not a very lucky argument, to start it with a lie. The Book of Acts clearly shows the Paul and Jesus met, on the road to Damascus.

yes----after Jesus was already dead. Lots of people "see things"
Two common causes are alcohol withdrawal and syphilis
infection of the brain-------both result in actual FORMED hallucinations.
Paul ALSO seems to have experienced HYPNOPOMPIC hallucinations
which can occur even in the absence of overt pathology

Interesting that the medical field is full of Jews. Now we know why. Also, how much more do these fancy word inventions allow you to bill the insurance companies as extra?
Why don’t you ask the goyim who came up with the CPTs, IDC10s and Case Management requirements.
I know, I know, you weren’t expecting me to know about how the Financial side of medical Care works.
I am not. If you don't like the term 'intellectually superior' then I will call them people who had prominent role in the economy but were underrated politically.
The Jewish economic role in Russia was entirely extractive.
Forces by the Catholic czars to serve or the closest Jewish town would be wiped out.

Catholic Tsars?
Getting desperate?
You getting retarded?
The czars weren’t atheists, Dildo Brain, they were the usual blood thirsty Catholics.
What a loser you are, copying me half the time. LOL

You are so dumb, you can't even come up with your own material.

Not true, You ask and I answer, I posted other Religions that don't accept JESUS ( unlike you) and you don't respond. In your Pollack posts, I never saw you use the word ILK you dumb, stupid, moron

They lived in their own countries until pretty recently
, not in Christian countries for thousands of years, while disrespecting Christ, like you & your ilk.

Doesn't answer my question you stupid POLLACK. For Centuries people of different FAITHS have lived in Countries that were predominantly one religion,
If there are no need for Churches or Mosques, Israel then has the right to destroy every single one of them. I AGREE !!

Nobody else besides your tribe spent 2,000 years living in nations who worshiped Christ, while disrespecting their Christ (God).

Notice how the POLLACK denies Jews to have their own Nation and says NOTHING about other Religions living in primarily Christian Nations? One example; Hindus live in “ Christian Nations” that religion is almost 4000 years old
I posted a link previously about the number of Religions there are but the POLLACK is too DUMB and STUPID to read it

Because you stole that nation, and displaced the real inhabitants.
Not true, You ask and I answer, I posted other Religions that don't accept JESUS ( unlike you) and you don't respond. In your Pollack posts, I never saw you use the word ILK you dumb, stupid, moron

They lived in their own countries until pretty recently
, not in Christian countries for thousands of years, while disrespecting Christ, like you & your ilk.

Doesn't answer my question you stupid POLLACK. For Centuries people of different FAITHS have lived in Countries that were predominantly one religion,
If there are no need for Churches or Mosques, Israel then has the right to destroy every single one of them. I AGREE !!

Nobody else besides your tribe spent 2,000 years living in nations who worshiped Christ, while disrespecting their Christ (God).

Notice how the POLLACK denies Jews to have their own Nation and says NOTHING about other Religions living in primarily Christian Nations? One example; Hindus live in “ Christian Nations” that religion is almost 4000 years old
I posted a link previously about the number of Religions there are but the POLLACK is too DUMB and STUPID to read it

Because you stole that nation, and displaced the real inhabitants.
Tell the UN, Dildo Brain.
I am not. If you don't like the term 'intellectually superior' then I will call them people who had prominent role in the economy but were underrated politically.
The Jewish economic role in Russia was entirely extractive.
Forces by the Catholic czars to serve or the closest Jewish town would be wiped out.

Catholic Tsars?
Getting desperate?
You getting retarded?
The czars weren’t atheists, Dildo Brain, they were the usual blood thirsty Catholics.

Tsars were Orthodox Christians, NOT Catholics, nice try & fail.
I am not. If you don't like the term 'intellectually superior' then I will call them people who had prominent role in the economy but were underrated politically.
The Jewish economic role in Russia was entirely extractive.
Forces by the Catholic czars to serve or the closest Jewish town would be wiped out.

Catholic Tsars?
Getting desperate?
You getting retarded?
The czars weren’t atheists, Dildo Brain, they were the usual blood thirsty Catholics.

Tsars were Orthodox Christians, NOT Catholics, nice try & fail.
What’s the difference?
An excuse for not paying a tithe.

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